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'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

rottenseed says...

I've quadruple my 401K on an hourly basis...>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Ron Paul's website says is a scam. Uh oh.
Don't buy gold from these people.

That's not Ron Paul's website. Also, I've invested in a lot of their mining suggestions and I tripled my 401K. Prior to investing with their predictions, I lost a shitload investing in what my parent corporation told me was a good investment.

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

vaporlock (Member Profile)

Ants - Nature's Secret Power (Full documentary)

the zionist story-full documentary

bcglorf says...

>> ^MaxWilder:

Can we agree that the 56% was an absurd way to try to end the civil war? Obviously the Arab Palestinians weren't satisfied, and it seems that much more than that is now in the hands of Israel as the result of continued conflict, so the Zionists do not appear to be satisfied either.
Also, bcglorf, you keep talking about a civil war as if that is the natural thing that happens because the Arab population was becoming more oppressive toward the Jewish population. Are you denying the massive influx of Jews pre-1948? I am honestly curious because I am just starting to learn about this period of Israel's history.

I'll gladly agree that 56% for a group that had less than 50% of the population is hardly what one would call fair. In hindsight, I'd even say it would've been better for the UN to offer much, much less, but only on the condition that it would have been enough of a concession to avoid the war that immediately followed. I think most historians seem sure that even giving 1% to the creation of a Jewish state would have still resulted in the same war and outrage from the neighbouring Arab states.

More importantly than being "fair", the UN borders were arrived at by no special formula planned to take advantage of the Arabs. The UN, as it always has since, was simply picking the existing borders of the day and saying let's all call it quits right now and just get along. The 56% the Jewish Palestinians held was the land they had gained fighting with their Arab Palestinian brothers. The 44% the Arab Palestinians held was the land they'd held fighting their Jewish Palestinian brothers. Or to state it more simply, NO ZIONIST CONSPIRACY!

it seems that much more than that is now in the hands of Israel as the result of continued conflict, so the Zionists do not appear to be satisfied either.

I think it's unfair to blame the land Israel gained after declaring independence on Zionist greed. The reality was a war was being fought that left Palestine divided roughly in half with the Jewish side holding the bigger half. The UN recommended ending the fighting and maintaining separate states roughly along those borders.

The Jewish Palestinians said yes, they wanted peace along those borders. Most likely because from any practical standpoint, they were in no position to try and fight for anything better, they were lucky to get as far as they had outnumbered as they were.

The Arab Palestinians for their part were largely ready to say yes as well, only because they were fearful they to would lose in a longer fight. The changing factor was the neighboring Arab states, each of whom vastly outnumbered and outgunned the tiny fledgling state of Israel. All the neighboring Arab states agreed that the conditions for peace were NOT acceptable to them because they were each convinced they could gain more land for themselves from Palestine.

Not even the most zealous Zionist could have seen that not only would they survive such a war, but that they would even manage to gain more land in the process. The expansion of Israel's borders in 1948 can hardly be blamed on Zionist expansion, but instead much more simply on the Arab nations mystifying ability to lose the war they by all rights should have not only won, but won easily. To this day that loss is the single greatest source of shame in much of Arab identity.

Also, bcglorf, you keep talking about a civil war as if that is the natural thing that happens because the Arab population was becoming more oppressive toward the Jewish population. Are you denying the massive influx of Jews pre-1948?
Of course I'm not denying the huge influx of Jews leading up to 1948. It just can't be mentioned without obviously asking why they were coming. The video would suggest a Zionist plot to invade Palestine. I think you can figure out for yourself though if Jews might have had some other reasons around that time to be looking for a new place to live outside of Europe's borders. I was reluctant to bring it up of course because someone would think I'm trying to justify making Arabs pay the price for the Nazi's crimes, which is in no way my point.

My other point regarding the civil war in Palestine is that there were in fact a great many Jews already living in Palestine before the Zionists figured on it being a good place for their own schemes. In fact, one of the reasons it was high on the list was that there were already a very good number of Jewish Palestinians living there. I don't think even the video denies that the conflict in Palestine prior to 1948 was a civil war. They just suggest that it was Zionists that stirred up a Palestine that had otherwise gotten on well for the last century. I think since the time frame we are talking about is the time where Palestine was a British Colony, and where WW1 and WW2 were being waged, that maybe there were other very big factors in Palestine's newly enflamed ethnic tensions. Factors big enough that Zionism was just another symptom rather than an initial cause.

Yogi (Member Profile)

bcglorf says...

In reply to this comment by Yogi:
I think bcglorf you should look at Noam Chomsky's extensive writing on this subject. He was after all a youth Zionist leader back when it wasn't in style.

No, I think you might want to be more critical of the film. It can't even agree on the basic facts it wants, and contradicts itself within the first 6 minutes.

At the introduction the narrator tells us:
For 1300 years, since the very beginning of Islam, Jews and Muslims lived together in an unprecedented religious and cultural harmony.

Minutes later, at the 6:03 mark the very same narrator has a very different statement:
At the end of the 19th century, there were hardly any Jews living in Palestine.

Seemingly, the unprecedented harmony was made possible by having hardly any Jews to live in harmony with.

the zionist story-full documentary

bcglorf says...

>> ^MaxWilder:

This actually shed a lot of light on a lot of questions I had. I have not at all made up my mind on the subject, and I welcome anyone who would like to argue against the points made in this video.

If you have a lot of questions, history books are a better starting place than a blatantly biased video like this. I made it to minute 6 before the outright lies and falsehoods were more than I needed to know this video was not worth more of my time.

The very opening claim of the video declares Israel has always, since before it's inception seen no legitimate claim for any other people in Palestine except their fellow Jewish people. Historical fact is that in 1948, when the fledgling UN recommended a partition of Palestine into two states, Israel accepted the borders and declared independence. This could have been the end of the civil war in Palestine between Jews and Arabs. It wasn't the Zionists that where aggressive at this point. The entirety of the Arab world declared a united war against the new state of Israel, trumpeting that they would drive them into the sea. My description here is not in question either within the Arab world, Al-Jazeera has an article covering all these points in even more detail.

Now the video decides around the 6 minute mark to contradict itself:
At the end of the 19th century, there were hardly any Jews living in Palestine.
And yet, the video just finished telling us in the introduction that historically Jews and Arabs had been getting along famously. We might wonder how that is imagined to have happened if there were hardly any Jews there to get along with?

Historians largely say the best guess at populations in 1900 Palestine are not possible, and largely inaccurate. The closest commitment they make is to sate there was a significant Arab majority, but also that the Jewish population was by far the most significant minority in the region. Enough so that it is well agreed, even by anti-Zionist pro-Arab sources that the city of Jerusalem itself has had a Jewish majority since the very late 1800's.

So, the video has started by lying about the basic facts of how many Jews where in Palestine when the conflicts started, and about their willingness to accept a rather reasonable partition of the country. Useful answers and insights aren't likely forthcoming from a source like that.

the zionist story-full documentary

Bloocut (Member Profile)

Ants - Nature's Secret Power (Full documentary)

ant says...

>> ^gwiz665:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);">ant & @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since December 3rd, 2008" class="profilelink">geo321 rubies and above can embed from anywhere... anywhere as long as its a flash embed. I've embedded redtube before.. but been struck down in sift-court.

Sorry, I meant I didn't know MegaVideo had embedding code to use here.

Ants - Nature's Secret Power (Full documentary)

Ants - Nature's Secret Power (Full documentary)

ant (Member Profile)

Laekroth says...

Cheers ant, that's nice of you! I didn't know dupeof would not allow you to claim the new video.
Have a good weekend!

In reply to this comment by ant:
I can't repair mine since you already took the embed code. That's OK, mine is long dead. Keep yours. I voted yours.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
Hi Ant!

Found a new source of your documentary "Ants - NAture's Secrets Power". I Couldn't fix the link so posted a new video. Claim dupe if you want to repair yours. It's a great docu!

link to mine:

Ants - Nature's Secret Power (Full documentary)

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