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UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

thumpa28 says...

Assange is a self obsessed rapist (believe it or not that what they call people who have sex where the other party refuses or withdraws consent) whose lust for publicity has led to lots of death. The 1300 in Kenya by his own admission and the Taleban thanking wikileaks for helping them identify those who cooperated with the americans and what about an Iranian spy to name but a few we know about. Chinese dissidents, middle eastern journalists, people fighting for democracy in dangerous places have suffered because of this self serving turd.

How many people have suffered and died so Assange could lap up the publicity, shouting about the freedom of speech whilst gagging his own staff and of course planning to stiff the morons who looked after him whilst he was fighting extradition and especially those who posted bail. Everything out of his mouth is designed to keep Assange safe, by playing on the Great Satan angle and finding those fools idiotic enough to lap it up and throw money at the cause, especially those who posted bail for him, then left looking like right twats when he did a runner to the Ecuadorians. What a bunch of muppets.

Quite frankly, after all this nonsense the US wont bother to try and extradite him. I just hope the UK grabs him when he steps outside the one place the fucker can hide, preferably using a dum dum round to the nuts, before dragging his pathetic self off and slamming him into jail where he will face trial for being self obsessed, even during sex.

>> ^Hybrid:

You think this isn't about getting him extradited to the US via Sweden? That's one thing I and nearly everyone else in this thread do agree on. Be in no doubt, if Assange ends up on Swedish soil, he will end up on US soil soon after.>> ^Babymech:
Hybrid, don't be ridiculous. It would be illegal for Sweden to extradite him to the US. It would be political suicide for any Swedish politician or authority to be anywhere near involved an extradition to a country that practices the death penalty. Barbarians.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

radx says...

- While Assange was under house arrest, the Swedish authorities were offered to conduct the interview on site in England. They were not interested.

- During his time at the Ecuadorean embassy, Assange offered to go to Sweden for the interviews if they guaranteed that he would not be extradicted to the US. No guarantees were given.

- The Ecuadoreans offered the Swedish prosecutors to conduct the interview at the embessy or to transfer Assange to Sweden, depending on assurances that he would not later be sent to the US. They were not interested.

Given these facts, Assange would be a fool to not assume that Swedish authorities were bound to send him straight across the Atlantic.>> ^Babymech:

Hybrid, don't be ridiculous. It would be illegal for Sweden to extradite him to the US. It would be political suicide for any Swedish politician or authority to be anywhere near involvement in an extradition to a country that practices the death penalty. Barbarians.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

Hybrid says...

You think this isn't about getting him extradited to the US via Sweden? That's one thing I and nearly everyone else in this thread do agree on. Be in no doubt, if Assange ends up on Swedish soil, he will end up on US soil soon after.>> ^Babymech:

Hybrid, don't be ridiculous. It would be illegal for Sweden to extradite him to the US. It would be political suicide for any Swedish politician or authority to be anywhere near involved an extradition to a country that practices the death penalty. Barbarians.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

Babymech says...

Hybrid, don't be ridiculous. It would be illegal for Sweden to extradite him to the US. It would be political suicide for any Swedish politician or authority to be anywhere near involvement in an extradition to a country that practices the death penalty. Barbarians.

Also, messenger: No the questioning is in regards to sexual assault. I don't care if what he's accused of would be called consensual sex in the US, or Saudi Arabia - if committed in Sweden it can be classified as sexual assault.

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Babymech says...

Hybrid, don't be ridiculous. It would be illegal for Sweden to extradite him to the US. It would be political suicide for any Swedish politician or authority to be anywhere near involved an extradition to a country that practices the death penalty. Barbarians.
(my bad for profile replying - I don't discuss much on the sift)

In reply to this comment by Hybrid:
I don't think anybody is in any doubt that that is just a way to get him extradited to the US easily. Once he's in Sweden, it's pretty much a done deal. It has always been assumed that the sexual assualt charges are fabricated, to simply get him on Swedish soil.

So basically, this is absolutely about the Wikileaks side of things.>> ^Fantomas:

@dag & @Hybrid, I'm sure you're enjoying the debate, but what is happening in the UK is not directly about Wikileaks but extradition to Sweden to answer sexual assault charges.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

messenger says...

Assange is facing the music. He knew that the US government would understand what a threat he poses, and use any means necessary to screw him over, which they are already doing, whether they succeed in extraditing him at all. The functioning of Wikileaks is effectively stopped, and he hasn't been a de facto free man for years now. He knowingly made that choice.

As for the justice of the thing, Assange didn't break any American laws. He isn't even being extradited for a crime, at the moment. He hasn't been charged with anything by anyone in any country. Officially, the extradition is because the Swedish police want to question him about whether he used a condom during consensual sex. If someone wants to extradite him for Wikileaks activity, then the US should come up with a criminal charge and follow the normal process. We all know that once they've got him on US soil, they'll just pull a Bradley Manning on him and torture him indefinitely without laying real charges for years. His trial will make OJ look like a sideshow. For that reason alone, even if he had committed a crime, claiming asylum would be legitimate based on the US's own record of criminal behaviour in dealing with people this case.

I'm sure this is also about his threat to blow the doors wide open about fraud at Bank of America. If that kind of behaviour continued, it would certainly mean the demise of significant campaign contributors to both major parties.

I have a feeling I would hate Assange if I ever met him, but that shouldn't affect his right to freedom when he hasn't committed any crime. Anyone who risks his own life and freedom to expose horrible acts in order to force governments and corporations to behave more honestly is a hero.>> ^Hybrid:

I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

Hybrid says...

I don't think anybody is in any doubt that that is just a way to get him extradited to the US easily. Once he's in Sweden, it's pretty much a done deal. It has always been assumed that the sexual assualt charges are fabricated, to simply get him on Swedish soil.

So basically, this is absolutely about the Wikileaks side of things.>> ^Fantomas:

@dag & @Hybrid, I'm sure you're enjoying the debate, but what is happening in the UK is not directly about Wikileaks but extradition to Sweden to answer sexual assault charges.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Talk about wreckless, how about state-sanctioned murder by helicopter of journalists? Isn't Wikileaks doing a service to humanity by getting this information out? Doesn't this trump "putting our operatives in danger"? >> ^Hybrid:

From the article: "But despite similar warnings ahead of the previous two massive releases of classified U.S. intelligence reports by the website, U.S. officials concede that they have no evidence to date that the documents led to anyone's death."
Oh, so someone has to die first before it's branded reckless. I get it now.
>> ^dag:
You might want to read this. No state wants its secrets revealed - especially when they are violating international law, but sunshine is the best disinfectant. >> ^Hybrid:
Well I think the charges are likely to be espionage related, and I think they can easily be applied. Some documents leaked named key people in hot spots around the world, and put them and their families in immediate danger. This is the reckless part of Assange that I hugely dislike. He doesn't care what's the documents, he just feeds off the controversy. He's not an activist or journalist, he's a walking, talking egotistical, god complex.
>> ^dag:
What would the charges be? - or does that even matter. Seriously - would you charge him with copyright infringement? >> ^Hybrid:
If only it were that simple. Did Assange wake up to all these leaked documents and go "You know what, I'm going to release all these documents belonging to the world's biggest superpower and it will be fine because I'm not a US citizen and therefore they'll just forget about it"?
People get extradited all the time, and not always to their birth countries. The US is currently trying to extradite a UK hacker from the UK. That's right, the UK is debating extraditing one of their own. It happens when you break laws that have international ramifications.
But even if you put all the law/jurisdiction mess aside. It doesn't help that I hugely dislike Assange. He's an egotistical, reckless bastard out to promote his own name. Secondly, I hate The Young Turks. Cenk says Assange is being extradited for "actually doing journalism". Oh fuck off Cenk, releasing a bunch of documents in their raw format, is NOT journalism. Anybody could do that.
>> ^dag:
Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?
If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?
>> ^Hybrid:
I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

Hybrid says...

From the article: "But despite similar warnings ahead of the previous two massive releases of classified U.S. intelligence reports by the website, U.S. officials concede that they have no evidence to date that the documents led to anyone's death."
Oh, so someone has to die first before it's branded reckless. I get it now.

>> ^dag:

You might want to read this. No state wants its secrets revealed - especially when they are violating international law, but sunshine is the best disinfectant. >> ^Hybrid:
Well I think the charges are likely to be espionage related, and I think they can easily be applied. Some documents leaked named key people in hot spots around the world, and put them and their families in immediate danger. This is the reckless part of Assange that I hugely dislike. He doesn't care what's the documents, he just feeds off the controversy. He's not an activist or journalist, he's a walking, talking egotistical, god complex.
>> ^dag:
What would the charges be? - or does that even matter. Seriously - would you charge him with copyright infringement? >> ^Hybrid:
If only it were that simple. Did Assange wake up to all these leaked documents and go "You know what, I'm going to release all these documents belonging to the world's biggest superpower and it will be fine because I'm not a US citizen and therefore they'll just forget about it"?
People get extradited all the time, and not always to their birth countries. The US is currently trying to extradite a UK hacker from the UK. That's right, the UK is debating extraditing one of their own. It happens when you break laws that have international ramifications.
But even if you put all the law/jurisdiction mess aside. It doesn't help that I hugely dislike Assange. He's an egotistical, reckless bastard out to promote his own name. Secondly, I hate The Young Turks. Cenk says Assange is being extradited for "actually doing journalism". Oh fuck off Cenk, releasing a bunch of documents in their raw format, is NOT journalism. Anybody could do that.
>> ^dag:
Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?
If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?
>> ^Hybrid:
I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You might want to read this. No state wants its secrets revealed - especially when they are violating international law, but sunshine is the best disinfectant. >> ^Hybrid:

Well I think the charges are likely to be espionage related, and I think they can easily be applied. Some documents leaked named key people in hot spots around the world, and put them and their families in immediate danger. This is the reckless part of Assange that I hugely dislike. He doesn't care what's the documents, he just feeds off the controversy. He's not an activist or journalist, he's a walking, talking egotistical, god complex.
>> ^dag:
What would the charges be? - or does that even matter. Seriously - would you charge him with copyright infringement? >> ^Hybrid:
If only it were that simple. Did Assange wake up to all these leaked documents and go "You know what, I'm going to release all these documents belonging to the world's biggest superpower and it will be fine because I'm not a US citizen and therefore they'll just forget about it"?
People get extradited all the time, and not always to their birth countries. The US is currently trying to extradite a UK hacker from the UK. That's right, the UK is debating extraditing one of their own. It happens when you break laws that have international ramifications.
But even if you put all the law/jurisdiction mess aside. It doesn't help that I hugely dislike Assange. He's an egotistical, reckless bastard out to promote his own name. Secondly, I hate The Young Turks. Cenk says Assange is being extradited for "actually doing journalism". Oh fuck off Cenk, releasing a bunch of documents in their raw format, is NOT journalism. Anybody could do that.
>> ^dag:
Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?
If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?
>> ^Hybrid:
I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

Hybrid says...

Well I think the charges are likely to be espionage related, and I think they can easily be applied. Some documents leaked named key people in hot spots around the world, and put them and their families in immediate danger. This is the reckless part of Assange that I hugely dislike. He doesn't care what's the documents, he just feeds off the controversy. He's not an activist or journalist, he's a walking, talking egotistical, god complex.

>> ^dag:

What would the charges be? - or does that even matter. Seriously - would you charge him with copyright infringement? >> ^Hybrid:
If only it were that simple. Did Assange wake up to all these leaked documents and go "You know what, I'm going to release all these documents belonging to the world's biggest superpower and it will be fine because I'm not a US citizen and therefore they'll just forget about it"?
People get extradited all the time, and not always to their birth countries. The US is currently trying to extradite a UK hacker from the UK. That's right, the UK is debating extraditing one of their own. It happens when you break laws that have international ramifications.
But even if you put all the law/jurisdiction mess aside. It doesn't help that I hugely dislike Assange. He's an egotistical, reckless bastard out to promote his own name. Secondly, I hate The Young Turks. Cenk says Assange is being extradited for "actually doing journalism". Oh fuck off Cenk, releasing a bunch of documents in their raw format, is NOT journalism. Anybody could do that.
>> ^dag:
Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?
If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?
>> ^Hybrid:
I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

What would the charges be? - or does that even matter. Seriously - would you charge him with copyright infringement? People get extradited for breaking internationally recognised laws.>> ^Hybrid:

If only it were that simple. Did Assange wake up to all these leaked documents and go "You know what, I'm going to release all these documents belonging to the world's biggest superpower and it will be fine because I'm not a US citizen and therefore they'll just forget about it"?
People get extradited all the time, and not always to their birth countries. The US is currently trying to extradite a UK hacker from the UK. That's right, the UK is debating extraditing one of their own. It happens when you break laws that have international ramifications.
But even if you put all the law/jurisdiction mess aside. It doesn't help that I hugely dislike Assange. He's an egotistical, reckless bastard out to promote his own name. Secondly, I hate The Young Turks. Cenk says Assange is being extradited for "actually doing journalism". Oh fuck off Cenk, releasing a bunch of documents in their raw format, is NOT journalism. Anybody could do that.
>> ^dag:
Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?
If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?
>> ^Hybrid:
I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

Hybrid says...

If only it were that simple. Did Assange wake up to all these leaked documents and go "You know what, I'm going to release all these documents belonging to the world's biggest superpower and it will be fine because I'm not a US citizen and therefore they'll just forget about it"?

People get extradited all the time, and not always to their birth countries. The US is currently trying to extradite a UK hacker from the UK. That's right, the UK is debating extraditing one of their own. It happens when you break laws that have international ramifications.

But even if you put all the law/jurisdiction mess aside. It doesn't help that I hugely dislike Assange. He's an egotistical, reckless bastard out to promote his own name. Secondly, I hate The Young Turks. Cenk says Assange is being extradited for "actually doing journalism". Oh fuck off Cenk, releasing a bunch of documents in their raw format, is NOT journalism. Anybody could do that.

>> ^dag:

Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?
If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?

>> ^Hybrid:
I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?

If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?

>> ^Hybrid:

I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

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