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Israeli Woman Finds Out BF Is Arabic, Sues Him For Rape

The Problem is that Communism Lost (Blog Entry by dag)

Throbbin says...

You're right @blankfist, it's not strictly socialism. I've seen it referred to many times as 'semi-socialism'. From what I gather, it's a political system with near-free-markets (strict regulations) but with a strong welfare component. High taxes pay for free (or mostly free) education (including post-secondary), universal healthcare, a strong social safety net, and significant public investments in the arts.

Some would say high-taxes are tyrannical or that they penalize the successful, but it's hard to argue with the success of the system.

I also really like the idea of proportional fines for traffic violations.

So, whaddya think?

I spent many years studying and debating the principles of politics, but in my old age I realize that it's all bullshit, and one must study real-life examples if one is to have any real debate.

Gov. Christie DESTROYS dbag reporter

volumptuous says...

btw: His two complete bullshit positions on Democrats

1- Dems want "bigger government"
It is a well known, completely debunked myth. Government grew substantially under Reagan and Bush v2.0

2- Dems want "higher taxes"
It is also well known that under Obama, taxes have decreased and under Reagan and both Bush's, they increased. Taxes are much lower now than under Reagan.

He can hold up some shitty piece of paper and point at it all he wants. It's all bullshit.

Religious nutjob conventions and congressmen who love them

NordlichReiter says...



These people aren't affected by the footage on live-leak?

As disgusting as it sounds, but I would love to have a footage of a soldier with their legs blown off. Show it to these people, so they can see what their beliefs wrought.

Wait, there's already footage of that shit..

War does not decide who was right, only who is left.

Anyone who openly supports war will burn in hell, provided there is one. But I'm 90% sure there isn't one.

Wait till they get their first bisected femoral artery.

It's all bullshit, and these idiots still do this stupid shit.

LiveLeak Player no longer Works (Fail Talk Post)

FEAR - Saturday Night Live 1981 - Historic Performance

Grimm says...

I'm not patronizing by pointing out that this music had it's place and purpose in rock history and just because it doesn't speak to you (and it's not supposed to speak to everyone) doesn't make it any less music then the music you like. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but your coming off as a music snob. There is a lot of music that I don't care for and sounds like crap to me but to each his own.

By saying things like "So, to rebel against clean, clear sounds, one must refuse to learn how to play one's instrument" just shows your ignorance of the genre. People weren't listening to bands like Black Flag, Dead Kennedy's, The Circle Jerks, etc... Because they had a guitarist like Eddie Van Halen or a singer like Elton wasn't about how good you could play your instrument. It was about the sound that you could create and the energy of that sound and the lyrics. The lyrics to one of the songs in this video "New Yorks Alright if you Like Saxophones" are pretty funny. The lyrics to one of the other songs "Let's Have a War" is also some good satire about how war is good for the economy "Jack up the Dow Jones!" and "General Motors get fat like last time!".

I'm not saying that you have to like this or understand this...just explaining why some people do. Your response on the other hand is basically that what I am telling you and what others have told you about the genre and why we like it is all bullshit.

>> ^Stormsinger:
So, to rebel against clean, clear sounds, one must refuse to learn how to play one's instrument, and just scream raggedly into a mike. Got it.
Drop the patronization, please. I'm fully aware of the ridiculous claims made to support the godawful talentless crap they called punk. And it's still nothing but noise. Precisely on the level of the three-year-old throwing a tantrum by screaming and kicking the floor.
I'm not saying there is no value in punk...but the value wasn't actually perceptible until -after- it was gone. Some of the bands now called post-punk are moderately interesting...a few are even very interesting. But that's not a description you'll ever convince me applies to this video.
>> ^Grimm:
And that's why you don't understand...because Rock and Roll isn't all about the "music". It can be, but it's not limited to that. The punk movement came about in part as a rebellion to how sanitized, over-produced, and corporate rock and roll had become in the 70's. You can't rebel against that kind of music by playing that kind of it's extreme form you have to take it to the other end of the spectrum. Raw, three-chords, angry, attitude, expressive, etc... It spoke to a generation who grew up in the 70's to sanitized corporate rock and disco music.
>> ^Stormsinger:
Frankly, I'm really having a hard time making the word "music" stretch to cover that noise.

Scene from "Goodbye Uncle Tom"

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

PostalBlowfish says...

>> ^spoco2:They have NO PROOF AT ALL that it was, NONE. The 'Thermite' bullshit is exactly that, bullshit, the 'molten steel' arguments are completely bogus.

You seem to be suggesting that you have a good explanation for all the molten steel. Let's hear it.

Proof is hard to come by because most of the proof was destroyed quickly. Some of the people who investigated this conspiracy (and lets be honest, even the official story is about a conspiracy) were scientists who knew how to find evidence of thermite, and in the evidence they could get samples of, they concluded there was sufficient evidence not to rule out thermite. It seems that the fires that supposedly caused the collapse were not sufficient to create molten steel, and you say it's all bullshit. So tell us the alternative explanation.

ps. I heard no mention of blame in this video. Of course, you wouldn't know that since you didn't watch the whole thing. Also, I hope you realize that the molten steel question is by far the least fundamental one. The simple concept of the pancake theory of collapse and the massive resistance against falling debris is easily the simplest matter involved that doesn't make sense in the scenario. The building simply fell faster than it would have if the official theory was true. These are serious questions worthy of answering. How could anyone honestly not want to know the answers? I'm not sure I want to know who was responsible, if not Al Qaeda, but I'm sure I'd like an explanation to the questions of what happened.

Pit Bull Viciously Attacks News Anchor With Love and Slobber

nanrod says...

Per the above study over 50% of dog bite related fatalities in the US between 1979 and 1998 were caused by Pit Bulls and Rottweiler type dogs. That being said Dannym is right in that statistics can be skewed by unidentified factors. Its difficult in a study of dog attacks to determine that X% of the owners involved also had meth labs or were training the dogs for fighting or were just simply morons. However, even if you could identify all such factors I think you would find that the type of owner does not have a statistically significant effect on the numbers. We've all seen those news broadcasts where the owners try to defend their dog and in my experience the majority seem to be average people. And what do they all say? "My sweetie-pie has always been a gentle and affectionate dog, I don't understand how this could happen" or "That three year old must have done something to provoke her" Its all bullshit anyways. The only control or regulation that could possibly have any possible effect on the numbers is to ban the breed. Difficult to enforce but a hell of a lot easier than any attempt to control who can or cannot own one.

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

HenningKO says...

>> ^rougy:
I don't think it's all bullshit. I think a lot of it probably works.
That "Ice Man" they found in Swiss country many years ago had tattoos on the pressure points well known to accupuncturists. He had herbs in his belly that were very useful for a common sickness (something to do with worms, I think).

Right well... it didn't work for him then, did it?

But seriously... you're not serious right?
Pure fallacious argument from antiquity. Just because an idea like acupuncture has been around along time doesn't mean it is correct. We don't exempt it from testing and possible scientific invalidation just 'cause some Ancient culture has done it for thousands of years.

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

rougy says...

I don't think it's all bullshit. I think a lot of it probably works.

That "Ice Man" they found in Swiss country many years ago had tattoos on the pressure points well known to accupuncturists. He had herbs in his belly that were very useful for a common sickness (something to do with worms, I think).

Are there hucksters in homeopathy? No doubt!

Are there hucksters in the FDA & AMA approved modern drug makers?

You know the answer to that.

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

gwiz665 says...

Homeopathy is all bullshit. That's not really anything you can argue. It's very clearly bullshit. Same with cleansing auras, crystals and horoscopes.

Acupuncture, pressure points and other actual "massaging" things do exist to some degree, what their actual effect is, is still hotly debated (as we can see above). I'm not convinced that it is entirely placebo. In fact I would think that there is a beneficial effect to that, but them I'm not an expert so I don't know the finer details.

Also *promote

Headless chicken lives more than a year!

gwiz665 says...

I have a few possible explanation

1) It's all bullshit.
2) Its brain didn't control its motor functions, which I guess would have to be in the spine or something.

Freaky stuff, though.

Atheism WTF? (Wtf Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Belief in unreasonable things is a weakness of the mind. Faith is by definition belief in something that does not demand any form of evidence, it is therefore also a weakness of the mind. The reason that Atheism "runs rampant" on the sift, is quite simple: as intelligence rises, faith usually subsides. And videosift is a quite intellectual group of individuals. It's not that all atheists are automatically smart, it's that all smart people usually are atheists.

Established religion is for the most of it wicked, for lack of a better word. It is indeed an evil upon the world; Earth's cancer. And for the human race to survive and flourish we need to heal it, somehow. As it is an intellectual cancer the best way is usually education, which is why religion is the only thing that has "forbidden knowledge" - keep the people stupid, and you keep them in control.

Individual "beliefs" are basically (usually) moral values. If you get a hundred people in a room that claims to have some form of belief and question them individually, you'll always find a hundred differing beliefs. No one agrees on everything, especially on morals.

God is nowadays just a label we put on anything. "God is love", "God is everything", "God is the universe", "God is a big fat piece of crap", but it's all bullshit. God is God, love is love. If you redefine the word, then you will have to explain your redefinition. Every single time someone makes a clear definition of God, you can refute it. Every time you refute any given God, the believers subside and change their definition, "What God actually is, is..." which is just intellectual cowardice.

Many people say that Agnostic is the only way you reasonably can go - Bill Maher said the "doubt" is the only way, for instance - but I don't think that is correct. While we can never be sure of anything really, we always weigh the evidence and base our conclusions on that. Agnosticism basically says that "I can't know, therefore I don't commit". This assumes an either/or answer, "either God exists or it doesn't" and chooses to not assume an answer. This is a bad position, because it's not at all a 50/50 choice. Every single piece of credible evidence points towards the non-existence of any form of God character, therefore it is the most reasonable position to be a non-believer.

I am as sure of the non-existence of God as I am that I am a thinking human being; that the sun rises tomorrow; that water is wet; that water freezes at about 0 degrees celcius; and so on.

"I will either have sex with you tomorrow or not" <-- Which is the reasonable assumption, yes or no? It's the same type of question as the existence of God. Not 50/50 at all.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

Xax says...

BSG > Terminator? When hell freezes over! They're on opposite ends of the spectrum (with Terminator on the bottom), as far as the acting, story, casting... everything really, is concerned.

BSG's more "sensitive" moments didn't come off as cheesy to me, for the most part. Aside from that damned "so say we all" bullshit, and Adama's "inspirational" speeches he likes to make every now and then.

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