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GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...


So what you're saying is.. you're a cowardly white privileged bigot who's too afraid to leave the safety of his software & champagne fortress and confront the real problems of the world?

Cause we all know that Silicon Valley has nothing to do with "societal decay".

I mean, sure companies like Apple deny hard-working Americans high-paying jobs/careers in the Technology Sector by exploiting cheap labor in Socialist countries like China. But that's just want any good cold and calculating capitalist would do.

OH OH! I got the perfect bumper sticker for you "I Hate Socialism.. but I Loove my Ipad. Vote Yes on Apples for Americans"

Then you could pass around a petition demanding that Apple build a new factory in Oakland.

You know, to stop all the societal decay and give those dirty niggers and spics something to do with their lives.

In reply to this comment by chilaxe:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Why don't you fuckin' move then.
Oh wait, then you couldn't complain about how shitty your life is under this oppressive Marxist regime.

I live in Silicon Valley, so I'm insulated from the societal decay.

I hardly ever interact with people who aren't techies, so the only way I know that California's been turned into the dumbest state in the country is from the news.

Never half-ass a robbery in the Netherlands.

Lizz Winstead: On the Disparity of Wealth - Countdown

marinara says...

the more they talk, the more tired I feel.

"I are overpaid blabbers" <- (Lizz's words not mine.)
this blabber exists to insulate real political decision-making from any kind of real suffering by the 99%.

Poll on America's Opinion of Socialism

Porksandwich says...

I don't live in California so
1) I am not sure what you are talking about besides everyone suffering economically since 2007-2008.
2) I am not saying socialism is the way to go, but ignoring it's merits and continuing down a path that is not producing desired results is not helping the situation.
3) How do you insulate yourself from society when by interacting with it, you are apart of it?
4) Who is that second line directed at? I can assure you I did not cause any permanent decay of society. People with money and power are the culprits you seek, not your neighbor.
5) I am not sure of the time period when you classify California as one of the nicest places in the world. Many people probably think it's still pretty nice given it's mild weather.

>> ^chilaxe:

>> ^Porksandwich:
So what socialism experiments plunged California into the state it is in now that didn't exist when it used to be one of the nicest places in the world?

>> ^chilaxe:
The US does experiment with socialism.
Here in California, we have some of the highest taxes and most liberal policies in the country, but our academic scores are now literally the dumbest in the country and the state is on the verge of bankruptcy.
If that's what you mean by socialism, nobody wants more of that. People would much prefer how California used to be (one of the nicest places in the world, with high academic scores and a globe-leading economy).

If smug liberals can't figure what they did even in retrospect, these discussions are a waste of time.
Focus on building your own life and career to insulate yourself from the permanent decay of society you caused.

Poll on America's Opinion of Socialism

chilaxe says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

So what socialism experiments plunged California into the state it is in now that didn't exist when it used to be one of the nicest places in the world?

>> ^chilaxe:
The US does experiment with socialism.
Here in California, we have some of the highest taxes and most liberal policies in the country, but our academic scores are now literally the dumbest in the country and the state is on the verge of bankruptcy.
If that's what you mean by socialism, nobody wants more of that. People would much prefer how California used to be (one of the nicest places in the world, with high academic scores and a globe-leading economy).

If smug liberals can't figure out what they did even in retrospect, these discussions are a waste of time.

Focus on building your own life and career to insulate yourself from the permanent decay of society you caused and are still causing.

These Canadian redneck jumps never get old!

Sarzy says...

>> ^chilaxe:

I don't think there are any viable solutions. Homo sapien evolution left 99% of the species with great difficulty with abstract thought. There was no reason to evolve temperaments that would be useful in civilization, because civilization hadn't emerged yet, thus all the behaviors we see around us.
So there isn't going to suddenly be a cultural shift toward valuing productivity, innovation, and intellectualism. There are a few hubs around the world like Silicon Valley, but that's it.
My only recommendation is people devote themselves to their careers and insulate themselves from the under-performing culture around them. Reprogenetics (re-programming genetics) will likely fix all of it before the end of the century.

Are you kidding? If everyone valued "productivity, innovation, and intellectualism," who would be our janitors? Our garbagemen? Our fry cooks? We need doofuses around -- and a lot of them at that -- to do the stupid menial jobs that we'd never want to do.

These Canadian redneck jumps never get old!

longde says...

And I thought I was cynical.>> ^chilaxe:

I don't think there are any viable solutions. Homo sapien evolution left 99% of the species with great difficulty with abstract thought. There was no reason to evolve temperaments that would be useful in civilization, because civilization hadn't emerged yet, thus all the behaviors we see around us.
So there isn't going to suddenly be a cultural shift toward valuing productivity, innovation, and intellectualism. There are a few hubs around the world like Silicon Valley, but that's it.
My only recommendation is people devote themselves to their careers and insulate themselves from the under-performing culture around them. Reprogenetics (re-programming genetics) will likely fix all of it before the end of the century.

These Canadian redneck jumps never get old!

chilaxe says...


I don't think there are any viable solutions. Homo sapien evolution left 99% of the species with great difficulty with abstract thought. There was no reason to evolve temperaments that would be useful in civilization, because civilization hadn't emerged yet, thus all the behaviors we see around us.

So there isn't going to suddenly be a cultural shift toward valuing productivity, innovation, and intellectualism. There are a few hubs around the world like Silicon Valley, but that's it.

My only recommendation is people devote themselves to their careers and insulate themselves from the under-performing culture around them. Reprogenetics (re-programming genetics) will likely fix all of it before the end of the century.

Payback (Member Profile)

Shipping Container Home for $4K-single mom makes it happen

Keep Wall Street Occupied

NetRunner says...

You're partly right, those letters will never get to a bank employee, but as an employee of one of those companies that opens the letters for several banks, I can tell you that at least with us, we're obligated to capture any and all correspondence customers send in to us and provide it to the banks with the rest of the data. So the wood shims and roofing tiles will just piss off the wrong people, but any actual message you put in there will get to the bank, and a sudden spike in correspondence volume will get noticed.

I also disagree about raising bank costs being fruitless. If banks start charging people a monthly fee while paying 0% interest, most people will just pull their money out and bank somewhere else. Hopefully they'll go to a local bank or credit union instead, but they could always just store piles of cash in a safe at home. No business can insulate itself from increases in input costs by simply raising the price they ask customers to pay -- doing that loses you sales, and winds up costing you money.

>> ^L0cky:

Warning, party pooping.
The mail will never reach any employee of a bank, let alone a banker. It goes to a data collection warehouse.
People with already crappy jobs working for a sub contractor who do nothing but open envelopes all day and sort their contents will be the ones who will have to bin all your wooden shivs and messages.
On top of that, your local (probably unionised) mailman will have to lug around this extra mail on his/her collection round.
Nice sentiment, but poor in execution
Also, right now I don't see an effective end goal in trying to increase the banks' costs. We pay all their costs anyway, through charges or bailouts.

Moped Powered Carousel

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

I do not want kids because of the liability. Blue shirt could of been killed, he missed that by inches. Kids are too stupid, all I would do is worry.

And yet the vast majority of kids in first world countries - even the badly brought up ones - survive to adulthood. It easy to look at stuff like this and say 'he could easily have been killed' but in reality, it's pretty unlikely. As a parent it would be for you to teach them how to deal with the world. The worst thing you could do is insulate the kid from all danger because then they don't understand that some things really can be dangerous, and they go and do something like this. I would never have gotten on that roundabout because something in the back of my mind would have said 'hang on a minute...'. And that's what parenting is.

Don't get me wrong, the thought of being a parent terrifies me, but I'd like to think any kid of mine would be far too busy in front of a computer to be out doing stupid stuff like this...

After Bullied Kid Suicides, Teens Rejoice His Death At Dance

Yogi says...

>> ^chinese_rocknroll:

>> ^gorillaman:
Horseshit. Maybe don't exploit the death of a child to push your suppressive ideology.
As someone already pointed out above, there is a huge difference between having your speech suppressed, and being called out for being a jerk when you say something a jerk would say.
No one is suppressing anyone's right to use "gay" and "fag" as pejoratives. Go ahead, knock yourself out. Depending on the community in which you use them, you might even be praised for it (like, say, Xbox Live, or a KKK rally). But out in the world there are a lot of people who think those words, used in that way, are just not cool. To whine about your free speech being suppressed because someone had the audacity to present some social pushback for using rude epithets is just silly.
So you have a choice. You can insulate yourself further so the only people around you are those who will appreciate "gay" and "fag" slurs being tossed around. Or you can accept that not everyone is going to like that, and that your use of language has consequences.

A user didn't say "Oh you're a jerk if you say gay or faggot" he called on us to stop it and then he threatened me personally. So I'll whine about free speech when I'm threatened...cause he knows what he did.

After Bullied Kid Suicides, Teens Rejoice His Death At Dance

chinese_rocknroll says...

>> ^gorillaman:
Horseshit. Maybe don't exploit the death of a child to push your suppressive ideology.

As someone already pointed out above, there is a huge difference between having your speech suppressed, and being called out for being a jerk when you say something a jerk would say.

No one is suppressing anyone's right to use "gay" and "fag" as pejoratives. Go ahead, knock yourself out. Depending on the community in which you use them, you might even be praised for it (like, say, Xbox Live, or a KKK rally). But out in the world there are a lot of people who think those words, used in that way, are just not cool. To whine about your free speech being suppressed because someone had the audacity to present some social pushback for using rude epithets is just silly.

So you have a choice. You can insulate yourself further so the only people around you are those who will appreciate "gay" and "fag" slurs being tossed around. Or you can accept that not everyone is going to like that, and that your use of language has consequences.

Colbert: Romney 2012 - "Corporations Are People"

snoozedoctor says...

It's rampant in politics, from all sides. I wish people would consider the context of a statement and report it truthfully. "I only hear what I want to hear," is intellectual dishonesty. Although he may have done it in some speech/debate, I have never heard Romney speak to the legal issue of corporate personhood. What he has said in Iowa is absolutely, undeniably increase taxes on corporations, it affects someone's paycheck, either an employee/owner, or the cost of the goods/services provided by the corporation, and therefore the consumer. Without fundamental change in the ridiculous recommendations of compensation committees of large corporations (regarding salaries for high level management), the extra cost will be deflected downstream to lower grade employees, or consumers like you and I. High level management is insulated from decreases in revenue from increased corporate taxes. If they do sense a threat, they'll just move their headquarters overseas to a more favorite tax environment. Ask Bono and U2 how that works.

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