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legacy0100 (Member Profile)

I'm UR Messiah, eatin' all UR Friskies.

Army Spice Boy

Fruitcake Lady - Wisest woman on the planet

F1 Barcelona Preview 2008

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'F1, Formula 1, Grand Prix, Preview, Commentary, Sidepodcast, Spain, Catalunya' to 'F1, Formula Ban, Ban Prix, Preview, Banentary, fruitcake, Sban, Catalunya, uh ban' - edited by rottenseed

Expelled reviewed by Edward Current

I Don't Care How, I Want It Now!

Penn & Teller - Bullshit - Gun Control

MINK says...

15 years ago the Lithuanians stood up to the Soviet Army with peaceful protest. I guess P&T never went to Lithuania. Maybe they were working on "Bullshit: Peaceful Protest"... 30 minutes of ignoring the existence of Gandhi and Rosa Parks, interviewing some guy from a Tai-Chi club instead, editing it to make him look like a fruitcake.

Radical Christian Missionaries in Iraq

snoozedoctor says...

I'm going somewhat against the tide here as well. The presentation was very prejudiced. To suggest Iraq is a Christian war is ridiculous. In the past, Christianity has been the justification for horrible things. However, the great majority of these atrocities were political or fascist in nature, not intrinsic to the religion. The corrupt hid behind the Cross, just as criminals hide behind Allah. There are many good Christians and many good Muslims in the world. There are also bad apples in both camps. (In my community lives one of the great, so called "Christian," fruitcakes of all time, so I should know.)
However, the US is not a theocracy. Our foreign and domestic policy is not controlled by the church, and let's all PRAY, (to whomever you choose), it never becomes so. Theocracies are dangerous and represent the greatest threat to personal freedom imaginable.
Is it a good idea to be trying to convert Muslims in combat zones? No, it isn't. But, even as looney as some evangelical Christians can be, they generally profess, (and believe), they want to "save" people, not kill them. As the man, formerly known as Cat Stevens, said about the fatwa on Salman Rushdie, paraphrased, "it's easy to see how this could happen, because the Koran is quite clear on this matter....he who defames the prophet must die." Radical Muslims are much more dangerous than radical Christians because of this distinction between us and the "infidels." During the Barbary Coast piracy crisis, George Washington wanted to know why Muslim pirates thought they could seize sovereign ships;
In 1786 Jefferson and John Adams went to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman or (Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves. Jefferson reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet (Mohammed), that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman (or Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to heaven. [2]

This battle between free-peoples and theocracy has been going on for a long time. Unfortunately, it probably has a long way to go.

Out of Balance - Trailer

charliem says...


Whos to say we cant get a gasolene smelling air-freshner at the car wash?
The sound ? Welll....stiff luck, brushless DC motors arnt renowned for their gravitass bass producing rythmic sound, and carbon based fuels are limited, even the cleanest of the lot.

Out of Balance - Trailer

charliem says...

As time rolls foward, the more money these corporations pump into pseudo-science bullshit to stem the flow of renewable, sustainable energy forms from taking foot, the more emboldened it makes those who are in the business of ridding humanity from its oil/coal dependancy.

Non-energy corporations are waking up to the fact that once initial investment capital has been paid off from an economical energy source, the fuel for the energy thereafter is 100% free, and virtually unlimited, with extremly low maintenance and upkeep costs. Long term, switching over is far cheaper than keeping the status quo.

So to all those asswipes who think we have no control over global warming, who have no idea about the physics thats seated behind the theory of global warming (which by the way, in scientific nomenclature, a 'theory' is the highest level of prestige awarded to human understanding, theories explain facts under observable and crucifiable situations), who have had no formal education in even physics 101 where thermal dynamics is taught, who have never read a book in their lives, and have a slippery, astro-glide encased grasp on any concept of economics, I give you, a big shut the fuck up, sit down, and accept that renewables are the way of the future, wether you fucking like it or not.

So sick and tired of these stall tactics that are continually pushed in the face of humanity for no other reason than to promote corporate greed, all at the expense of the humanity they sell their shit to.


To appeal to the corporate, democratic, industrialised capitalists out there still on the fence about global warming and our need to act or not. Put the whole debate out of your head, and think from your hip-pocket.

Imagine a world where the energy required to run everything in your house, is literally, free.
It is uninterrupted, enviornmentally friendly, unlimited, free energy.

From a business point of view, even if this energy, after investment capital was paid off (read: wind, concentrated solar thermal, geo-thermal or wave power), was sold for 3c/kwHr, you would still be making a huge proffit. And, worst case scenario on maintaining status quo, you would be save near total annihilation of the human race.

There is no sane argument against going to electrical cars, powered up by a grid that sources it energy from 100% renewable and sustainable energy, anyone who claims otherwise is a fruitcake.

Uses of a fruitcake

Another BAD Creationist: Part 6: Dinosaurs

Fruitcake Lady gives advice

Fruitcake Lady gives advice

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