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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump is apparently begging to be put in jail.
A reporter actually watched him in the courtroom going over the talking points his maga friends planned to give outside the courtroom and editing them, then handing them back to his supporters who went outside and read them to the press. The quotes he edited that they repeated to the press were often violations of the gag order…that’s not what he edited out. Somehow he thinks this isn’t directing others to make statements in violation of the gag order…or he understands it’s a major direct violation and is begging for jail. His lawyers are not stopping this, they know for certain it’s a violation that will get their client another contempt charge. What are they doing? Playing to lose?

Still waiting.

PS- Trump has screwed himself by agreeing to Biden’s debate rules. 1 on June 27 hosted by CNN, one in September hosted by ABC…both in studio with no crowds to disrupt and interrupt, both with microphones that are muted when the candidate’s time is up. It’s going to be so incredibly disastrous for Diaper Don. He’s already trying to back out by tweeting that he agreed to a debate on Fox…
Biden didn’t , and that’s not the debate Trump agreed to either.

S&P and Nasdaq are at record highs, DOW hit 40000!!! (remember how you and Trump swore the markets would crash if Biden was elected?) , inflation is still falling (in stark contrast to the high inflation created by Trump money printing policies), food and other prices are now flat or FALLING (in stark contrast to the high inflation and empty shelves Trump delivered), there’s a massive “startup” boom of new companies (in stark contrast to the massive business slump with hundreds of thousands of businesses closing that Trump delivered), unemployment is still at record lows for a record time frame (in stark contrast to the record high unemployment Trump delivered), wages are still outpacing inflation significantly (in stark contrast to the wage slump Trump delivered), gdp is still climbing (in stark contrast to the NEGATIVE GDP Trump delivered), the Biden economic boom is booming harder with every report, and your fake news outlets are having a harder and harder time pretending all the excellent economic news is bad and things are just about to fall apart. 😂 Of course, you still believe them, but very few are as deeply embedded in their own colon as yourself and even maga is realizing they’re being lied to constantly and grifted off.

Side note- in the last 15 years, Trump has paid more for sex than he did in taxes to America. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know you brainless ijits are confused by everything.
Someone needs to tell you…co-opting the infantile “let’s go Brandon” and turning it into “Dark Brandon” was genius. Co-opting the factual “Diaper Don” nickname and keeping it “Diaper Don” to show his virility because “real men wear diapers” is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard of.
Typical maga

Bonus- There’s another election interference case being built against Trump for secret payments to pregnant women he fired from his campaign during his 2016 campaign paid through shell companies to hide the payments as “legal services”. Sound familiar? Jason Miller is listed as the father. She got millions (reportedly $4.2).
Just so you know, his trials are only for the KNOWN FELONIES the courts can PROVE he committed. There are dozens if not hundreds of felonies he could be charged with and prosecuted for, but maybe not convicted, often by running out the statute of limitations, not because he didn’t commit the crimes. He isn’t even saying he didn’t do it anymore, he’s saying when he commits felonies it’s not a crime.

Trump lost again in court, lost his latest appeal of his NY gag order, which the courts have repeatedly upheld as reasonable and completely legal despite his tantrums.

I would ask if you are embarrassed for buying the obvious lie about Trump’s NJ crowd, claiming the half full event had 4-5 times the maximum capacity of the venue, but I think you are incapable of embarrassment or you would have gone away in shame years ago.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Estimated by diaper Don and his criminally indicted sycophants like the mayor who think 10000 is the same as 100000 and that you are dumb enough to believe them still (they’re right, you are). Trump told the mayor how many to report, the mayor went out and repeated the lie. Here’s your 80000 notice it’s much closer to 15000 maybe far less, the maximum capacity of the venue was 20000 and it was not full and over half left DURING TRUMP’S SPEECH. They aren’t coming for him anymore, they come for the maggots so they can be with like minded idiots and not rational people telling them how stupid they are constantly.
Biggest Biden event…$26 million verified.

Leave YOUR (possessive form friendo) head up YOUR ass, leave the shit in YOUR ears, eyes, mouth, and brain cavity because you clearly like it. YOU’RE (short for you are) a long lost cause, you abandoned reality in 2016 to pretend a business failure, cheat, and fraud, rapist, constant debt welcher, racist, philanderer, and a man who publicly bragged about his pedophilic incestuous fantasies about his own daughter was a Christian paragon of virtue and man of the people, and you are such an insecure child you cannot admit you were so incredibly wrong, so you double down on wrong time and time again. Sucker.
Uh-oh…Biden now up 6%.
Uh-oh…after business record disclosures in his NY business fraud case, Trump is now being investigated for double dipping on hundreds of millions in losses from his failed Chicago building which may (will) be determined to be MORE tax fraud to the tune of $100 million.

So, Real men wear Diapers or Diapers over Dems? We are waiting! Inquiring minds want to know….I want to know! 😂

bobknight33 said:

The Orange Maggot got estimated 80,000
Biden biggest event? 500?

Take you head out of you ass, wipe the shit off you eyes and ears and truly listen.

But your a lost cause. You love begin buried in shit.

Woke people be like...

newtboy says...

Learn how to read you complete moron. I showed you the lie and debunked it for you above.

I am sickened that there are so many idiotic ignorami prepared to ignore reality and reason to be in a fascist racist misogynistic anti democratic cult of ignorance. Before maga America was so much better, so much more adult, so much more logical, and incredibly more United, Trump is the great divider.
When an idiot like you claims I’m wrong, that my beliefs are just stupid, it’s great evidence that they are well thought out and correct, because you absolutely never are correct, not even a little bit. How’s that “all in on Tesla in Nov 2021” advice doing? Remember all those red tsunamis coming? Remember the charges coming for Clinton in ‘17? The trade deals that will net us trillions? The wall that will stop immigration and be paid for by Mexico? Jared creating real lasting peace in the Middle East? Remember the lie that the Trump economy was good (only president to lose jobs since Hover, first to have a negative gdp in peacetime EVER, zero investment in America, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed, education in the toilet, biggest government fraud program ever (ppp “loans”)). The “covid is a cold and nothingburger that will go away without issues” theories? 😂

You ARE just sickened because your idiotic easily debunked hate filled propaganda has never gained a single bit of traction here, and is discarded more often than not. You’ve never convinced one person with any of your stupid STUPID nonsensical whining and lying. You only posted because you got discarded, again, and threw a tantrum like the eunuch infant you are.

bobknight33 said:

Show me the Lie
Debunked ? How?

You just sickened because you are being shown that your beliefs are just stupid

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…Trump shield “judge” cannon has been caught pulling a Thomas by accepting multiple LAVISH vacations from conservative donors and not reporting it as required by law. She only finally did AFTER NPR asked her directly why she wasn’t reporting them….well beyond the 30 days she had to do so legally.
This is not only a disbarment level ethics violation, it’s also direct tax fraud since she didn’t pay taxes on the gifts either. 😂

Lock her up!
Lock her up!
Lock her up!

If she’s removed and Trump gets an actual impartial judge he’s going to the firing squad for treason! What he did is treason, he’s admitted to doing it a hundred times in public, only he can take the stand to contradict those 100+ statements of guilt, and if he takes the stand we all know he’s toast, he’s incapable of not lying, incapable of not telling on himself, incapable of any hint of self control.

Impeachment of Thomas is on hold until the criminal right protecting him from his decades long bribery scandal of selling decisions to the highest bidder and massive tax frauds is out of power and the law can be applied again. When the Democrats regain the house in November, expect his impeachment to be job #1, and maybe the other right wing lying criminal justices like Alito, Kavenaugh, and Barrett. We could have a liberal court for the first time in your lifetime (yes, I know you think it’s still a liberal court today at 6 cons - 3 liberal justices…you never could do first grade math).

Afroman - Hunter Got High

newtboy says...

Poor Afroman, he must have really needed the money to sell out for this stupidity. It’s obvious he didn’t write it, it’s far too uninspired and 5 years late.

Hunter Biden lives rent free in that empty space between your ears, @bobknight33, and he’s never held office or made policy. 😂
He’s a private citizen who’s been exonerated of all but the most minor gun and tax crimes, crimes Trump has committed himself but much worse by buying the “Trump gun” while out on pretrial release and evading hundreds of millions in taxes through fraud.

1) Hunter never raped a woman.
2) Hunter never had to pay to hide his affairs, covering up his lack of loyalty even to family.
3) Hunter didn’t try to foment a coup.
4) Hunter is a private citizen, the left should start investigating the Trump kids including Barron who it’s guaranteed is a huge bully with multiple secret payoffs to quite angry parents, Don jr has a blatant cocaine problem, test his hair, Melania is a soft core porn star and mail order bride never forget, Ivanka sold state secrets with her husband, Eric is just a moron…special prosecutor time.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The texts have been released. 400 pages of texts.
They outline the clearly illegal and dishonest attempt to steal an election despite admitting knowing full well they lost by millions of votes starting November 9 or before.
They utterly destroy the lie that the fake electors were just in case a court reversed an states results, they are absolutely clear that they should just count those fake electors and deny the real electors a count.
They also claim only the Trump Supreme Court could reverse that election theft, and they’re on board with not taking the case.

lol. One text is Chesebro on the steps of the capitol on Jan 4 with the text “I’ve decided not to storm the capitol…at least not today.” Kinda hurts the lie that storming the capitol wasn’t planned….not that even maggots believe that stupid nonsensical lie.

Fun…note that WHEN Trump is found in contempt of court today or tomorrow, even if he gets no jail, he may get jailed. ALL of his other cases required him to submit to conditions of release, one of which is he must commit absolutely no crimes while released, not federal, state, or local felonies, misdemeanors, or infractions. Basic contempt is a misdemeanor crime, a crime that violates his conditions for release in 3 other cases. Buh-bye Dumb Donald!
Edit: now Thursday…that’s when the SECOND contempt hearing is scheduled, penalties are on hold because Trump continues to violate the orders even while awaiting sentence so they will have to be increased dramatically….oh sorry, I forgot I’m not following the trials, so I guess I don’t know about all that.

Bonus- Constant dog hater Donald hasn’t dropped his puppy murdering vp pick yet, on top of everything you can legitimately call maga the dog hating party.

His ridiculous paid black actors aren’t hiding their payments well, going on righty press junkets, getting paid speaking engagements at billionaires events, and sailing in the Bahamas…that’s what the everyday woman who hugged him at Chik-fil-a (who has been a long time Republican paid operative and was set up by the campaign to pretend rump likes average black people and not just multi millionaire blacks, oops!). Paying for public support is a hallmark of a despot, just like Gadaffi.

Hunter Biden is about to sue Fox for continuing to air false stories long after they’re proven false….just like Dominion….and is demanding public retractions from all righty media….just like Dominion and warning them that they violated felony revenge porn laws nationwide and continue to do so. He’s going to win a 9 figure settlement, just like Dominion, from multiple righty propaganda outlets, finally making him that hundred millionaire maga insists he is. 😂

Bwaaahahahahaaaa! A bit stale but new to me…try claiming it’s not a cult again….

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

North America’s Building Trades Unions is endorsing President Biden for 2024, and the union is out with a new ad slamming former President Trump for giving them lip service but doing absolutely nothing he promised the union when he met with them in 2017. Didn’t protect their jobs, didn’t protect their pensions, didn’t level out trade deficits, never invested in infrastructure….it was all empty promises he never intended and was incapable of following through on, just like every promise he’s ever made.
Conversely, Biden saved their pensions, invested in infrastructure, and as a result not only saved their jobs but created hundreds of thousands more…and did not lie to them about his plans to get their votes!
Trump has said he intends to abuse the power of the office to exact revenge against the well over half of America that doesn’t support him, and become a dictator on day 1 (no dictator has ever willingly abdicated their position, Trump wouldn’t be the first).
This you guy…this yoar pick! 😂
Again, no one showed up to his trial after he again begged his supporters to protest for him…only 6 people today in the empty space in front of the courthouse set aside for protestors exactly where he claims they aren’t allowed to be.

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

So, trying to sell the same thing the right claimed was happening in San Francisco years ago, but it turned out the chain stores that were closing were actually just not making money, and other stores nearby with significantly worse theft losses were remaining open because they made money. This totally contradicted the right wing narrative often parroted by the company CEO’s that they closed stores because of high theft, a lie they approved because then they got to shirk responsibility for the store closures and blame it on something out of their control.
If the doom and gloom the extreme right has claimed is reality in “liberal cities” for years or decades was real, these cities would be abandoned by now, not remaining the most valuable and attractive real estate in the country.
New York is less criminal today than last year, the Trump crime family has been banned from the state, lowering crime rates noticeably by itself. 😂

Funny, the right wants harsher penalties for minor crimes, but no penalties for hundreds of millions stolen, and doesn’t want to pay a dime more in taxes to build more prisons, overcrowding is encouraged until it’s them in prison, then it’s unconscionable torture requiring their immediate release…looking at you Jan 6 terrorists who all wanted Gitmo overfilled with BLM.

How The Dinosaurs Actually Died

newtboy says...

“Witnesses”? 😂 I have some questions for them.

There’s actually more evidence the asteroid wasn’t the major dinosaur killer…the KT boundary layer, created by the asteroid dust and charcoal from global fires is NOT full of dinosaur bones. If one event killed 75% of species and 95% of all biomass, that geological layer would be absolutely full of fossils, but it’s not…it’s nearly empty, but the layers preceding it show a steady decline in animal populations long before the final death blow.

Yellowstone, the American super volcano, is overdue for a similarly disastrous eruption.
Our grasp of volcanology is far too tenuous to claim we would have a million years of warning before a similar major eruption. We might get no warning at all. Surprise eruptions aren’t abnormal even with all our monitoring…and the strength of eruptions is almost always a surprise.

The acidification of the ocean that preceded the other climate-caused extinction events is occurring today. Once diatoms and plankton can no longer create their exoskeletons the ocean food web dissolves, then the land food web dissolves, then clouds of hydrogen gas start erupting from the deep ocean when bacteria consume the billions of tons of dead ocean life, further poisoning the oceans and atmosphere. Yes, that will likely take hundreds or even thousands of years to play out, but the food webs are already falling apart from other pressures before the plankton even fails. Interesting unprecedented times are ahead.

Trump : Bloodbath

newtboy says...

Idiot. Excuse me….Racist Brain Dead Moron.
It’s labeled both comedy and parody, and is clearly headed with “AI Trump”. If it’s too close to reality or you are too dumb to get it’s a parody despite all the clear labels, or you believe most MAGgots are, that’s 100% on you.

You have posted dozens of AI generated or faked videos of Biden, and hundreds upon hundreds of lies and fake stories about him and the left, every word you post in fact turns out to be false, but you go on pretending they’re reality even long after they’re proven to be lies….NEVER ONCE ADMITTING YOU WERE EVER WRONG. STILL WAITING.
I won’t insult your infantile intellect by pretending even you believe the stupidity you spew…we all know it’s all for attention, and the only way you can get attention is by being the biggest ass in the room, never by doing something worth praise.

Now one joke video of con Don and you throw a tantrum. 😂

Grow up little boy. Some day those tiny grapes will drop and maybe then you can become a man. Until that day, your ridiculous infantile whining gains you nothing but ridicule, you ridiculous little boy.

BTW- diaper Don was caught on a hot mic praising lil Kim and praising how when he speaks everyone is forced to stand at attention (under penalty of death) and that’s what he expects in his second “term” (that has no end date).
If Biden said that, you would lose your shit, again, insisting he be impeached and removed….If Biden did that, half of congress would have disappeared already along with any right wing candidates. When dementia Don says it privately (so you know he meant it) you cheer and try to pretend he’s not serious when we all know for a certainty he is 100% serious about being a viscous dictator for life.

bobknight33 said:


So you have to push AI generated audio over video- to sway reality.

Stupid gullible fool you are

Colorado CBI DNA Analyst Manipulated DNA Results

newtboy says...

NEVER trust police or any of the people they work with.

Especially important to remember if you ever sit on a jury.
Prosecution experts are rarely really experts and are paid to fabricate evidence regularly, like this woman who fabricated and hid evidence in major cases for 3 decades without anyone noticing, leading to hundreds or thousands of innocent people sentenced for serious felonies (they don’t test DNA for minor crimes).

How many hundreds of people have spent their lives or died in prison because this one tech decided the police always have the right person and faked or destroyed evidence to back them up?
How many more techs like this one exist across the country?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

In just days after it was posted 91 mental health professionals have already signed the petition declaring that Trump is showing multiple signs of full blown advanced dementia, not just misstatements, not just the slurring, not just forgetting who is who and mixing up names and actions, but real, clinical, FULL BLOWN ADVANCED DEMENTIA.
This is not a “diagnosis”, but educated observations by trained professionals that would insist on full cognitive testing if he was their patient.
Trump claims he passed a cognitive test 4+ years ago but never proved it, let him take one on tv. Won’t happen.
Watch, he won’t debate Joe either, because he can’t and his full blown dementia would be in stark contrast to Joe being not just lucid but also knowledgeable.

Bonus- Habba and Robert are in HUGE trouble for not disclosing the perjury they suborned by using Wiesselberg’s false testimony and refused to respond to Engoron when he directly asked them about it. Weisselberg has now pleaded guilty to committing more perjury for Don Trump in this case, perjury which would have increased the award/fine had it been disclosed before the judgement was handed down. They are likely to be disbarred, possibly prosecuted, possibly even fined for the full amount they just stole from NY state by lying in court….hundreds of millions MORE. 😂

Now the prosecutors have every person in the Trump org who was involved in the illegal payoff of the pornstar Trump humped while Melania gave birth either itching to testify like Cohen or terrified they will die in Rikers island if they lie again like Wiesselberg (facing another 10 months already with more to come). Also David Pecker of the National Inquirer who will testify to the catch and kill program he ran of paying accusers for exclusive rights to their stories of being sexually abused by Trump then never running them (sounds a lot like that Hunter’s laptop story that you say was Biden cheating his way into the whitehouse, doesn’t it, except this isn’t a fraudulent bit of “evidence “ produced by Russians, it’s numerous American citizens with evidence…every accusation you make is an admission.). And multiple VPs and lower with knowledge of the illegal schemes. (All of these no longer have a job with Trump since he’s barred from his businesses now and the Trump org is defunked). He has until Thursday to post $83.5 million + interest (or Carroll starts selling buildings), and about 3 weeks for another $450 million+-. That criminal case starts in 3 weeks, right around the time Trump will default on his judgement to New York and what’s left of his properties will be seized. He can’t weasel his way out of all of them, no matter how many complicit judges he packed the courts with. His record in the courts has been abysmal so far.

Bonus - NEW perjury charges for felon Chesebro in Nevada after his secret Twitter and other accounts he claimed under oath didn’t exist and that completely contradict his self serving testimony in multiple criminal cases, and prove he was directly involved in what he knew was an illegal attempt to subvert democracy and use fake documents and electors to falsely install the election loser as the president were discovered.

Lemme guess…every single MAGGOT in the inner circle getting convicted of (usually pleading guilty) perjury (and many other felonies) for telling the same lies you believe in court doesn’t give you a single pause about Trump’s “best people”.

Wow…the abject failure of the “blacks for Trump” frauds this week are hilarious, from a “blacks for Trump” event where the only black people attending were the two on stage with Trump to the hilarious AI generated images of Trump hanging with black folks who have 3 arms and gibberish on their hats/shirts showing exactly how comfortable he is with real black people. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh-oh. Calls to subpoena Jared, who was part of the administration and did change policies drastically and was handed $2 billion as soon as he left office have grown louder and crossed the aisles.
Every penny of Hunter’s compensation was accounted for as legitimate pay for his services as a Yale educated business lawyer with a successful business law firm, unlike Jared whose father was convicted of running a criminal empire Jared then took over (convicted on 18 counts, pardoned by Trump) and had no real investment experience and was actually determined by the Royal Fund managers to be completely unqualified to invest in, but got $2 billion anyway after protecting the Prince from murder charges for murdering and dismembering an American journalist and selling the often hostile Saudis hundreds of billions in weapons.
This will bleed over to Trump, he was directly involved. Another case of every accusation is an admission. You idiots should REALLY stop making baseless accusations of crimes you yourselves are guilty of.

Cybertruck Bullet Test

newtboy says...

Oh shit! Hey @bobknight33…did you know?
Under 2 months after delivery, in some cases just days after delivery, users are finding out the “stainless steel” skin is less than stainless. They used low quality steel. It rusts immediately.
In one case an owner in LA drove for 2 days and found hundreds of orange pock marks that were the skin rusting.
Owners are even more shocked to find out Tesla says this is owner error, that in the manual it says you must remove anything on the exterior immediately or it will rust…so tree sap, bugs, bird poop, road spray, rain, dust, mud, dirt, fog, fingerprints, etc WILL permanently damage the finish if not removed immediately….yes, you are expected to do a full inspection and wipe down every single day after every drive, and keep your oversized truck indoors or expect rust immediately, and should still expect discoloration as the steel ages.
If you live within 20 miles of the ocean, or somewhere road salt is used, or near salt lake, or somewhere with trees, birds, dust, or rain…or if you ever plan to visit them…cybertruck is absolutely not a good choice.
Tesla knew.

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