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ant (Member Profile)

radx says...

Any standard RSS reader should just list the time you've subscribed to the feed, only videos added after your subscription will have a proper date attached to them. Theoretically, at least. Some APIs tend to return funky values if they're not interfaced correctly.

Quick test with Google Reader seemed to work just fine.

And could you elaborate on the "account upvotes"? I'm at a loss here, not sure what you mean.

ant said:

THanks. I didn't know YouTube had RSS feeds. Can it do on our account upvotes too?

Is it me or does your link show "Wednesday, December 31, 1969 4:00 PM" for all videos?

Microsoft's response to the PS4 not having DRM

Fletch says...

I'm no console snob. I hate all consoles equally. They ruined PC gaming, afaic, even though the PC is a superior gaming platform. I've been cursing consoles since the Halo fiasco, when the game was made an XBox exclusive, destroying what was shaping up to be an incredible PC game. The console version and very-delayed PC port were just crap. Since then, most AAA PC game developers have been tripping over each other for a piece of the huge console market. Cross-platform development has taken it's toll on the PC versions of games, as games are designed for the lowest common denominator (consoles). The controls suck, the interfaces suck, the endless QTEs suck, the hand-holding sucks, the cover systems suck, the hide-and-wait healing sucks, the graphics suck, and most important of all, the gameplay sucks.

Thank FSM for indie developers who make PC games.

TheFreak said:

It seems like a lot of people are just jumping on a big bandwagon as far as the XB hate. This is more of a series of PR mistakes than any real issue concerning the XBOne.


Fastest typer ever !

Xbox One unveil highlights

spawnflagger says...

I prefer FPS on the PC - using a joystick is just frustrating. But then again I couldn't imagine playing Little Big Planet on a PC. (although the Xbox 360 controller works great for many PC games, and it's nice that Steam is trying a joystick-friendly interface for big-tv-attached-PC-gaming.)

The thing I really hate is that both Xbox 360 and PS3 support USB keyboards and mice. It's completely up to the developers to include that in their game or not. I got a reply once from the makers of Resistance, and the reason they said they didn't include it was because it would make it unfair for multiplayer... well how about Single Player? or have a server setting that would allow/disallow keyboard+mouse?

EvilDeathBee said:

Thank you. Nice to know there is someone else online that isn't a dick about consoles and PCs. It's possible to appreciate both

New Edgar Wright Movie 'The World's End' - Trailer

poolcleaner says...

Right, so unoriginal, just like MIKE PATTON and DOOM.

Oh look at me I can sing like a weirdo and we have horns and metal guitars. Blah blah blah.

Oh look we are on Mars and there's a guy's face looking around on my user interface and it WON'T RUN ON MY 286. Oooooooooooohhhhhhh buuurrrrrnnnnn.

Barf all over your anus.

Fantomas said:

This just looks like Shawn of the Dead with aliens. They even have the same 'running into fence gag' from Hot fuzz for Christ's sake!

I think I'll just torrent rent this one.

dgandhi (Member Profile)

Interview with the X-COM and XCOM developers - nerdgasm

CreamK says...

Finally someone else said it "RTS games are fighting against the interface, turn based are pure game" I have nothing against RTS but that has always the problem: hand-eye coordination is almost more important than tactical decisions.

Its' like: you click your unit to move and the interface interprets it wrong; you lose vs you think that this place is the best, it wasn't you lose. How many times in RTS games a part of your HUD is blocking the view or clicking the wrong unit because it moved under your mouse while you were defining actions, you battle with the map to find a unit that is constantly moving etc etc.. I know that's part of the game type but for my money, they all have had so huge flaws in some part that none (since turn of the millenia) has made me do what i did with Civilization series.

I think' i'll go and get my copy of the new XCOM...

How it Feels (through Glass)

Deano says...

You're still getting a little too excited. This is a simulation. None of this is final. But even the promise of this does not obviate the need for a phone, The interface certainly does not have the richness of a phone. And I've not seen them suggest this is a phone replacement.

There are areas where it will struggle:

Simply being able to see a large amount of information from the device and without interfering with normal sight. With my phone I can read quickly and then be back in the real world by looking up. I don't see myself reading reams of data with this thing. I'd love to try though!

The interface is different/more limited. You lose haptic feedback and long-presses to expose different functionality. I'd love to see how good a feature-rich note-taking app will work. Voice-recognition is the most likely use.

But voice recognition remains difficult and performs variably.

And nothing to say of how slow it might be to change networks, adjust settings etc. Many things might be locked down to ensure a smooth experience for the average user.

So, integration (or how Glass will be useful).

Glass will serve as a nice entry-point into the phone experience. You could open the notifications in Glass but you might want to focus on recording some video.
Or you hover on a film poster and have IMDB open up the details on the phone. You might have a lot of these moments in a day. Imagine building up a list of pictures, quick ideas/notes, something useful someone said and then take your phone out only when you sit down. Everything is there for review. Glass might be a very good inbox.

I could instantly sync my photos. It's thus backed up on the phone straight away (and later on the net) and could be auto-shared - I don't need to issue copious voice instructions. Same with video. Glass will gather data but you might want it to hand stuff off to the phone. And net access isn't always guaranteed.

Looking up real world objects, scanning barcodes, even raw data and have it converted into usable data. You could hold up your phone but it's a nicer experience to have a document rendering onto your phone while you look at a page of data or even take a phone call. And you don't have to get the phone out of your pocket. Multi-tasking for the win!

I view pdfs and spreadsheets on my Note 2 all the time. I've not scanned much because it seems hit and miss and there's no cool software to do much with it. This would be amazing with my laptop. I often get printed documents or scraps of paper. Being able to instantly scan and digitise on the go would be almost revolutionary.

The point is Glass will be a very useful *extension* of the device you are already carrying around. Which people will be carrying around for many years to come.

I hope it's cheap as chips because getting it pinched off your face would be fun

xxovercastxx said:

I'd like to hear what sort of integration you have in mind, because I can't think of one that would be useful.

Glass is literally an Android phone in a new form factor. I haven't seen Glass doing anything yet that my phone doesn't do, the lone exception being attach itself to my face.

If they can solve the battery problem, I think they could bring Glass to market by 2015. That's not to say more traditional phones will be instantly be replaced but Glass will be able to fully replace the phone of those who do purchase it.

Reactions and some Ingame-Footage of the Occulus Rift

bmacs27 says...

I agree with you in general. I think it will be a successful product potentially. I just think people are going to find themselves disappointed given all the hype. I just don't think the technology is satisfactory even on the cutting edge. It would be like all (even the best) portable mp3 players sounded like finger nails on chalk boards. Apple came along and made an affordable "finger nails on chalk board sounding portable mp3 player" and we all expected everyone was going to be jumping to buy one rather than simply continuing to listen to their nice home stereo instead.

Just as a first order critique. Do you really think gamers are going to settle for 640x800 screens that subtend even wider visual angles? With 800 pixels over 90 degrees you're talking about a nyquist frequency of 5ish cycles per degree. That ain't exactly a retina display. That's like a tenth the resolution of a retina display on a linear dimension, or one one-hundredth the number of total pixels.

I think this thing will have a highly anticipated launch and peter out as people find themselves preferring to game with their traditional interfaces instead.

ChaosEngine said:

I'm not sure they need to do anything groundbreaking. Sometimes, it's just a combination of the right product, built from common components at the right price and put together with the right marketing.

Risking the ire of the apple haters here but look at the iPod. There wasn't really anything particularly special about it. There were plenty of other MP3 players around with similar (or better) specs at the time, but the iPod is the one that succeeded.

It could just be that the background level of technology has reached a place where it's now feasible to do decent HMDs.

Half in the Bag: Django Unchained and 2012 Re-cap

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

gwiz665 says...

@chilaxe OK now I follow you.

When you evaluate something like the "average level" of muslims in denmark and compare with those in the US, you have to account for the selection process that happens before they even decide to come here or there. It's much easier to get into Denmark, even considering the somewhat draconic immigration policies, than it is to get into the US. The US, at least used to, import people of high academic standing and somewhat accomplished people, which heightens that average level. And in general, since you are not close to muslim countries, it's simply more costly for any given family to get over there in the first place, which already, naturally if you will, selects higher level people to move over there.

The weapons issue does depend on numbers, but you must be careful not to look too shortsighted at them.

If people have ready access to concealed carry weapons, it would be easier for "bad guys" to get these weapons as well - just because there would be more guns in circulation. Guns can be stolen too, sold, lost etc.

If everyone has a gun on them, to take it to an extreme, some people would be made quite nervous by it, and they might even accidentally shoot someone if they thought they needed to defend themselves - everywhere would become like a slum, where you have to be super careful about going about your business.

If you carry a weapon, proper training is pretty important. The video above has the situation quite biased against the amateurs, but still they do show how little they can handle their weapons and the situation. It's not just a point and click interface as the games would have you believe.

Bar fights would/could end poorly.

Road rage incidents would/could end poorly.

Random people, say in protest rallies, would have an opportunity to shoot at people they disagreed with (imagine anti-nazi protests, people fucking hate those guys).

Bad incidents with cops might leave you with a cop down or you down, since the cops have to be even more careful since they're on the fringe of "dangerous territory" already - if everyone has guns, being a cop just got waay more dangerous.

My point is that you can't simply look at how many concealed weapons are used in robberies, violent crimes etc now, because there are indirect sources as well.

I don't want to remove weapons alltogether, I just want them better regulated, better controller and limited where they are not needed. In a civilized society, they are not needed.

Windows 8: The Animated Evaluation

gwiz665 says...

This seems to be a bit overblown. He's outraged because he wants to be outraged. Meh.

If you assume the metro interface didn't exist, then windows 8 is an improvement on windows 7 by any standard, I'd say. I even like the idea of having a full screen start menu, but the whole "Modern UI" is stupid.

Windows 8: The Animated Evaluation

RedSky says...

Windows 8 reminds me of Apple-style arrogance. Like charging $29 for an adapter, and foisting Apple Maps on users, Microsoft foisted Metro on users.

Having used it on my sister's computer, it's clearly not sufficiently consolidated with the desktop option. It doesn't offer any usability improvements to the extent I've used it. As the video points out, accessing menus is confusing and is immediately obvious to any power user who wants to set it up as they like.

Their intentions are clear. Consolidate desktop, tablet and to a lesser extent phone to a similar UI and thereby gain an advantage over Google/Apple which are relatively fragmented.

Problem is, they're approaching it by foisting it on people. As mentioned Metro/Desktop bridging is half baked. Rather than removing the start key, they should have made Metro optional, and incentivised people onto it through usability benefits.

The interface for desktop mode is not ready. In keeping it optional, they could have given themselves breathing space on top of the Windows 8 release to make integration far more seamless.

The point of full screen is clear from a productivity point of view. Clear all distractions and get the job done. Problem is, instead it is acting as a barrier to usability through confusion menu navigation.

While the video creator has exaggerated the problems I think his points are spot on.

Idiot Abroad 3 Interview WIth Karl, Ricky and Warwick

The latest YouTube embeds (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Allowing "full-screen" mode for me but I did notice a glitch in that they will not allow some embeds to be fast-forward or reversed.

For all the tweaks YT offers with their interface I still only use a few....dotdude should chime-in here, he stays abreast of the new features.

EDIT: more glitches...Playing an embed here on VS then pausing it resume caused the volume control on the vid to become functionless..frozen-

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