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RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

bcglorf says...


but you and i may disagree on some things,but i would like to think we have both earned each others respect.


I also share a similar sentiment in lamenting the lack of actual legitimate journalism. I've only got a handful of people out there that I feel I can actually trust to make an effort to present all sides and the most relevant/important facts when presenting a topic. The dogged determination of most media(independent and otherwise) to show nothing but a single dimension to an issue that fits their own bias is saddening.

Chomsky in particular is a real lose to me as he has rapidly declined from shining a light on America's mistakes into someone that solely, and exclusively documents why America is evil. Anything good or reasonable in it's actions is never touched on or quickly glossed over, the corresponding evils and ills of any and all other parties is similarly ignored. The lone exception being those allied to America in which case their evil once again are documented.

I've lost patience with that kind of single mindedness and call it out as what it is, propaganda.

terence mckenna-culture is not your friend

shagen454 says...

I remember when I used to create artwork for punk, indie & rock acts and the guy that sat across from me used to play electronica with Mckenna talking over it. I heard it a lot and for years I thought he was annoying & insane [both Mckenna and the kid that sat across from me lol), yapping about drugs and aliens... it seemed absolutely absurd.

... Almost a decade later I took a couple of puffs of the real magical adventure and I've listened to Mckenna probably a few times a week for years

Those puffs of the real magic dragon, the real genie in the bottle, the real portal to other dimensions will make a person sensitive to petty monkey human judgements and though I have forgiven myself for being judgemental of Mckenna, I will always remember that I had been. Be gone monkey judgements!

Doctor Strange -- chase through a city folding in on itself

Xaielao says...

Saw the movie last night, this scene is amazing and anything but 'hokey and cheap' I assure you. Mind your seeing this out of context as well.

**very minor spoiler**

One of the myriad dimensions displayed in the movie, the MIrror Dimension is a place that 'reflects' reality and cannot cause harm to our dimension. It is also highly susceptible to magical manipulation and is connected to the Dark Dimension which gives the villain here a very good amount of control over it. Thus he is able to warp New York city not in reality, but in this Mirror Dimension. This is why at the beginning of the video Mordo says 'this isn't a good idea, it's suicide' after Dr. Strange shifts everyone over to the Mirror Dimension to protect the normal world.

Over-all the movie is a trippy, highly unusual experience with CG unlike ever seen before. It is relatively formulaic in that many Marvel movies but because it goes places and does things never seen before you hardly notice. It's a fantastic experience.

How Two Astronomers Accidentally Discovered the Big Bang

shagen454 says...

I still think saying something like "the beginning of everything" is a little presumptuous for us recently technological monkeys to say. I feel like there is an awful amount of knowledge that we don't know or understand, yet. I love thinking about it though - kinda like that Sun Ra song - "There are other worlds (they have not told you of)" A Big Bang might just be a small aspect, that happens all the time all over a vast multiverse, outside multiverses, inside multiverses, folded into trillions of dimensions that exist as free flowing holographic data, that really just exists inside a super-technological golden egg, on the table of a very wise alien and your life was just you dreaming and then you wake up as the wise alien and you say "How the hell did I forget about this strange ass egg?!"

Are You Ready To Be Outpaced By Machines? Quantum Computing

dannym3141 says...

When someone says something like "we're exploiting parallel universes", what they mean is that one of the many theories that can be used to describe quantum behaviour such as entanglement is to do with parallel universes.

That doesn't mean there aren't other theories, it doesn't mean there are parallel universes, it's just one of the few ways we can make it make sense is if it exists and carries information in a dimension that is not tangible to us.

When Archimedes invented his screw, using gravity to drive water uphill, he could have said that he's using an invisible multi-dimensional goblin to move the water; well that's one theory and its irrefutable until Newton makes an appearance. And even then you can still say "yeah but what we know of gravity is still a multidimensional goblin."

Having said that, it has as much likelihood of being correct as any other theory in its infancy.

Portia Spiders Are Capable of Learning and Problem Solving

ChaosEngine says...

Amazing photography, but....

Ok, the jumping and the eyesight is impressive, but mapping the world in 3 dimensions... I would have said almost any animal is capable of that, otherwise, they would spend their time bumping into things.

As for learning and problem solving, the video doesn't really give any indication as to how we know that. Sneaking up on your prey and avoiding the potentially dangerous parts of it is something almost all predators do. It hardly qualifies as "genius".

I'm not saying the spider isn't clever (well, clever for something with a brain the size of a pinhead), but this doesn't really give a good example of that.

Your Brain On Ayahuasca: The Hallucinogenic Drug

shagen454 says...

I took ayahuasca with a brazillian religion called Santo Diame... in the US, we would call them a cult. And cult-like it was! I've smoked DMT many times and I fully encourage "explorers" to start small and smoke it instead of ingesting ayahuasca. It's all very difficult to figure out scientifically, but one of the interesting aspects of ayahuasca to me, was that you could close your eyes and be in another dimension, open them up and basically feel drunk and know everything was OK, get up and walk around.

However, the visions that I had were absolutely violent, with archetypes of the day of the dead and greek mythology emerging while people puked and cried while I was attached to their sound and energies, brains exploding, the power of life telling me it was going to get me, I could fight it all I wanted (I just smiled the whole time), but it was going to get me - and then it let me slide, eventually. DMT has a known effect, that is of "ego-death" or "near death experience"... and I definitely fought it off, having experienced it before. It was a deranged, somewhat fun, somewhat enlightening, traumatic experience that I would recommend to no one. And I can see that it's definitely not a lone man/woman mission as in to dose yourself with this stuff because it's definitely more intense than LSD or mushrooms and the mixture, though simple - would require a bit of practicing and knowledge about it.

I just find smoking DMT to be way better, shorter and much safer, but also WAY more intense and awesome. But, it's certainly not for everyone, it's like unlocking the unknown/impossible laws of the Universe, it's impossible to understand but you understand it while you are there as it is communicated to you; might be just in your brain but somehow nature provided this (bizarre/impossible) experience for you to be able to have.... ---- do not understand

Why U.S. women’s clothing sizes don’t make sense

MilkmanDan says...

OK, that explains "why" one size number meant to cover multiple dimensions worked worse for women than men, why it has become meaningless now, and why it wasn't even particularly accurate when it was implemented.

But it doesn't explain why they don't simply switch to multiple dimensions that actually correspond to measurable values. For example, as a male, I can go into the shop and buy 34/32 pants, because I know that my waist is 34" and my inseam is 32". There is little to no variation between multiple brands, because those numbers mean something concrete and measurable.

If women were annoyed with the current system and wanted to know precisely what they were getting in that same way, why not petition companies to label things with multiple meaningful measurements (as many as necessary to get a precise fit for a particular garment)? Maybe this is sexist, but I tend to think the answer is that they don't because they *like* shopping and having to try on multiple things, whereas I feel confident that I can speak for most men and say that we just want to buy something that we know will fit to replace whatever we've gotten too fat for or worn out by wearing until it literally disintegrated...


entr0py says...

The theory actually does make sense when it's all laid out, here's the original video :

I don't know if he mentioned it in this video, but the consequence is that Mr. Poopybutthole doesn't exist or at least isn't friends with the Smiths in Earth Dimension C137, but Krombopulos Michael might still be alive an well there.

That is just crazy the subtly and planning they bothered with with the green rocks and the number on the Jerry ticket.

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

Jinx says...

No, I get it, I understand what humour is.

but I didn't laugh. I might have like, smiled a bit, I guess, but I didn't laugh. I'm not gonna say it was 1 or 2 or however dimensions is deemed shallow (i'm guessing the 3rd dimension is depth, so max 2?), but maybe one of those dimensions didn't sit so well with me.

Anyway. I prolly shouldn't have said anything. I basically agree with him, I was just out-loud analysing why I didn't find it funny, and that likely says more about my taste than his performance.

Britain Leaving the EU - For and Against, Good or Bad?

gorillaman says...

I've largely opted out of this one. I'm not an economist or an expert in european law, so I haven't the knowledge to make an intelligent choice.

I am somewhat naturally inclined toward remaining: there was never a trace of patriotism in my soul, and the european courts at least have done some service toward protecting british freedoms, both from our government and from those corporations who'd like to own it. The common market's a good principle, and I don't have anything but admiration for the idea of a european superpower to oppose the twin fascisms of the US and China.

I never thought I'd grow up to care about immigration, but it turns out I don't like seeing millions of social conservatives marching into western europe from lesser cultures, pushing back against the progress we've made in recent decades.

There's another dimension to that question in the UK, which I don't think is well understood externally: where absolutely anyone with a european passport is allowed permanent residence here, the government keeps the figures down to appease its more xenophobic voters by making it practically impossible for those outside the EU. So, every year we tell thousands of highly skilled, highly intelligent prospective immigrants to just fuck off. Good policy.

In any event, I don't endorse unjust systems like democracy, and wouldn't vote in any referendum.

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

ChaosEngine says...

Actually, I've ignored the superdelegates in my math because I've basically assumed that they will go with whoever has the popular vote at the convention, but since you brought them up....

There's one scenario no-one has considered yet; probably because it's extremely unlikely, but just for fun, let's say Bernie continues as projected and arrives at the convention trailing Hillary by about 200 delegates. Meanwhile, Trump has been attacking the ever-loving hell out of Hillary and her poll numbers in the general election are starting to look REALLY bad, as in Trump might/could/probably will/almost certainly will win.

So far, this is all pretty much what's going to happen.

But in this strange alternate dimension, the DNC pulls its head out of its collective arse and realises "holy shit, we could lose the white house! Hang on, Bernie polls much better against Trump!". Unable to convince Hillary to drop out, the superdelegates swing en masse to Bernie handing him the nomination AGAINST the popular vote.

How do you feel about this? On one hand, yay, #FeelTheBern, #FuckYouTrump and on to the white house and potentially the most significant change in US politics in decades (or not, who knows how much one president can actually do).

On the other hand.... there's no way around the fact that the DNC will have subverted the will of the people. If the situation was reversed, and the superdelegates gave the nomination to Hillary where Bernie (hypothetically) had more pledged delegates, well, there would be riots.

Interested to hear your thoughts on this scenario (unlikely as it is).

BTW, the fact that your vote is essentially meaningless (luckily for you, it happens to be meaningless in your favour) in your state is yet another symptom of just how very fucked the electoral college is.

newtboy said:

He's my guy until he's not a candidate. I'm not sure Clinton can ever be MY candidate. Because I'm in California, it doesn't matter, the Democrat will win my state, so I'm free to vote with my conscience without fear that it hands the office to Trump.

EDIT: Of course, if the 'super delegates' vote like the people did, I think those numbers change. Bernie has earned nearly 1/2 the super delegates, but has not been 'awarded' many at all, 4 the last time I checked. If the super delegates choose the candidate, the DNC may be hammering in it's death nail.

SUICIDE SQUAD Official Trailer #2

poolcleaner says...

Ryan Reynolds desperately needs to make a reference to his Will Smith DC doppelganger in the next DP movie. Damn... now im going to fantasize about Ryan Reynolds and Will Smith DPing Shiklah. I mean, they're the same person, just different dimensions and skin color. Wouldn't you totally do the same thing?

Visualising a 4D game

Visualising a 4D game

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