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The Dark Side Of Political Correctness

enoch says...

seriously dude?
who is butthurt?
who is anti-PC?
i am sure there are some racist bigots who bemoan the good ol' days when they could just ridicule,berate and condemn whole groups of people but those people are becoming a sliver of a minority.

this video is not addressing normal regular folk who view PC simply as not being a dick and showing a bit of respect.

this video is addressing that band of fuckwits who are trying to shut down free speech by attacking the language and shutting down the conversation by abusing court systems and government to get shut the fuck up.

so i am sorry that this video which is addressing complex and nuanced human interactions was not packaged in a condensed,easy to digest format,because we all know the younger generations predilection for perpetual A.D.D means that anything over 5 minutes has them scurrying for their Iphones.

god forbid anyone takes the time to actually examine the issues,which may *gasp* take longer than 5 minutes to unpack.

special little snowflakes need to have their information spoon fed to them,because "thinking" is hard and "examining" all points can be tedious.can't have that now..can we?

and you're "fine" with that?

Ball Lightning Filmed

one of the many faces of racism in america

enoch says...

@HugeJerk come on man,now you're just engaging in semantics,while ignoring voodoos point.

ok,lets play the semantics game and change the scenario,and see how comfortable you are with those scenarios:

@VoodooV has a video of your family member smoking a park.

@VoodooV has a video of your family member participating in a winter solstice ritual and his companies owner is a strict,religious fundamentalist.

(and before you throw out that firing over religious reasons is illegal,understand that the companies boss is not an idiot.your family member will be fired for other reasons,but rest assured..he is GONE).

@VoodooV has a video of your family member meeting with a lady of the evening.

would you like me to continue?
because in every one of these scenarios NOBODY was harmed,yet each one of those activities could bring great harm to your family member.

smoking weed harms no one,but it is illegal still in many states and many companies have a strict "drug-free' policy.(which i think is retarded)

engaging in a religious ritual,conforming to your family members belief system,harms no one,but is in direct conflict with the religious practices of the person who signs his checks.this would likely result in termination..with predjudice..but wait,thats against the law!! damn..foiled again!
aaaaah,but what is this?
the boss could just use another reason for termination.
the argument has been made that the owner of the company can do what he is his company after all and he views paganism as heretical and against the wishes and dictates of GOD.
so your family member can just kiss his job goodbye.

or how about prostitution?
nobody was harmed.
sex between consensual adults for the exchange of currency.
but..its bye bye to job.

and if @VoodooV was a particularly venal and nasty human being ,who REALLY wanted to impose his will upon your family member.he could just send those tapes to every new job your family member may have the luck to get.send them to creditors.apartment managers.etc etc.

@VoodooV could literally destroy your family members life,just by sending a video with an implied threat.

"if you do not take action about this person,i will expose YOU"

most people do not have the temerity to stand up to that form of bullying.they have businesses to run,bills to pay and families to protect.

and it is also why this tactic is so effective,because it WORKS.browbeating with the intent to force submission to a set of moral ideals held by a select,self righteous few.

it is like the dark ages!! but with broadband and iphones!!

so you better behave.
better obey all laws,real and social.
or the focus could become YOU,and not some turdnugget that is easy to hate.

tofucken-the vegan response to turducken

enoch says...

i always love the vegan argument,especially when they attempt to trot out the morality tropes.

because when they pull that shit...i GOT em.

i just point to their shirt,or pants,shoes..or even their iphone and remind them the high percentage chance that the human who made those garments/phone was an 8 yr old.forced to work 14 hr shifts with no breaks,7 days a week..all so he could buy a bowl of rice,live in a 500 sq ft space with 25 other people and crap in a hole.(or on the beach..hmmm..lets go swimming).

so lets cut the crap with the moral absolutes.
thats just myopic,single minded pandering to give us the "feel goods"...because in reality we are all assholes in one aspect or another,sometimes knowingly,othertimes not,but still assholes.

which then brings the argument to the distinctive qualities and grade of asshole and thats just fucking boring.

my boy here has it right:

Independence Day 2 Resurgence: Trailer

Sometimes the job doesn't seem worth the pay

ForgedReality says...

And there you have one of the many reasons I'll keep using Android devices. I've never had one break, yet I'm constantly seeing shattered iPhone screens. I swear, they must use the crappiest Made In China glass on the planet.

But I don't mean to derail the thread.

mxxcon said:

Why would they do that? It's in their interest to make their phones as fragile as possible to sell more phones. If they make something too durable, people will just keep using it.
That's why they keep all the parts glued force you to buy a new device as soon as even the smallest thing breaks.

Sometimes the job doesn't seem worth the pay

Iphone 6 Case Built In Screen Protector

Halloween Just Got Better

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It'll haunt me forever ... that vertical iPhone shot. Seriously though pretty cool - that glass break at the end looked very real, were there multiple layers there?

Army Ant Death Spiral

Army Ant Death Spiral

We are walmart chant

artician says...

If you need a more apt comparison to dictatorships, they make the employees (or at least used to) do calisthenics every morning in the parking lot, before the store opened.
This was from about 15 years ago, but I can't find a single video of it on youtube (pre iphone era).
Japanese culture does that too, but it doesn't feel as "fascist-y".

lucky760 said:

Good point. Reminds me of North Korea.

Little Help Needed from Anyone with an iPhone 5 (Sift Talk Post)

Little Help Needed from Anyone with an iPhone 5 (Sift Talk Post)

Little Help Needed from Anyone with an iPhone 5 (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

This is what she reported back to me: "On my Iphone 5 the mousover text pops up and I can click. The second time I want to do this it doesn't work anymore. On the iphone of a friend it does not work at all; nothing happens."

Does it do the same for you, that the "second time" (not sure if she means tapping the same hotspot a second time or tapping a second hotspot) you tap it doesn't work anymore?

oritteropo said:

I clicked on Mijn opa, and first click didn't go to the page, it popped up the mousover text (Houd jij van pirateverhalen? Lees dan snel het verhaal over mijn opa.). Second click went to the Mijn opa page, but it wasn't immediately obvious that it hadn't just gone back to the front page, I had to scroll down to realise because the left hand panel on the full version is above the main panel on the iphone version.

p.s. I liked the both the story and the site design... and if anyone else is wondering about the Daffie... it's this:

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