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Cop throws himself onto car and acts as if he were hit

Sexualization vs Objectification

kir_mokum says...

because they're inundated with dudes calling them sexy as if they are a sex object. being able to differentiate between you saying someone is sexy but also meaning they're a rad human and you saying someone is sexy but just meaning you wanna fuck them is pretty much impossible if they don't know you. generally speaking calling someone sexy should be reserved until after you've established that you're not a dickhead.

newtboy said:

Nice. I never understood it when I said a woman was sexy they somehow heard 'you're a sex object, and nothing more'. Why can't they hear what I mean; 'on top of being the kind of human being you are, you are also sexy'?
That said, I've never 'catcalled' anyone. That always seemed like self defeating behavior to me, not a way to get a date.

Cop Says Obama Doesn't Follow Constitution, Neither Does He

ChaosEngine says...

Don't you know that anecdotes and data are pretty much the same thing to libertarians?


VoodooV said:

yet another anecdotal video is anecdotal.

Calvary Trailer

korsair_13 says...

Firstly, I wouldn't presume to know all of the accents in any country I've ever lived in, so I'm shocked you do. And yes, I know the difference between a rural Irish accent and a Dublin accent, although let's face it, if Gillen had put on a true rural Irish accent, most people would have had a hard time understanding it. Also, he is an eccentric doctor who probably puts on airs to seem more mysterious, sounds like a solid character backstory to me.

Secondly, in the trailer and movie, you actually hear a mashup of different actors' voices in the confessional to specifically cloud who might be the culprit. If you re-watch (say, by downloading it) it you might hear one voice at first and then another a few seconds later. While I do agree the identity of culprit may not drive the plot of the entire movie, it isn't irrelevant as every encounter with a new person has you wondering "is this the guy?"

As for watching it in a cinema, let's open up that discussion. Movie theatres are run by cheap dickheads and I am refusing to reward them by not going. Case in point: Popcorn is sold at 12.75x cost, pop at 4-6x cost, other fast food joints within the place are up to 3x more expensive than outside and you couldn't bring your own food if you wanted to because they won't let you. Tickets are more expensive than a cheap motel room. I have to sit in a room with 100 other people (who might have kids with them depending on the movie) who will no doubt find a way to ruin my movie-going experience. The theatre plays up to 30 minutes of commercials and trailers for things I could easily see at home on my own goddamn time. In some countries movies have intermissions like I am watching a five act Shakespearean play and not a dumbass Michael Bay movie, and then they play more commercials before they restart.

Movie theatres are dumb and should be reserved for those movies that deserve them, not just because you save money but also because every penny you don't give to theatre owners is for the betterment of society.

Calvary Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Idiot. I'm from Ireland, I know Gillen is from Ireland and his accent is still fucking awful. I watched it with 3 of my friends (also from Ireland) and we ALL thought his accent was terrible. You do realise that a Dublin accent is not the same as a rural irish accent, right?

As for O'Dowd, the end was where his lack of dramatic acting ability really let the whole thing down.

And you couldn't figure out who was the culprit? That was completely irrelevant and I knew who the culprit was after watching the trailer (you hear his accent in the confessional).

Oh and go watch the fucking movie in a cinema , you cheap dickhead.

korsair_13 said:

Yeah, what would make Aiden Gillen, a man from Dublin, put on a heavy Irish accent? Seemed really out of place for a native Irish man to have a native Irish accent. Good point, ChaosEngine.

Also, you clearly didn't watch the end of the movie where O'Dowd really shows his chops. And I think you missed out on the part where the whole point of the movie is that it's a mystery who is targeting Gleeson and half the fun is deciding who is the culprit. Bernard Black serves as a perfect scapegoat because he is a wealthy dick who might just kill someone to see what it would be like.

Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

ChaosEngine says...

It's interesting to see @Sepacore and @direpickle have essentially opposing viewpoints here, one is the carrot, the other the stick.

Maybe we could combine the two approaches. Everyone who behaves gets free ice-cream, but if you start acting like a dickhead... into the fuckin' dome

Trucker Pulls Over Cop For Speeding And Talking On Cell

newtboy says...

'name and badge number, and phone number for your supervisor. I will be making a complaint on your permanent record, and that will follow you the remainder of your career.' That is the proper way to 'instruct' and 'help' this officer, and the rest of us.

"Technically I can pull you over for an inspection...and that's what I did"? dickhead, he pulled YOU over for multiple violations.

name and badge number, and phone number of your supervisor, and stop searching for a 'violation' of your 'inspection', or the 'threats' will go on that permanent record too, as will this video proving them.
We need more of these 'guys'. (pun intended)

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

chingalera says...

Yeah, it's impolite for complete cunts who work for an indoctro-infotainment corporation to make fun of the mentally-challenged, right? Even if they are complete and utter dickheads and a public nuisance. This story is like watching two assholes sharing their 15 minutes together with flapping goat-vagina for mouths.

For ohlalasassoon though, it is San Fran, and this guy most likely did this because he knows that 9 times of ten he'll get completely;y away with it. Bet granny's hat it was premeditated.

oohlalasassoon said:

Surely I can't be the only one here on the motorcycle guy's side. This passes for "news" nowadays? Publicly shaming some guy that made a mistake?

oritteropo (Member Profile)

The Daily Show: Glass Half Empty

ChaosEngine says...

It's pretty easy to laugh at glass users as inconsiderate dickheads with stupid looking technology. Ya know, the same way everyone did with cell phone users back in the 80s.

I don't particularly like glass or the concept of everyone recording all the time, but it is going to happen. And what's more, it's going to impossible to tell.

What happens when the camera/display aspect of glass becomes small enough that it's just a contact lens. Or projecting a bit further, when we have neural interfaces that can directly record vision? Yeah, it all sounds a bit sci-fi, but then so would a smartphone back in the 80s.

History has shown that almost every outright dismissal of new technology as a fad has been wrong.

@newtboy, by the way, I believe glass does have a visible recording indicator.

LWTwJO: Tony Abbott, President of the USA of Australia

SDGundamX says...

LOL, this guy's like an Australian version of G.W. Bush!

But now I wish we had a video of someone calling ol' GW a dickhead to his face... I guess we'll have to settle for shoe-throwing.

Her Neighbor got a New Car - It Blows Flames.

newtboy says...

I can agree with that, but it's also sacrilegious to drive one in your neighborhood. I mean, I can run my Jeep with open headers and be a loud obnoxious dickhead that sets off car alarms as I pass too, but why? No problem with this on the track, at the show, or in his garage, but on the street it's not just obnoxious, it's dangerous...I'm certain that is loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage to anyone on the sidewalk or in the street...and that's bad...MmmmmK?

Chairman_woo said:

You don't put a muffler on a 1500HP (ish) Merlin/Meteor engine man, it's sacrilegious!

I'm sure that's one of the ten commandments.... (if not it was clearly an oversight on God's part)

Tailgating is bad, okay!

EvilDeathBee says...

The dickhead in the Peugeot is entirely, 100% at fault. I don't give two shits if some arsehole is tailgating you. Here's how you deal with it: change lanes and let the idiot pass you. You don't fucking stop on a highway like that to "teach someone a lesson". What a fucking tool

Tailgating is bad, okay!

newtboy says...

I want to see the rest of the video where the back 2 drivers get out and beat the guy who stopped in the fast lane senseless. ;-)
I understand the frustration of having a dickhead tailgate you, but I also understand the frustration of driving in the fast lane only to find someone not even going near the speed limit thinking they own the road and should impede your travel simply because they can. The Pugeot was not passing in the passing lane, he was being passed, so he should have gotten out of the way. That makes HIM the one who is 100% in the wrong from the start, good thing he ended up with the £45k bill, but he should also get a number of tickets if not permanent removal of his license for being so inconsiderately, selfishly dangerous. I wonder if anyone was hurt...if so he should be charged with assault or attempted manslaughter.
"Slower traffic keep right" is a law, not just a suggestion people. They should ticket people for that more often.
EDIT: perhaps it's time to buy a dash sure paid for itself this time!

Alton Brown: How To Open A Bottle Of Champagne With A Saber

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