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YouTube: I don’t know why, but you all keep asking for an episode on nootropics. For those of you who aren’t in the know, those are drugs which are supposed to enhance cognitive function. Nootropics... continue reading

posted by PlayhousePals 9 years 3 weeks ago • 231 views • 5:27

YouTube: Earlier this week, we covered the difference between brand name and generic drugs. To be honest, we taped that episode a few weeks ago. It takes us some time to work out magic, add graphics, and... continue reading

posted by PlayhousePals 9 years 1 month 1 week ago • 179 views • 3:22

Lack of ability to cry was why I didn't gel with antidepressants. Horrid. YouTube: Dr. Julie Holland argues that women are designed by nature to be dynamic and sensitive – women are moody and that... continue reading

posted by PlayhousePals 9 years 8 months 2 weeks ago • 302 views • 6:51

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