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The Worst Nobel Prize Ever Awarded

MaxWilder says...

That whole "Matrix" concept makes so much more sense when you consider that the original story was that human brains were used as processors. The whole "body heat for energy" concept is absurd, and derails much of the story's logic.

spawnflagger said:

So... why didn't the robots from 'the Matrix' just lobotomize all the humans, rather than building a complex simulation?

Dave Grohl breaks his leg, goes to hospital then plays show.

hazmat22 says...

You can tell the ones that are truly dedicated to their art, not going to let a broken bone derail the show.

Have tickets to see them and Royal Blood in a month and it doesn't look like I'm going to miss out, go Dave!!

Cord Cutters Unite! (User Poll by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well, kind of a topic derailment - but happy to hear your thoughts.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Really? Streaming Netfilx on Videosift?

Seems pretty silly considering that this place is a ghost town.

Nobody's gonna discuss the disintegration of the community?

Or the myriad issues that contributed to it?

Iunno, seems odd.

everything about the drug war and addiction is wrong

oblio70 says...

Wow! i would love a conversation with this mind...just need to assure him that he's in good company (Must be used to having his mic cut off...or being interrupted with interjecting questions/statements causing derailments)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

shagen454 says...

See now I can tell you really know nothing about it, since you do not need to be a chemist. You could grab yopo seeds and just smoke those (they were found in a 3,000 year old bowl in Costa Rica - people have known about it for a long time, then for some reason it became a secret - I think Christianity stepped in to get rid of the knowledge of it), it's found throughout nature - you could grab some acacia bark, boil it and drink. It is safe and it is not dangerous. It's been studied many times and is still being studied for how it affects the brain & as well for it's natural therapeutic effects. It is believed to be endogenous - that is it already exists within your being (it's in many plants and animals, recently found produced in an animal's pineal gland). Not a huge Tool fan but they often allude to this substance, the pineal gland, Alex Grey's artwork - pretty sure they know full well of what it is.

Anyway, I totally did derail the comments and I do apologize for that, but you guys were calling me "religious" and downvoting me so I took offense. I derailed mostly to post the link about Dawkins having a profound experience that humbles his approach, it was a joke - but really I think all of us that have experienced the wonders would love people like Dawkins to spend the 5-10 minutes to experience it and then hear what he has to say about it.


newtboy said:

What @eric3579 said.
Not the first time you have hijacked a thread to espouse the wonders of DMT. Are you a chemist that makes the stuff or what? It is not a 'safe' drug in any way.
If it's not about being a 'religious experience', your interjection of it here is out of place and odd.

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

eric3579 jokingly says...

I officially declare the Comment thread has been derailed.

New sift rule 26-14a (The choogie rule)

If at any point in a comment thread it is officially deemed 'derailed', said derailer/derailers will immediately promote/quality said video as some form of restitution.

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

eric3579 says...

VideoSifts best asset imo is its community which has been created through comment threads. It's the one thing here that works well and what separates itself from other sites(imo). We already have to deal with enough clutter in the threads as is(@siftbot i'm looking at you). Ideally maybe it could add some content although nothing that couldn't be done with a hyperlink or url and even then are we left with a few comments and a giant image that just wrecks the flow? I see this at other sites. To often a persons way to state a snarky opinion. One they wouldn't state normally but with such an easy vehicle they have no problem doing it. Embedded images are so "look at me" that they just bully the rest of the thread(imo). It's easy enough for someone to derail a comment thread with just a comment(A former sifter was quite good at it). I think it will be WAY more easy to do with embedded images. It's just to easy to abuse. Do we really want to fool with the one thing that works well on this site. Anyway the idea bothers me so much that it's possible my thinking is clouded. Feel free to check my head on the subject

-edit- It seems i am repeating myself a bit Sorry for that)

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

eric3579 says...

I see little upside and a huge potential downside. Im guessing it would be used for sifters trying to be clever/funny and not sure what else. I think it would also derail comment threads easily with large images that take up a shit ton of space. With embedding videos it's typically used to add info to the sifted video in some manner.

Maybe if you have to click on a hyperlink type thing to open the image. Keeping the footprint small in the comment thread.

This is what i assume it would typically be used for. Personally i think it works fine just the way it was done with a hyperlink.

Pregnant Woman Blasts Antiabortion Protesters Outside Clinic

dannym3141 says...

I've seen that once. Might have been after one of the irish scandals, a guy holding a sign with a little kid and an old clergyman with a robe-tent approaching with his hands out like mr burns and a big grin. The thing is when it comes to paedophilia, you can't think it of anyone you think you know, so you discard images like that as silly fairy tales without thinking beyond the metaphor. You don't want to be wondering if the guy you just shook hands with gets drunk before sunday school and manipulates extra private tuition with the shy kid who doesn't have a dad and cries a lot.

Sorry to be so graphic there, but it is what it is in all its vileness, and everyone complicit ought to feel fucking ashamed of themselves. I'll stop before i derail, but the moral standards these people are hiding behind are very shady indeed, because somewhere in that chain of command someone knew and kept quiet about the institutional rape-centres the Catholics kept running for many decades. Unless they've leaned on their own faith-leaders to press for justice and HARD, their hands are dirty, and they are ridiculous to stand there shouting shame on someone else.

Man, i think i'm in love with this woman..

newtboy said:

I often feel like some group needs to go to the churches that are producing these groups and stand outside them filming the patrons, with giant posters showing the atrocities that church has perpetrated over the years in the worst possible way (it might be hard, how do you graphically show child rape without it being child porn?)
I would hope that, once they see how disgusting these tactics are, they would stop supporting those who do it and they would stop.
Turnabout's fair play, isn't it?

Groundhog Day - How many Days Is Bill Murray Stuck in Time

ChaosEngine says...

I never really got the love for this movie. Yes, Bill Murray is great in it, but Bill Murray's pretty much awesome in everything, and a great premise is pretty much ruined by the central plot and then compounded by the inclusion of Andie McDowell.

It feels like there's a leaner, funnier movie in there, but it got derailed into boring romcom territory.

TYT - NO Indictment for Ferguson Cop

speechless says...

It's not a cause for me, but I am curious as to why you want to be one of them. There are plenty of people who don't troll here. Used to be a lot more. Scumbags drove a lot of good people away.

I don't get what you're saying about the culture of the sift supporting trolls. Just because the sift allows people a lot of leeway to discuss things doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. Sure, you can be an asshole, but it's not a requirement lol.

If you want to respond, hit my profile because this sift's comments have been derailed enough.

Trancecoach said:

The entire site is rife with trolls. That is what the culture of the site apparently supports. And, no, I have no vested interest in being taken "seriously," but as long as you seem intent on making this into some kind of "cause," then yeah, you'll have to deal with the likes of Blankfist, myself, and many, many others who aren't gonna fall for it.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

enoch says...

@newtboy @shinyblurry
are you guys going to make out?
because if you are,let me grab my camera!

do not confuse faith with religion,they are not synonymous,though they can be in the context of someone who bases their faith on scripture.which is where shiny is coming from.

i will admit to a certain joy in seeing the progression of shiny from years ago where all he would do is copy/paste scripture with little understanding,but as somehow being a rebuttal argument.

now when he posts scripture it is always accompanied with HIS understanding of that very scripture.i am not saying he is right,i am just admiring his continued progress in his seeking to understand and formulating his arguments from HIS understandings,not just words.

so..bravo to you shiny.

but here is a hint:no way scripture is going to convince newt of..well..anything.

so,i got the camera.lets get to that making out!

*side note* has anybody ever seen a thread so derailed?
i think this one takes the gold.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

enoch says...

i have zero desire to see trance banned,that was never my intent for calling him out.
i simply wanted him to acknowledge his emotional response to a disagreement on a video he posted,
that the disagreement was with the video NOT him..personally.

i know this will only further derail this thread but i think it should be said.

a video is not a representation of the person.
being called out does not automatically translate to dislike of the person being called out.

a few weeks ago i did a little experiment with clickbait titles and @ChaosEngine totally called me on it.which gave me a nice chuckle and chaos was in the right but interestingly enough,the experiment worked.that video got 10 times the views it normally would in the same allotted time.

there was another video i posted where i didnt do my due diligence and it turned out to be a total fraud and @speechless (quite politely) called me out on that video and i was forced to apologize in shame.

does all this translate to chaos and speechless disliking me?
of course not.
i got busted using clickbait methodology and not doing my homework.while a tad embarrassing,being called out taught a lesson and a bit of humility.

point: i was the better for it.

trances targeted downvoting was an emotional response and he was behaving foolishly,but make no mistake..trance is no fool.he just took my analysis and criticism personally and responded emotionally.

no animals were harmed,all the puppies are still cute and kitty videos are more popular than ever.

human beings are sometimes irrational and emotional.trance should not be banned for behaving like a human being.

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