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Colbert responds to #CancelColbert

andyboy23 says...

Suey Park aside (she acts crazy), I personally believe many of you would be well served by thinking about this situation more critically before you jump on the defend Colbert bandwagon. Colbert is a funny satirist, but is not without flaw, and in my mind this bit on his show was at best a shitty joke and at worst completely unnecessarily racially insensitive (i.e. even as satire, it did not serve his point well). An article here talks about it in a more articulate way than I probably can:

This is somewhat tangential (I'll tie things together later), but based on my readings it seems Chappelle may have grappled with whether some of his skits were having net positive social impact, especially near the tail end of the show's run. From Chappelle's wikipedia entry (way more context there) --- "Chappelle said that he felt some of his sketches were "socially irresponsible." ... "According to Chappelle, during the filming of the sketch, a white crew member was laughing in a way that made him feel uncomfortable and made him think. Chappelle said, "It was the first time I felt that someone was not laughing with me but laughing at me."
--- For me, coming from somebody like Chappelle, that's pretty heavy stuff. if Dave Chappelle -- IMO quite brilliant both comedically and otherwise, and has personal experience being an oppressed minority -- struggles with what makes good socially responsible satire, that probably means it's hard. Really hard. Yet there are many people far less qualified than Chappelle in the area of satire creation and firsthand experience of racial oppression using "Colbert is satire, don't you know what [good, socially responsible] satire is?" (I'll answer that rhetorical -- No I don't, nor do probably most people) as a bit of a rubber stamp for Colbert being totally justified in doing this bit.
In my opinion, if there were ever a time for Stephen to totally break character for a second and just say "I'm sorry. Satire can be very difficult at times and we make mistakes. This was one of them. We've got to try harder.", now would be the time. As Chappelle pointed out, some people could be comfortable in laughing for the wrong reasons and not realizing it ... those people need a bit of a reality check. As the person everybody is rushing to protect, Colbert would be the best one to deliver it. In doing so, this could even more powerfully (than his satire) make people come around to the idea that racism is not just a switch you can turn off and be done with it (a la Stephen Colbert the *character*), it's a constant maintenance process like brushing one's teeth ( a la Jay Smooth -- Great talk here by Jay on just this topic ). "Wait.... even Stephen Colbert (the person) satirist master extraordinaire needs to think about race issues!? Hmmmmmmm..."

What Systema looks like once you've reached a certain level

toferyu says...

Yup, I should of known it was going to go this way.

This post wasn't to say Systema = superior MA.
Evidently if you're counting on competing in the octagon you're going to go with grappling/BJJ + Kick-boxing/MuayThai etc. but the UFC & Co are a very small part of life.

That being said, having practiced a similar art to Systema, I can guarantee that when you train with an experienced and balanced partner there's no compliance if you're serious about your training. It's actually a team work where you point out your opponent's openings and mistakes and gradually go faster and harder. And then there's a limit to what you can spar without risking serious injury : that's when you slow it down.

In the end, again, it's about what works for you and what you need as a person in your private and/or professional life.

Jar-Jar Binks Finally Dies - Deleted Star Wars Scene

breaddoughrising says...

I swear to whatever is swearable upon, when I saw this movie in the theater at Arizona Mills mall, there was a waterfall scene like this with grappling hook and all, but Jar-Jar did NOT go over the edge.

Can you believe in both science and religion?

shagen454 says...

What is religion anyway? Many of them exude the same principles of which I believe have some truth in all of them. Hinduism and Buddhism probably moreso than others but that is just me and what I have seen and learned.

Though there is definitely more verifiable truth to Math and Science. We were built and evolved in this intergalactic system, a system largely devoted to geometry... and an intergalactic system that we do not know much about.

We hardly even know how our brain functions and even less about the subconscious or what happens when we sleep, we know these aspects of our own being impact us, we can study the brain waves, we can hypnotize, we can slip in different molecules into our serotonin receptors, but we still do not understand why. It is a mystery yet to be solved. Much like this phenomenon we might believe as God. Eventually, I believe that we can figure out the science and it will be mindbogglingly simple creating much complexity. Akin to a simple formula as x=abs(x) or y=abs(y) or m=x*x+y*y or x=x/m+cx or y=y/m+cy. But, math will not contain the science of all of the states of being, spirit realms, and matter that do not relate to us on Earth. In my opinion this is only one life. The science of the next could be completely different.

Is God a deity or a they? The programmers of a gigantic reaction that occurs probably in many more places than we can imagine. Who are connected to everything. Maybe, it was a blob of energy that never knew it could create consciousness and the Earth evolved us to be conscious to protect it. Yeah, great job guys.

No one has that great of an idea because if it is real, it would be absolutely mind blowing and beyond all human comprehension, yet probably very simple once we understood it. There is only one way I know to reach out and touch a little bit of it on Earth and it is absolutely amazing and terrifying all at the same time and beyond human linguistics. Science so far is hardly trying to figure it out but it is science, because if all living things ingest this molecule that resides in everything and then is able to see through dimensional portals, into afterlife, through the universe, think it is dead because it is impossible otherwise... well that is Spirit Science something of which is only beginning to come to fruition.

I just think everyone is somewhat right, even Christianity, hehe, as long as they are teaching compassion and love; there is something to it be it group therapeutic, psychological, or really there is something much bigger going on that science has no way of quantifying. Again, I am not saying anyone is right or wrong but that there are truths in everything and to completely disregard them might not be the best approach, even if it is an amalgamation of prior knowledge so very twisted by imperialists throughout these two thousand plus years.

Science is what we need to get behind to begin unraveling these mysteries, even though it is a slow process. I bet that science will eventually grapple to learn that these mystical underpinnings of religions, cults and ancient sacraments... these things Christians call holy light, prayer, God, resurrection, afterlife, angels... fit into the coding of the universe. If string theory and quantum mechanics did not already open that can of worms up. But, I also doubt that whoever created this thing that we are, wants to be seen and would have put up many barriers, knowing full well that its creations would seek them or it out. Or maybe it is the exact opposite....

Ventura VS. Piers Morgan on 2nd Amendment & Gun Control

bmacs27 says...

The historical example I've been thinking about is the Black Panthers. In the long run, MLK clearly did more for the plight of their people. However, in the immediate circumstance, it could be argued that they were legitimately defending themselves against oppression from law enforcement. I don't like violence, but to pretend there is no legitimacy to defense against tyranny by an armed populace ignores history. I'm a lefty, and I probably agree with most sensible proposals to mitigate the damage caused by guns. That said, "gun control" is a poorly defined term, and I'm hesitant to draft legislation immediately in the wake emotionally charged situations like this. It begs for unintended consequences and legislation that's grounded in emotion rather than empirics. Radical independence is, like it or not, an ingrained aspect of our culture. You can't, e.g., "take the guns" (ATF kicking down doors) without begging for a civil war. As your fellow unarmed citizen, I'd beg you not to go on that suicide mission. More reasonable measures, e.g. closing gun show loopholes, stricter CC licensure and possibly even bans on sales of new ARs are possible. However, I think it's important to grapple with the reality that there are already more guns out there than could ever be practically corralled.

Honest Dark Knight Rises Trailer

criticalthud says...

How did the police emerge from the tunnels clean, shaved, and ready for battle after 3 months without sunlight?
Did neither the mercs or cops understand the concept of "cover"?
Why would the detective ask the kids to run door to door and evacuate the city with about 12 minutes left?
Why did all the guys in the pit of despair help everyone try to climb out of the place except for a young, innocent girl, whom they apparently wished very dead?
With raw materials up the wazoo, why is it no one in prison could figure out how to make a grappling hook?
How did the mercs manage to pour explosive concrete on already-built bridges?
How did Bane floss?
and ain't it just a dick move to let your friends think you're dead?

BYE - 60 insane stick deaths in 5 minutes!

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

CaptainPlanet says...

lul. dum, but i like attention

>> ^bmacs27:

I suggest you read more books. You have an aforementioned idiocy issue that I think you need to work on. I apologize if my suggestion of positive lifestyle choices was unsolicited. I know it can be hard to grapple with idiocy, but we are in the midst of an idiocy epidemic, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't contribute to further idiocy by voicing your opinions.
Congratulations on your weight loss.
>> ^CaptainPlanet:
also, please nobody assault anyone for suggesting positive lifestyle choices, Even if those suggestions are unsolicited.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

bmacs27 says...

I suggest you read more books. You have an aforementioned idiocy issue that I think you need to work on. I apologize if my suggestion of positive lifestyle choices was unsolicited. I know it can be hard to grapple with idiocy, but we are in the midst of an idiocy epidemic, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't contribute to further idiocy by voicing your opinions.

Congratulations on your weight loss.
>> ^CaptainPlanet:

also, please nobody assault anyone for suggesting positive lifestyle choices, Even if those suggestions are unsolicited.

US Soldier Picks up a Wired IED

Unsung_Hero says...

I was in Iraq and found an explosive device which was decently obvious. Two wires were coming out the back of the device which ran along a wall through a vent to a back room. My orders were to follow the wires and trace it to the source. They were connected to a car battery with a remote detonator. While defusing the device an enemy soldier grappled me from behind. I fought him off and delivered to rounds into his chest. He was dead before he hit the ground. It was pretty stressful so I turned of my xbox and decided to stop playing battlefield for the day.

Unbelievable Shaolin Monk Speed

criticalthud says...


in the beginning of MMA there were a lot of different styles including kung fu, but almost all styles had a difficulty overcoming wrestling/grappling/brazilian jujitsu. As a result, styles merged with some art and finesse being lost in the stand up stuff.
I bet it's pretty effective tho on most people.

MonkeySpank (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Wow, very rare indeed to see anyone else who has played that game. The off-hand grapple that everyone had in that game made it INSANELY fast and fun. Every game after that had me saying "So why can't I websling in this game again?"

EDIT: looks like the site hasn't been updated in a while:

EDIT 2: lol I knew it wasn't just my imagination that no one I came across knew what i was talking about, the steam group has 15 people in it:

EDIT 3: There is a Q3 Mod apparently, >>>

Let me know if you get as bored as I do.

In reply to this comment by MonkeySpank:
Man, I miss the old Loki's Minions CTF with the grappling hook. Those were the days!

If Quake was developed today...

Bro You Stole My Bong! FIGHT

nothingbot says...

A: wearing a hoodie
B: wearing an undershirt thingy.

Round 1
0:00-0:10 - B tries several 1-2 combinations, but poor footwork and punching technique result in misses.
0:10-0:18 - A shows good distance control, but poor footwork leaves him backed against the door. Slipping and circling to his right would have been a better option.
0:18-0:27 - A and B both try to counter straight/wobbly right hands with their own right hands. Poor technique in general displayed by both. Establishing a stiff jab would have been a better option for both.
0:27-0:35 - Unable to land any strikes, both A and B separate and regroup. End of Round 1. 10-9 B for driveway control and generalship.
0:36-1:04 - Between rounds we get some back story to the confrontation which involves theft of illicit property. We also learn of A's prefight illness, and B's lack of compassion.

Round 2
1:03-1:08 - Clearly motivated, A comes out swinging, with B looking to counterstrike. B is smart to allow A to close distance rather than try to chase him down like in round 1.
1:08-1:13 - Drawing A in, B is able to counter a lunging right hand with a right hand of his own. Poor footwork by A combined with a quick followup shot by B leads to a knockdown.
1:13-1:18 - B tries to land punches before establishing a solid top position. A is able to sweep B with a quick roll. B should have concentrated on establishing his base first. 'Position before submission' is a better idea. A ends up securing side position.
1:18-1:35 - A shows excellent patience, as B expends too much energy attempting strikes from the inferior position. An armbar is available at 1:22, but A elects not to attempt it. The sequence ends with A executing a knee-over pass to full mount.
1:35-2:15 - A maintains mount, but B's lack of grappling is matched only by A's lack of conditioning. B removes A's hoodie. Multiple armbars are available, but A does not capitalize.
2:16-2:20 - B is able to execute a bump-and-roll (upa) sweep, landing in A's guard. A does well to control B's posture. An introductory lesson at their local Brazilian jiu jitsu school would have been a good option for both A and B.
2:20-3:07 - B tries landing strikes from the guard, but poor posture makes them ineffectual. A goes with an open guard, but a total lack of hip movement makes submissions unlikely. The sequence ends with an illegal groin strike.
3:07-4:12 - Too much talking. I have a feeling they may not be wearing the required mouth guards. At 3:27 a dog barks.
4:12-4:25 - A attempts an omoplata, but forgets to hook B's arm. This general lack of control allows B to strike A. A goes to turtle position.
4:25-4:37 - B attempts to take A's back, but does not secure the over/under or the hooks. As A stands up, B goes for an elevated (flying?) crucifix, but B counters it by dumping A on his head.
4:37-4:55 - With B on his back and A standing, A attempts multiple torino passes, but is unable to get to side position.
4:55-5:19 - Round 2 ends, but A shows a lack of sportsmanship by threatening to spit on B. 10-9 A.
Result: 19-19 Draw.

Note: I suspect this may not have been a sanctioned Amateur MMA event.

TL;DR: At 3:27 a dog barks.

Bubba Gracie pranks jiu jitsu class

Entropy001 says...

While Aikido is absolutely superior to ALL MMA styles, I must say I found this video funny.

This business of grappling in the ring with each other is nonsense. An Aikido master would NEVER let that happen!

Your ass would be face down in a submission hold before you even knew what hit you.

And yes, Steven Seagal is the real fuckin' deal, boys. He's an Aikido master.

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