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McConnell Threatens Scorched Earth GOP Attacks Voting Rights

Mordhaus says...

Harry Reid nuked the filibuster to approve Federal level justices. McConnell just exploited what the former Majority Leader did.

When under pressure from Republicans and Trump in the first two years of Trump's term to do away with the filibuster and allow the all-Republican government to do what the all Democratic one is hoping to do now, McConnell wisely chose not to.

Whether you care for McConnell or not, or if you care for the minority party or not, doing away with the filibuster to allow the party currently in charge to ram legislation through is only going to set precedent for the same thing to happen when the situation changes.

Democrats may think that forcing through HR1 will mean that the Republicans will never control the government again, but that is not going to happen. Americans are fickle and turn on the government in power at the drop of a hat. Case in point, Trump should have never won a term as President in a normal world. People hated Hillary so much that he did.

Turning the Senate into a smaller House of Representatives relying simply on a majority vote for everything would create situations where either side will ram through sweeping changes (or erase those of the previous side) every 4 years or so. What will we do in 2024 if somehow Trump or his lackeys get elected and he has access to a fully Republican senate, congress, and scotus, with no filibuster unlike 2016-2018?

Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

newtboy says...

Thanks McConnell. At least more goes to citizens than Republicans wanted, and less as handouts to large international companies.
Yeah, you don't think schools should get any money, but some people think a third grade education isn't enough. They absolutely need funding to reopen safely, but again you don't believe the virus is anything to worry about. The only intelligent thing to do is wait until students and teachers are vaccinated before returning to a system where social distancing is impossible.
Republicans are outraged there's more cash for citizens in it, they just gave $600 per person and weren't happy giving back that much. Your party completely disagrees with you....but it is interesting you suggest they should go with the Democrats original plan to give up to $2000 per adult monthly...a plan republican representatives refused to consider because it's socialist to help citizens that much, but fine to hand trillions to large companies they own or have stakes in that didn't need assistance. It sounds like you're saying Trump's pandemic relief bills were total cash grabs by his lackeys not designed to help citizens or the pandemic. Welcome back to reality.
If you let the people decide, 1/3 of Republicans will pretend there's no pandemic, refuse vaccination because Bill Gates put microchips in there, and go maskless to group events, starting wave four and reversing the gains under Biden. The healthcare portion is imperative, as is mandatory vaccination. It should be just like measles, no vaccine, no school, no job, no government cheese.

It is confusing how, when raising the minimum wage was the most expensive part of the bill, it's still $1.9 Trillion with it removed and with payouts regulated instead of paid out across the board like Trump's unregulated bailouts. Where did that savings go?

Funny how now, after 4 years of completely ignoring it as it skyrocketed, the debt suddenly matters to Republicans again. Y'all can eat a crate of baby dicks, democrats are far more fiscally conservative than Trumpsters.

Edit: btw, this bill has >75% support from the American people, and zero support from obstructionist republican representatives. This is the unity Biden brings, not unity with outrageously self dealing and self centered obstructionist republican representatives but unity with Americans, and an end to legislating solely for the benefit of the top 10% - 1%.

bobknight33 said:

9% for the American people
$1400 each if earned under 75K/ear or $2800 of married under 150k$/year.

At $75K/year you really don't need this $ or at least could get by with out it.

then comes the remaining 91% for programs and pork.
Schools don't need this $.

Free premiums if under 150% poverty rate -- ok.

However if 1400 represents 10% of the 1.9 trillion when would it not be better spent if each got $14,000 each or $28K for the family and let each family decide how to spent this money. LEt teh people decide their needs on what to pay for Healthcare mortgage, rent car payment etc.

End of the day Americans got $1400 and a tax bill for 1.9 Trillion.

Again, Americans got screwed.

Senators Who Urged Voters To Decide - Now What?

newtboy says...

Proof? Evidence? Anything besides empty words from crybaby loser liars to back that up?

Republican led election officials uniformly say there was no significant cheating, less than normal, zero evidence of irregularities, no evidence of electronic vote changing, no dead people voted, and no baby eating lizard people taking votes to Spain so Venezuelans could flip votes, then returning these flipped votes through communist Cuba to be counted.

Show me a scintilla of evidence, since you've repeatedly excused, backed up, and reveled in lying and are completely untrustworthy. So far all cheating has been Republicans getting caught stealing ballots despite what OAN says. 300000 undelivered votes thanks to trump lackey Dejoy ignoring court orders to search for them to mention just one. The thousands of "affidavits" don't count since they've been tossed out of court as unreliable twaddle.

bobknight33 said:

IF Democrats didn't cheat then Trump would not be fighting back.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

In reality, there's no other choice since there's zero chance the current president will concede or cooperate with a smooth transition.

Once there's no chance remaining votes uncounted or contested could sway the election, a point we are well past, any challenges are academic and couldn't change results, so there's no reason to refuse to acknowledge that fact, especially when it's spurring right wing terrorists to act and dividing the nation, another point we past days ago. The obstinance is harmful to the nation and our institutions, like Trump is trying to burn the government down on his way out the door. No democrat has ever done this in similar circumstances. There's a theory that he's only doing it to bilk his followers out of more money towards his "legal defense fund" that really goes to pay off campaign debt and directly into his pockets with a small portion paying lawyers like Giuliani to lose cases. He's millions in debt there too, and it becomes his personal debt when he's out of office....with near a billion due next year, he needs every penny he can con them out of.

Normally the clear winner would be being brought up to speed on things like covid response and international relationships even if they weren't declared the official winner yet. (Edit: They would also have access to top secret intelligence all previous presidents (except Trump) use to vet their cabinet, being denied that information severely hampers Biden's ability to properly vet them, holding up his nominations. Thanks to Trump's disastrous covid response, Biden needs to be fully ready to change policies day one, it's life or death for 1000+ Americans every day he's delayed.) This time, with a petulant toddler throwing a tantrum for the next 2+ months, that might not help, because there's no telling what damage he might do before then. Biden is just making his own plans instead, preparing to start work day one no matter what dumpster fires Trump sets. That said, this obstinate denial of the results and sewing division, making up and repeating baseless charges to discredit the election (looking at you) have real world disastrous consequences and weakens the state of the union. It's clear the plan was to rely on the Trump appointed judges to rubber stamp the baseless claims and hand him a win. So far it hasn't worked, but it could. That's why we should care about the dozens of frivolous lawsuits, if his judges decide to be the lackeys he expects them to be, they could actually steal the election in court....but it would spark nationwide unrest if not insurgency.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Yes, Republicans are hypocrites, but so are the Dems if they aren't willing to wait for the process to finish before insisting the race is over. We managed to wait till December back in 2000 to find a resolution, that ended up fine. If they were consistent they wouldn't care about lawsuits or complain about the GAO not helping the Biden transition.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Because it isn't slipping.
You're parroting a Russian hoax that was explicitly described in foreign intelligence reports from Trump's DHS on July 9th, but it's remained hidden by his lackeys until now.
Don't shoot the messenger, shoot the one who stole and hid the Trump intelligence message from congress.

bobknight33 said:

CNN and Fake news will no show how bad his mind is slipping and you say OAN can't be trusted.

Don't shoot the messenger shoot the Biden message


newtboy says...

Even if Joe himself were currently crack addicted, probably the next claim, he would still be leaps and bounds ahead of Trump in the "fit for office" category.

No one cares how you whine about Biden or what nonsense you come up with, people are voting AGAINST the biggest pile of shit to ever enter politics, we would vote for Ashy Larry if it was against Trump.

Side note, according to your ilk, Hunter Biden is such a business genius that he's made billions off foreign countries while high on crack. Wow, we could really use someone like him in the administration instead of losers like Jarred and America's biggest loser, Trump.
Also, according to you, he managed to do that without ever getting caught breaking the law or going bankrupt repeatedly, again in stark contrast with Trump. Hunter sounds pretty on the ball by your description. Incredibly above average, miles above Trump's lackeys and worthless children.
Also, according to you, Joe managed to do his job so well during the stress of a close family member having a problem while another had brain cancer that no one had a clue. Trump has done so poorly it wouldn't surprise anyone if it turns out he's been smoking crack every single day in office, it would actually explain a lot of his inexplicable behavior, and HE has been photographed with drawers FULL of European Sudafed in his office.

And let's not forget, Donald is a certified long term racist and rapist. True story.

TangledThorns said:

Biden's son is a certified crack head. True story.

Finally a Doctor on the News Talking Fucking Sense

newtboy says...

Not month old news to Trump or Republican governors. Sure, he was told three months ago in intelligence briefings and repeatedly daily since then, but he seems to just now be learning it, just like his lackey governors who "found out yesterday".

Because some states aren't quarantining and interstate travel isn't restricted, you need to stay home 3 weeks AFTER the entire country finally quarantines, otherwise it's all for nothing and the outbreak will restart with a vengeance and that 100000-250000 dead will become 6000000+-.

bobknight33 said:

Month old news.

Stay the F home for 2 / 3 weeks.

Out for food, meds or gas.

I need to go to Hospitals, clinics for service. Ghost towns 95% wearing masks.

Feet To The Fire!

newtboy says...

You realize her tone and aggression are a response to administration officials refusing to answer questions with life or death consequences, refusing to commit to following the law or using the power of their office to do anything helpful, or to commit to anything, right?
When it's your job to serve the nation and citizens by getting answers and commitments that have life or death consequences for thousands and what you get is red herrings, non sequiturs, and feigned ignorance, an aggressive tone is the only appropriate tone.

When the administration and it's allies in congress's only tone is venomous vitriol and berserker rage for anything non Trumpian and self congratulatory kudos over their own failures, an aggressive tone is the only proper response. Those healthcare bureaucrats likely do agree with her, but know that doing so in public will bring the wrath of the infant in chief and his lackeys. Only forcing them to admit their obligations and make public commitments gets anywhere, as she proved here.

Jesusismypilot said:

It's hard to get past her tone and aggressive language to points that the healthcare bureaucrats likely already agree with.

Betsy Devos Embarrassed by Sen. Al Franken

newtboy says...

Regan National University, another sham school recently accredited by Devos. Look it up. It doesn't exist. No campus, no faculty (those few actual people listed as employees were shocked to find out, but most don't exist at all), no curriculum, no students...but good enough for Trump's idiot lackeys.

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

enoch says...

while I am absolutely delighted to watch both the democratic and republican parties LOSE their minds over AOC,and watch them bumble and stumble all over themselves to discredit this 29yr old Latina spitfire.

the political establishment continues to miss the plot,because they live in their own tiny,elitist bubbles.

every time they attempt to marginalize her,attack her outright,shame her,belittle her...
her numbers go up.
the republicans try to attack her by exposing her ideas as laughable,but what they are really doing is campaigning for her.
she literally gets more popular every time FOX news has ben shapiro on to "expose" AOC as the "loony left".

and the democrats may actually be MORE afraid of AOC than the republicans!
they are trying to primary her out of her seat,which he has only been in a few weeks.
which has seen AOC's war chest boom with private,small amount,donations.

they (meaning the establishment,corporate lackeys in congress) along with their corporate media stooges.

are doing their best to paint AOC as a "kook" as a "crazy" as somehow not being an actual representative of what normal folk want in a representative.

just like they did with nader,paul,sanders..

but it looks like the American people are finally on to the games of the kleptocrats.

and AOC has become the youngest and most popular congresswoman..ever.

because AOC Is not a kook,or a crazy.

she is whip smart and politically savvy.

and in five minutes she lays out the ease of corruption in our government.

suck a dick trumpters!


Trump and Putin -- A Love Story. Trump Does Bite

newtboy says...

Have you finally realized/admitted Trump is just a Putin lackey and anti-American tool!?
What was it? His suggesting we recognize Russian Crimea/Ukraine in violation of numerous treaties and international laws, and against our own self interests?
His praise of a power hungry dictator who recently helped gas civilians?
Was it his publicly taking an expert professional liars self serving word (Putin) over his (our) entire intelligence communities solid evidence about election meddling, meddling he now both claims didn't happen and blames on Obama's inaction, all while his administration does far less to stop future attacks that he actively encourages with his acceptance and dismissals?

Holy shit! Something got through the bubble. Mark this date for posterity.

bobknight33 said:

And Mexico,,, Like Ukraine POTUS will not stop the invasion

Fox News Host Calls Trump-Kim a Meeting of ‘Two Dictators'

cloudballoon says...

What's so surprising with lackeys calling their Lordship a dictator? I bet Trump would absolutely take pride in hearing everybody calling him a dictator. It's a badge of honor even.

Fox & co. pretty much knows this and is obviously all too willing to abide. Nothing to see here, move along.

Tesla New Semi Truck. Also surprise Tesla roadster unveiled.

newtboy says...

Um...but, again, before Ford made internal combustion viable, the electric car was center stage, almost alone on the stage....even with the horrible batteries they had in the 1800's. Granted, there weren't many other options besides steam.

It's well past time for it to return imo.

It's not just sad it's criminal that before it got a second shot it had to prove it could beat combustion engine vehicles in every way, not just ecologically and economically, but in every performance metric as well. Now that it has, I still expect major pushback from both car and oil companies and their lackeys. Fingers crossed that they fail this time to rig the system again.

PS, are you using speech to text, is there a problem with the Russian to English translation program you've been issued, or should we be worried about Wernicke's aphasia? ;-)

bobknight33 said:

Yea to all that but I was think it of Its time for center stage has finally com.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

bcglorf says...

I hate disagreeing with you, but I come at things differently. When I find an individual or new outlet is willing to wilfully obstruct and manipulate the truth, I stop trusting them and rarely waste my time with listening to it anymore. In the rare instance they have a story that seems important that isn't sourced anywhere else, or something otherwise unique I'll sometimes look, but always fact checking what is said. The amount of time that can be wasted on fact checking is why I largely dismiss strongly biased sources.

Fox and MSNBC are good examples, but RT puts them to shame.

Chris Hedges I was only familiar with in name, and not reputation. The fact he was speaking on RT was enough for me to dismiss him out of hand. The fact you seemed to think he was a lone credible individual got me to look further.

On looking further I'd encourage you to read Hedges own work form Nov 8, 2001:

Despite the fact he's appeared earnest and genuine in the instances you've seen him, and despite him seemingly bravely standing against the American administration and it being an act of character to speak out against the war, the above article seems to reveal Chris Hedges true nature. He was a paid lackey of American propaganda to prop up the lead in to the Iraq war, but at some point afterwards Russia paid better and now he's singing the tune of the current highest bidder.

I wish I could say I'm surprised to find it, but an RT report or opinion piece on why Russia is innocent of something turns out to be being forwarded by somebody clearly willing to be completely two faced when the money is good.

enoch said:

i agree in theory,but disagree in practice.
as i stated in my comment:discernment.

it appears we approach news and journalism differently.

i do not consume the institution,but rather the individual reporter.which is why i will watch a report by shepard smith from FOX,but ignore anything by tucker carlson or bill o'reilly.

the HUGE mistake you make about hedges,is just that,an assumption.

chris hedges mistake.
is the same mistake that other media personalities have made,such as cenk uynger when he was on MSNBC.

hedges criticized power.
in fact,in the run up to the iraq war hedges was pushing out story after story that was highly critical of the bush administration,and..ironically..was using the very intelligence reports that you mentioned.he was challenged by the new york times editorial board to either cease and desist,or face disciplinary action.

he chose to retain his integrity,and honor his father (great story right there,he always chokes up when telling it) and walked away from a successful career,full of adulation and respect,rather than bow at the foot of the kings throne and kiss the feet of the powerful.

the man has guts,in spades,and i admire him very much.

but if you think my opnion is biased,then let us take phil donahue who was hosting the most popular show on the newly founded MSNBC.

he too,was critical of the bush administration and had guests on that were countering the avalanche of white house narratives flooding the cable news networks.

he was fired,while simultaneously hosting the most popular and highest rated shows on MSNBC.

what i am saying,is exactly what hedges is saying:
criticize power and you will be branded,blacklisted and shunned from the "mainstream media".you will be relegated to the fringe for your defiance to power.

/chuckles..i find it interesting that pretty much everybody uses the term "mainstream media" to epitomize:lazy journalism,propaganda,fake news and yet the media THEY choose to consume..well...thats not mainstream at all.the media THEY choose to consume is top notch journalism.

i am not saying my choices are right,but i do choose them carefully.i do not subscribe to institutions but rather individuals who have proven the test of proper journalistic integrity:chris hedges,matt taibbi,bill moyers,henry giroux,laura poitrus,jeremy scahill,amy goodman,paul jay

you may notice that every one of these people are critical of power,and the basic premise of the fourth estate.

the washington post,along with the new york times and wall street journal have become rags.just my opinion,feel free to disagree.

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