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Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

lurgee says...

i remember those days>> ^wormwood:

They actually tried to go metric in the 70s. We started learning it in elementary school and there were TV spots trying to teach us all about it--schoolhouse rock kind of stuff. And you started seeing dual units on packaging and speedometers, etc. Coke went from 2-quart to 2-liter bottles, which were a bit larger and therefore popular. Those 2 liter bottles are still around as the only remaining effect of the effort--even NdGT has given up! Americans hate the metric system, but they will put up with it if it means a slightly larger volume of sugary liquid to suck on.

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

wormwood says...

They actually tried to go metric in the 70s. We started learning it in elementary school and there were TV spots trying to teach us all about it--schoolhouse rock kind of stuff. And you started seeing dual units on packaging and speedometers, etc. Coke went from 2-quart to 2-liter bottles, which were a bit larger and therefore popular. Those 2 liter bottles are still around as the only remaining effect of the effort--even NdGT has given up! Americans hate the metric system, but they will put up with it if it means a slightly larger volume of sugary liquid to suck on.

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

vaire2ube says...

I guess we will have to wait for roadsigns to all become electronic in some fashion.. then, we can switch to metric.

invest in LED and solar technology to power our new sign overlords and make this happen. We already have adjustable speed limit signs new on some major freeways here in WA. Maybe its the only way besides a stimulus to recalculate and repaint... interesting>> ^NaMeCaF:

>> ^00Scud00:
I remember discussing why the U.S. still hasn't switched to the metric system in science class one day, our professor figured it came down to cost, if we switched to the metric system then every highway sign, street sign, everything really, would have to be replaced.

True. But why not do it gradually - like have a dual system for a few years while you slowly replace signs, etc?
Get with the program America.

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

00Scud00 says...

Don't forget my personal favorite, pennies actually cost more to make than they're actually worth, yup, pennies are stupid.
>> ^spoco2:

Government: "You know, pennies are utterly ridiculous, nothing costs a penny, they fill up your wallet, they are just stupid"
Some fool: "But I like mah pennies, they make me feel warm and fuzzy, you can't take them away, that's against my rights"
Government: "Right you are then... pennies stay"

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

NaMeCaF says...

>> ^00Scud00:

I remember discussing why the U.S. still hasn't switched to the metric system in science class one day, our professor figured it came down to cost, if we switched to the metric system then every highway sign, street sign, everything really, would have to be replaced.

True. But why not do it gradually - like have a dual system for a few years while you slowly replace signs, etc?

Get with the program America.

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

spoco2 says...

>> ^00Scud00:

I remember discussing why the U.S. still hasn't switched to the metric system in science class one day, our professor figured it came down to cost, if we switched to the metric system then every highway sign, street sign, everything really, would have to be replaced.

I think it's more the insane reason why you haven't yet got rid of pennies, or still use paper money down to dollar denominations.

It's because there's this weird thing in America where the government is apparently not allowed to just mandate something that's for the common good and go through with it.

Government: "You know, pennies are utterly ridiculous, nothing costs a penny, they fill up your wallet, they are just stupid"
Some fool: "But I like mah pennies, they make me feel warm and fuzzy, you can't take them away, that's against my rights"
Government: "Right you are then... pennies stay"

It's the same for metric. Some people get uppity that they are being told what to do (even though they were obviously initially told to use imperial), and so invoke some stupid 'it's our right to not be forced' shit.

The rest of the world got along just fine switching over to metric. And we're better for it.

Every country has it's stupid ways of doing things, this is one the of US's ones.

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

00Scud00 says...

I remember discussing why the U.S. still hasn't switched to the metric system in science class one day, our professor figured it came down to cost, if we switched to the metric system then every highway sign, street sign, everything really, would have to be replaced.

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

Copper Chloride - A thoughtless moment costs prof. a carpet

jonny says...

Did you fail to notice how I spelled 'spelt'?

And touché on the imperial system. I learned the metric system in grade school because the US was supposed to start transitioning. That was the 1970s.

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^jonny:
Almost downvoted for extra syllables in aluminum. Yes, yes, I know it's spelt differently over there, but it irks me all the same.

That's really bizarre to me, as I HATE hearing it said aluminum... being that it's wrong and all
The guy who discovered it was English, but he took three tries to settle on a name. The US really only slowly turned to using the spelling you lot do know.
You funny yanks you.
Also, I refuse to take scientific correctness lessons from a country that still uses imperial.

If I wanted America to fail

oritteropo says...

If I wanted America to fail:

  • I'd build lots of coal fired power stations. Preferably right in the middle of major cities to maximise the health effects. Obviously I couldn't do it myself, so instead I'd just phase out the EPA and then let the energy companies do it. I'd tell people it was for prosperity.
  • I'd just close the schools... no, wait, even better... I'd let schools charge fees according to their results, and let private schools compete with public.
  • I'd teach the children that they live in the greatest country on earth, and they should never question that fact. In fact, I'd make it an offense to speak out against America... it's unpatriotic.
  • I'd remove all the regulations impeding business. This would increase the flow of wealth from the poor to the rich, but I'd say it was creating jobs (and market crashes just happen, they can't be stopped).
  • I'd phase out the metric system, see the point above, the United States of America is the greatest country on earth... and should be able to use whatever archaic convoluted system of weights and measures they like.
  • If I wanted America to fail, I would prey on the evil already in the hearts of the Oligarchs, and convince them to just keep doing what they're doing. It's for the greater good.

Alpine Coaster in Mieders, Austria (with no brakes!!)

How Things Björk

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^drk421:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
The capacitors aren't the problem as stated above. The CRT itself is a very large capacitor (stores charge) and can knock you on your ass for a long time after the tv is unplugged.
Also, she's weird.

Yeah, my old boss got shocked by the CRT discharge and his arm swung against the side of the wall and he got cut really bad. It has about the same effect has getting shocked by an ignition coil from a car. I had a similar situation while working on a tube amplifier (around 600V).
High voltage DC will basically burn you really bad (provided it has enough current), but unless you have heart condition it probably won't kill you. It will defibrillate you and wake you up though.
High voltage low frequency AC (between 30 and 1000hz) is deadly starting at around 45 volts. As you get into the higher frequency AC voltages it has less affect on your heart, and thus less likely to kill you.

I saw a chart once in physics class that showed the lethality vs. frequency of AC. The peak was at 50 Hz--right where Europe put their power supply.

I got bit by 277VAC 50Hz once--burned a 1/2 inch hole 1/4 inch deep in my arm.
(I wish we had the metric system in the old USA)

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