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Is it right to lie to your kids about Santa Claus? (Kids Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

You try telling a kid from the day they're old enough to understand that Father Christmas is bullshit and see what happens. They'll cry that everyone else gets presents from Santa that they don't, they'll tell all the other kids he's not real and ruin the fantasy for them and livid parents will ensure you never hear the end of it and that your kid is a bastard who will never be invited to parties again.

Basically, I hate christmas too, I really fucking despise it. But it is magical for kids, and it is something that they have that is just about being a child, being able to believe in something like that is such a sign of innocence, and that shouldn't be taken away from them. If it was going to damage them i'm sure we'd have heard more about it. Never heard of a kid needing therapy because he has deep rooted trust issues. It's almost like, when you tell them they understand why. Because it's fun for them as long as it lasts.

Oh, and the most important reason to lie to your kids about Santa. Bribery - the handiest tool a parent has!

Merry bloody Christmas all

MSNBC producer goes nuts live

MSNBC producer goes nuts live

MSNBC Producer Flips Out

MSNBC Producer Flips Out

MSNBC Producer Flips Out

Livid Producer Screaming in the background during report

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^Trancecoach:
Um.. fake?

Not fake. I skimmed the world of broadcast on my journey to where I am today, and TV program directors are like that. VERY low frustration tolerance. It might have to do with the fact that everything is so timed in broadcast, if you screw up by 1 second, you have to file a report with the FCC. (At least you used to have to back in the day, not sure what standards and practices calls for now, but I can't imagine that has gone away.)

Dear Dag and Lucky, (Wtf Talk Post)

karaidl says...

People, it had nothing to do with Choggie. I couldn't care less that Choggie was banned - he wanted it to happen. And we were never "tight." Besides, everyone knew the ban wouldn't be permanent.

I wasn't trying to epically flameout or throw a tantrum. Really, I don't have a problem with any of you. I was trying to leave quietly. The problem was I forgot that people browse the recent comments. Whoops.

Anyway, if there was a way to remove my account without touching the videos, I would have done that. Mostly I just wanted my comments and old Sifttalks to go away.

A good chunk of the stuff I've written can be filed under three categories -

1.) Stupid things to say.
2.) Overreacting to something trivial.
-and the most common-
3.) Stuff that I took far too seriously.

I was embarrassed at being a stalker - I was embarrassed at starting a fight over a hairy ass video - I was embarrassed for all my stupid sift talk posts.

If you wanna move my videos to Siftbot, that's great. It's a fair compromise.

Again, sorry, I didn't realize that anybody would even notice. I certainly didn't expect a livid reaction.

Reddit has got a good system. They let you delete your account without touching your comments or posts. That would have been my ideal thing to do.

Also, I'm currently at -686 votes and sitting at rank 58. That can't be right. Sorry, I even screwed up Siftbot.

U.S gov bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

rougy says...

>> ^deedub81:
I'm livid! I didn't default on my loan!

Then why do you keep voting Republican because it is due to them that big companies like Feddie and Fannie (Enron, Worldcom, etc.) were able to get away with this shit.

Because they insisted that there could be no "free market" if the government was regulating them to make sure they didn't make such stupid ass mistakes and/or blatant thefts.

U.S gov bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

deedub81 says...

I don't know which republican way you're talking about. It's the FED way. All the republicans that I talked to yesterday and today are pissed!

Remember Kenneth Lay? The CEO's of Freddie and Fannie should be held accountable- Not the American tax payer. I heard one estimate that it will cost tax payers up to $1.6 TRILLION!!!

I'm livid! I didn't default on my loan! Why do I have to pay for somebody else's bad call.

>> ^rougy:
Privatize the profits, socialize the losses.
It's the Republican way.

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

LittleRed says...

>> ^K0MMIE:

1) The way of judging whether or not a video stays is if you, a MAN, get an erection after watching. When was the last time a woman's perspective was taken into consideration? Never. Chances are women either feel objectified or get irritated for whatever reason watching a video like the one that prompted this post. I know I did. But because someone with a vagina posted it and the rest of the boys like it, it won't be removed. The thumbnail blares her breasts across the front page (or did for several hours yesterday), forcing me to not visit the front page at all either at work or at home, because I don't want my boss or my parents walking over and seeing that, and yet no one has felt the need to change it. If I could, I would.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE: You feel the human body is a shameful, and sexual activity should be repressed. Sorry we men like talking about our feelings, even if those feelings are carnal.

I don't feel the naked body is "a shameful" at all. I make money off other people's sex lives. I've been a sex educator since my freshman year of high school, and I have been a Passion Parties consultant since I was 18 - I help women in every aspect of their lives, from a college girl wondering why her boyfriend is incapable of ejaculation unless he's masturbating, to the 74-year-old woman wanting something to help her with Kegel exercises.

Though I certainly don't get where you came up with "You feel the human body is a shameful" from "The thumbnail blares her breasts across the front page and I don't want [anyone] walking over and seeing that."

2) Go take a look at some of the comments thepinky listed earlier, or any comments on a video where the woman is hot, or a stripper, or that stupid Wii Fit video... any of them. That is another reason I've grown to dislike the Sift. I joined for the discussion, not for the videos. I don't have a working TV in my house. I have never gone to see a movie in theaters that I have paid for, and the only DVDs I own were gifts. Do I give a shit about the videos? As a general rule, no. If I see something that I feel objectifies women, yes. But the discussion - is there anything to discuss with a bunch of pigs? No. Form intelligent discussion, please.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE: Anything to discuss with a bunch of pigs? I'm a pig now? At least we get out of the house a bit. I guess I have nothing in common with a crazy cat lady who has a bad case of cabin fever.

Oh, please. Anyone can tell from looking at the discussion on any video that the site is dominated by men. On a documentary I was honestly excited to see on here [and hoped would prompt some discussion, at least among the ladies], the first comment? "oOOh, Honkers!!!" And a few down: "T*ts or GTFO." And comments like yours earlier - "Shut up and show me your boobies." If the aim of the admins is to make the site more gender-friendly, I honestly don't believe it'll happen. "Boys will be boys," and no one's going to stop them. After a while, pretending to ignore all the shit gets old.

3) Sausage fests promote and encourage nasty man behavior - something that would never be acceptable at home. For all the men who watched and voted for that video, how do you think your girlfriend would feel if she came home and saw you watching some other woman's breasts bouncing around your screen? I'll tell you. Pissed. Irritated. Livid. Betrayed. Hurt. Just because it doesn't give you a raging erection doesn't mean it's not porn, or that it is in the least bit acceptable.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE: See, again you're assuming our better half's are sexually repressed and terrified of their own naked body. Mine's not. None of my friends are either. My gf saw the thumbnail, watched the video, and enjoyed it. Don't assume everyone has your values, and we should be judged by them as well. This is the internet, and until some politician decides otherwise, you're gonna get ALL our opinions, not just the ones that you think are worth hearing.

Fine. I'm not asking for opinions to be filtered. I'm just trying to share my own and getting shot down by someone who apparently doesn't want to hear mine, but will tear it apart and give me his.

I'm also not assuming anything about your girlfriend's values. I used the phrase "came home" because since most of the guys on here are at least well into their twenties and many of them talk about families, I assumed most of you had found someone to settle down with, or were at least living with a girlfriend. If that's not the case, you can completely ignore that last point. When you're living on your own, do what you want. But when you make the sacrifice and move in with someone, you're a fool if you believe your wife/girlfriend is okay with coming home to find you watching some woman strip, regardless of how poorly it was executed. That's what I was trying to convey.

I wouldn't complain if everything with the NSFW tag that wasn't tagged that way because of language was taken off the Sift. Those stupid videos have caused enough problems in my personal life.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE:The fact that a video on a fucking web site has caused you personal life problems, says it all. Turn of the glow box with the klik-klak keys, and do something else.

Maybe I shouldn't have worded it that way. But boys will be boys, as all of you have clearly shown at one time or another on this site. And as I said before, sausage fests promote and encourage nasty man behavior. There are things I've seen said on here that I never would've expected from people I know.

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

K0MMIE says...

>> ^LittleRed:
>> ^dag:
I like women and I don't want VideoSift to be a lopsided gender mutant sausage fest.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Honestly, I've got nothing. It already is a sausage fest. I am more than willing to give you a list of problems I have with the site, though.
1) The way of judging whether or not a video stays is if you, a MAN, get an erection after watching. When was the last time a woman's perspective was taken into consideration? Never. Chances are women either feel objectified or get irritated for whatever reason watching a video like the one that prompted this post. I know I did. But because someone with a vagina posted it and the rest of the boys like it, it won't be removed. The thumbnail blares her breasts across the front page (or did for several hours yesterday), forcing me to not visit the front page at all either at work or at home, because I don't want my boss or my parents walking over and seeing that, and yet no one has felt the need to change it. If I could, I would.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE: You feel the human body is a shameful, and sexual activity should be repressed. Sorry we men like talking about our feelings, even if those feelings are carnal.
2) Go take a look at some of the comments thepinky listed earlier, or any comments on a video where the woman is hot, or a stripper, or that stupid Wii Fit video... any of them. That is another reason I've grown to dislike the Sift. I joined for the discussion, not for the videos. I don't have a working TV in my house. I have never gone to see a movie in theaters that I have paid for, and the only DVDs I own were gifts. Do I give a shit about the videos? As a general rule, no. If I see something that I feel objectifies women, yes. But the discussion - is there anything to discuss with a bunch of pigs? No. Form intelligent discussion, please.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE: Anything to discuss with a bunch of pigs? I'm a pig now? At least we get out of the house a bit. I guess I have nothing in common with a crazy cat lady who has a bad case of cabin fever.
3) Sausage fests promote and encourage nasty man behavior - something that would never be acceptable at home. For all the men who watched and voted for that video, how do you think your girlfriend would feel if she came home and saw you watching some other woman's breasts bouncing around your screen? I'll tell you. Pissed. Irritated. Livid. Betrayed. Hurt. Just because it doesn't give you a raging erection doesn't mean it's not porn, or that it is in the least bit acceptable.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE: See, again you're assuming our better half's are sexually repressed and terrified of their own naked body. Mine's not. None of my friends are either. My gf saw the thumbnail, watched the video, and enjoyed it. Don't assume everyone has your values, and we should be judged by them as well. This is the internet, and until some politician decides otherwise, you're gonna get ALL our opinions, not just the ones that you think are worth hearing.
I wouldn't complain if everything with the NSFW tag that wasn't tagged that way because of language was taken off the Sift. Those stupid videos have caused enough problems in my personal life.
K0MMIE's RESPONSE:The fact that a video on a fucking web site has caused you personal life problems, says it all. Turn of the glow box with the klik-klak keys, and do something else.

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

LittleRed says...

>> ^dag:

I like women and I don't want VideoSift to be a lopsided gender mutant sausage fest.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Honestly, I've got nothing. It already is a sausage fest. I am more than willing to give you a list of problems I have with the site, though.

1) The way of judging whether or not a video stays is if you, a MAN, get an erection after watching. When was the last time a woman's perspective was taken into consideration? Never. Chances are women either feel objectified or get irritated for whatever reason watching a video like the one that prompted this post. I know I did. But because someone with a vagina posted it and the rest of the boys like it, it won't be removed. The thumbnail blares her breasts across the front page (or did for several hours yesterday), forcing me to not visit the front page at all either at work or at home, because I don't want my boss or my parents walking over and seeing that, and yet no one has felt the need to change it. If I could, I would.

2) Go take a look at some of the comments thepinky listed earlier, or any comments on a video where the woman is hot, or a stripper, or that stupid Wii Fit video... any of them. That is another reason I've grown to dislike the Sift. I joined for the discussion, not for the videos. I don't have a working TV in my house. I have never gone to see a movie in theaters that I have paid for, and the only DVDs I own were gifts. Do I give a shit about the videos? As a general rule, no. If I see something that I feel objectifies women, yes. But the discussion - is there anything to discuss with a bunch of pigs? No. Form intelligent discussion, please.

3) Sausage fests promote and encourage nasty man behavior - something that would never be acceptable at home. For all the men who watched and voted for that video, how do you think your girlfriend would feel if she came home and saw you watching some other woman's breasts bouncing around your screen? I'll tell you. Pissed. Irritated. Livid. Betrayed. Hurt. Just because it doesn't give you a raging erection doesn't mean it's not porn, or that it is in the least bit acceptable.

I wouldn't complain if everything with the NSFW tag that wasn't tagged that way because of language was taken off the Sift. Those stupid videos have caused enough problems in my personal life.

iPhone gets hacked: interview with George Hotz

jonny says...

It must be awful to have a mindset where nothing is interesting unless it's worth billions of dollars.

Oh yeah, it must be just awful to have a capitalist mindset when you work for CNBC. It ain't G4TV, dude - it's a business channel, specifically one for investors who are quite interested in how such a thing might affect their investments. Damn those people for trying to make a living.

Nothing like shoving it to apple.

WTF are you talking about - that kid just vastly increased their potential user base. AT&T on the other hand got pwned, and they are probably livid about it.

Kudos to him for being so relaxed. I can't think of any 17 y.o. boys who would be that cool sitting next to Erin Burnett, much less on national television.

Down Low on the Lowe's Delivery Truck

Sketch says...

Well, really the fact that these prostitutes are standing around taking Johns around this neighborhood (it looks like a park) where children and families are playing does in fact affect property values, and probably the organized crime rate around the neighborhood. If I owned a house in that neighborhood, I'd be livid. Which is why, as I said above, prostitution should be legal and put where it belongs, away from family neighborhoods, discretely and without a criminal element involved.

But since this dirtbag is orchestrating the whole thing as a money making scam, then the whole fucking thing goes out the window in this specific case. Still, my position stands.

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