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Trump Tries To Talk- Troth Truth Senchal

newtboy says...

A total failure to address a horrific pandemic causing years of shutdown and near a million deaths will do that.

The entire world except Venezuela must be suffering from these democratic policies then because $6 a gallon is cheap compared to most countries. Socialist Venezuela gas is almost free.

“ At $5.037 per gallon (as of June 6), gas is cheaper than in over 90 countries including Norway and China, and more expensive than in over 70 others. Gasoline prices are an unbeatable $0.084 per gallon in Venezuela, the country that boasts the biggest oil reserves in the world”

You really need a new tag line, that old reality ignoring silliness is so stale that you sound broken. America had a traitor, now we have a leader. You would prefer Harris?

BTW, triggered much!?

bobknight33 said:

America went from firing on all cylinders to being choked out financially speaking.

$6/ gal gas. Democrat policies are killing the American pocketbook.

America had a Leader, Now we have a JOKE.

Whatever Happened to the Bee Apocalypse?

newtboy says...

Um, I notice their data ends in 2012 - 2015, while CCD was just becoming a serious issue. My last 3 hives had CCD.
Can bees be repopulated, yes, by splitting remaining hives and ramping up distribution channels, but that’s not sustainable and lowers the hive production to dangerously low levels. Hives can produce honey or new bees, but not both in large quantities.
Also, it’s an expensive proposition, rehiving. A nuc costs $200, a new clean hive another $250+- with a near 50% chance it won’t survive each year, it’s an expensive hobby and a real loss when they go down. Eventually people will give up trying in large quantities, then what?
And, as mentioned, wild bees pollinate most plants, and no one is working hard and making money producing large quantities of wild bee hives.

Over the last decade, the numbers have changed. There has been a severe decline in domestic bee population while demand has risen. Also, the commercial hives left often have been split many times, meaning 20000 is a far more normal population of a hive than 80000, and clearly does less pollinating, less honey production, and less new bee production.

It doesn’t have to be an either or choice, I’ve had beehives and fostered wild bee habitat at the same time. I have 30 fruit trees, I need all the bees I can get to visit.

I think the real answer to why you don’t hear about it as much lately is 1) War in Europe and 2) Coup in America, both of which dominate any news reports.

Rent: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

moonsammy says...

Greed knows no specific political affiliation, nor does charitability. We should all insist on policies that do more to help those in actual need of it, and to reduce rampant profiteering at the expense of human suffering. Squeezing your captive customers just because you can is a pretty universal "dick move." Imagine if we had solid policies in place that actually encouraged giving a hand up to those who've encountered misfortune, rather than treating them as suspicious and dangerous.

I think a big part of the problem, which I was sad to see go entirely unaddressed by the show, is that owning rental properties is such an appealing option for wealthy private investors. The long-term (and generally short-term) returns on real estate in the US have been absolutely bonkers for many years, and it's a much more stable investment than the stock market can prove to be. Professionally, I've been in a position to have an understanding of the finances of many wealthy people, and damn near everyone with net worth of more than a couple million ends up having quite substantial real estate holdings.

How about we instead find a way to award stable profits to those investing in schools, or public parks, or the arts, or... I don't know, anything else which doesn't ultimately take people out of their homes?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh sweet zombie Jebus….Boebert was a hooker in Colorado and had multiple abortions. Her weak denials are less believable than Cawthorn’s, and the evidence is her “sugar daddy” page with provocative photos of her looking for “pay to play” dates, and an unreported $70000 “donation” from Ted Cruise after her sugar daddy introduced them and she visited Ted in Texas (when she was still an “unlicensed escort”).

The investigators that made this public have BEGGED her to sue them so they can depose her under oath about these charges. She’s toast.

This on top of the revelation recently that her mileage fraud, where she was reimbursed for her claim that she drove almost 40000 miles in a few months campaigning in Colorado, was perpetrated because she was bankrupt and needed $20000 to save her family restaurant (she hadn’t been paying taxes and the state was going to foreclose on her), almost exactly the amount she was overpaid for her fake travel expenses. Now under investigation.

And let’s not forget she was with her husband when he exposed his penis to two 15 year old girls in a bowling alley and defended him over it, making her complicit in child sex abuse.

This is the Trumpist heroine, his “best people”. Oof.

An apple painted with the blackest paint

spawnflagger says...

false advertisement - Vanta Black is blacker, at 99.8% (in spray-on form). It's immeasurably black in raw form (> 99.96% - no spectrometer in the world was powerful enough to measure how much light it absorbs)

probably this mousou stuff is slightly less expensive (ridiculously vs ludicrously?)

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

Similar to his answer to the question..”do you think this (Putin invading Ukraine) is evil.”

Trump “I think in 100 years people are going to look back and they’re going to say “how did we stand back and nato stand back” which in many ways I’ve called a paper tiger don’t forget I rebuilt nato because when I became president the first thing I noticed when I went there to the first meeting was that most of the countries were not paying or were paying far less than they were supposed to. There were only 8 out of 28 countries that were paid in full the United States was not only one of them, we were making up the deficits in order to protect Europe. We were paying POSSIBLY 80% of nato to protect them and then they take advantage of us yet on trade because on trade they’re every bit as bad as Gina. They treated us very badly on trade. We changed a lot of that around but they were very tough on trade I asked, Angela Merkel how many chevrolets are you selling this month in Munich or Berlin, and she looked at me and said “well probably none” I said you’re exactly right, none and yet we had the Mercedes Benz and the Volkswagens and all of them. We had all of the German companies, and the same thing with farmers, our farmers sell virtually nothing to Europe, you take a look at what we sell and yet we take their product.
They treated us very badly in trade and we defended them and we really if you look at the real numbers I bet you it’s close to 80% and I said “you have to pay and if you don’t pay we’re not going to defend you, and it’s one way or the other I knew Putin very well…almost as well as I know you, Sean, and I will tell you, we talked about it. We talked about it a lot. He did want Ukraine but I said “you’re not going into Ukraine”. He would never ever have gone into Ukraine and President Xi of Gina would never have even thought about going into Taiwan ..not doing windmills because they’re killing eagles. They’re killing the bald eagles and other eagles and other birds and we have these windmills all over the place and the environmentalists pretend they love them, but they’re really hurting our country they’re driving down values, they’re just absolutely killing us it’s one of the most expensive forms of energy…the turbines are all made in Gina or Germany, so they get the advantage of that….it’s…uh…just ridiculous but the real problem…”

Again, the question was “Do you think this (referring to the Russian invasion) is evil?”
This is the second interview where Hannity asked him that very question and he completely ignored it to ramble nonsensically.

Just as rambling, disjointed, fact free, casting blame, flattering himself, and completely ignoring the question because he cannot say anything rational, certainly nothing remotely against Putin or the pee tape goes public….or something worse.

@bobknight33…this is you guy? This is want you want? Mr stream of consciousness word salad spewing Trump? My 97 year old grandmother could still think and talk circles around him with her teeth out … and she’s been dead for 8 years.

robdot said:

Again,the question was, what would you do?

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

You would think the Republicans would stop blocking the filling of the federal reserve board, the government body that is tasked with fighting inflation. It’s blatantly obvious they would rather lay false blame over inflation than allow any solution that Biden might get credit for (deserved or not). Another case of party over country, this time for no reason than to deny Democrats a win….at the expense of the nation.

Such a whining little baby, grow up and learn something. Stop with the “I don’t know how things work, so I’ll just blame everything on whoever I hate” stupidity please.

New Rule: Make America Grind Again

newtboy says...

He is, but he is clear that he thinks Islam is the worst, most violent misogynistic and intolerant. I say that’s equally true of all religions at different times.

While I do like that he can see when his team goes off the deep end, where that line lies has steadily moved to the right as he aged. I’ve been watching him since before he had a tv show. I live in CA, and I don’t have the issues he complains most about….of course I don’t live in the most expensive, most regulated county in CA like he does. He complained for years about getting permits for his solar system and blamed the liberal government, I got my permits in one day with no issue at all.

My biggest peeve is that, even though he’s been a professional comedian for over 40 years, he still doesn’t understand that a groan/clap is approval for a joke in bad taste or particularly pointed. It bugs the shit out of me when he gets mad his crowd groaned while applauding and laughing.

We actually started HBO to watch him there…but he’s changed so much we often don’t bother anymore. I rarely recognize his panel anymore too. New Rules is definitely the highlight of the show these days.

spawnflagger said:

I think he's against all religions, hence making Religulous.

I like him because he's old-school liberal, and not afraid to call out some of the extreme-left insanity of new-school liberals. Probably he sees it more because he lives in CA.

But I don't subscribe to HBO, and only watch his "New Rules" or monolog clips on YouTube (when they're not already 'sifted, of course)

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

I can at times be all three, for sure, but it’s not something I would be proud about.

There’s a big difference between verbal confrontation and this.

I still say it’s impossible for me to believe both intelligent stars (with their pr teams) and the Oscars all got together and said this would be a good trick to play for ratings. Maybe I’m naive, I just can’t believe that many people would be that stupid with time to think it over.

The best evidence it wasn’t staged came from Colbert….Will Smith isn’t that good of an actor! *slam*

I’ve spent a lot of time in the bad part of towns, living in East Palo Alto before gentrification, etc. I just kind of expect every random third person to be armed and a powder keg. Confronting a stranger in anger over a joke, even a joke at my wife’s expense, seems risky. I’ve seen people stabbed over less.
In her physical defense, I’m happy to take that risk.

vil said:

What did you say? Say that again! Come back! What did you mean by that? Who do you think you are to insult us like that? Apologize instantly or..

Yeah context matters, but if I dont stand up for my wife when she feels insulted or endangered, and it does not have to be a physical or escalatory response, I can expect to be considered part of the problem. Sometimes you cant keep sitting on the fence and be all moral and philosophical about stuff. Either you fight or you retreat, a quick decision must be made on how far you want to take it.

That is why I think it was staged. No party planned to follow up, take this further. If theyd never speak about it (or to each other) again, I would believe it.

LOL at my wife wanting me to take risks. Unless I was taking on a perceived risk to her.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

Smith lost a lot of fans right there….me included.
If you don’t have a sense of humor about yourself, don’t go to awards shows where the audience is fair game for jokes at their expense. Same for your wife/husband.
If being bald is a touchy subject, wear a wig. (Coming from a bald guy who’s been bald by choice for 25 years and never once got mad at a Mr Clean or penis head joke).

Will can fuck right off with his violent tantrum (or pretend tantrum if this is some scripted ploy). Chris should have decked him back in the face, kicked him in the balls, and kicked him off stage head first. What a child. I hope charges are pressed and lawsuits filed….he deserves them. If there aren’t repercussions, that’s a good indicator this was scripted to boost dismal ratings, which IMO might be worse.

Romney: Big Bird's going to have advertisements

surfingyt says...

republicans always focus on stopping smallest spending with the most appreciable results, versus military spending which vastly outweighs all other expenses with little result. they are true morons.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And…. Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, committed voter fraud.
He rented a shack in N Carolina and claimed it was his home. He registered to vote from that shack. He never visited the home, and no one stayed the night there while he rented it.

He lied about it being his residence, and voted illegally in N Carolina. Voter Fraud…by your guys.
Lock them up for years, and it’s definitely time to require any registered Republican to verify both their residence and identity by random physical checks and DNA testing at their expense. Voter ID is needed for your party, and a fake driver’s license is too easy to get to count.

You want secure elections, don’t you? Then you obviously want special requirements for the group that tried to commit massive election frauds….that’s Republicans.

Or can you admit you’re completely hypocritical and don’t care about all the voter fraud now that you know it was all Republicans perpetrating them?

I expect no answer, because there isn’t a good answer for you.

BTW, strong leader Biden just announced a ban on Russian energy products. Good for Tesla. Yes, it will hurt, gas prices will rise. Freedom isn’t free, and if you don’t chip in your buck 0 five, who will?

California gas goes past $6 dollar

newtboy says...

ONE gas station is over $6…in Beverly Grove, the shopping district of Beverly Hills. The real average is $4.77 statewide.
Another totally dishonest @bobknight33 post. I expect nothing less.

I’m in Humboldt county, the most expensive gas in California regularly by far (except for special hyper expensive stations like Big Sur, Icehouse gas on the Rubicon trail, and the Uber rich one in the post).
…we are barely over $5, just like we were in 2019.

Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

newtboy says...

I hope you don’t take expensive medication, Republicans just blocked even a vote on the plan to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices out of pure spite against Biden, doubling or more the cost of medication for older Americans.

Because I dislike your politics doesn’t mean I wish you harm….even self inflicted.

bobknight33 said:

Duly noted.

Sift animosity aside, given and taken. I truly desire all to succeed.

Your statements about the economy as a whole applies to all, whether they diversify or solely own just 3 stocks or less.

I don't fear a crash of 87 or 2008. But your are right the ground beneath us is shaking. Having belief in our leaders and FED to do the the right thing is a is half harted. Even if they choose a proper corrective path it will be a bumpy ride.

You are right I am forward thinking and willing to take a few hard bumps over the next 10 years. I believe the upside is worth this risk.

I don't want a japan crash that took 25+ years to recover, or a 1929 crash which took 10 years and war to recover.

Every hard crash recovers, eventually.

If things go bad I will exit. Granted no one has perfect timing and neither do I. Will I loose 20 30% probably.

I do watch markets daily.

I'm 60 with 2 years left on the house mortgage. I will have a GE pension and hopefully some SS. Granted inflation can eat that 4K/month away but it will still help. Also I would continue to work.

And if that's not enough at least the house will be paid for and I will eat PB and J. or rice and beans.

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