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Transgender in Women's Bathroom (Social Experiment)

eric3579 says...

Okay i watched 40 seconds in and i say FUCK YOU to this dude. Why would he ever thinks it's appropriate to be a man and go into a woman's bathroom. This is a real issue for people and he's turning it into some stupid video so he can make money. FUCK HIM! I'd love to see him arrested (if possible) for such an asinine stunt. Way to feed the side that is trying to make this issue illegal. I fucking hate this asshole. I can't imagine his trans friend would think this is a good idea.

And in general fuck prank/social experiment (hardly an experiment) channels.

end of rant

Frozen Lullaby by Garfunkel and Oates

eric3579 says...

*promote (got me by 5 min)

When a man doesn’t love a woman very very much
He signs away his paternal rights and jizzes in a cup
Then with lots of money and scientific genius
Hormones, pain and of course, um… Jesus

The process begins the way god intended
With a transvaginal ultrasound
With a wand longer than a ukulele
When it comes out of my body, it makes this sound (pop)

I give myself daily intradermal injections
An acute blood thinner and estrogen concurrence
Cryopreservation through hormonal activation
And none of it’s covered by insurance

Then I’m knocked out and you’re removed
And combined with a stranger’s come
And as the saying goes
You win some, you lose some/you dispose of the defective ones in a hazardous waste bin

And then you’re frozen until I’m certain
It’s time to unthaw you into a person
Then you’ll expire or you’ll make the grade
And that, my darling, that’s how babies are made
(It’s so easy and natural)

Hush little egg baby don’t say a word
Mama’s gonna freeze you til she gets rich

And when that day finally arrives
You’ll be constructed in a petri dish
With sperm donor 8w6-3
The silent partner of our family

So hush little egg baby don’t be sad
Just because I never fucked your dad

I know there are orphans everywhere
But I’m going to pretend that isn’t real
Don’t look at me like that just cause I admit it
You had kids and you knew the deal

Yeah I feel guilty about overpopulation
And ruining the environment for forever
But Osama Bin Laden had 20 kids
So fuck you or whatever

Sadly procreation is not a meritocracy
And we need to prevent a real life Idiocracy
Though it may be the ultimate form of narcissism
It’s also a way to re-reverse reverse Darwinism

Gonna mute the sound of that ticking clock
I just need the sperm now I don’t need the cock
My ovaries are like hey girl I’m over here
And I’m all like shhhh

I want all the stuff I don’t need a bucket list
It doesn’t make me greedy it just makes me feminist
Now I’m thinking back through all the guys I’ve dated
If they heard this song they’d fucking hate it

Hush little egg baby don’t you cry
You’ll have the best genes mommy can buy

I don’t want to wait until I get in dire straights
My friends say if I want kids I should go out on some dates
But these working bitches don’t have time to leave it to the fates
The world deserves more Riki’s and the world deserves more Kate’s

So hush little egg baby dad’s are overrated
He did what mattered when he masturbated

Hush little egg baby just hold firm
Mama’s gonna buy you designer sperm

And if that sperm gives you random traits
Mama’s gonna test your dna

And if your dna doesn’t make things clear
Mama’s gonna just have to live in fear

And if that fear turns into guilt
Mama’s gonna hold onto what we built

And if I hold too tight as to suffocate
I’ll buy you lots of things to overcompensate

And if that overcompensation’s too transparent
I’ll pretend it’s somehow better with no male parent

And if you say but mom who’s my dad
I’ll say I don’t know and it’s just too bad

And if that badness forms a hole in your heart
I’ll want to make it up to you but won’t know where to start

I’ll probably start by saying it’s just you and me
And there’s no such thing as a normal family

So fuck being normal and let’s do this shit
Momma’s gonna freeze you til she… gets…. rich

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

EMPIRE says...

yes, racism is terrible and american police is usually terrible as well, but I fucking hate these open-carry morons.

Also, the woman filming the black guy was pregnant and she willingly placed herself in this unbelievably stupid situation on purpose. I wonder if she was open carrying as well.

and I agree with ulysses1904, this proves nothing.

newtboy (Member Profile)

FlowersInHisHair (Member Profile)

How you should have climbed the damn rope in gym class

FlowersInHisHair says...

For me gym class (or PE as we called it!) wasn't about teaching anything, it was about humiliating me into feeling incapable of even trying to take part. If you weren't already good at sports, the teachers couldn't give a shit about you, happy to leave less-able students to flounder while paying all attention to the boys who could play well already. I was not taught how to play cricket, or football, or tennis, or hockey, or how to use exercise equipment; no ball skills or batting technique; it was assumed people knew how to play already and no instruction was given. The teacher's role was to be referee. Fucking hated it, and it's ruined sports/keep-fit for me for life.

SFOGuy said:

The gym class technique, in retrospect, is clearly designed to make anyone who isn't all upper body strength with no lower body successful and fail all the rest of us!
Maybe a good work out for your upper body---but if you actually wanted to CLIMB and DESCEND a rope, these two methods would work a lot better, right?!!!!

best anarchist speech i have ever heard

ChaosEngine says...

I used to think like this, but then I finished high school.

Seriously, anarchy is a lovely ideal. Everyone lives in peace and harmony and no-one is tramping anyone elses rights. When a job needs doing, we find someone willing to do it and compensate them (preferably with a barter system or something).

One minor problem though..





We don't live in some kind of post-scarcity utopia. I wish we did, but that is simply not the reality of human society or history. Anarchists and libertarians seem to think that anyone who disagrees with them loves government and simply can't wait to pour their hard earned money in a military industrial complex.

I don't know anyone like that. I don't like my government, and I sure as hell don't like yours. I don't mind paying for hospitals and roads and welfare (and yeah, I don't even really give a fuck about "welfare queens" or "dole bludgers" or other mythical right wing beasties), but I fucking hate the idea that my money goes to fund the pointless "war on drugs" or on mass surveillance.

But I recognise that for all its ills, the system (for the most part) works. People today have a higher standard of living, live longer, and have more rights than at any other time in history. Some of that is down to science; some of it is because of private innovation and some of it is simply that we have changed the way our societies run through elections, etc.

What I do know is that when government becomes beholden to private interests (lobbyists in the USA) shit goes bad. But the solution to that is not to allow powerful people even more leeway to fuck over the weak.

Speedo On A Plane Gone Wrong

billpayer says...

..whilst filming you for a retarded internet video which he will post to try to gain millions of views from your reaction.

Such a cunt, unreal. I'm happy knowing that everyone this twat knows fucking hates him.

rancor said:

Yeah, I'd punch someone's lights out if they ever walked past me in a speedo or said "quack quack" at me and immediately turned away.

Left Behind - Nicolas Cage Official Trailer #1 (2014)

Comcast put him on hold until they closed

eric3579 says...

Who stays on hold that long and just doesn't call back? I wouldn't necessarily see this as intentional(although it's possible I guess). I think being put on hold can many times put you into hold limbo. I know it's happened to me with many businesses, with no obvious intention to screw me. Shit just happens sometimes. The phone systems aren't perfect im guessing and the people who have to work with them aren't for sure. That all being said I still fucking hate Comcast and love to see videos that take them to task.

Henry Rollins Rant - Freedom & the Internet Are Under Attack

Biker Gang Protects Abused Children

TotalBiscuit | Let's not play Need for Speed: Rivals

Jinx says...

People hear that the flicker fusion threshold is about 16hz, and that movies play at 24hz so they assume that there must be no benefit to higher framerates. Ofc, movies have a lot of motion blur to make the movement appear more smooth and quite often a TV will have sophisticated tech to make the lower framerates on TV shows appear smoother than they actually are. Computer monitors, for the most part, show sharp images and we sit closer to them so low frame rates are much more noticeable. The rods and cones in our eyes might have a "fresh rate" of 16hz (I think rods actually respond much faster, but w.e) but they aren't synchronised like a camera. Our eyes will detect light, or any changes in it pretty much instantaneously. You don't have to wait for the next refresh. At what point our brain, or the variance in latency of the optic nerve, become the limiting factors I don't know. I'd like to think we wouldn't have evolved such advanced optical receptors only to be bottle necked by our brains. In short: 120hz ftw.

My absolute greatest peeve with console ports is mouse settings though. The number of times I've had to delve into the .ini to disable mouse acceleration or set my sensitivity to something sensible. Sometimes even the .ini doesn't have the answer. I fucking hate it when you get a sensitivity slider with 10 arbitrary notches. "Don't worry gamers, I'm sure you'll find a setting you like. As long as your preference is for a mm of mouse movement to spin you between 360 and 720 degrees. Ps. you do have a gamepad rite?"

As you say, "Fuck you" indeed.

JiggaJonson said:

YES I agree 120% about the FPS and FOV limiting in games. WHY oh WHY do they take away or limit those options with such a heavy hand? Whenever I complain about it everyone acts like I'm insane to care about that because you can't see it.

I draw an analogy to a vinyl vs a digital recording, I may not be able to hear the different frequencies produced by the vinyl, but I can feel the difference in the sound. It's because complicated changes (rapidly drumming is most apparent) are based on an approximation of the sound wave in a digital recording (depending on the quality of the recording). Vinyl, meanwhile, is a recording of the actual sound wave grooved into the plastic.

Although it's nearly impossible to hear that difference, people still buy vinyls for some reason. Back to fps and fov though, I may not be able to see higher than 30 fps, but I don't live life (or drive cars) at 30 fps like a flip book. Your eyes don't give you an accurate picture of the world, they only give you a useful one.

Real life runs @ ∞ fps and htz. I'm not asking for anything close to that, just make the choice available or don't ban me for hacking when I go into my config file and try to change my fov and fps limit manually.

"Yes but it gives those players who change those settings an advantage"


Fuck you.

Father Arrested for Picking Up His Children on Foot

chingalera says...

@bmacs27: GOD I fucking hate when people use the word "CLEARLY!" CLEARLY this blah blah blah and CLEARLY...Stop it...makes you sound like a pretentious idiot.

Look-All this ineffectual spit-poppin' on this thread:

Guy goes to school to pick up his kids and is harassed by bullshit rules and bullshit police. SIMPLE


The incident is complete bullshit, and a symptom of the insanity of shit like homeland security that relentlessly inept citizenry (insert blog-bitcher here) have let complete agenda-oriented cabals of politicians and their keepers, hustle you for.

Didn't Ben Fucking Franklin warn that anyone who sacrifices freedom for security deserve neither??

Ya buncha fucking idiots...

plastic state of mind-empire state of mind parody

chingalera says...

Those thin little veggy bags make about as much an impact in the grand scheme of the environmental clusterfuck as a single wild horse fart. Reserve that guilt for an unwanted pregnancy or maybe changing your car's motor oil on a public beach?

Or, you could simply save them all in a box in your closet where they couldn't choke anemone...I know! Melt them into a giant blob on the end of a pole, a quick-crete base, and you've got public art!

So FUCKING hate public service parodies with too-much-too-little-too-late messages, especially when lame rappers take two minutes to scrawl lamer lyrics on a bev-nap at a tittle bar ass-raping a decent tune to remind idiots to remain idiots.

Hacks und posers.

eric3579 said:

What bugs the shit out of me is I dont know how to get around using plastic bags when purchasing fruits and vegetables. Each type of fruit or vegetable needs its own separate bag. Throwing those bags away has always bugged me.

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