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Jung Lin Performing Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody no 2"

ghark says...

I know that teachers of music often tell students to inject a little personality into the performance, but her performance seems far too exaggerated and contrived, I enjoyed the music but I couldn't watch her play, it was too annoying.

It's like... 'I'm hitting a key now so i'm going to thrust my head forward violently to show how passionate I am about hitting this key....'

Freedom of speech should only go so far? (Philosophy Talk Post)

burdturgler says...

>> ^blankfist:

Words are words. Rights are too important to split hairs over what falls into a right and what doesn't. People will instantly upon hearing that go to the extreme to point out instances where the right may be harmful. But how often have you heard someone threaten to kill someone, though someone did threaten to kill me via one of my video tags and made it all weird, but I digress.
It happens, but usually it's just hot air. There's no way to differentiate. So, I say a right is natural and shouldn't be infringed upon, and it's not just something to be protected from the government, but something we must protected from others who want to infringe upon it.


I'm not taking sides in whatever beef you two have, but your power of creating siftbot comments should be taken away because you have clearly been abusing them in a personal squabble with knivesout. People argue here all the time, that's life. And I do like that some people can give Sifty a little personality .. it's usually funny, but you went way beyond that and tried to make it look like another member made threats against you. Those siftbot comments were later edited to reflect that knivesout didn't make those invocations, but that's not the point. When you did it, you made it look like knivesout made those invocations and threats. And you're still now, here spouting off about how someone threatened to kill you, which is total bullshit. It's kind of ironic that you did this on a sift about manners.

It's also ironic that your own actions are in themselves an argument for why there are restrictions on free speech. You are on thin ice here, not just breaking the rules of the sift, but of breaking the law. I would be very careful about making false accusations and trying to manufacture evidence that someone is threatening your life.

Epic Little Person Wrestling Match - very Non-PC Commentary

Obama is a Con - Don't trust him

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

MikesHL13 gets his Ruby and goes mad with power! (Sift Talk Post)

Americas Got Talent - Great Illusionist

spawnflagger says...

So my guess is that the black guy in scrubs is actually 2 people, the head/arms/torso being a little person or amputee, and the legs being a taller person (maybe contortionist), whose upper half is inside the cart until the end, when he's actually holding the other guy to do the jumping and walk off the stage.

I agree, it is much harder to see with the cut-aways to the judges.

great showmanship though.

HOLY CRAP: Gary Oldman went full dwarf in TIPTOES movie

Sagemind says...

I think it's one of those films you gamble on. I may work or it may not. I think they all really wanted to make something different but somehow the pieces didn't fall together, which is why we've never heard of it. Why they would pick Oldman for that part is beyond me. That may have been the casting mistake that cost them the movie.

There are so many great little people actors that should have gotten this role. I think it all part of the arrogance of Hollywood that they felt an important little person role could be given to a "biggie." A bit of insult really.

Re: My siftquisition of peggedbea and subsequent hobbitting (Parody Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

A hobbling is not a ban, it is a precaution that you do not misuse your privileged powers. I did not ban you and I am not calling for your ban, but that siftquisition was indeed frivolous and my actions were to protect the sift from your potential destruction.

I would rather hobble a thousand men, then to let one go on a discard spree or something similar, so I am overzealous. It's not like it's not reversible. But like I said in the post to you and in the siftqusition post I just locked you down for an admin to make the call. if by my actions I hurt the sift, or your precious feelings, then I'm sure the community and/or admins would admonish me, so far that has not happened.

Some here post concerns about your hobbling, but the main reason is that you used your powers bad, not that you two had personal attacks with each other. Like EDD writes, if we hobbled for every little personal attack, however mild-mannered, there would be few users left. We have almost completely free range in our comments, but once the site is misused like this, it's another ball game.

I do not harbor any animosity towards you, thinker, but I fear you are burning out like choggie did. But sure, unhobble all you like, it was merely an example that had to be set. (I had by no means intended for it to be permanent.)

Strange Kid Singing

The Stephen Colbert Objectivist Children's Sleepover

imstellar28 says...

“Isn’t that the root of every despicable action? Not selfishness, but
precisely the absence of a self. Look at them. The man who cheats and lies,
but preserves a respectable front. He knows himself to be dishonest, but
others think he’s honest and he derives his self-respect from that, second-
hand. The man who takes credit for an achievement which is not his own.
He knows himself to be mediocre, but he’s great in the eyes of others. The
frustrated wretch who professes love for the inferior and clings to those less
endowed, in order to establish his own superiority by comparison. ... They’re
second-handers. ...

“They have no concern for facts, ideas, work. They’re concerned only
with people. They don’t ask: ‘Is this true?’ They ask: ‘Is this what others
think is true?’ Not to judge, but to repeat. Not to do, but to give the
impression of doing. Not creation, but show. Not ability, but friendship. Not
merit, but pull. What would happen to the world without those who do,
think, work, produce? Those are the egoists. You don’t think through
another’s brain and you don’t work through another’s hands. When you
suspend your faculty of independent judgment, you suspend consciousness.
To stop consciousness is to stop life. Second-handers have no sense of
reality. Their reality is not within them, but somewhere in that space which
divides one human body from another. Not an entity, but a relation—
anchored to nothing. That’s the emptiness I couldn’t understand in people.
That’s what stopped me whenever I faced a committee. Men without an ego.
Opinion without a rational process. Motion without brakes or motor. Power
without responsibility. The second-hander acts, but the source of his actions
is scattered in every other living person. It’s everywhere and nowhere and
you can’t reason with him. He’s not open to reason. You can’t speak to
him—he can’t hear. You’re tried by an empty bench. A blind mass running
amuck, to crush you without sense or purpose. ...”

“Notice how they’ll accept anything except a man who stands alone. They
recognize him at once. ... There’s a special, insidious kind of hatred for him.
They forgive criminals. They admire dictators. Crime and violence are a tie.
A form of mutual dependence. They need ties. They’ve got to force their
miserable little personalities on every single person they meet. The
independent man kills them—because they don’t exist within him and that’s
the only form of existence they know. Notice the malignant kind of
resentment against any idea that propounds independence. Notice the malice
toward an independent man. ...”

08ama Fired Up ! Ready to Go !

NetRunner says...

I have a little personal story to tell about this video. On the afternoon of the 4th, I was sitting in the Obama campaign office, resting after my 3rd canvassing run of the day, and considering calling it a day.

Then someone got out their laptop and played the audio of this speech.

I'd heard this story before, it's one he's told several times on the trail, but I found it had not lost its impact despite repetition.

When it was done, I was ready to go out one more time -- in fact, I kept going until the polls closed at 7:30pm.

Maybe his magic doesn't work on everyone, but this man knows how to motivate people, and give them the drive they need to get things done.

I couldn't be happier he's going to be our new President.


Integrating new members into our online community (Politics Talk Post)

smibbo says...

I think what you're hoping for, Eklek, is a small subtle shift in attitude, eh? I commend you for your intentions but its been brought up many times before by different people and frankly, you're lucky that no one has flamed you openly yet. I'm surprised; I've seen several very nice people with nothing but decent intentions get skewered over the issue of "let's be less clique-ish and reach out to newbies!"

But in the end, there's no way to police such an attitude change. You can suggest it and hope for the best. I think the clique-y mindset has abated a bit over the past year or so because some of the changes they've made to the sift overal have been with the express intent of making it more appealing to more people. Some "oldsters" very vocally did not like that, wanting the sift to stay their little personal "cool spot" (screams of "sell-out!") but mainstream doesn't have to mean LCD and the sift has become more user-friendly AND nicer. So those oldsters don't seem to be around as much anymore. Haha.

I commend you for your optimism and your kind heart.

Bad questions, with Calpernia Adams

youmakekittymad says...

i know we're on the internets and all and so ignorance is fun, but,

A) i think the isn't so much that she's expecting people to the gory details of a gender reassignment operation, but more that she's expecting people to know that it might be just a little personal, and thus insulting to be asked about by complete strangers.


B) i'm sure you'd be pretty angry too if everyone treated you as a spectacle and not a person everywhere you went

Huge chunks of ice fall from 1600 foot TV tower

budzos says...

Yeah guys let's spend a whole bunch of money making everything just a little bit more safe. Of course it makes sense to increase the burden on major capital expenditures in order to eliminate the threat of minor insurance claims from something that happens every ten years. Makes total sense. I'm the asshole.

Or you could just be aware of your environment and take a little personal responsibility.

FWIW my mom spent 4 years campaigning against a huge radio tower in my home town. I basically just wanted her to STFU the whole time, because, come on mom, it's going up no matter how much noise you make.

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