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BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

BicycleRepairMan says...

I have no reason to doubt your sincerety, I'm willing to believe you've had really wierd and powerful experiences on this drug, experiences that might seem more real than the shared experience we refer to as reality. But however powerful and convincing such experiences might be, they are stil trips and hallucinations. they might be so powerful that you cant believe they are, but there is no reason to think otherwise. Our brains are fallible machines that are rather easily tricked, and this can be done by everything from chemicals to religion to a simple optical illusion. And just because it is a "trick" iow our brains being manipulated to experience things that arent happening in reality, doesnt mean it cant have a major effect on peoples life, ie: give people a new perspective on things. But it is not an "astounding mystery" as such, but of course it would be interesting to research the exact interactions that it causes in our brains, and how exactly it works.

One big tell that these trips are trips, is that they almost always include pop-sciency/cultural stuff of the time. In earlier times it involved exotic or mythical animals, in the 50s or 60s or 70s it was aliens and UFOs and stuff like that, and now its quantum physics and speed of light etc. This is a pretty solid sign that we are dealing with references from our own brain, it is in other words not external or new knowledge that's being obtained or discovered in the trip.

shagen454 said:

These are comments from someone who clearly has not given this plant a chance. No, it is not quantum physics. I stay in the same room, it is evident by someone observing that I am in fact in the room. But, what I have seen and felt was on a quantum level. I was in fact for some reason flying at the speed of light. It sounds absolutely crazy because it is, that is why it should be studied. Why are so many so afraid to accept that whatever this is, is an astounding mystery?

I say give it a shot and find out for yourself. I was the same way, I thought it was hoopla too, then I found out. I doubt Science, bless its soul, will ever unlock this mystery.

Also, I do not condone the use of this by kids or young adults. This should stay far out of reach of them. Actually, now that I think about it, lol, it is probably not a good idea to promote this thing for this very reason.

Also, I am sorry for getting crazy at you BPM.

THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

xxovercastxx says...

@shagen454 @chingalera

I have always wondered why so many people who've used psychedelic drugs think the hallucinations are somehow more real than their normal perceptions.

I can appreciate that hallucinations can give you ideas you'd never otherwise think of. I can see where an artist might benefit from something like that. Even dreams can do this on occasion.

When it comes to understanding reality, it seems to me that our senses are already so inadequate. How can causing them to malfunction be helpful to perception?

This is an honest inquiry. Apologies if I seem mocking or rude.

Best Drive Thru Prank Ever

Horrible Job Interview

Sagemind says...

I just like how it all comes back around.

Some guy sitting at a stop light is startled and confused over some Deja-vu scenario he is going through. She is there to witness it, annoyed, and unwittingly falls into the same schism, as she is set on a similar path.

Only this time, the guy having the original hallucination becomes that delusion and she sees him not once but twice during her experience.
It ends with her being the person sitting at the green light in the Deja-vu scenario, the same as the first guy, with someone behind her honking.

The twist is that her delusion is a strange loop of the first guy's delusion.

We are left to wonder how the first guy's delusion started and continued and we are left to wonder who will next take on the delusional loop - the person behind her, honking, maybe?

I don't agree with @Orz's explaination. This story held no allusions to stereotypes, opinions of others, equality or anything else like that. (at all) That' just reading things into it that aren't there..
I saw a great loop of events that make you stop and think wow, that's some messed up trippy Twilight Zone stuff right there..

Orz said:

I'll try to summarize it for you based on YT comments and personal feelings. Jenny Clarkson (aka Hannah) encounters 3 different yet visually similar people in the course of the day: a distracted driver, a potential boss and a homeless man. She allows common stereotypes and her personal feelings on the matter to drive the opinions she "voices" both mentally and reactionally. The real point is, everybody is human. We let stereotypes and our own personal sense of being "the center of the universe" (a fact which some will try to deny) compel the actions and reactions of our daily lives. We assume things about others and form immediate opinions of situations and encounters as a kind of built-in survival mechanism. Although many of us wish we could treat people equally all of the time, those opinions whether expressed or not will always exist.

To quote Darwin from S01E09 of SeaQuest DSV, "The center of the universe is in you."

West Wing Cast does Brilliant Election Ad for Actor's Sister

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^CrushBug:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
I watched exactly one half episode of In Plain Sight.
A guy smoked a half a joint and hallucinated that a plane was trying to shoot him.
Never gave it another chance.
>> ^CrushBug:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
Any West Wing fans here?

Me! Also, I highly recommend In Plain Sight, if you like Mary McCormack
"Is it an Apocalypse Now?"
Damn, that was funny.

That is unfortunate. That sounds like Season 2, Episode 2; not really a good place to try and jump in to a new series. My rule of thumb is to watch the first 4 of a series and then judge. It has worked really well for me so for. I would suggest you should try season 1.

Thanks, I do remember that the person playing her little sister is HOT.

West Wing Cast does Brilliant Election Ad for Actor's Sister

CrushBug says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

I watched exactly one half episode of In Plain Sight.
A guy smoked a half a joint and hallucinated that a plane was trying to shoot him.
Never gave it another chance.
>> ^CrushBug:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
Any West Wing fans here?

Me! Also, I highly recommend In Plain Sight, if you like Mary McCormack
"Is it an Apocalypse Now?"
Damn, that was funny.

That is unfortunate. That sounds like Season 2, Episode 2; not really a good place to try and jump in to a new series. My rule of thumb is to watch the first 4 of a series and then judge. It has worked really well for me so for. I would suggest you should try season 1.

West Wing Cast does Brilliant Election Ad for Actor's Sister

Akin spends money to not really apologize

charliem says...

Near death experiences have been scientifically investigated, and reproduced.

Large power, low frequency EM waves induce similar "white tunnel" prospect.
As does depriving the brain of oxygen.

Its not supernatural, its a hallucination cause your brain gets fucked up as you near death and cant process the world like it should.

Blue screen of death...if you will.

The Quietest Kind of Space

Windows: Project Glass

Awesome Touch Screen Universe Map

Payback says...

>> ^MonkeySpank:

Kids today are going to remember the iPad as this old useless archaic tool that had extremely limited featured, yet sold for a lot of money - the same way I remember my first pong videogame.

I can't agree more.

-Sent by my iBrain, errors are unintentional and possibly hallucinations.
-Tachyon Messaging App, Copyright 2035.
-Get Emoticons for your face FREE!

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

48 Hours Of Sensory Deprivation

Trancecoach says...

I have a friend who spent several days in what's called "Dark Retreat," which is essentially a sensory deprivation not unlike this one.

After 3 or 4 days she said she was having vivid hallucinations and lucid recollection of early formerly-forgotten childhood memories.

What The F*** Is That? - Funny Ass Reaction From Gramps

A surprise for grandad

bareboards2 says...

*promote for that very expression. I had the same thought.

Love the love. Promote the love.


that was really nice.
edit: I love his face when the grandson comes in. If he really was thinking about him as he said, he must've thought for a second: "WTF? am I hallucinating?"

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