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The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

BSR says...

My first job was when I was 14 at the town newspaper at the end of my street. They had a machine called a Linotype. (line of type)

It made type ingots from lead which would print text after being inked up and then pressed onto paper. Sometimes my job was to clean the ink off them and put them into buckets so they could be melted down and used again. My hands would be coated with lead.

I also handled lead type in high school for two years.

Guess I should get tested eh?

When it comes to memory issues, I've had a bad memory for as long as I can remember.

You can see the lead bar hanging on the machine.

When Gas Prices Are Too High Even For Motorcycles

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not true, you used to praise them…especially Yertle….but your memory has never been your strong suit.
Not Cheney? Or did you just forget who to hate?
Sad for you the (anti) freedom caucus that I know you love is likely going to be ineligible to hold office…Cawthorn only escaped by redistricting the plaintiffs out of his district and technically invalidating their lawsuit….another is probably in the pipeline. MTG’s was given the green light in court yesterday….bye Felicia.

You might be shocked to hear….Pelosi….and any others over 70. That should be forced retirement time, for judges and presidents too….no control over a society when you won’t have to see it deal with the consequences of your actions, says I.

Senima and Manchin too… neither of which have ever been Democrats, they’re secret Q nut jobs and on the take big time.
Edit: literally minutes after writing that I found Senima’s latest poll numbers in her district….17% approval, 75% disapproval! It looks like I’ll get that wish at least.

Also, Al Frankenstein needs to be replaced…re-placed back in office. He should never have left. He wasn’t just funny, he’s smart as fuck and knowledgeable too.

bobknight33 said:

Never cared for him. Rino like Lindsey Graham, Mit Romney, Susan Collens, and about 4 others. All needed to be replaced.

His only good deed is pushing supreme Court nominees.

What Democrats in your opinion needs replacing?

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

So far Chris has refused to even make a police report, much less a complaint.

Nonetheless, the DA should at least threaten to press charges anyway IMO. A public assault like that shouldn’t be ignored or it sends a clear public message that it’s ok, and it is not.

Edit: The Oscars themselves also bear a huge portion of blame. After this, they didn’t remove Will as they ABSOLUTELY should have, they didn’t strip him of his Oscar as they absolutely should have, instead they continued to honor him, not only awarding him the Oscar but giving him unlimited time to speak (where he didn’t apologize to Quest Love, who Chris was awarding an Oscar, nor the dead who’s memorial was overshadowed and murmured through, nor to Chris who he had just assaulted like the out of control thug racists want to paint him as.)
He just handed white supremacists the biggest gift one person possibly could.
BTW, I notice Will thought the joke was hilarious (:25 he’s laughing at the joke) before deciding it wasn’t. Shouldn’t he slap the shit out of himself too?

BSR said:

I doubt Chris will press charges. I think Will will apologize and realize he was a showoff bully asshole and carry the guilt with him and regret his actions.

If not, he is a good actor and can fake it. Or maybe he watched Bill Maher's latest show and thought he was being the man's man and defending his woman.

What I do know is that he made the Oscars all about him. He stole the show.

Now... if you don't mind, I'm going to Google Bald Jokes.

The dangers of a Russian energy superpower

newtboy says...

Sky News!? That’s like Fox on meth without the pretext that they’re pro-America. Foreign Anti American propaganda from an anti democracy anti America foreigner.
Love the way you love those who absolutely hate America so consistently.

Sorry, @bobknight33….the only reasons Trump didn’t start any wars (and boy did he want to) are 1) his advisors repeatedly talked him down from most, but not all provocations (how we avoided war in Iran I’ll never know, multiple assassinations often lead to war, especially when you murder generals and their entourage on foreign soil.)
And 2) he never contradicted or stood up to our enemies, he courted, praised, and capitulated to them completely. Why would Russia go to war when we completely ignored their invasions and expansion and took their word over our own intelligence community?

Derp….the pipeline Trump’s whining about was cancelled by the Germans. How great an idea to have them spend billions then cancel certification!

I know you have the memory of a meth head gnat, but come on, Bobby. Are you really that clueless….oh wait, yes you are. You just claimed Russia didn’t invade under Trump a day or two ago.

You didn’t just fail current events and history class here, Bob, you got a 12% average. Once again, you make it impossible to believe you graduated from an American college, difficult to believe you graduated high school. So sad.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

vil says...

A dollar has value if you can buy shit for a dollar.

Gold likewise has no exchange value if you cant exchange it for goods and services. Its rare and chemically stable and good for memorial coins, has many technical uses and looks cute, but otherwise it hardly matters what symbol for money you choose. There is 200 years of experience with fiat money and gold and silver standards and fiat money has been better, not just usually better or better in some scenario, universally better.

Symbolic money is practical and facilitates quicker turn around prevents deflation makes speculative runs on currency harder and smoothes the economic bumps in the road in general.

GDP is just a metric. Not a bad one but not the actual goal.

USofA is teh most developed. Should have used growing. Deflation in an economy that is growing kills growth.

Restarting countries not only get to ignore their debts, they immediatelly start borrowing again.

The only countries that dont borrow are countries no-one will lend to and countries so rich in some silly resource they can float high in the international currency system without borrowing. Borrowing is good for bussiness.

What is outrageous idiotic bullshit? Believing pegging the value of your paper note to some hoarded luxury makes it a better representation of the mean value of goods and services bought and sold? I could do without gold except for the jacks on my audio cables (just kidding). It does not matter what I exchange for food and gas, if it gets me food and gas, its good money.

Money is what you can pay taxes with. Do they take gold?

If you insist your dollar has the value of some weight of gold how does that influence the willingness of someone else to sell you shit? Unless they specifically intend to buy gold at a fixed price they dont care. They are going to use your dolar to buy some other shit from someone else. So if you take the actual currency out of the equation, when you decide on buying and selling shit you are intuitively comparing that decision with all the other decisions about buying and sellin that you know of. The currency is just a good way to count the measure of usefullness of a product or service and compare among many. Pebbles, bottletops, dollars, gold, pearls, all just a number.

A dollar could be backed by gold or it could not, this has zero impact on the transactions made. What matters is how many transactions are made, at what value, and how much money is available to the entire marketplace in a given period of time. Transactions quickly pass the ability of a gold standard to keep up. If you want a gold standard you have to slow transactions down because you dont have the money for them.

This is why markets need some regulation, otherwise someone might sell the universe twice and then default on one. But a gold standard, at least the type of gold standard I believe was talked about in this thread as a miracle cure, would be too limiting.

Pence Finally Tells The Truth

newtboy says...

Too bad that little insurrection interrupted them from making that case then, isn’t it?
That was the plan, object, have Pence accept and agree with their baseless already litigated and found legally invalid objections to legally certified electors, then have him accept the fraudulent slates of “electors” with their forged fraudulent documents provided by the RNC without allowing for any new objection, and declare Trump president despite his losing the vote and electoral college by a historic landslide….that’s called stealing the office, and is about as anti democratic as government gets. Even Pence sees that clearly, and he’s as sycophantic as they come.
After the failed coup, that evening the sycophants in their gibbering terror dropped their ploy and objections and let Pence move on.
Must be nice to have no memory, it allows such easy rewrites of history and your positions.

Fortunately, one violent Republican subversion of democracy got in the way of another attempted Republican subversion of democracy by fraud, and put Pence in the position of going along with the president’s mob trying to hang him, or follow the law, and the facts, and not join the coup (because it was clear if he did, he would still be hanged come Jan 21st. His actions and words that day make it clear he was certain the president himself was trying to kill him by any means….that’s why he refused to leave congress with the president’s personal secret service team. He feared assasination by Trump.).

Sorry, these quasi legal manuverings have been litigated, you lost. “Can” and “could” being operative words there….the issue being the validity of the challenges. The rights interpretation of the law and their ability to circumvent it has been rejected universally by the courts, because it is blatantly disingenuous and ridiculous, ignoring precedent and historical interpretation in favor of technical loopholes that might be valid if you just ignore the rest of the law and the requirement for honesty in court….like the ploy you describe above.

bobknight33 said:

Pence cannot overturn the election . He just oversees the House according to the Electoral Count Act. If there are objections it also needs a Senate member joining in. Then a challenge can occur and the electoral vote could be changed.

In 2016 there were Democrat house members objections but had no senators support.

In 2020 House members and Senate members had objected. Pence at that point would be obligated to follow the rules set in the Electoral Count Act and allowed the debate, which he did not do.

"six Republicans in the Senate and 121 in the House backed objections to certifying Arizona’s electoral outcome, while seven Senate Republicans and 138 House Republicans supported an objection to certifying Pennsylvania’s electoral outcome."

Friends - All references to Ross & Rachel being on a break

ant (Member Profile)

"Memory is RAM! Oh Dear" - IT Crowd - Dinner Party

Holiday Ride | Chevrolet

cloudballoon says...

Better be cynical then just lapping up these same 'ol same 'ol regressive marketing snooze-fest ads.

My first reaction to it was, if the father treasures the car and memories (the photo) so much, why not even get a full-body cover to protect it from the elements? This dumb holiday message/ad can't even get emotions right.

We're Not Gonna Take It - Mariah Carey Christmas Special

GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary

StukaFox says...


It would require a fairly intensive refactor to get it to work. The hardest part would be figuring out how to shoehorn GOTO into a modern BASIC interpreter since that command was taken out back and shot in the head -- and for good reason -- but with the memory and processor restrictions of computers at the time, GOTO was necessary because GOSUB required 4 bytes of stored information and a bit more processing power. There's also a number of functions that are exclusive to TRS-DOS BASIC and the Model III in particular.

At one point, I thought about moving the code from BASIC to Z-80 Assembler, but by then the first PC Jr. clones were out (I had a TRS Model 1000 and it was GREAT!) and it no longer made sense to continue doing anything on the Model III.

The worst loss is the database data, which was all the room and pathing descriptions, as well as part of the warm storage for the games. That's the part that breaks my heart to have lost.

That said, the sound over an acoustic coupler of an analog modem making a 300 bps connection is still makes me smile.

ant said:

Do you still have them? If so, then revive for the Internet!

GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary

StukaFox says...

So this is absolutely true:

When I was 14, I wrote the (as far as I can determine) first parser-driven BBS in the world, basically creating the first purpose-driven, "multi-player" online adventure game, with the following caveats:

- Unis had such games themselves, but their access was limited to other university students and not the general public.

- It's also possible that someone else might have done the same thing before me, but I have never found any record of a such a BBS or online game existing prior to 1981.

The name of the BBS was 'New House of Wrath' and it featured a house that you explored via simple verb-noun syntax. Each room in the house was a BBS function (various text games which I wrote myself / a message base / a philez repository / a graffiti wall) as well as a simple underlying adventure in the style of Zork. The whole thing was written in sloppy TRS-DOS BASIC on a TRS-80 Model III and resided within 48k of memory including a primitive DB engine that I wrote. I still have a 8-pin dot-maxtrix print out of the code.

Shortly after my BBS went "online", a couple of multi-line BBSs sprung up, but these were straight BBSs without an overlying structure like mine.

At the time, I thought nothing of writing the BBS other than it was a fun thing to do. 80 Micro, the magazine that covered all things TRS-related, was going to write a story about my BBS, but nothing ever came of it. I ran it until about 1986 when I finally gave up because everyone was going to online service like Compu$erve and Prodigy.

I know I'll never get a single bit of credit for what I did, but I know what I did and I'm proud of my little contribution to the online world; that'll have to be enough.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Forensic audit. Lol. What do you think that means? Did Trump tell you when he repeated the phrase over and over until you remembered it? It’s a term like “legitimate rape”….sounds fine but it’s a nothing term used to delegitimize audits that don’t use the right wing terminology, even though they are far more forensic in nature.

Funny how much this statement reminds me of both impeachments.....Republicans afraid to look at the charges or evidence, Trump obstructing every witness and request for documents. They had shamed him mercilessly until the election, however wouldn't touch those opportunities. Telling....and politically costly.

If he had nothing to hide, why did he hide EVERYTHING? No administration has withheld documents and witnesses from congress like Trump’s. None has been less transparent or 1/4 as criminal….proven by convictions.

Conversely, Democrats WITH Republicans did look into the obvious baseless whining from Republicans/Trump. They did real, professional audits with reputable non partisan organizations and bipartisan oversight using established rules and methods for actually auditing, not blacklight looking for bamboo or spooge on ballots investigated by delusional conspiracy theorists trying to reinstall Trump….so they did look and verify BEFORE certification…3 times in AZ alone. I know, with the memory of a drunk gnat, you don’t remember that, but it happened repeatedly and in multiple states, nearly every state Trump wanted to toss out.

Why are you afraid to look at the actual audits already done, and insist we wait for the farcical fake audit by a political propaganda company instead?
My guess, the plan is to bankrupt the election funds in any county/state Biden won, decertify their equipment, and make it much harder for them to hold the next election…it’s the only thing that makes sense about the nonsensical partisan vote reviews you now insist on. This single review in one AZ county has already cost the county up to $6 million in equipment they must replace before holding any elections, and that would be 10 times more if they had handed cyberninjas what they demanded, access to every county computer and digital records….+ $1million in public funding…..for absolutely nothing.
You want that repeated across the nation, but only in counties where Trump lost.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly Democrats are afraid to look and verify and hence shame Trump on this. Makes one wonder They have shamed him at every chance, every opportunity, even after the election. However wont touch this opportunity. Telling.

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