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Making Fun Of People Who Make Mountain Bike Videos

Conan Gets Fifty Celebrity Cameos

ChaosEngine says...

hola ftw brother.

and MTV guy and Conan were right, that wasn't really that funny, but it seems popular anyway.

how very meta....

CrushBug said:

*blocked and also a big FU to MediaHint who decided to start charging a monthly fee for their plugin.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Well, it has been confirmed: GHCQ is indiscriminatly vacuuming webcam footage as well.

Remember when folks said that meta data doesn't bother them, it's not as if they were being spied upon when they're at home, naked? It's not as if they'll mind this time...

Ironically, being naked in front of your webcam might be the way to avoid ending up in their database.

"The documents also chronicle GCHQ's sustained struggle to keep the large store of sexually explicit imagery collected by Optic Nerve away from the eyes of its staff"

Peeping toms and wankers, the lot of 'em. So in order to have a private video chat, just use the chatroulette method and focus the camera on your genitals.

Doug Stanhope - The Oklahoma Atheist

chingalera says...

What is the interest of another in your own life but a string of anecdotes and experiences, emotions or shared actions and interests? Pretentious reckoning of what another person is thinking or feeling, another meaningless tool in the bag of tricks of someone who is more likely to concern themselves with their own ego's health and vitality than that of his fellow man. Not being a theist yourself, and having I am guessing in the realm of personal experiences with any very little direct knowledge, you like many atheists satisfy your own minds delight in wagging a finger in the faces of anything remotely resembling the meta-gnostic or metaphysical, cordoning yourself in the limitless expanse of your own perceptions and experiences.

Atheists have plenty of hang-ups brother, as evidenced in some of the most virulent spit-popping imaginable.

VoodooV said:

Anecdotes are the only thing selfish theists have. "Hey nevermind the horrible tragedy that has happened to countless people, *my* dog was saved, therefore god is good. The god-fearing woman even admits it. She prayed for herself...and her dog. Fuck the rest of them right?

it's a common theme for theists. horrible tragedy for others, but anecdotal heartwarming moment for *me* = god exists and is awesome.

@brycewi19 you tell me who's the bigger asshole, The atheist who is a prick for helping out another atheist and specifically not helping a theist or the selfish theist who cares more about her dog surviving than her fellow neighbors surviving.

Where exactly is he wishing terrible things for others? He does admit that he hopes they feel bad when they're eating from the FEMA truck and they come to help the atheist woman out, but that's not the same thing as what you're arguing.

The guy may be a dick about it (and he admits as much), but he proves a point, God is not required to do nice things. Theists would have you believe otherwise. Not only that, theists do things only out of fear of going to hell. atheists don't have that hangup.

Jimmy Kimmel's Kids Table: on the Government Shutdown

Jimmy Kimmel's Kids Table: on the Government Shutdown

Kimmel's Kid's Corner Skit Offends China

Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

chingalera says...

True enough regarding peeps wanting that "feel-good" response continually-Superficial adjustments anchored in emotion are short-lived.
To address ant's question, one's outer world (physical presentation, expression, habits, interests, etc.) manifests as a window into one's inner world -A dishevled appearance reflects internal conflict, chaos. The steps taken to adjust by creating one or several new habits (grooming, healthy diet, etc.), while at the same time discarding deleterious habits (addictions, shit-think, harmful associations), will alter a human forever. The hardest thing for this man to deal with are his routines that brought him to this point of rescue. Adjusting them radically at this stage in the spiral may be the jolt needed.

Definitely, he'd benefit greatly from he support of others who have made similar journeys.

30 days is enough to meta-program oneself-A good general rule of thumb: While trying to adjust or discard actions, attitudes, habits, etc., is to simultaneously adopt a completely new beneficial daily action or exercise to accompany the elimination of another.

shveddy said:

He'd be completely hirable with a 10 dollar haircut at cost cutters, a dress shirt and some slacks.

The fanfare, expense and emphasis on the physical aspect of his transformation over to the lip service his real challenging journey gets, is some gross combination of a marketing ploy and the worst aspects of our society's desire for cute feel good stories and absolutely zero depth, realism or true compassion.

Classic Fight

19-year-old hopes to revolutionize nuclear power

chingalera says...

Quite the androgynous Andy this cat, he'd make a better looking woman-
Uhhh, small-scale modular fusion reactors....DUUUDE. Frikkin' nuclear power.

It's guys like this so excited about the work and the science that scare the holy shit outta me. Nuclear power is going to end up being one of the biggest fuck-ups we ever decided to embrace....already is.

Love that diagram of the reactor under the house-Does anyone else immediately imagine ground water toxicity and the end of all mammalian life on earth?

'out of tolerances', 'dump tank' , drain the core....duuuuude!!

Put your nuclear dream into orbit or meta-galaxial and get excited about something else, please. (and his TEdtalk ends with the economic efficiency of it all....please.)

Slavoj Zizek on They Live (The Pervert's Guide to Ideology)

scheherazade says...

Ideology and Insanity are not mutually dependent.

You can have :
Sane Ideology
Insane Ideology
Sane non-Ideology
Insane non-Ideology

The principles of an individual can be constructive or destructive, whether or not they are part of an ideology.
What matters is the specific principles, and not whether or not they are associated with an ideology.

As individuals, we have animal impulses.
These include :
- Feeling combative in the presence of a verbal threat or insult.
- Feeling combative (inclined to silence/sensor) in the presence of ideas that are at odds with one's own.
- Feeling impulse to take shortcuts to reward (eg. stealing money fast vs earning money slow).

Ideology helps to fix these things.
This includes :
- Personal feelings don't take precedence over other people's physical condition.
Words are only words, actions are what makes a tangible measurable difference. We are masters of our own emotions, only ourselves can be blamed for our happiness or malcontent.

- Inherent equality of individuals. Ideas out in the open can live or die by their own merit as determined by all people. Censoring is taking privilege over other people by predetermining for them what ideas they are allowed to consider.

- Respect for domain. Doing as we like with what is ours, and not affecting what belongs to others.

"The moon does not care" (TM).
Nothing is intrinsically universal.

There are worldly concepts native to life on earth (protecting one's children, guarding one's domain, suffering/pain response, etc), but the higher order concept of "Idea X is _unacceptable_" is a purely human invented "meta" issue.

Sanity is Rationality is Logic ... which in turn is the ability to find a path from state A to state B.

For example:
[Given A=alive]
If your desire is to survive (B=alive), then eating poison is illogical.
It would be insane then to eat poison, as it would not be a path from A to B.
But if your desire is to die (B=dead), then eating poison is logical.
It would be sane to eat poison, as it would be a path from A to B.

Point being, people like to view the world with their own goals in mind.
Given that other people invariably have different goals in mind, the judgment of sane or insane becomes relative ... that's not "just words", that's quite real.
If a miserable person with a painful disease eats poison, is it logical for a healthy happy individual to say "that's insane"?

Much of our body politic is the projection of a subset of people's standards onto a larger population, with disregard for the other people.

At this point, politically, we are mired in populism, and we lack ideology - even though we were handed a pretty good one at the beginning.

Instead of having some guiding concepts that we use to restrain emotional impulses, we [as a society] fly off chasing populist agendas fed to us by our "team" (party) of choice.

Ironically, often rooting for a position that we are at odds with. (eg. "I hate the Affordable Care Act" even though "I like having coverage for pre-existing conditions")

The constitution does a good job at laying down the rules for an equitable relationship between government and people, but it's practically a dead document these days.
Elected officials neglect their obligation to represent and instead fashion themselves as leaders.
Lawmakers pass laws in violation of the constitution day in and day out.
Judiciary enforces lower laws that are constitutionally null.

Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness aren't just words. They're text from the highest law of the land.
Under such a standard, you would think that it would mean that a person would be able to lead their personal life as they please. But not as it stands.

Most of our public debate, is about whether or not people should "allow" other people to do things with themselves or other consenting individuals.
"Allowing(y/n)" people to do drugs [while not harming others].
"Allowing(y/n)" people to have firearms [while not harming others].
"Allowing(y/n)" people to marry [while not involving others].

With the main objections being "I'm not physically involved, but I wouldn't do things that way if it were me, so I choose to have hurt feelings (and call that a personal involvement), and subsequently push my personal standards onto others".
It's a selfish, impulsive, capricious, predatory behavior ... lacking any meaningful ideological temperance.


spoco2 (Member Profile)

Drunk dude testing bouncer

blankfist (Member Profile)

radx says...

The European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs had a hearing about NSA/PRISM/etc yesterday, with Jacob Applebaum and Alan Rusbridger amongst others. Greenwald was supposed to be videoconferenced in, but it didn't work for reasons unknown to me.

Two interesting bits of information:

1) Sweden is closely involved in the Fives Eyes program. They have an installation to monitor satellite communications and access to fibre optic cables that the members of Five Eyes don't have access to. No specifics were mentioned, but a quick glance at a map of long distance cables indicates to me that it's Russian communications they are interested in -- those run through Sweden.

2) Nations with access to PRISM/ECHELON besides the Five Eyes: France, Israel and Sweden. Likely to have access, though probably limited: Germany. Potential access, but unconfirmed: a total of thirty nations.

And, as a special bonus, the former chair of the special committee that authored the 2001 report on ECHELON said the following, paraphrased by me:

"If rentention of domestic communications meta data is deemed neccessary, the acquired data should not be stored outside of the respective nation. Normally, I'd say outside of the EU, but that just brings us back to the problem of GB and the GCHQ."

That's a high ranking EU official stating, on record, that GB cannot be trusted.

Funny Or Die - The Upcoming Slate of Videos, w/Ferrel& Milla

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