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Trick Softball Shot

Teen Magician, Daniel Kramer, on Fool Us: Penn & Teller

BoneRemake (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Boner, it's been SOOOO long since I last thanked you for posting this embedded video on my profile. It is truly (and I mean that with sincerity) an epic moment in Hollywood. I couldn't imagine Videosift without this THIS THIS THIS THIS


BoneRemake said:


The Lexus Hoverboard - It's Real!

newtboy says...

OK....if that's how you want to be about it! ;-)

Still, it seemed to me that that guy (over water) had something much closer to a 'real' hoverboard than these guys did.

There was also that version that worked over any copper surface,
which I thought was also way 'better' than this version which needs the embedded mag-lev track to work.

The 'over water' guy just needs to miniaturize (although that would make balancing near impossible) to meet your specs.

Just curious, would you accept a pair of skateboard sized (+-) hover-boots as hoverboards, or would that be just a pair of hoverskates?

lucky760 said:

Um... No.

We're talking about the Back to the Future hoverboard, which is the size of a skateboard, not just any gigantic machine on which a person could stand and be lifted.

Strongbad freaks out about the death of Flash

oritteropo says...

Given the differences in design and intent, the similarities are remarkable.

I have a large number of embedded devices (mostly server manager cards or the like) that use java controls, and they generally don't have updates available, so the change to java security mandating a Permissions attribute in the manifest means I have a lot of entries in the java security exceptions list.

I don't particularly have a problem with java the language, but java plug-ins have become really painful.

heropsycho said:

At least they didn't make it Java based. Java made me take back everything bad I've ever said about Flash.

Why are there dangerous ingredients in vaccines?

Sniper007 says...

Our bodies are best at responding to pathogens that enter our system normally - over mucus membranes, through skin contact, and via ocassional inadvertent ingestion and inhalation.

Directly injecting pathogens (and a whole host of other known toxins) straight into the bloodstream puts their bioavailability at 100%, instantly. These damaging elements have perfect access to the brain, and all other internal organs, giving the body's almost no chance whatsoever to deal with the invading harmful elements. You can expect to see symptoms manifest in minutes, hours, or days - and this is exactly what you do see in vaccine related injuries.

Aluminum, formaldehyde, cyanide, and other elements we do eat, and are harmless when found embeded in their naturally occurring places. Injecting those refined elements (mixed together with all kinds of other poisons) directly into the bloodstream is no where close to eating un-refind foods that have the same elements bonded to other molecules which render them intert or beneficial.

What is the bioavailability of aluminum found in a banana when eaten?

What is the bioavailability of that same quantity of aluminum when the banana is pulverized and injected into the bloodstream?

What is the bioavailability of that same quantity of aluminum when it's refined, and no part of the banana except the aluminum is injected directly into the bloodstream?

Their description of the actual affect of the aluminum in particular is incomplete. Aluminum is a known neural disruptor. If it reaches the brain directly (remember, bioavailability is at 100%) the aluminum will disrupt neurons. This may result in some cases in a neural disruption. Did you know autism is a known neural disruption?

LEXUS Creates a Hoverboard

newtboy says...

There was absolutely nothing more on that site. No info, no more video, no pictures, nothing new. I'm still waiting to see it ridden over normal concrete (without embedded copper plates/magnets). I think that's what we're all waiting for in a hover board.

shagen454 said:

Official site:

CEO cut's salary so he can raise workers pay to 70,000/yr

petpeeved says...

Shocking that one of the leading mouthpieces and corporate apologists for the diseased form of capitalism that is capsizing the former republic of the United States of America would be predicting that 'market forces' will maintain an environment where CEOs such as Dan Price, who are confused as to which side of the class war they are on, will be strongly discouraged from closing the historical chasm of income disparity with their workers via a complex and myriad assortment of carefully implemented internal structures, that have been embedded over several decades starting with Reagan, and will serve to doom any business to failure for not prizing profit, and the unequal distribution of profit, over all other considerations such as income parity.

The most interesting aspect of this experiment isn't whether it succeeds or fails in the long run but rather that it will someday be used as a prime example by people like Chris Hedges who argue that the form of crony capitalism plaguing the West cannot and should not be reformed but rather destroyed and replaced with a system that doesn't have as its main aim the impoverishment of workers for the sole benefit of an oligarchical aristocratic elite.

lantern53 said:

from Forbes:

Unfortunately, this well-intended gesture is likely to either end badly or just end quietly. It will end badly if the company enacts the program as written, as Gravity is likely to experience reduced investor interest due to unusually high labor costs. A growing company with a $70,000 entry-level wage for every employee will be a difficult sell in the capital markets.

More likely, the plan will end quietly. As investors weigh in and influence company policy, the $70,000 minimum wage is likely to be drastically modified and adjusted. Conditions are likely to be placed on earning the $70,000 minimum, and industry standard wages will be subsidized with bonuses and other cash incentives to maintain the appearance of a $70,000 minimum wage. People unable or unwilling to commit to a bonus-based or incentive-based system will not select themselves for employment at Gravity. Within three years, Gravity’s pay structure will probably revert to industry standards, and Price’s minimum wage will be seen as a well-intended, but economically naïve, compensation plan.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Everytime Owen Wilson has said WOW on Film

What is this thing and what's it doing?

MilkmanDan says...

I don't think the original video had audio, or at least I didn't hear it. Fun to hear them talking about it in Thai, although they don't say anything particularly scientifically relevant -- more like "augh! help me!" (out of surprise) and then some mild cussing about it.

The caption/title I get from the original video says:
"น่ากลัว หนอนทะเล เป็นแบบนี้"

First word is "na-grua" which means "scary", or more directly/literally "worthy of fear". The second word is compound, "nohn-talay" which means "worm-ocean", or "marine worm" would be a less literal but better English translation. The last word is actually 3 words: "pben baap ni", which roughly means "is like this". So an overall translation of the YT video title would be "this is a scary marine worm".

...Oops, and just now I'm seeing the YT description, which has a lot more Thai and does specifically mention Nemertea -- so that is probably correct. It looks and behaves a lot like some of the sea cucumbers that I've seen, although most tend to have a bit more texture or protrusions on their skin. But there are definitely sea cucumbers that are as smooth as this thing. Compare with a similar sea cucumber video:

Quite similar, but sounds like the Nemertea does this to eat whereas the Sea Cucumber does it as a defense mechanism.
--EDIT-- Whoops, embedded the wrong video. Should be fixed now

eric3579 said:

UPDATE below also see new video description and original video

The caption is in Thai and describes the creature as a Nemertea, or a ribbon worm, which shoots a proboscis (elongated nose) out of a hole above its mouth to capture prey.

Presumably, that is what is going on here.

When not stretched out like an alien life form, the proboscis normally sits in “a fluid-filled chamber above the gut,” according to Encyclopedia Britannica.

And here’s a description of how it works from NCSU:

"When the animal senses a prey organism nearby, a circular muscle layer around the proboscis sheath rapidly and vigorously contracts. This contraction forces the fluid from the proboscis sheath into the proboscis and, in the process, literally turns it inside out, blowing it out of the proboscis sheath. The proboscis will rapidly (within a second or so) wrap itself around the prey, which is then drawn to the mouth and eaten."


McCoys - Hang on sloopy Vid with amazing girl.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

00Scud00 says...

Well, even if you did say they were toxic I'd have agreed with you, like others here have said any reasonable comments made would have been buried under a metric fuckton of bullshit anyhow.

I think there is a misunderstanding here however, when GenjiKilpatrick and others are talking about Sarkeesian "being called on her shit" they mean the reasoned criticism, not the threats, nobody here is arguing in favor of that.
I am curious though, unless you know something about these threats that I don't, how do you know that they are in fact "Serious"? Most people can dream up all kinds of crazy shit or even talk about it, but that still doesn't put you into Dexter Morgan territory (Dexter would be too polite to say anything like that anyhow, and Sarkeesian doesn't fit Harry's Code).
If you are referring to the UCU lecture that she cancelled, then no, neither campus security nor the FBI advised her against going through with the appearance, she made that choice on her own.

You also say "It's unseemly to imply a single woman should ignore such threats or assume they are not credible", which makes me wonder if this was a man we were talking about would you still feel the same way? Adam Orth received death threats to both himself and his family and while it did create a lot of discussion, even heated discussion, it did not generate the same kind of mass outrage that this has so far. Gabe Newell also got a threat from a developer some time back and that got barely a peep out of anyone.
Simply put, we still live in a society that puts on a good public show of equality for men and women, but privately we still teach our little boys that men are still the true protectors of our society. We don't get as upset when men face danger because that is what we expect of them, and this kind of deeply embedded cultural belief is the real heart of sexism in our society. This debate over the role of women in video games is all superficial because I believe it comes from those much older beliefs.

newtboy said:

I never said "youtube comments are toxic".
Once again, since it's not sinking in, getting serious repeated detailed death and rape threats is not "being called on her shit", and your insistence on calling it that gets you distain and incredibility from my camp.
She disabled comments and ratings and canceled appearances on the advice of the police/FBI, from what I recall reading back then.
You seem to think death and rape threats are faux-excuses and not serious. I'll hope you never have to find out differently, but many people have. It's unseemly to imply a single woman should ignore such threats or assume they are not credible, and does not make you look good in my eyes.

EuroAviationSpotter (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Hi EuroAviationSpotter, I never used the unauthorised version, I only ever embedded your one. As @eric3579 said, the vid is set to allow embedding on yt. If you do want me to discard the post, just let me know... I thought it was cool, and wanted to send more people to your vid (I always try to find the originals to embed, but I credit where I saw it first as well).

There is no guarantee a video poster will see a comment on a video here, to be sure you should put a comment on their profile page (or e-mail the site admins). In fact I only saw your comment because @eric3579 had quoted it, the site's spam prevention code had deleted it before I had a chance to see it!!!

EuroAviationSpotter said:

Hi There friends!! thanks for all comments this video is mine! Im euro aviation spotter the video is took without any premession!! so i ask to the 1 that posted it delete it right away thanks alot !!

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