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This Flight Attendant Wants Your Attention

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

newtboy says...

I make reasonable allowances for what I will call a hero, I never made allowances for what's a legal right. I think one need not exercise one's rights in the most disruptive way possible to exorcize them. That said, if the restaurant owner in your scenario doesn't want to kick out open carry people for scaring 'families', that should be their right too, and then they're (the owner and the carrier) both slightly heroic.

In this case, if he's doing nothing illegal, the cops should go do something productive, not get violent because someone is guilty of contempt of cop, which is not a crime. They always say they're understaffed and there's too much crime to deal with, then why are 2 cops wasting so much time on someone legally not answering their questions or producing ID AND NOTHING ELSE WRONG? That seems impractical in the extreme.

There is a HUGE difference between behavior that, while allowed, is bound to scare some people and/or cause panic and behavior that simply annoys a public servant who's abusing their authority in the first place, not actually doing their job. No one can reasonably be afraid for their life of someone that won't answer their questions, nor is it a crime. No crowd has ever run in panic because a mime (or group of mimes) walked into it's midst....maybe in disgust, but not panic.

It is always appropriate, practical, socially accepted, and constructive to your life to tell any officer that you won't answer any question at all (including 'what's your name' if that's legal in your state) without written blanket immunity from the DA, notarized and codified by a judge, for any and all crimes you may have committed or may be committing...and not a word more without a good lawyer present. That's the advice both my father's and brother's high priced lawyers gave me, I'll take it.

Babymech said:

If you're willing to make (reasonable) allowances for circumstance, well, then we're just haggling over the price, as Lord Beaverbrook is said to have said. There are all kinds of technical rights available to me that I never choose to exercise, and pretending to be a mime in front of a police officer is one of them. That's not because I'm a principled guy - quite the opposite, I just think it would always be more practical to talk to the cop, even if I'm allowed not to, so for me there aren't any good circumstances for that. I recognize that I have the blithe security of the privileged - I would show my ID to anyone who asks for it, and I realize that it wouldn't be the same for a harassed minority, or an undocumented immigrant.

Also, I think it's a very counterproductive view to see legally allowed behavior as == societally accepted or constructive behavior. That kind of thinking - that every behavior right up unto the very breaking point of the law (but not beyond that point) is 'good' (or heroic) - presupposes unrealistically good and detailed and up-to-date laws. In general I find that laws are much more broad and roughly hewn than that - just because we don't think it's principally or practically appropriate to arrest somebody for doing X, it might still never be appropriate to actually do X in reality.

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

Babymech says...

If you're willing to make (reasonable) allowances for circumstance, well, then we're just haggling over the price, as Lord Beaverbrook is said to have said. There are all kinds of technical rights available to me that I never choose to exercise, and pretending to be a mime in front of a police officer is one of them. That's not because I'm a principled guy - quite the opposite, I just think it would always be more practical to talk to the cop, even if I'm allowed not to, so for me there aren't any good circumstances for that. I recognize that I have the blithe security of the privileged - I would show my ID to anyone who asks for it, and I realize that it wouldn't be the same for a harassed minority, or an undocumented immigrant.

Also, I think it's a very counterproductive view to see legally allowed behavior as == societally accepted or constructive behavior. That kind of thinking - that every behavior right up unto the very breaking point of the law (but not beyond that point) is 'good' (or heroic) - presupposes unrealistically good and detailed and up-to-date laws. In general I find that laws are much more broad and roughly hewn than that - just because we don't think it's principally or practically appropriate to arrest somebody for doing X, it might still never be appropriate to actually do X in reality.

newtboy said:

It depends on the family restaurants, the fear likely generated overweighs the positive effect of exercising one's rights, so still heroic? Maybe...I'm torn. Douche-baggy for no reason? Certainly.

However, those that, alone, are willing to calmly and responsibly open carry in public places where it's allowed (IE not at a playground, bank, school, airport, etc.) in order to strengthen their right to do so, especially in locals where they know they'll be harassed at the least, yes, I would say they're heroic. Perhaps misguided, but heroic.
An argument could be made that it's maybe time to revisit that right in today's society, but so long as it's a right I support people exercising it (responsibly) and would say they're heroic if they do it responsibly and at some risk to themselves.

Armenian girl sing "Fifth Element" Opera live on The Voice.

harlequinn says...

She's quite good.

It's essentially a popular music competition. Opera does not fall into that category anymore. An entirely unfortunate turn of events really. So no surprise that the other two don't think they can do anything with her.

The original movie version was sung without digital alteration, but the on screen actress was miming.

The original song, Il dolce suono, from the opera Lucia di Lammermoor, is much nicer without the pop ending from the movie.

newtboy said:

Amazing. I didn't think a person could sing that song without digital help.
Really, only one of them wanted her on their team!?! Now I want to see the other contestants they think have more potential than this girl.

The Steampunk World's Fair 2015 - Steampunk Cosplay

JustSaying says...

So, the Steampunk World's Fair is basically nothing but oldtimey ComicCon? Trow some gears and bolts on you costume and that's it?
There were some truly great costumes but also just some dude wearing a Fez, Thor and a fucking mime.

Chinese guys try to read tattoos

gorillaman says...

That's funny, I'm always looking for a horny cow myself. I even make a similar mime. I don't suppose you have your mum's phone number handy?

dannym3141 said:

Many things, in Chinese, are a bunch of descriptions. For example i wanted to find a little statue of a rhino, and my chinese friend taught me to ask shopkeepers for a "xi niu", with a certain inflection. This is when he told me that your inflection can change the meaning of a Chinese word as can the words that follow and precede it. Whenever he asked shopkeepers - and subsequently whenever i asked them - for a xi niu, they always thought i wanted a bull, because i was asking for, literally translated, a "horny cow" as Gary put it. We had to make a mime of a central horn before they understood.... and told me no (different story, hunting a rhino statue across china and finding nothing).

Chinese guys try to read tattoos

dannym3141 says...

Just to preface this, i got this info from a number of Beijing university physics students, in Beijing.

Many things, in Chinese, are a bunch of descriptions. For example i wanted to find a little statue of a rhino, and my chinese friend taught me to ask shopkeepers for a "xi niu", with a certain inflection. This is when he told me that your inflection can change the meaning of a Chinese word as can the words that follow and precede it. Whenever he asked shopkeepers - and subsequently whenever i asked them - for a xi niu, they always thought i wanted a bull, because i was asking for, literally translated, a "horny cow" as Gary put it. We had to make a mime of a central horn before they understood.... and told me no (different story, hunting a rhino statue across china and finding nothing).

When they gave me a Chinese name, it was some words from a well known and overly flattering Chinese proverb. This makes me think that the same could be true of "coffin man" which could easily come from a provincial saying, or a description the meaning of which escapes these two. I know that my friend from Xi'an struggled to understand phrases and words when he went to uni in Beijing, and his friends used to rib him about being so different. Massive country, the people are diverse. I don't think these guys are expert linguists, and it could just be regional differences.

Bohemian Carsody by SketchShe

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

Jackson 5 & Bach were funky way be4 Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk!

Dr Phil with no dialogue

Dolly Parton - Yakety Sax (Glastonbury 2014)

Police, Lies, Videoptape - Unlawful Arrest of Protester

chingalera says...

...and still he had to be humiliated, dragged into the system after standing too close to their meat-grinder.... fines, fees, and missed work and then, that special list, a record of his past 'offenses' reserved for these evil cunt's justification for continued harassment and suspicion and inhumane treatment at some future date, when he and everyone on that list is rounded-up first, to be used as a shining example of what NOT to do, if you don't want to end-up like him.

Uniforms should be worn by party-goers, and politicians and police should wear clown costumes and mime make-up. Much easier that way to discern the thugs from humans.

doogle said:

"Dr Steven Peers, who was filming the demonstration at Barton Moss in Salford, was arrested for refusing a breath test after the policeman accused him of driving to the site drunk.

He was later charged but the case fell apart at court when prosecutors offered no evidence."

Amazing Dance

Nick Pitera sings "My Heart Will Go On" - dazzling falsetto

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