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Meet Zheng Guigui, The Fingerless Piano Player

residue says...

You're just upset because no one has applauded your impressive typing skills despite having no fingers. Don't be jealous and keep practicing, your comments are nearly legible!


>> ^westy:

why r the people in audeance getting so worked up ( i guess they vet things and only employ tards and dull people to present these typs of programs)
its gr8 that she has lent how to do this but what do u expect her to do u dont just go and kill yourself when u lose a arm legg hand , or have terminal illness u make the most of it and try and do what u want to do.
allot of piano music is Filler and for this reason you can reduce allot of songs to something that is playable with a stub.
It might evan be the case that playing the peano comes more eseaily to this girl than it would sumone with 2 hands but who finds it hard to do the specifc action of playing the peano , but bucuse this girl has an obvouse disablity and apears to have overcome it to some exstent that makes this emotional .
its like when tllent shows boo people off for been shit , but then an ugly person is slighty above average and thats amazing , or sumone who is clearly disabled is trying and thats amazing , if you happen to just be an average person thats trying hard and pushing u own boundries but comes across as a normal person then fuck you.

bahhhhhh back to my granddad seat Im happy for this girl as i would be for anyone but wish everyone else in that studio would die in a tsunami or something. ( i bet all the people that died die in the tusnimi were nice people as well and it avoided all the cunts , Sods law )

Meet Zheng Guigui, The Fingerless Piano Player

westy says...

why r the people in audeance getting so worked up ( i guess they vet things and only employ tards and dull people to present these typs of programs)

its gr8 that she has lent how to do this but what do u expect her to do u dont just go and kill yourself when u lose a arm legg hand , or have terminal illness u make the most of it and try and do what u want to do.

allot of piano music is Filler and for this reason you can reduce allot of songs to something that is playable with a stub.

It might evan be the case that playing the peano comes more eseaily to this girl than it would sumone with 2 hands but who finds it hard to do the specifc action of playing the peano , but bucuse this girl has an obvouse disablity and apears to have overcome it to some exstent that makes this emotional .

its like when tllent shows boo people off for been shit , but then an ugly person is slighty above average and thats amazing , or sumone who is clearly disabled is trying and thats amazing , if you happen to just be an average person thats trying hard and pushing u own boundries but comes across as a normal person then fuck you.

bahhhhhh back to my granddad seat Im happy for this girl as i would be for anyone but wish everyone else in that studio would die in a tsunami or something. ( i bet all the people that died die in the tusnimi were nice people as well and it avoided all the cunts , Sods law )

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage (Part 2)

westy says...

graphics look nice but , to much shit bloom and contrast its like 90s games and lens flair all over again , also the actual game play shown so far looks utterly retarded and bland kind of thing that works well in a film but in a game just feels dead and robotic especially if your the type of player that likes to "play" a game thats presented as an open game but is in fact a linear on rails shooter.

With any luck the multilayer will be open like it was in bf 1942 , or the give modders the tools so people can make a good game of it instead of having something that plays like a shallow console shooter.

I dont have annything against console shooters , but the whole USP of Bf was big maps vehicular combat with time and space for tactics , Games like COD do the corador shooter stuff just fine.

Just hope this plays more like BF1942 and less like bad company , bf1943 on 360 was actualy quite good and seemed to mix the new stuff well with the old stuff.

but in llikelyhood this will turn out to be another dulled down pc game to make it work well for console , Ill defintly get it on day 1 Evan though bad company 2 was a bit dull compared to original bf games still a pretty solid game and at least the net-code works in the new frostbite engin, and im sure bf3 will be the same.

on final note , The sound is fantastic so at least they got that right 10 points to the sound designer lol actually more excited about the sound design than the rest of the game.

Senna - The Movie (intl trailer)

westy says...

will be interesting to watch.

whats funny is that there are probably litraly thousands of people that will have as much if not more talent than drivers like senna and Schumacher but they will never get to show it due to the fact that u need to be eathor loaded or have parents that force you into go carting from a young age , just to get the opertunity to try and compeat.

Evan the most basic competitive racing will set you back 50k a year and for something thats televised or might have decent sponsors / potential for you to be paid from it your looking at paying 200-500k a year upfront.

still f1 can be fun to watch and im sure this doc will be entertaining and have some gr8 footage

Hilarious Response to "Asians in the Library"

Porksandwich says...

Yeah I realize, but they would bring food into the labs because they literally spent 8-10 hours a day in the labs. Due to all the body heat and food that place smelled like that forever.

Anecdotal, but there was a guy from I believe Israel who lived with a couple of local college students, they told him to stop cooking and eating his food in the house because it made their clothes smell. So he switched to eating what they ate, and eventually he began to notice how bad the other middle easterners smelled. He said it was because they cook that stuff and it gets in their clothes, but also because many of them didn't shower daily or wear strong deodorants. He got to the point where he couldn't stand to be around them, and he used to eat that kind of food. So I suspect it's more than just the dislike of the smell of that food but hygiene related.

Just like heavy smokers don't notice how bad they smell...and they quit smoking and notice how bad their house/car/jacket smell. It's like they are so exposed to that scent all day and night they become unable to notice it anymore. Like people who sleep soundly when the train comes if they've lived near a train track long enough.

>> ^westy:

>> ^Porksandwich:
At my college it was Indians, in hot cramped computer labs. So when the heat started to get bad the BO would be off the charts. What was the worst, you had to use those labs for your projects and it was like the Indian club house...they'd bring food with them. The place smelled like a gym locker even when it was empty. After two years of that I got access to an upper floor lab where the chairs and carpet didn't smell like someone's shoes or armpit.
I can definitely see the girls point, but this video was great. Although with Indians, they hated Indians born in the US, so........the US-born ones were some of their loudest critics.

Intresting thing with that is that Indeans dont generally have more BO than westerners , but your BO smells of what you eat , and most people are less aware of there BO or there cultures back ground BO , To Indians westerners that have a prodiminatly dairy dait smell like off milk , where as indeans to westerners tend to smell like curry / spicy BO.
I know allot of western people that complain about smell of Indians , its not something that bothers me I evan have one friend that would refuse to go into indean shops because they hated the smell of the spice so much.
Its also a scientific fact that all russans smell of vodka

Hilarious Response to "Asians in the Library"

westy says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

At my college it was Indians, in hot cramped computer labs. So when the heat started to get bad the BO would be off the charts. What was the worst, you had to use those labs for your projects and it was like the Indian club house...they'd bring food with them. The place smelled like a gym locker even when it was empty. After two years of that I got access to an upper floor lab where the chairs and carpet didn't smell like someone's shoes or armpit.
I can definitely see the girls point, but this video was great. Although with Indians, they hated Indians born in the US, so........the US-born ones were some of their loudest critics.

Intresting thing with that is that Indeans dont generally have more BO than westerners , but your BO smells of what you eat , and most people are less aware of there BO or there cultures back ground BO , To Indians westerners that have a prodiminatly dairy dait smell like off milk , where as indeans to westerners tend to smell like curry / spicy BO.

I know allot of western people that complain about smell of Indians , its not something that bothers me I evan have one friend that would refuse to go into indean shops because they hated the smell of the spice so much.

Its also a scientific fact that all russans smell of vodka

Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning System

Girl Predicts Japan Earthquake

westy says...

Fucking hell ,

1) how Manny people do u think made predictions with 4 days leeway that something might happen ?

2) There are so Manny other factors that are massively more significant than that of a comet is she saying the gravity of the commet will cuse the issues? what about the other platery bodies that are closer and have more mass why dont they have more effect ? I bet using basic logic if you were to go along with here reasning you could destroy the internal logic of how she has come to this conclusion.

3) its sad that people will just belive this sort of thing without investigating it , or belive in annything that totally contravenes scientific understanding and basic resoin derived from evan a basic knowlage of science.

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

westy says...

>> ^criticalthud:
posted above if you took the time.
but happy to repost for you.
i'm just looking at this in a theoretical sense, based on mass ice melt and it's likely repercussions. apparently others have looked at this more thoroughly than i have. If i had known this earlier, it would have saved time pointing out fairly obvious things to rather confrontational people.

>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

"Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools."
Although yes on a quantum level things are bassed on probability and ultimetly u can keep asking why unttill nothing makes anny sense , Its a fact that on our scale of interaction with the world things can be prodicted and understood to a level that alows for us to utilise scence and prodict and understand things to a high level.
I dont evan understand the overall point you are making you are contradicting yourself and going all over the place .
Instead of spewing all this talk out next time you want to make an objective claim why dont you just stick to stating the claim and then backing it up with evidence ?
You saying "It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse." does nothing to help anyone you simply cannot make a claim and then say LOGIC AND REASON GO TO SHOW I AM RIGHT.
lol what u put is like me saying , "LOgic and resoin go to show that the sun is smaller than a bannana you can belive in an invisable sky god-man . this is about phiusics and reality and its only gona get more bananery."

MY issue was not with the ice caps melting thing , as i said that could be true ore false , i was just pointing out all the other stuff you typed in aditoin to that which was superfalouse and made little sense and if anything undermined the intail point u were getting at ,

you posted link to sauces after which is fine , i think if you had just done that on your first post , made objective statement x and posted suces to back it up , then people imideatly would have been able to just debate the sources and progress there knowlage.

Thing is you actually come across as a non native English speaker ( evan more so than me lol although im sure my spelling is worse)

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

criticalthud says...
posted above if you took the time.
but happy to repost for you.
i'm just looking at this in a theoretical sense, based on mass ice melt and it's likely repercussions. apparently others have looked at this more thoroughly than i have. If i had known this earlier, it would have saved time pointing out fairly obvious things to rather confrontational people.

>> ^westy:

>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

"Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools."
Although yes on a quantum level things are bassed on probability and ultimetly u can keep asking why unttill nothing makes anny sense , Its a fact that on our scale of interaction with the world things can be prodicted and understood to a level that alows for us to utilise scence and prodict and understand things to a high level.
I dont evan understand the overall point you are making you are contradicting yourself and going all over the place .
Instead of spewing all this talk out next time you want to make an objective claim why dont you just stick to stating the claim and then backing it up with evidence ?
You saying "It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse." does nothing to help anyone you simply cannot make a claim and then say LOGIC AND REASON GO TO SHOW I AM RIGHT.
lol what u put is like me saying , "LOgic and resoin go to show that the sun is smaller than a bannana you can belive in an invisable sky god-man . this is about phiusics and reality and its only gona get more bananery."

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

westy says...

>> ^criticalthud:

>> ^westy:
>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

"Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools."

Although yes on a quantum level things are bassed on probability and ultimetly u can keep asking why unttill nothing makes anny sense , Its a fact that on our scale of interaction with the world things can be prodicted and understood to a level that alows for us to utilise scence and prodict and understand things to a high level.

I dont evan understand the overall point you are making you are contradicting yourself and going all over the place .

Instead of spewing all this talk out next time you want to make an objective claim why dont you just stick to stating the claim and then backing it up with evidence ?

You saying "It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse." does nothing to help anyone you simply cannot make a claim and then say LOGIC AND REASON GO TO SHOW I AM RIGHT.

lol what u put is like me saying , "LOgic and resoin go to show that the sun is smaller than a bannana you can belive in an invisable sky god-man . this is about phiusics and reality and its only gona get more bananery."

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

criticalthud says...

>> ^westy:

>> ^criticalthud:
Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.
Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.
"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.
Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

Science, especially theoretical science is based on probability. Probability is a a process comprised mainly of inductive reasoning. k? this is looking at trends and connecting the dots. Physics...and simple probability. There are no definitives, no absolutes. It is virtually impossible to create a hard science in this realm...we simply don't have the tools.
Einstein's theories were still "theories", and have been proven throughout time (mainly in the mathematical realm). But they were theories based on probability. Asking "what if" and looking at liklihoods.
Our beliefs, or our hopes for absolutes do nothing to affect probability. And scientific "proof" is often for sale.
thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

Amazing Tsunami Footage from the Ground

westy says...

>> ^criticalthud:

Seismic activity has increased along with global warming.
Logic, physics, and probability all say that when you shift the mass of the earth (ice caps melting), seismic activity will increase. And it has, by a the last 30 years.
The poles are shifting.
This is the earth adjusting.
This is akin to shifting the mass of a spinning toy top.
It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality. and it is going to get worse.

What you are saying might be true , but u have presented it in the most retarded way.

Also Evan though global warming is happening and ice caps are melting that does not necessarily mean there is causal link with seismic activity of curse there might be but its the kind of claim where u need to back it up with some evidence and sources.

"It doesn't matter what you believe. You can believe in an invisible god-man in the sky too. This is about physics and reality" ~ I think I get what you are trying to say with this but your communicating it all wrong, A christain could say exactly the same thing but focused on how god is real. Making a statment like that is uselss its the evidence and scientific method behind what is sead that will sway any sain person to believe in something or believing in something that is inline with reality.

Lol i Myself have not very clearly exsplaind why what u have said is retarded but im sure if you think about it you will see why what u said was not exactly cunstructive evan though im pritty sure u r on the right page with things.

FOIA Lawsuits Cause Release of New WTC7 Collapse Video

westy says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I want the dumb-fuck truthers to answer a couple of "simple" questions for me, or to STFU:
1)What is there to gain from it?
2)Where are the signature multi-level explosions used to fell a building?
3)How the fuck do you sneak all the explosives in with no one noticing?
4)Why would they bother making them fall straight down? Wouldn't sideways be better if you're going to kill a bunch of people?

lol although there are defintly mental conspircy things holographic planes and totaly weard shit there are a whole bunch of things that everyone would want and agree with , it seems the ultra conservatives and people who made money out of 911 benofit the most out of verbaly atacking truthers.

evan if a % of truthers come out with stupid shit i think the vast majority of people actually have legitimate questions which Evan outside of 911 would serve well to be anserd/investigated.

The 911 official report has sections missing and dosent realy shine a light on blatant governmental faileors.

the other weird stuff like how american government wont admit they shot the other plane down ,I guess if they admited to that it puts more questions on there reluctance inactivity to shoot down th eplanes that hit WTC and pentagon.

What i really dont understand is the truthers that make shit up or focus on details that could never be proven disproven and dont realy serve any benofit to know the ansers to.

In the end ultimetly bush administration/ whoever funds them and who ever owns us government right now will pritty much do whatever the fuck they want it seems that some "truthers" think some how knowing the full story behind 911 will fix politics result in those responsible going to jail in the end evan if a photograph was found with bush presing a button that said blow up wtc nothing would happen.

there are loads of strange things with the London bombings as well , but if annything what the terrorist atacks go to show is that we cannot realy do annything to stop them , and its actualy a realy low risk to be killed in one , if for example 4k people died every year from terrorism that still way way way less people that get run over by cars. If you spent evan a fraction of the war money used to fight terrorisum on car safty then u wud save more people do more good in the world , i mean evan put that money into clean water forest restoration, redusing malaria . thats whats obsurd about the situation

Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws - Paranoia

westy says...

came across so twatty quite remarkable , evan more twatty than sum-one using a I pad in a coffy shop waring large headphones with a ukalali singing a indi song with a fake english accent.

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