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Bullet Block Experiment

Jinx says...

Essentially my guess is that the bullet can only transfer so much kinetic energy to accelerate the block upwards. Above that threshold it finds other ways of disposing of this energy. Why this threshold/diminishing return might exist idk.

So yeah, I think there must be some change in the efficiency of the transfer of energy in the two examples. Does smacking the bullet right in the centre create more sound? Does the bullet deform/heat up more in the first example because the block simple can't get out of the way fast enough? You'd think that spinning a block would take comparitively little energy compared to all those other inefficiencies. Perhaps if you were to increase the velocity of the bullet you might not see that large of a difference in the height it rises - rather the block would sustain more damage, the slug would pancake more etc etc.

It does seem raher counter-intuitive though. I'd like to know the explanation.

What Rush Hour In Ho Chi Minh City Looks Like.

ambassdor says...

if they were just charging through without a care of crashing that would be insane - seems quite orderly despite no strict enforcement - and I'd go ahead and bet most of the beeps are a 'watch out buddy' and not a 'hey a-hole get out of my way'

"How DARE You Cut Me Off Motherf...... oh, go on then"

ambassdor says...

There is a red light, and the cars slowed down to stop, but then saw a freaking tank coming, and thought 'F this red light, I'm getting out of the way!'

bloodymario said:

Watch carefully, there's a red traffic light on the right where the car stops. Other cars were just ignoring it. The tank driver would probably get a promoion for crashing any of these idiots. More of a case of failed EIA.

Pressure vessel heading to Fort McMurray

New Mexico RailRunner: Close Calls On Railroad Tracks

BoneRemake says...

I laughed out loud. How simplistic... " it's the ones that dont get out of the way that haunt you "

hhahahahahaha. Jesus Christ..

wonder why they haunt you. I am curious who they get to clean up body splat off the front of trains.

Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

Stormsinger says...

>> ^probie:

Whenever I meet a new girl and we get to the point where I'm no longer considered a stranger, I usually stop them mid-sentence and say, "I'm sorry, could I interrupt you for a minute? There's something I need to get out of the way..."
Then I stare at her breasts. For a full 30 seconds. I look them up and down and from each side. I get a good, long look. If they're really nice, I may even make an "O" with my mouth and inhale. Then I continue with "Ok, thanks. Now that that's out of the way, what were you saying?" and I don't look at them again.
You'd be surprised how well that works.

That'd get a guy fired where I work...faster than you could say "Excuse me."

Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

probie says...

Whenever I meet a new girl and we get to the point where I'm no longer considered a stranger, I usually stop them mid-sentence and say, "I'm sorry, could I interrupt you for a minute? There's something I need to get out of the way..."

Then I stare at her breasts. For a full 30 seconds. I look them up and down and from each side. I get a good, long look. If they're really nice, I may even make an "O" with my mouth and inhale. Then I continue with "Ok, thanks. Now that that's out of the way, what were you saying?" and I don't look at them again.

You'd be surprised how well that works.

Speeding on the Autobahn

KnivesOut says...

I'm amazed at how fast the bug-shit stacks up on the windshield. I guess at lower speeds they are able to get out of the way more... or that part of Germany is just infested with insects.

Back Away BMW Bitch

dannym3141 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

@0:44, when they first have line of sight to each other, the truck driver has plenty of room to pull over whereas she has none. He should have let her pass then instead of pulling up to her.
But she completely lost her mind. Ok, so the truck driver is a dick... just pull to the left and let him go. What's to be gained by making a confrontation out of it?
In summary, assholes all around and I didn't benefit from seeing this.

I'm really not sure about this; she stops her car in the middle of the road at 0.52.

Let's assume that the truck is approximately the same size as the truck with the driver who also gets out to speak. Where on that street do you see a gap that the truck driver could enter (after 0:44 as you say) that would have made the road clearer than the alternative and much more mechanically simple (AND more carbon neutral, AND more obvious, AND more polite, AND etc.) than where she moved her car to at 4.30?

The only reason there is any argument or problem here is because the woman leaves her car and approaches the truck driver with abuse. If at 0.44 she had coasted her car into the same place it ended up at 4.30, she would have gotten to her destination perhaps 20 seconds slower than if the street were completely clear. The truck driver also slows down even more at the 40 metre gap with just a bin in it. He couldn't make the solution any more obvious to her. He couldn't fit in that gap but she can fit there in the same way as she does at 4.30.

In conclusion, i'd like to suggest that actually this is an example of a stupid idiot not being able to control a car properly. The guy in the truck was, in my opinion, overly generous in the amount of time he gave her to move into a sensible position, and he may or may not be a dick because it is unclear.

I see things like this happen every day on my way to university. People shouldn't be driving if they can't understand the basics and this is very basic. Next thing you know she'll be overtaking someone on a corner because like, you know, whatever, like i've got a salon appointment to get to so just, you know, like, get out of the way!

Negligence is the biggest killer, get her off the fucking road. I certainly don't want to share the roads with her, and i'm saddened (but not surprised; seen too much of this crap) that a minority found in her favour!

Batman - The Dark Knight In Real Life

Medical Professionals Shut Down Minister's Announcement

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^bobknight33:

So the real question is what makes healthcare sooooo expensive.
I once had to see a specialist some 30 years ago. 1 visit cost 800 bucks. I said basically WTF and the reply was that most was cost due to the paperwork required by insurance and government.
Things have only gotten worse. WE would be far better off and costs would come down when the government gets out of the way and 2) get rid of employer provided insurance. Let each person shop for their own HC insurance plan. For the poor and such sure let there be a government net but give the people the power not the government. There little competition in the current system.

I don't have the figures to hand, but I've read before that one of the reasons healthcare (in the US in particular) is so expensive is due to the cost of malpractice suits. Why it's less of a problem in other countries, I don't know.

Medical Professionals Shut Down Minister's Announcement

bobknight33 says...

So the real question is what makes healthcare sooooo expensive.
I once had to see a specialist some 30 years ago. 1 visit cost 800 bucks. I said basically WTF and the reply was that most was cost due to the paperwork required by insurance and government.

Things have only gotten worse. WE would be far better off and costs would come down when the government gets out of the way and 2) get rid of employer provided insurance. Let each person shop for their own HC insurance plan. For the poor and such sure let there be a government net but give the people the power not the government. There little competition in the current system.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^bobknight33:
By what measure? Ease of access? Scope of care? Wealth of available specialists? If I were sick I would rather be in the USA than any other country.

You mean if you were sick, and with good enough insurance, and that insurance company didn't decide it was a pre-existing condition or some other reason not to treat you.
No-one would argue that the US doesn't have some of the best hospitals, surgeons and so on. The argument is about how much it costs and whether people can access it. It's not much use having the best care in the world if it's only available to a few people.

Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway

Sepacore says...

At first there did seem like there was something off about this, but if you watch the flip-guy frame by frame, everything makes sense re physics + timing and fits together too well re likelihood.

I think the reason i suspected fake initially was just the bewilderment of someone climbing into their boot to avoid having their legs crashed, little too hard to see if they succeeded, and another guy standing out in the middle of another lane when already in the middle of the road.. but when your focus is on "that car is running up the back of this one and i need to get out of the way" i think it forgivable to make a mistake like that.

His disappearing isn't weird, it's normal. Look at how fast that car is going, think about what the upper portion of your body will do when that mass hits just the lower half of your body, the guy could have died when his head impacted on the windshield due to how quick a transfer of forces took place (but i doubt he died).
(Edit: just read the description where it says he's alive. Lucky guy)

The flipping of the body seems fine, it continues consistently until another force joined the party.. the stopping force of the ground.

The landing, he crumples in on himself at a consistent speed before being flicked back when the combined force of the cars momentum, gravity and the spin all reached a stopping point where his body couldn't crumple any further.. and that compressed force acted like a spring.. that next head smash on the ground looked quite damaging and the arms did what they should have, they went with the existing direction of motion, bending only when the force pushed the elbow joint to the limit, until the forces lessened then biology/psychology survival instinct took over and he went fetal (which suggests he was not only still alive, but also conscious)

... imo

Fail Skate Like a Boss

High Speed Longboarding

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