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Anti-Gun PSA Makes the Case for Women With Guns

Yogi says...

Well I live in America...and yeah still pretty safe but here's my list.

I know several people who own guns.
I don't know anyone that has been shot.
I don't know anyone that has been faced with someone who has a gun.
I don't know of anyone who had a home invasion using a gun.
I don't know a single person who has been in a traumatizing situation with a gun.

I sleep 20 yards from a giant gun safe that is FULL of guns. I mean a fuckload of serious fucking guns, some automatic and really fucking evil. They belong to my friend who owns the house I live in. He's a good guy, he used to have guns stashed around his house, he still might have guns stashed around his house.

I am quite anti-gun and I live here happily and he's very cool with talking about it. Never felt threatened, never felt in danger. His guns don't protect me or worry me. I just wouldn't own them myself.

Sagemind said:

Well, here are my facts.

I don't know a single person who owns/caries a personal firearm.
I don't know a single person that has been shot.
I don't know a single person who has been faced with someone who has a gun
I don't know of anyone who had a home invasion using a gun
I don't know a single person who has been in a traumatizing situation with a gun.

(This excludes people I know who own rifles with the sole purpose of hunting game to put food on the table.)

Oh ya, and I live in Canada.

Anti-Gun PSA Makes the Case for Women With Guns

Sagemind says...

Well, here are my facts.

I don't know a single person who owns/caries a personal firearm.
I don't know a single person that has been shot.
I don't know a single person who has been faced with someone who has a gun
I don't know of anyone who had a home invasion using a gun
I don't know a single person who has been in a traumatizing situation with a gun.

(This excludes people I know who own rifles with the sole purpose of hunting game to put food on the table.)

Oh ya, and I live in Canada.

Gamer's Home Invaded by Robbers

chilaxe says...

For readers who aren't versed in U.S. crime, many home-invasion robberies like this result in women like her being sexually assaulted and getting STDs. But in this case, she was saved by her gamer friends calling the cops. Recent example.

Gamer's Home Invaded by Robbers

Piers Morgan ~ Ted Nugent Interview

CreamK says...

So in Nugents mind, you don't need to be polite unless all people has guns? "Armed society is polite society" not to mention "scared out of their mind society". The more i hear gun nuts defending their right, it sounds more and more "cause i want to" rather than "we need to". I live in a country that was the last hunter gatherers in europe, we got longer hunting tradition than USA has been a country. There's strict gun control, every gun is registered and no one can sell them to a person who hasn't been licensed. That means basic training, belonging to a hunting club, clean(ish) record, meaning no violent crimes. And no on has complained about it.. Why? cause it simply works. Guns are where they should be, in sporting and hunting. The last priority is home protection. Getting an illegal, proper working gun is expensive as hell. Sawed off shotgun can go for a thousand, not 50 bucks. The result? Very few crimes are committed with a gun, very very few resulting in actual gunfire. It bloody well works.

How are violent crimes committed and what is used against home invasion? Bats, axes and knifes. At least the struggle become fairer and you seriously have to mean it when you can't kill someone 10m away. You have to be hands on, in their getting bloody, mixing your DNA all over the place.. See where i'm going with this? With a gun, you can kill someone in safety and have less chances of getting caught. Every act of violent crime leaves two sets of evidence, victim and perpetrator can be both identified later. With a gun you got a victim and a bullet from unknown, unregistered gun that is disposed soon after since it's freaking easy and cheap to just buy a new one..

The whole idea of not supporting background check and leaving guns in the wild is just moronic and has nothing to do with government knowing who has guns and abusing that power. It has all to do with "cause i want to have one".

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Velocity5 says...

The best way to not get legally shot is don't try to kill people with your fists and by banging their head into the pavement.

Even if you don't kill them, causing permanent brain damage would still send you to jail for a long time. Mr. Martin would have been arrested and charged with assault if he'd lived.

If someone is legally following you because you're an unknown guest in their community and their community is under siege from constant home invasion robberies, it's much smarter to use words rather than try to kill them.

dannym3141 said:

Race aside, i think this law is shocking.

Zimmerman knew he had a gun on him, you obviously don't carry one by accident. He threw himself into a situation which eventually allowed him to use that gun, and if you ask me that is utterly fucking reckless. If you're allowed to carry a gun, then you sure as shit better do everything in your power to avoid using it, up to and including extricating yourself from a situation before it even escalates. You see someone walking around that you think looks suspicious? Ok, phone the police; your job is done.

No life was in danger until he followed that kid. Even if he thought that the kid was out trying to steal, or sell drugs, or whatever, it matters not to me. Until someone's life is clearly in danger, the addition of a gun to the situation only makes the situation more dangerous. Having a weapon did one thing here - it gave someone the confidence and feeling of safety that allowed him to put himself into a situation which he otherwise wouldn't have put himself in, and that is dangerous to everyone.

This law will always favour the shooter because that person will be the only person left standing.

Bill Burr Teaches Elijah Wood How To Kill

Velocity5 says...

If you live in a country that has ghetto people, you should get a gun unless you don't care about risk management and black swans (outlier events which have unacceptable outcomes when they do occur).

As far as home invasions go, this "brutal" one was extremely tame:

iaui said:

I almost want to invoke *regio n... This is totally nuts. Seriously, is this what people in America worry about? Is this... possible? I guess these are plausible scenarios but in Canada... this stuff just does not happen...

Bill Burr Teaches Elijah Wood How To Kill

bremnet says...

"This stuff just does not happen"

Wake up. Spend 2 minutes looking for reports by the Toronto Star, CBC and the Globe and Mail and you'll realize it does. An issue in Canada is that if you wish to protect yourself, and use a gun, chances are better that the victim will suffer the wrath of Canadian justice.

Have a look -

Man stabbed to death exiting shower during home invasion, Toronto police say - The Globe and Mail, Published Friday, Apr. 26 2013, 8:32 AM EDT

Police seek 3 suspects after home invasion in Oakville - The Canadian Press, June 9th, 2013

Tot duct-taped to pole during home invasion, Brian Kelly, Sault Star, May 17, 2013

Toronto family terrorized by brutal home invasion - CBC, Feb 26

... and my favourite...

Why can't Canadians defend themselves in their own homes? - Abubakir Kasim, Nov 6, 2012

It happens in Canada dude. Take a look around.

iaui said:

I almost want to invoke *regio n... This is totally nuts. Seriously, is this what people in America worry about? Is this... possible? I guess these are plausible scenarios but in Canada... this stuff just does not happen...

Bill Burr Teaches Elijah Wood How To Kill

GeeSussFreeK says...

Nothing wrong with irrational fears right? I am afraid to fly so I ride the train when I can, nothing wrong with owning a gun if your afraid of maniacs busting down the door! But it isn't as bad as the comedian is making out, he's just doing his job of being silly. To that end, I haven't owned a gun, but my roomies's just not that big of a deal here in the states.

Kind of reminds me of how I thought of drinking when I was a young, conservative christian boy. Beer and drinking had this mystique in my mind. Being constantly exposed to it, now it is no big deal. Same with guns, guns are just a thing like other things. Unless you were talking about the situation being ridiculous, then I would have to agree. But when I am alone, I do worry a bit more about home invasion and lock up tight. I haven't had the idea to buy a gun, but mostly because I don't trust myself with one.

iaui said:

I almost want to invoke *regio n... This is totally nuts. Seriously, is this what people in America worry about? Is this... possible? I guess these are plausible scenarios but in Canada... this stuff just does not happen...

Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

lantern53 says...

I'm not cowering in any bunker. You guys who think 'it couldn't happen here' are really wishful-thinkers. There is a very thin line between civilization and chaos. Nevertheless, have you ever heard of a home invasion robbery? Happens every day....but not to you, right?

Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

lantern53 says...

Only law-abiding citizens obey the law. The criminals don't bother with the law. Which is why I'm keeping my gun. I want anyone thinking of breaking into my house to know I have a gun and know how to use it. Because when this whole progressive utopia fails because they ran out of our money, there will be a lot of home invasions, carjackings, etc.

Is Someone Playing GTA More Likely To Kill People?

Sagemind says...

• My son's PS3 has never popped a cap in his A$$
• One of my son's friends have never pointed a PS3 controller at him and accidentally maimed or killed him.
• No one I know has ever used their PS3 controller to defend themselves and accidentally killed an innocent person or successfully stopped a home invasion.

Young man shot after GPS error

direpickle says...

Some people live where there really are a lot of home invasions, muggings, and other violent crimes.

Everyone else lives where the local news wants them to believe that there really are a lot of home invasions, muggings, and other violent crimes.

snudog said:

Shouldn't the real discussion here be about what the guy was so scared in the first place?

Why do so many people always assume the worst in others. I will never understand how people can be so frightened of others that they basically barricade themselves into a fantasy land of us vs. them.

Pistol Packin' Soccer Mom murdered in home by... husband

Australia's Gun Control Program

Sepacore says...

This video contains disingenuous information. Those statistics are completely false.

@chingalera It's working a lot better than the current USA situation. Here's a few legitimate facts relating to the content in that video.

1. You can still buy guns (pistols, rifles, shotguns), just not the ridiculously unjustified mass human slaying variants.
2. It's better controlled with systems setup to decrease the chance of consistently unstable minds getting hold of guns of any type.
3. Gun homicides were increasing leading up to the gun control (1996), from that peak to now, it's about a 59% drop.
4. 1996-2006 about 65% drop in gun suicides.
5. Robberies involving guns dropped significantly.
6. There was no increase in home invasions.
7. In the 10 years leading up to the gun control there were 11 mass shootings.. since gun control went into affect, there have been 0.

Homicide weapon statistics (image): Guns vs Knives from 1989/90 to 2006/7
Quick answer: 50% drop for guns, 30% rise for knives

"A 2011 letter published in the British Medical Journal by Simon Chapman, a professor of public health from the University of Sydney, observed that the U.S. had 14.4 times the population of Australia but 141 times as as many deaths from firearms in 2008 as Australia and 238 times the rate of firearms-related homicide."
If the current ratio's are even remotely similar to this quote, then Americans can't say jack about the Australian statistics.

@charliem Good links mate.

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