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Jimmy Kimmel Presents Awkward Interracial High Five

Germany's Downfall Will Be Facilitated By This Roundabout

charliem says...

If you want to facilitate lorries and buses, make it an overbout. Shallow roundabouts that cars and trucks can still pretty much drive over, but prominent enough so that people know to follow correct etiquette for a roundabout intersection.

Islam: How to beat your wife

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

What Freedom Means to Libertarians (Philosophy Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

Anyhow, I'm not sure what you mean by privately owned public spaces. That sounds like a lot of doublespeak. Sure, you have to pay property taxes so there's the argument that you never truly own your land, but if you purchase land to build a company on it, it's not technically public. It's private. Like your home.

But it's not private like my home. My home is in a residential area, and is clearly a living space, not a space meant for conducting business. Even if my door wasn't locked, it would be highly irregular for someone to just walk in my front door unannounced without my explicit permission, and started looking through my belongings.

If I owned a store, it would be in a commercial area, and clearly labeled as a store. The door would be unlocked, and it would be fully expected that people would be permitted to walk in the front door without waiting for my explicit permission, and they would be free to peruse the wares on display.

Those are two totally different situations, with completely different rules of etiquette, and with largely different laws.

This is not even getting into the idea that there are so many fundamental services that we rely on that are (rightfully) provided by private businesses, and should be made available to everyone regardless of race, group, or food.

>> ^blankfist:
If some racist asshole wants to buy land and open a racist grocery store, then so be it. I doubt you'd fine many people visiting that shop, because this isn't 1950s Alabama.
It's his property, he can do with it as he pleases pretty much. If he wants to open a "blacks only" grocery store, it wouldn't be fair for the white guy next door to stop him. You're wrong if you think you have a right to dictate what goes on in private spaces when no one is being aggressed against.

How about a "No Muslims" sign? How about a "No latinos" sign? How about a "No gays" sign? This might not be 1950's Alabama, but the US of 2010 isn't a paragon of virtue either.

Personally, I think it's totally fair to stop people from doing this. The object of these signs are being "aggressed against", they're having their freedom constrained, not because of something they've done wrong, or even had any choice about, but because of who they are.

I'm all for the right to "discriminate" on the basis of individual behavior and merit, but prejudice like that is morally wrong.

I hate the fashion major living next to me (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

rougy says...

Just moved to an apartment building after living in a house for several years. It takes some getting used to. Sorry to hear about your problems. She's probably new to apartment living and doesn't understand how it works.

I often wish I could peek into my upstairs neighbors room just to see what the hell is making those strange sounds. It's probably something totally understandable, but it sounds like somebody's dragging around a ball and chain.

To me, apartment etiquette allows for a little loud music once in a while, as long as it's not in the wee hours and as long as it doesn't drone on for hours.

Everybody's gotta get a little crazy once in a while.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

Sigh says...

While I agree with the cheese steak comment, I have to choose your first option. Between hanging a dalass cowboys fan over the upper deck, throwing snowballs at Santa, D-sized batteries at JD Drew (again at a Phillies game) distractions in a game are fine by most of us. You may have great fans up there in Toronto, but they are not Philly fans. So yes, people do enjoy the baseball, but they also enjoy the shenanigans that seem to encompass going to a sporting event in Philadelphia.

If some kid wants to run around on a field to eventually get tazed down by some pathetic fat fuck of a cop, I'll cheer for the kid, just like the fans in the video. He wasted a few minutes of the game to give people extra enjoyment, at great cost to himself. The fines you get for these acts are not cheap. Most times the kid tires out or runs off the field himself, the game continues. Apparently the fat fuck of a rent-a-cop didn't get that memo. This wouldn't even make the news most night except of the idiot cop.

I don't know about a magical telepathic connection, but I do know there's an etiquette surrounding these events. I bet that rent-a-cop doesn't work another sporting event here for his own safety. I'd explain fan loyalty to you, but obviously it wouldn't stick to a Blue Jays fan.

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^Sigh:
"In my opinion, this was somewhat deserved anyway. If I were at a Jays game and some dumb kid started to run on the field and disrupt the game, I'd be upset. Maybe this'll serve as a type of warning to other idiots thinking about doing the same thing."
You know nothing of us Philadelphia fans, and if you are one you should be ashamed for your idiotic remarks.

Fine, fixed it for you with my own team. What's the fucking difference? I paid to see a baseball game, not some young kid showboating. I have been to a phillys game when I was down in Philadelphia, the people around me seemed to enjoy the actual baseball too.
Is there some kind of magical telepathic connection that everybody gets once they're a phillys fan that makes it so they all prefer to see some idiot on the field then watch the game? Or are they just the same kinds of fans that the rest of the baseball teams have except with really fucking good cheesesteaks in their stadium.
my vote is on the latter.

"Stop taking the internet so seriously" (British Talk Post)

schmawy says...

I tend to think of peple who behave badly on the internet the same way I think of rude drivers. They are simple and unclassy, self centered and pathetic when they feel safe. Makes us all look bad.

I am a big fan of manners, decency and politeness. I'm not a big fan of etiquette, law, or rules. Internet suits me fine. Count me as an ally in your fight againt the lowbrow self-amused hordes of trogloditic youtubery, Danny.

We do have to grandfather in joedirt and a few others unfortunately. But that's it, no more.

High Five Etiquette

High Five Etiquette

High Five Etiquette

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'high five, out of the office etiquette, herb tankersleigh, tips and tricks' to 'high five, out of the office etiquette, herb tankersleigh, tips and tricks, urinals' - edited by calvados

High Five Etiquette

High Five Etiquette

High Five Etiquette

JesseoftheNorth (Member Profile)

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