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Fat out-of-shape cop can't catch fleeing suspect on foot.

Lawdeedaw says...

longde; I showed you when I was being patronizing, in the comments about Couey. No other comments are patronizing. I cannot help if some points are stated bluntly.

As far as the "pro-cop bias"--stop assuming just because I question you beliefs. Here is an example of how I think in ALL matters--not just about cops.

I personally am atheist and think belief in a higher power is kind of sad (Like a fat woman eating a whole tub of ice cream.) Most religious people act horribly towards atheists like myself. However, I give religious people the benefit of doubt. I am not pro-religious... Just like I am not pro-cop. Pro-cops make excuses for violence, pro-religious makes excuses for belligerent a-holes, I DO NOT, EVER! However, I tell you what I try to be--non-judgmental.

The answer to my statistics isn't worth the time. Let's just say that you were the one who said he knew about cop beatings in his community, and I have yet to get your number.

Lastly, "setting the bar low." Oh grow the fuck up (I have to patronize to the hyperbole you use here.) Cops are humans, and they sometimes are horrible sacks of shit. See, I agree one case of abuse is too much, and your statement implies that I do not. Also too much; is one car wreck, one cancer case, one still-born and one mental retardation, one electrocution, one accidental drowning or shooting, the list goes on and on to infinity. Yes--all of those are bad, and all of those are going to happen. But to classify, for example, heart-attacks, something that happens quite often (about 1 million a year,) as close to cop beatings, that's insane hyperbole. All I ask is that you use the proper adjectives, instead of lumping the same words together
for the shake of shock-and-awe, or whatever reason you are doing it.

I do appreciate the fact that you have not said, "Well, I have a life and gotta go!" So many pricks do... So thank you for still pointing out your beliefs and not resorting to being a child.

>> ^longde:

Yes, you are patronizing; it oozes out of your posts. No, you don't know what you're talking about.
The correct answer is that there is not enough data to prove one way or another. Even the organization in the link you provided admit the severe limitations of their technique, which primarily relies on media reports. Your obvious pro-cop bias (nothing wrong with that, but at least admit it) leads you to think that the very scant data supports your point.
Even your back-of-the-envelope calculation show your bias. And do you really think that 54 cases of brutality in a year is so insignificant? Probably because you think you or your loved ones will never be on the wrong end of a stick. 54 is quite alot for one city. Hell, one is too many, to be frank. Setting a low bar for our officers is not helping them.
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Inappropriate Russian Children's Show Performance

Standing on Tesla Coils in Chainmail

What Happens when an Alligator Bites an Electric Eel?

bcglorf says...

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

Call me a tree hugger but, seems a little cruel to hold an electric eel on a string and let an alligator bite it just to see what would happen...

It makes it more funny for me. So you go out fishing, and catch and electric eel. As your trying to figure out how to get the stupid thing off the hook without getting shocked, an alligator climbs up on the beach beside the eel. Now your trying to figure out how to get your hook back without getting electrocuted OR bitten by the gator. As you start filming this improbable dilemma, nature comes and solves all your problems in a way that nobody would believe unless you'd been filming it.

What Happens when an Alligator Bites an Electric Eel?

NeuralNoise says...

It is funnier untranslated but here you go:

alligator, alliigator...

its being shocked

gator is dying
nature is incredible, gator is being electrocuted

run, here, run, come see
gator is dead here, run dude
impressive, never seen something like it
silence. come see. impressive, never seen something like that in my life
get a fork and a lasso

Artist Lets the Internet Vote if He Should Be Electrocuted

silvercord says...

>> ^rottenseed:

"People have the right to be protected from having their beliefs insulted"
That is the exact opposite of what people should have...
What he is saying could be insulting the beliefs of those who think freedom of speech and the right to express ones opinion, along with the idea that nobody deserves to not be shocked or insulted.

In my estimation, it started when somebody thought up the term 'hate speech.' It's gonna get worse. Remember 1984? . . . incessant public mind control . . .

When some words became taboo and when some beliefs became unassailable, the slope was greased and we are well on our way to having some real problems. My generation will not suffer as much as the next, but I will likely live to see the next do so.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

silvercord says...

In my estimation, it started when somebody thought up the term 'hate speech.' It's gonna get worse. Remember 1984? . . . incessant public mind control . . .

When some words became taboo and when some beliefs became unassailable, the slope was greased and we are well on our way to having some real problems. My generation will not suffer as much as the next, but I will likely live to see the next do so.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
"People have the right to be protected from having their beliefs insulted"

That is the exact opposite of what people should have...

What he is saying could be insulting the beliefs of those who think freedom of speech and the right to express ones opinion, along with the idea that nobody deserves to not be shocked or insulted.

QI - Are you pleased to see me?

Arcing Powerlines Cause Tree Fire & Explosion

Chinese Lady Gets Shocked and Burns Face

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'China, Electrocution, Power Lines' to 'China, electricity, Power Lines, electric shock' - edited by xxovercastxx

arekin (Member Profile)

kimo9357 (Member Profile)

Chinese Lady Gets Shocked and Burns Face

Chinese Lady Gets Shocked and Burns Face

Chinese Lady Gets Shocked and Burns Face

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