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What level of education do you have? (User Poll by Throbbin)

Sagemind says...

Fine Arts with a Major in Graphic Design
- Okanagan College, Kelowna BC
2 year Diploma

Fine Arts with a Major in Painting and Silkscreening
- Emily Carr College of Art and Design, Vancouver BC
4 year Diploma

Graphic and Electronic Design
- Burnaby College, Burnaby BC
8 Month Diploma and Practicum

The rest is all self taught and on the job training...

Adobe Photoshop CS5 - Patchmatch

demon_ix says...

I actually work with a graphic designer who makes most of our website art design. Photoshop has many excellent uses, but like Psychologic said, it's the reason why you can't believe any photo you see anymore.

I mean, come on! Where would the internet be without the phrase "pics or it didn't happen!"?

fucking asshat presents Feminism 101

Pprt says...

>> ^peggedbea:
pprt - so in other words you have zero evidence to support your claims. other than the notion of strong intelligent women pursuing careers outside the home offends and threatens your dinosaur mind.

Try to be receptive instead of saying other people have "dinosaur minds".

All I'm saying is that, in general, women 100 years ago spent more time with their family. I don't think evidence is required to back that up.

I'm also stating that the impetus of having mothers increasingly involved in the workforce has far-reaching sociological impacts. This seems rather self-evident.

Feel free to dig around for "evidence" that having mothers give up their children as soon as they leave the teat has no ramifications.

As for wage differences... not the the civilized world. I do NOT believe for a second that a female graphic designer, for instance, would earn 25% less than a male equivalent. Yeah, perhaps women earn less on average, but it's because of their fields of employment. Woman have less of an edge in certain domains, and few of them have the ruthlessness it often takes to get to the top. Only affirmative action could mend the income gap.

Milton Glaser on design

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'milton glaser, design, graphic design, role of art, aiga, war' to 'milton glaser, design, graphic design, role of art, aiga, war, book cover, poster' - edited by Eklek

Microsoft Zune HD - Preview

westy says...

Looks nice , Nice to see they got a decent graphic designer to do the interface. my only wish is that these sorts of devices had 500GB + Space on them , so I could use them as a place to put all my media , Music photography , films , photographs

"I Made The World's Favorite Font"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Comic Sans, Vincent Connare, Graphic, Design, Typography' to 'Comic Sans, Vincent Connare, Graphic, Design, Typography, BOB' - edited by ponceleon

Sagemind turns yellow!! (Woohoo Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Thanks to everyone in the group. There are some days when I think, "I must find videos that will sift." But I always go back to videos that I want to sift - the fun stuff. I’ve also found that now that I am posting videos, I don’t have as much time to watch, vote and comment on all the videos – though I’m sure I do my share.

Yes I like Star Wars and toys, having kids has helped to fuel me. A few years back I had to sell all my vintage Star Wars stuff, much of which was still in packages. It killed me but when you’ve got young kids and bills to pay, you gotta make that call. So since then, and now that my job prospects have improved, and my kids are old enough to be my excuse, I’ve gone a little crazy with the star wars toys. I’ve got about 500 of so figures still in packages and a hundred or so out of package. (plus all the ships). And tons of other “suff” as well.

I am an artist with a triple major in painting, printmaking, and the graphic arts. I’ve got way more credits than I need for my BFA but missed just a couple of the academics I needed to complete it. One day I’ll go back but for now I must pay the bills. I’ve worked in freelance design, newspaper, website design and I am currently working as a graphic designer for a local college designing everything from posters, invitations, handouts, postcards, binders and, well, anything that is requested from five different campuses. I put together about 25 major brochures a year (over 40 pages) and am in charge of all newspaper and magazine ads. Lots of fun eh?

Edit: Deleted lots more about me, I didn’t want to bore you all….
“Happy sifting to all and to all a good sift!”

Keith Olbermann Sets the Record Straight on Autoworker Pay

MINK says...

"Sure, the management of these companies is not free from blame. They probably could have prepared for this crisis better. But they could not be expected to predict the current economic crisis and the credit crunch, which prevents them from just borrowing to tide them over bad times.

BULLSHIT. I am just a graphic designer from the UK and I predicted the fucking credit crunch, it was fucking obvious for two reasons:

1) people were encouraged to take out credit they couldn't afford. this has been a news story for about 5 years. The existence of websites with names like should ring alarm bells in every finance department in the world.

2) ever heard of boom/bust?

If these economic conditions were so hard for the largest companies in america to comprehend, i have a simple solution... give me $1,000,000,000 and I will tell you when the next crisis is coming.

Time to Vote on VideoSift's Default Theme (Sift Talk Post)

dotdude says...

This graphic designer does not like reading white type on dark backgrounds. I also do not like lines and nested boxes all over the place.

The classic is more soothing to me.

It's Possible This Guy Was Smoking A Bit Of Marijuana...

phelixian says...

>> ^MINK:
there was a totally unscientific but funny test done on top gear where a guy's driving was measured before and after, and it was the same. can't be bothered to search for it though, too stoned.

Yeah I remember that on Fifth Gear. They had some graphic designer and put him through the paces both before and after a nice spliff. He did better after!!!

First Ever E-Ink Cover on a News Stand Publication

Roast IX: Who the f**k is this guy? (Parody Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

I'm not here to roast Obsidianfire...

I'm here to fuck Karkarlee.

I'm saying I'd really love to Zmx1ZmY= her cGlsbG93, even if it is illegal in 42 states.

I'm here to roast Obsidianfire, and not even mention his girlfriend at all, because that would be inappropriate and offensive, which is not the kind of humor we want here at the roast.

WARNING: The following message has not been approved by the FCC, Homeland Security, or President Cheney. Any and all remarks henceforth shall be referred to as "the jokes", and should not be construed as more than a feeble attempt by a bored Idahoan to garner laughter from his fellow computer-obsessed geeks, nerds and general cretins.

Commencing episode of "According to Jim" in 5...4...3...2...1

I'm kidding, of course. I know how OF gets when people mack on his chick, and if I wanted to be threatened by a bearded cave-dweller, I'd draw a cartoon about Muhammad for a Danish newspaper.

But seriously, how funny was that episode with moodonia? Only in the Internet age can a guy in America threaten a guy in Ireland about a girl in Finland...or wherever the hell [redacted] is?

And besides, how is OF going to hurt moodonia? Is he going to buy a ticket to Ireland? With his "money" that he gets from his "job?"

But anyway...


Jesus Christ, this roast is lame! I've had more laughs watching Schindler's List.

I've seen better roasters at a Kenny Rogers restaurant.

This is about as exciting as the George Carlin 2009 World Tour...and just as lively.


I see blankfist is here...from the trail of a$$ grav33 leading from the mens' bathroom to KP's mouth. I never thought I'd see the day when someone received herpes on the internet.

Choggie wanted to be here, but he's using his VS sabbatical to teach English to Thai schoolchildren. Or as KP calls it, "fishing."

Alright, enough about the losers here...Good night!

Just kidding. Really, you guys are all so great. Your comedy is like AIDS in Africa. Everybody hates it, but nobody does anything constructive to change it.


Alright, time to roast the Negro flamer. If OF can please leave his high-paying job for the night and let his wonderfully-supportive friends drive his Ferrari to his mansion, we'll begin.

Shit, what to say about a nobody like Obsidianfire?

First of all, I think we should discuss banning him for his self-posting of this video. Who knew El Flamer Negro was a homeless black guy with schizophrenia, who thinks he has a [redacted] who loves him? BANNED.

Secondly, I think OF is actually Paul Reubens, aka "Pee Wee Herman." How do I know this? Well, OF states that his favorite show was Pee-Wee's Playhouse. OF is from Clearwater, Florida, and Pee Wee was arrested in Sarasota, Florida for jerking off in an adult theatre. The two cities are very close to each other. Either he's actually Paul Reubens, or he was raped by Pee-Wee Herman. This could also explain why he defends his "[redacted]" so strongly. Keep up those appearances, right Pee-Wee? I mean, OF?

Obsidianfire thinks he's hot shit because he makes his avatars with Photoshop. Oh yeah, OF, it's really tough to copy a design from the internet, then crop it into a 100KB avatar. Look at me, I'm a "graphic designer!" I have a "[redacted]!" ...let me tell you something, OF. MS paint, a bottle of lube, a box of Kleenex and a tiny flaccid penis would make me just like you.

But to be nice, I must admit that you're a really good guy, OF. I mean, some people here are mocking you for being an old-school sifter, yet only having a few videos up. But they don't understand how hard it is to find an internet connection in a crack house while trying to give your landlord a reach around.

And besides, it's not about quantity, it's about quality. And I'm sure when you finally meet [redacted] in person, [redacted] will repeat that to bed...before [redacted] dumps you for some Finnish soap opera star.

*takes a bow*

Barack Speaks To HQ Staff & Volunteers

bluecliff says...

"Because after watching the clip above, my impression is that the Good One is exactly that: good. That is, he is good at his job, which is all you can ask of anyone. More precisely, he talks like a competent manager. If I was working in at a startup and I had a boss who gave pep talks this good, I'd feel quite comfortable with the administration. Management is more than just talk, but can you call the Obama campaign anything but a successful operation? The graphic design alone is brilliant.

There is only one problem: this outfit is very good at winning presidential elections. We have no reason to think it is any good at anything else. The candidate is a great presidential candidate. He will probably be a good president, too. Of course, that is to say he will be good at reading his lines and pretending to be an 18th-century statesman, which is the job of a US President in 2008. Perhaps we should just write in Paul Giamatti, who I'm sure could act the Good One off the stage.

Moreover, the Nazis had an effective campaign team, too. Plus some pretty good graphic design to go with it. Most people don't know it, but the SS dress uniform was designed by Hugo Boss. If design is your criterion, the Third Reich was the best government of the century. In fact, even if architecture is your criterion, I will take Nazi architecture over progressive architecture, any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

And since the quality of architecture is indeed a good rule of thumb on which to judge the general quality of government, this is worrisome indeed. But all it means is that the case is an exception to the rule. Like anyone with any sense, I'd rather be governed by progressives than by Nazis."

What if there were no stop signs?

Sagemind says...

As a graphic designer myself, I can say I deal with this on a daily basis.
Obviously created by designers, I think every office manager that puts a concept together should be made to watch this.

We just keep saying..."sure, I can do that!"
My favorite comeback was always, "Sure, I can, I can do anything you want, It's a computer..., but ah, what is your budget because the more we do, the more money we spend".

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

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