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Newt: I'm Not Racially Insensitive

NetRunner says...

>> ^moodonia:

Is that a fact that Obama put more people on food stamps or is it careful phrasing, rather than saying he gave more people access to food stamps?
Either way I dont see how giving people food is such a bad thing.

The way I'd relay the facts is that the economy started crashing in 2008 (before Obama was elected), and lots of people lost their jobs, and because lots of people lost their jobs there was a sharp increase in the number of people applying for food stamps.

Part of the stimulus bill in 2009 increased the benefits provided by SNAP (aka the "food stamp" program), and made unemployed adults without children eligible for benefits.

So the way I'd put it is "Obama saw more people needing food stamps, and made sure they got them, while also doing his best to fix the mess Wall Street made of the economy."

I think that's missing the forest for the trees though. This comment isn't really about food stamps. It's about floating several racist memes in the birthplace of the Civil War (South Carolina), and then trying to whitewash them as being "truth" or "common sense," even though they're neither true nor sensible.

POW blinks "TORTURE" in morse code during a forced interview

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You're such an insensitive bastard you'll even belittle THE UNIMAGINABLE SUFFERING of your fellow teammates just to crack on Obama.

You're a disgusting creature.

I hope someone shoves bamboo slivers underneath your fingernails and forces you to type out apologies to Mr. Denton and his men.

You know, so you'll have some perspective before you go typing up ignorant ass comments like this.

>> ^quantumushroom:

8 years in communist get Obumbler out in November we'll only have had to do four...

Could SOPA kill Videosift? (Law Talk Post)

GeeSussFreeK says...

The wording is intractable vague though, so while the heart of fairuse is in the right place, you aren't going to have a hand full of 1000 dollar an hour lawyers like large corporate media firms. Modern copyrights aren't about people making things at all, they are completely about making money. Ask any real artist why they did something and it was art first, and money some other priority down the line. I know the things I make in minecraft have nothing to do with money, but I value them greatly. This is where the entire body of legal mess around providing monetary "insensitives" to art and science; the people who do REAL art and science don't really have that as the primary motivation. All copyright laws have it wrong, they are broken and exist in a completely different world of reality. It would be like trying to provide monetary insensitive for having a family, having a family isn't about money first...ect ect. All copyrights do is encourage media domination by content holders, not the explosion of content makers like it planned. That is the one real lesson the net has taught us all, that people create all the time, and not for money (thanks @dag and all the rest).

>> ^marinara:

I did some reading about "fair use" which lets you use clips of copyrighted material.
It comes down to: If you "transform" the clip, to retool it for a different purpose than the original.
And if you use a "small" amount of the clip, the clip must not have a significant value, on it's own.
long blog here
So if you use such a short clip, that nobody can claim value of it, and rework it into a different use than the original. You can use copyrighted work under fair use.

You're giving up Pepsi until abortion "ends?" Cool story.

bcglorf says...

i won't discuss when a life is a life until you answer why i must discuss that first.

Fair enough, I suppose I thought it was self evident. When life begins is the underlying basic assumption upon which all your other arguments are based, as are the other arguments on the pro-life side. The pro-life and pro-choice camps are disagreed on the very original and basic assumption of when life begins. There should be no wonder at all that neither side can make heads or tails of the other side's logic and reasoning, as it is fundamentally based on a different starting assumption.

When life begins is the underlying assumption of all the accusations of murder, insensitivity to women, cruelty to other human beings, and all the related consequences.

You want to talk about the consequences of changing laws and making a rape victim a criminal if they pursue an abortion? You are assuming the fetus that is being ended is not a separate human life. If a rape victim is too traumatized and takes 10 months to come forward our country already removes her right to end the child's life. The important distinction is when life begins, and both sides need to recognize that they can not, and will not EVER understand one another unless they recognize and approach the true underlying difference of opinion they really have.

I didn't suggest any "pro-life arguments"
My apologies I meant to say 'pro-choice' and obviously confused things greatly . I was assuming you were pro-choice and thus tried to illustrate the importance of when life begins with a pro-choice example.

Christopher Hitchens, We Raise Our Glass To You

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

quantumushroom says...

i'm sorry but if you can't see the difference between racism coming from white people and racism coming from black or indigenous people then you need a lot more education. probably in the fields of history and psychology.

Liberal "education" = thoughtless indoctrination. There's no one-way valve on racism, liberals. Per Doctor King, I'm judging by the content of this fellow's character, not his race. But since liberals are OBSESSED with race it must be addressed. Not only is this clown rude, loud, threatening and out of line, he's also ignorant about the worldwide history of slavery and assuredly was never a slave himself. He has a right to feel the way he does, but not threaten even abstract violence.

@Boise_Lib isn't suggesting genocide of another race "racially insensitive"?

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

Patriotic Millionaires Debate Grover Norquist

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Damn, that lady was aiming for the guts.

Norquist looked like a baby deer tap dancin' on ice.

"Well see, you're asking about outcomes. [..and that's unfair cause I can't give an honest answer without looking like the insensitive douchebag i really am.]"

Christopher Hitchens, We Raise Our Glass To You

shinyblurry says...

yeah, great..celebrate someones alcoholism. Now I like Christopher Hitchens, don't get me wrong..but he was clearly an alcoholic, and it probably contributed to his cancer. So they're celebrating him with what is killing him.

Even Bill Maher called him out on his drinking:

Instead of this insensitive gesture, pray for Chris, that God would have mercy on his soul.

TYT: Law firm party mocks foreclosure victims

Crosswords says...

>> ^rougy:

Oh, yeah, joking around and saying that some girl in a video looks hot is exactly the same as robosigning foreclosures and laughing at the people you helped evict.

I never claimed the two were equivalent, or even close in offensiveness. I do think its moronic to say something so stupid in the middle of a piece about the atrocious behaviors of a law firm. Not only is it insensitive to suddenly objectify two women in the middle of a conversation that had no bearing on the attractiveness of people, but to interrupt the conversation with something so banal gives the impression he doesn't really give a shit about what they're talking about.

Hopefully Baum loses some business over this, but unfortunately I don't see it hurting him in the long run. I understand he was fined $2 million for the actual acts of fraud, so I guess that's something...

TYT: Law firm party mocks foreclosure victims

Yogi says...

>> ^Crosswords:

Lets start off a video about inappropriate behavior with a little inappropriate behavior of their own. OMG THOSE GIRLS ARE HAWT, oh what? yeah bad law-firm for being insensitive.

Yeah that guy sounded like a complete idiot and he had nothing to add to the conversation.

This is fucking despicable though. The Daily Show had it best when everyone was whining about how Bankers and Moneyed individuals were getting picked on. We've seen this shit, Enron laughing about peoples homes burning down cause they'd get money for it. These lawyer's been done and we're sick of it.

We haven't even begun to pick on you yet.

TYT: Law firm party mocks foreclosure victims

Crosswords says...

Lets start off a video about inappropriate behavior with a little inappropriate behavior of their own. OMG THOSE GIRLS ARE HAWT, oh what? yeah bad law-firm for being insensitive.

dag (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

In reply to this comment by dag:
OK. Of course VideoSift is wildly biased. It's influenced strongly by the people who have collected here, the general makeup of the Internet -- and the ideology of its founders. As biased as it is, we want to be fair and tolerant to minority views, different cultures, religions and nationalities.

That's why what you say and do on VideoSift matters. I feel this every day. Even a simple comment upvote by me can cause real hurt. I'm sorry I upvoted DFT's comment. I honestly thought it was some good-natured banter between you two. It's hard to tell on the Internet. That's why I try to choose my words carefully. And (usually) even choose my upvotes carefully. My bad on that one.

Calling a German citizen a Nazi is also bad. I don't think you would do it at a dinner party to someone you just met. I'd ask you to leave my house. It's no more acceptable here. I read the comment that provoked your response. That was a little insensitive too, though as an American I would take that as good-natured ribbing. It's kind of funny.

Your response - and unwillingness to apologise for it - shows a lack of empathy and emotional maturity. You can definitely shout down the drainpipe here - and suitably, no one will give a shit.

I'm removing the hobble. VideoSift does not need martyrs. I'd honestly be sorry to see you go. I think you've contributed a lot to this community - but If you have to go - you'll be buried at sea in a cotton shroud. ;-)

It's not a lack of empathy. I think it's the other way around when people team up on the minorities of this site. They probably know full well how it feels to be alienated in real life, but online they tend to forget that and bully those with ideological differences. I've done it on here, but I've certainly tried to grow and change. I'm not perfect by a longshot, but empathy is something I definitely have in spades. If you knew me personally you'd probably agree.

But the bias is strong on this site and very much accepted. That's why it's hard for me to feel a sincere desire to apologize. Because I'm not sorry. I thought I was and even tried to apologize, but I just looked at his member page and thought about how one-sided this place can be. If you want to label that as emotional immaturity, that's your right. But I don't feel that way. At least not right now.

Things people do on here do matter. I'm glad what I said mattered. And I'll continue to say things that matter as long as the things other people say don't. Cheers.

blankfist (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK. Of course VideoSift is wildly biased. It's influenced strongly by the people who have collected here, the general makeup of the Internet -- and the ideology of its founders. As biased as it is, we want to be fair and tolerant to minority views, different cultures, religions and nationalities.

That's why what you say and do on VideoSift matters. I feel this every day. Even a simple comment upvote by me can cause real hurt. I'm sorry I upvoted DFT's comment. I honestly thought it was some good-natured banter between you two. It's hard to tell on the Internet. That's why I try to choose my words carefully. And (usually) even choose my upvotes carefully. My bad on that one.

Calling a German citizen a Nazi is also bad. I don't think you would do it at a dinner party to someone you just met. I'd ask you to leave my house. It's no more acceptable here. I read the comment that provoked your response. That was a little insensitive too, though as an American I would take that as good-natured ribbing. It's kind of funny.

Your response - and unwillingness to apologise for it - shows a lack of empathy and emotional maturity. You can definitely shout down the drainpipe here - and suitably, no one will give a shit.

I'm removing the hobble. VideoSift does not need martyrs. I'd honestly be sorry to see you go. I think you've contributed a lot to this community - but If you have to go - you'll be buried at sea in a cotton shroud. ;-)

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Okay, now that I'm able to properly respond...

I'm leaving the Sift for a week to take care of personal things, but I needed to bring this up. There's a bias on this site. Not that I don't rub people the wrong way, because I do. I can be a huge asshole, and I don't like it sometimes. But there's a total bias and it's bullshit. I've noticed people who get targeted are those in opposition to a certain ideological position. Specifically the left. And at one point I was part of the bandwagon. Look at the recent hobblings and bannings. Those in the majority band together and pick on people all the time, but let one person on the other side make a colorful comment and all the sanctimonious assholes come out of the woodwork to play the victim. Their mean comments get upvotes and praises. Ours get us hobbled or banned.

And my comment, which I refuse to apologize over because IMO wasn't that terrible and probably fitting, wasn't unprovoked. I'm no nationalist, but he (as always) mocked the culture of the US in this comment. It didn't bother me as much as my comment bothered him, but so what? In a not-so-subtle way I was cluing him into his nation's recent culture. Of killing Jews. Which is what Germany did within the last century. People shouldn't throw stones in glass houses, that's all. If he wants to play the nationalist card, then let him be a big boy about it. They may not like their recent "culture" but I don't particularly like ours either. But then again I'm not being a Nazi about others mentioning it.

Anyway, people have said a lot fucking worse on here than my trite and stupid comment. And I've had worse said at me. And who cares? I'm okay with it. DFT wants to spin a narrative about my film, taking personal shots at me, label me a narcissist. No problem. You even upvoted that comment. Volumptuous wants to call people jerks. Great. The world keeps turning. You don't have to lift the hobbling. I'll display it as a dirty reminder. Because although I do believe you try to be fair, I don't think you are at all. It's like Nazi Germany in here. Hail Siftler.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Calling a German citizen a Nazi without provocation is at best a supreme example of Godwin's rule - and at worst deeply insulting and insensitive.

Things you do and say on VideoSift matter. I refuse to let this place become an anonymous nihilistic drainpipe you can holler down. This is your official, non-expiring warning for a personal attack - and an apology might be in order.

dag (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Okay, now that I'm able to properly respond...

I'm leaving the Sift for a week to take care of personal things, but I needed to bring this up. There's a bias on this site. Not that I don't rub people the wrong way, because I do. I can be a huge asshole, and I don't like it sometimes. But there's a total bias and it's bullshit. I've noticed people who get targeted are those in opposition to a certain ideological position. Specifically the left. And at one point I was part of the bandwagon. Look at the recent hobblings and bannings. Those in the majority band together and pick on people all the time, but let one person on the other side make a colorful comment and all the sanctimonious assholes come out of the woodwork to play the victim. Their mean comments get upvotes and praises. Ours get us hobbled or banned.

And my comment, which I refuse to apologize over because IMO wasn't that terrible and probably fitting, wasn't unprovoked. I'm no nationalist, but he (as always) mocked the culture of the US in this comment. It didn't bother me as much as my comment bothered him, but so what? In a not-so-subtle way I was cluing him into his nation's recent culture. Of killing Jews. Which is what Germany did within the last century. People shouldn't throw stones in glass houses, that's all. If he wants to play the nationalist card, then let him be a big boy about it. They may not like their recent "culture" but I don't particularly like ours either. But then again I'm not being a Nazi about others mentioning it.

Anyway, people have said a lot fucking worse on here than my trite and stupid comment. And I've had worse said at me. And who cares? I'm okay with it. DFT wants to spin a narrative about my film, taking personal shots at me, label me a narcissist. No problem. You even upvoted that comment. Volumptuous wants to call people jerks. Great. The world keeps turning. You don't have to lift the hobbling. I'll display it as a dirty reminder. Because although I do believe you try to be fair, I don't think you are at all. It's like Nazi Germany in here. Hail Siftler.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Calling a German citizen a Nazi without provocation is at best a supreme example of Godwin's rule - and at worst deeply insulting and insensitive.

Things you do and say on VideoSift matter. I refuse to let this place become an anonymous nihilistic drainpipe you can holler down. This is your official, non-expiring warning for a personal attack - and an apology might be in order.

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