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Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

Mordhaus says...

I feel that he probably won't make it. Sadly once you are accused of sexual anything with a female, you are pretty much fucked. There is no more innocent until proven guilty. Were I him, even though it has been scientifically proven that lie detector tests are inherently flawed, I would have volunteered to take one just to push past this.

On the flip side, the possible next nominee is Judge Amy Coney Barrett and there is precedent for them to completely skip the committee vote, so there is a good possibility that we can still get a conservative judge on the court. She has not been as harsh towards abortion rights either, so there is a silver lining.

GOP Stands by Kavanaugh Despite Sexual Assault Allegations

newtboy says...

If they allowed her husband and their therapist to testify and present his notes as evidence, they could at least prove she told the same story in 2012 with no interest in going public with her story or even naming Kavanaugh privately...or that she's an evil supergenius that started planning this fraud 6+ years ago.

Yes, there might be reasons to want to prevent his appointment, but it's a stretch to believe this successful professional wife and mother would knowingly upend her life and the lives of her family permanently in hopes of delaying his confirmation slightly and smearing his name as a likely best case scenario if she were making it up. It also doesn't make sense that she would request a formal FBI investigation since lying to them is a crime they often prosecute harshly.
It's possible she's a liar and a nut sacrificing herself for short term political gains, but it really seems unlikely.

I do agree, there are a lot of reasons why someone might want to prevent him from being selected. I have a few myself.

Mordhaus said:

To be fair, the Kavanaugh situation is beyond he said/she said. There is literally no way to prove anything and there are a lot of reasons someone might want to prevent him from being selected.

College student falsely accused of rape speaks out

MilkmanDan says...

Hmm. I wonder if he could threaten to sue the university, but offer to drop the suit if they let him back in on a 100% all-expenses-paid scholarship. Any degree he wants to get, for as long as it takes for him to complete.

Punishing her harshly (although she deserves it) does nothing to help him get his life back on track. The uni issuing a mea cupla and saying that they will let him back in on their dime AND allow people to speak in their defense before suspending students over hearsay would at least be a step in the right direction towards actually doing something positive for the real victim here.

2 Vortex Rings Colliding in SLOW MOTION | Smarter Every Day

Made in China

TRRazor says...

This is such a great feature.
Seeing him being confronted with the harsh reality, essentially breaking his heart, is quite a lot to bear.

I guess you could call this a lesson about globalism...

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

notarobot says...

Fair. The character assignation against her during the campaign was harsh, the blame and backlash afterward was severe.

Some of that could be because of the email leaks regarding the party's treatment of Bernie's campaign.

ChaosEngine said:

Second, everyone (and not without reason, TBF) immediately decided that SHE was the reason Trump won, not the people who didn’t vote. It’s one thing to lose, it’s another to have your base turn on you.

Look at Romney, McCain or even Kerry. They never faced the kind of backlash Hillary did.

Brinks Truck Spills Money on Highway after Accident

the value of whataboutism

bcglorf says...

In a way Scahill is like a less educated\refined version of Noam Chomsky. He does good investigative work, and dedicates enormous energy into exposing and spotlighting the bad things that America does. That has a place, but without a similarly harsh and critical light being cast on America's targets/enemies it becomes propaganda.

Jeremy says he wouldn't work with Charles Manson to oppose trump, fair enough. What about kind of working with Stalin to defeat Hitler? Say, at least agreeing not to attack Stalin while you both deal with Hitler?

The world is incredibly complicated and the singular and lone focus on American mistakes paints a deceptive picture. Pointing out the problems with America's war in Iraq, like torture and Quantanamo and declaring these as so immoral we needn't even look at Saddam's past is propaganda. Saddam waged two campaigns of genocide against his own people. When America saw the abuses at Abu Ghraib, they shut it down and attempted to punish those responsible. When Saddam's brother used chemical weapons to exterminate Kurdish civilians Saddam commended him for it. Guantanamo is bad, but it doesn't mean we should fail to acknowledge the concentration camps that Saddam operated during his genocide of the Kurds. It doesn't mean it's unfair to observe that conditions in Saddam's prisons across the country were far more cruel during his entire reign.

There's a nuanced place here that Scahill and Chomsky and pundits like them just fail to acknowledge and encourages inaction at times were the lesser evil may well be for America to do something, even if aborting Gadafi's genocide doesn't make Libya a paradise after.

Liberal Redneck: NRA thinks more guns solve everything

newtboy says...

Their mandate is to protect the manufacturer's rights to sell guns to anyone, not to champion citizen's rights. As such, it behooves them to quickly and effectively address mental health and access to guns or be legislated harshly by others.

I was pretty sure you were talking out your ass about Australia, now I'm certain. Downvote for lying. Thanks for actual data @StukaFox

harlequinn said:

I don't think anyone should expect the NRA to address mental health. This is not their mandate. They exist to champion firearm rights. Mental health or other issues are some other lobby group or the general population's responsibility.

The Australian and New Zealand law changes show that restricting the types of firearm, caliber, and magazine capacities has little to no effect. There are multiple studies (the majority in fact) concluding that the draconian Australian laws didn't even affect the homicide by firearm rate.

Asmo (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I do apologize for being harsh in my response. It is years of frustration.

Sexism isn't desire. Desire is lovely. Desire is mutual.

Sexism isn't mutual.

And there is internalized sexism for women just as there is internalized racism and homophobia by black and gay people. If you are steeped in a culture that lives in its lizard brain responses, one gets polluted by it. No one is free from it.

And you are correct. There is no where to go from here.

Asmo said:

My brief reply wasn't a dismissal of your points, I just have a different subjective opinion and didn't feel it was necessary to say "sure" to a dozen individual paragraphs or start a drawn out dissection of all the little bits that I don't necessarily agree with.

And given that you've slipped back in to condescension, assertion based on opinion and an unwillingness to recognise that women have agency and choice and are making decisions as to where they work, how they dress etc, I honestly don't think it's productive to keep batting backward and forward when, in all probability, I'm just going to end up saying something that dreadfully offends you.

However, racism and desire are nothing alike. Desire is generally positive, racism isn't. Desire can be controlled, but racism can be deleted (there are plenty of former racists who have gotten over it). We can see difference, but we can also make the choice to say it doesn't matter. Desire can lead to some of the most wonderful moments of your life. Racism leads to nowhere good.

That you see the two as equivalent is disturbing.

Joe Arpaio Learn His Pardon Was An Admission Of Guilt

newtboy says...

Is anyone even the least bit surprised that this moron didn't understand that in accepting the pardon he was pleading guilty, and doesn't see the hypocrisy of complaining about his treatment while dismissing those who won tens of millions in courts because of the intentionally harsh treatment he subjected them to illegally, many to death?

WWII Russian prisoner of war HAD TO tell the world his story

radx says...

One number to illustrate how harsh the Soviet prisoners were treated: official records say more than 4000 Soviet prisoners died at the Stalag 3B in what is now Eisenhüttenstadt, compared to "only" 128 non-Soviet prisoners.


How one tweet can ruin your life - Jon Ronson

newtboy says...

Yes. Profiting off of racism and racists of a specific race is also racist.

Some history, not how it works today. The guy in your link wasn't fired for saying something about whites he was fired for making political statements (that were intentionally misidentified as anti military, anti flag, anti America) at a work sponsored function, and not what happened to Kapernick either, he may be hired again next year and wasn't fired for a minor private joke about white people. I won't bother with lynching...please. Don't be a bobknight, dragging up red herrings and claiming they're blue fin tuna.

Funny, you bemoan the historical mistreatment of certain people while advocating mistreating others in the same or more harsh way, all based on race, and you probably think you aren't fact I would bet you feel you are fighting against sounding racist.

C-note said:

So you are implying profiting off racism and racists is racist. That is an interesting opinion.
In america there is a well documented history of what happens to any black person caught demeaning whites in any minor way.

Losing a job,

job prospects for life,

or their Life... the normal consequence for blacks and people of color in america.

Social media has introduced consequences to groups of individuals who historically have not had to deal with it.

CNN: Guns In Japan

SDGundamX says...

Sorry, that's pretty culturally-ignorant thinking right there.

Japanese people are not "meek" or "inhibited" any more so than Americans are. There are different cultural rules about self-expression but there are most certainly loud, aggressive, and flamboyant people here. They just express themselves in different ways than your typically loud, aggressive, and flamboyant American would.

You might think socioeconomic factors were a reason for the lack of crime, but you'd be wrong there too. Japan has a higher poverty rate and lower median income than the U.S.

The low crime rates here can much better be attributed to cultural factors. Every Japanese person is raised with the belief that it is shameful cause problems to the people around them, whether that be family, schoolmates, or co-workers. Getting arrested is about the most shameful thing you could do here. Just being suspected of a crime will likely get you fired from your job, before you are even tried.

And let's not forget the role the justice system here plays. If you get arrested you are almost 100% going to get convicted because the odds are massively stacked against you in the court system. You are basically guilty until proven innocent. Read this for more info about it.

And people here know this. They also know that Japanese prison is hellish. You won't be raped or assaulted there like in the U.S. but you will know exactly what is like to have all of your freedom stripped completely away.

You add to all of this the low unemployment rate of Japan, the high regulation of all weapons (including knives), a robust social system for helping the unemployed (although unfortunately lately a lot of people seem to be falling through the cracks), a nationalized health insurance plan (I pay a $1 co-pay to take my daughter to the doctor and all prescribed medicines are free), a strong social stigma against drug use, and the ability as an island nation to strictly police the borders to prevent the influx of illegal goods (i.e. drugs/guns) and you get the low crime rates in Japan.


There is little incentive to commit crime in Japan because the both social and legal repercussions are extremely severe, and there is little need to resort to crime to survive (plentiful jobs and robust social security). Likewise the opportunity to commit crime is lessened because of the strict regulation of weapons, drugs, and borders.

EDIT: I will say that on more than one occasion I've thought that a career criminal in the U.S. who suddenly found himself in Japan would feel like a kid in a candy store. Because of the lack of crime, people here don't take precautions against it--some people leave doors and windows unlocked when leaving the house, you'll see laptops or iPads left in cars in plain view, and people carry ridiculous amounts of cash on them (I'm talking like on the order of $1000 or more in some cases). On the one hand it can be reassuring but on the other hand I seriously worry about these people when they travel overseas.

jwray said:

Even the non-firearm homicide rate in the US is 5 times that of Japan. Japanese gun control can't take credit for all that. Personality is more than 50% heritable, and by extension, so is violent behavior. (Case in point: the vegas killer's father was on the FBI most wanted list). Personalitywise, Japanese tend to be relatively meek and inhibited. Even if every one of them owned a gun, their murder rate would probably still be a fraction of the US murder rate.

Trump Negates His Condemnation Of Nazis, Both Sides Guilty

RFlagg says...

NOBODY is saying anybody is heroes. I haven't read or saw any reports saying they were heroes, save for Fox who says that the media was. Just that people were counter protesting those sort of people the whole word fought a war to defeat.

What is happening is that Trump refuses to say just how fucking evil Nazis and the KKK are. He wouldn't do this if it was a Muslim who ran people over, nor would you. He, Fox, and all those on the right would all be saying how it proves how evil Islam is. By that standard, the fact they don't see how evil Nazis are, proves how evil Christianity is, if God won't convict you that Nazis are one of the greatest evils that ever existed... that anyone who isn't a fucking Nazi themselves, wouldn't call out the absolute shit that is a Nazi or KKK is, is reprehensible. I'm sure most Christians would take offense to such a statement, for such blanket blame of a few bad Nazis proving how evil Christianity is, but don't think twice blaming a terrorist act by a Muslim on the religion itself.

We got Republicans trying to push through laws that protect drivers who hurt or kill people who are peacefully protesting. As if the first amendment doesn't matter. Now, to be fair, most of those probably wouldn't protect the asshole who killed that lady down there, as he clearly had intent to hurt and kill.

Let's repeat the main point, there are no mainstream media saying any group is a hero. People may have called out the one lady as heroic, though it wouldn't have been if it wasn't for a White Supremacist asshole who killed her because she was protesting against White Supremacist like him. But NOBODY in the mainstream media is saying any groups are heroes. All we have is Fox saying as such, and trying to give fucking Nazis a pass for not being some of the most evil people ever. There's no fucking blame on both sides. The fact that we have such a blatantly racist President, with a White Supremacist in Bannon, has emboldened such hate groups, they are gloating how he wouldn't put them down, and then how he rolled back what he said Monday. They love that he's so clearly on their side of pure hate.

He wouldn't have waited days to condemn the violence if it was Muslims at the center. He'd have said something right away, talking about the dangers of radical Islam. He wouldn't have waited to get the facts, as he's proven time and time again. Nor would have the far right media machine like Fox.

Fuck anyone who would stand with the Nazis and the KKK. Fuck anyone who'd defend their hate.

The fact that the Republicans who could do anything about this asshole only have harsh words and won't start a hearing on conduct unbecoming a President, the fact that he's made us the laughing stock of the world, just shows how low the party and its supporters have gone.

bobknight33 said:

Media is trying to make BLM / Antifa into some kind of fucking folk heroes. LOL

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