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Quick-Peel An Egg

Quick-Peel An Egg

I am sorry, you have elephantiasis... in your SaX!!

Somalia: Libertarian Paradise

NetRunner says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Conservatism doesn't fail, it only gets overrun by parasites
The dickheads at the Fed, which should be abolished along with Fannie and Fartie?
Libertarianism? Statistically speaking, no one's even heard of it.

You really should look into this Libertarianism thing, nothing you said there would've been out of place coming out of one of blankfist's orifices. Though I think he would've been a bit more creative with his insults.

As for how your response pairs up with my comment, I think you reinforced my assertion nicely.

I look forward to the next few years, especially if a consensus develops within the Republican party that their problem was that they hadn't been extremist enough.

Somalia: Libertarian Paradise

quantumushroom says...

Conservatives equate anything that doesn't agree with their fascist worldview with communism (or socialism), like if you support expanding a government program that has been proven a success, you must secretly be for genocide or something.

I'm for limited government (the non-magical kind that can't be everything to everyone) but even among Constitutionally-authorized government programs, let me know when you find one that works as it was supposed to and is efficient and fiscally accountable...

Your second response is pretty much the embodiment of why your favorite party is on the outs; you are so viciously hostile towards people who don't share every last facet of your worldview, you drive away people who might've been otherwise inclined to agree with some aspect of your philosophy.

The reason why Republicans are 'on the outs' (for now) is because this sorry-assed gang in DC are not conservatives. It's that simple. Drunk on their own power, they're trying to be like taxocrats, a deadly mistake because no Republican can outspend a taxocrat and shouldn't try.

Taxocrats are victims of what is called "bad becoming normal". The debate is no longer about how much money should be pissed away on Amtrak or Head Start each year, but stopping Obamarx and Friends from literally mutating the national DNA to suit their warped vision. Seriously, buying car companies, floating sht banks? The dickheads at the Fed, which should be abolished along with Fannie and Fartie? Get real. You may love everything Obama is doing, but rest assured, he doesn't care a whit whether you approve or not. Obama works for Obama.

Bush and his goddamned No Child, Medicare expansion, amnesty, etc. If Obama did all those things (and he is, only on steroids) he'd be praised by his media sycophants. Bush supposedly fcked up a lot of things he also gave the 'Crats most of what they wanted each fiscal year. And THAT'S why he's a failure.

Conservatism doesn't fail, it only gets overrun by parasites (both in DC and government housing) living off the working class the left pretends to love. If the left really gave a poop about the bourgeoisie, they'd let them keep more of the money they earn instead of trying to give all of fking Mexico "free" health care to buy votes.

I'm not waiting for socialists to agree with any or all of my philosophy: it's not worth sacrificing core principles for acceptance along the narrow, flimsy band between communism and capitalism.

I say again, Lefty, enjoy your hollow victory. For now, you've won. Libertarianism? Statistically speaking, no one's even heard of it.

The evidence that Big Guvmint socialism will fail and is failing is now all around you. Me. Us. They'll be no Bush to hide in this time.

John Boehner: Cow Farts Disprove Climate Change!

Zero Punctuation - Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

Farhad2000 says...

Video game reviewers like movie critics have their own preferences that seep into their own reviews.

I think them being biased is totally a given. I mean everyone loved Elephant when it came out or History of Violence when I thought both films was arty farty bullshit.

Pool Commentator Accidentally draws a big PENIS

AIM FOR THE BRAIN, 'cause uhohzombies has gone gold! (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Mitt Romney: Nuke Non-Proliferation is a "Liberal" Position

Cloaca, the machine that makes poo

smarghut (Member Profile)

looris says...

sì prima devi farti invitare.
è complesso ma stanno lavorando a una semplificazione per la prossima versione del sito!

In reply to your comment:
ma prima devo aderire a un collective, vero?
mica posso mettere il tag di 1 collective se non ne faccio parte, vero?
mh..mi sembra tutto troppo complicato x la mia mente semplice, e tremendamente, magari provo con un collective, si aderisco prima?

Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet

lucky760 says...

Thanks for the input, Baqueta. I also always thought it was "sings the streets a serenade," but when searching for the complete lyric listing I've found that "streetsuss" appears the only form ever used. After a little more searching, I feel certain that you've pegged it; "street-suss" seems a fairly common term.

From :

Robert McNeil finds some aggressive street-suss being directed at the Festival luvvies. ...
"Meanwhile, the bar-room hangouts of the Edinburgh habitues resound to the sound of bitchily dismissive critiques of a 'scuzzy' circus which markets itself with an aggressive sense of street-suss, and which wins popular support by the barrel-load, but scores 'nil points' in Edinburgh's teaming enclaves of fey, androgynous arty-farty folk."
From M-W:
Main Entry: suss
Pronunciation: 's&s
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: by shortening & alteration from suspect
1 chiefly British : FIGURE OUT -- usually used with out
2 chiefly British : to inspect or investigate so as to gain more knowledge -- usually used with out

So, Romeo serenades the bitter night with the fires of street wisdom burning in his soul, completing the sorrowful harmony which echoes through the alleyways and withering branches of barren trees ineluctably entering Juliet's solitude with an offer of sweet remorse.

...or something.

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