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eatbolt (Member Profile)

Tea Party Crasher - Deprogramming

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Quantum, can you restrict your quotes to the video you're watching, or at least provide a source to your quotes? Or maybe quit being a part of the propaganda machine you try so hard to pretend you're not a part of...

Mine was merely a fine summary of this nudnik's "powerful" speech. Or did he not start with Godwin?

Glenn Beck is a businessman who has to sell advertising to stay on the air? Amazing. Unlike Leg-thrill Matthews or Oldberminn or Ste-wart or Colbare?

You "freethinkers" really want to argue about who is drowning in propaganda? The Right has Fox (which I don't watch anyway) but here's a partial list of YOUR left-wing propaganda machine, which did the world a favor by 'coming out' in 2008 and openly joining Obama's election campaign. They were/are free to do so as I am free to call them on it.

THE (partial) LIST

* Media Matters (feeds most of these "credible" media their talking points)
* The old Big 3 networks: ABC, MS-DNC, CBS
* Comedy central (talk about nightly propaganda!)
* Air America radio (bankrupt)
* NPR - (MY tax dollars spread YOUR lies! Beck does his thing on his OWN dime)
* Most newspapers besides the WSJ
* Magazine fluff like TIME and Newsweak
* HuffPo
* Hollywood's "product"
* Most of the crap on tv
* Most "rebellious" musical acts

And remember, unionized government school teachers are biased in favor of (drumroll) MOAR BIGGER GUVMINT!

Of course, I could be imagining things. It's not like a singer slipped in a message to OBAMA during the Superbowl half-time show.

Now even with all that relentless liberal brainwashing, slightly over half of Americans still identify themselves as conservative. Wow! It's almost like the one-third of peeps working and supporting the other two-thirds don't want to work for Uncle S(c)am from January to August!

So what are these 'radical' Tea Party ideas that keep the left up at night?

Obeying the Constitution's limits on government power
Stopping confiscatory taxation
Stopping runaway spending
Government Accountability
Controlling the borders

For all I know, I'm the only "resistance" you meet all day to liberal brainwashing. How 'bout a hug?

Tea Party Crasher - Deprogramming

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^jcf79:

Quantum, can you restrict your quotes to the video you're watching, or at least provide a source to your quotes? Or maybe quit being a part of the propaganda machine you try so hard to pretend you're not a part of...

Hear, Hear!

Tea Party Crasher - Deprogramming

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

"Because the nazis were the first to spread propaganda via cheap radios in every German home, and conservative talk radio is wildly popular today, it is obviously nazism!
"Unlike the left, the Right uses 'controversy' and spreads 'propaganda' disguised as 'entertainment'. Don't you FOOLS get it? Glenn Beck and these other radio hosts are being PAID for their WORK!"
Ha ha ha.

So the argument went right over your head, no surprise there. What triggered your brain malfunction this time, was it the facts or the use of Glenn Becks own words against him?

This Kiddo Needs Some Deprogramming

Dan Dennett: Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of meme

oohlalasassoon says...

>> ^gorgonheap:

atheism doesn't require critical thought. In fact it requires no thought at all. I don't see why Dawkins takes so much time to try and defeat religion. If he doesn't believe in God then why try to prove that there isn't one? In fact Dawkins has yet to even begin to disprove that there is no God. His observations are based on examples of human error and a narrow line of scientific reasoning. He leaves too much out of his arguments to persuade anyone who has more then very limited experience and knowledge.

Are you saying that belief in a god requires critical thought? Concluding that something exists despite a lack of evidence to support that conclusion is critical thinking? Accepting without question ideas formed by others ~2000 years ago, passed on and on and on is critical thought?

Atheists are generally not brought up that way; they're the product of years of critical thought -- thought which is guilt-inducing and contrary and to what they're told in an overwhelming atmosphere of religious indoctrination from early childhood. Many, including myself, went to Sunday School just like you may have and were told there's a god before they had a choice to conclude that for themselves. Religion currently enjoys that perk.

Atheists have generally had to deprogram former beliefs to form conclusions, based on evidence or the lack of it: (evidence(or lack of)-->thought-->conclusion VS. statement-->reward/threat-->conclusion/belief)

Dawkins "takes so much time to try and defeat religion" because religion a majority view -- not because it makes so much sense-- but because it doesn't. Turn your question around: Why do those who espouse belief in a god "take so much time" to push that idea? Why is that "good" but a contrary view like Dawkins' is "bad"? Think critically.

enoch (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Fukkin-a baby-Congrats again-One of the few artful dodgers left on this site....My plan tonight is to (getting hammered all the while) load my queue with 6 vids and get 10 votes between them all from the little attitude-wranglers who dominate the site-aaaall, full-of-themselves type motherfuckers that need to be taken out to the woods for some outward-bound style survival skill in the 22nd century shit. So much deprogramming, so little time.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
got my voice back!!!
and good lord this new comp is a freakin rocket compared to my old one.
thanks a bunch for pushing me over the top and getting me my shiny new bauble.
you rock and geo got my last 15 videos popped.
hugs and kisses.

So, what should Democrats do now? (User Poll by NetRunner)

choggie says...

I did not vote because "Rapidly deprogram entire population of the United States in short order, march on washington collectively, and annihilate the puppet government declaring the United States a safe-zone from inbred, empire-seeking, motherfuckers...was not an option.

...Bastille-styley. Wake up from the American nightmare,'s becoming truer every day-

Robert Anton Wilson - Language, Reason, and Reality

choggie says...

that was simply an experiment-objective practice-RAW's suggestion and practice....gimme a brain to remember how to deprogram others with conscious intent while speaking or writing....Try it..I have-go a whole day without using the verb "Be"....point taken-

What Would Jesus Buy (Intro)

choggie says...

A moratorium on everything imported from China made of plastic.

A collective nationwide act of financial civil disobedience-pay no credit card bills.

Mandatory closures of all corporate fast-food chains.

No health insurance for those who do not complete holistic nutrition education programs.

Outlaw product advertisements which train human cattle to consume and purchase.

Outlaw Billboards-tear them all down.

Simple deprogramming steps to turning a nation of self-destructive idiots programmed by corporations, institutions, and their advertising armies, into humans being.

You go, Reverend Billy....The world has embraced Babylon.

Rachel Maddow: Why Fox News Isn't News

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^choggie:
Hmmm. Lessse dystopiaufrtdy, Pat Condell needs a spot on the BBC's nightly wank. Deek Jackson has his own news channel on YouTube called FKKN News-My vote is for Deek to replace all media news outlets' collective hoo-ha, and for everyone to get Telescreens™ that can't be turned off, only down.
24/7 deprogramming is the only way to undo what has been done to nations of the television addicted-That and bring back hard copys' popularity....The public library needs a revamp-Fettish librarians, BYOBBB, and hooka lounges....and a ventilation chamber for homeless folks.

I sense this is about as close as I get before the choggie parabola swings wide again. - Very funny, and similarly riding that fine line between the serious and self-parody.

Rachel Maddow: Why Fox News Isn't News

choggie says...

Hmmm. Lessse dystopiaufrtdy, Pat Condell needs a spot on the BBC's nightly wank. Deek Jackson has his own news channel on YouTube called FKKN News-My vote is for Deek to replace all media news outlets' collective hoo-ha, and for everyone to get Telescreens™ that can't be turned off, only down.

24/7 deprogramming is the only way to undo what has been done to nations of the television addicted-That and bring back hard copys' popularity....The public library needs a revamp-Fettish librarians, BYOBBB, and hooka lounges....and a ventilation chamber for homeless folks.

Rush Limbaugh - Jackass (Terrible Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

I find it difficult to believe that in a world saturated with the bloated egos of rock stars, movie stars, souless celebutantes and reality-show goofballs, one tongue-in-cheek paragraph of playful hype is "the most disgusting piece of vanity (you've) ever read".

I'll tell you what no one else will, without knowing your background: as far as learning how the world really works, you've never had a chance.

You've been lied to at every turn about human nature, economics, religion and history by people who believe government is the all-knowing power, with a solution for every problem if only you, as a loyal drone, surrender your money and rights to a select few enlightened government leaders.

These folks have been in charge of your schooling for their propaganda from Grade K to kollij. They consider it their right to deprogram the influences of religion, morality or any teachings your family might have that contradict theirs. You were/are their clay to mold.

With few exceptions these same types run the mainstream media and all the easy multimedia based on this government = utopia philosophy: movies, tv, even music. They don't quite have as strong a grip on books or the net, but as more people are turned off to serious reading and onto distracting amusements on the web, those two are becoming less a threat.

They have assured you that by listening only to their message, you have heard all points of view and don't need to seek out anything else. They have assured you that you are indeed a freethinking rebel, fighting a valiant fight to tear down the evils of The System, so that one day there will be NO obstacles to the Vision of the Annointed.

The odds are, you're never going to wake up from their plans for you. They are offering you a comfortable protection from the inherent risks and hardships of life, as long as you don't question them or frown too long at how much they're taking out of your paychecks (or will be).

Rush Limbaugh started out as a nobody sportscaster and worked his way up. Yes, he comments on politics but has always made it clear he is first and foremost "an entertainer". Based on what you've indicated here and now, you're not qualified to judge Limbaugh, his views or what he does. (If you listened to at least one hour a day of his 3-hour program for six weeks...maybe).

If there's truly something about him you "hate" you should embrace it and put it to the test. Find some of Limbaugh's facts and compare them to others' facts.

If you've read this far, you're probably saying, "Well, who is this asshole to judge ME?" I'm not judging you and you shouldn't take this mini-rant personally. I don't want you to believe anything blindly.

Having already been a sincere liberal and even an anarchist, along the way I've learned whatever I've learned and have not always been happy or willing to go where the new knowledge took me, but I think the ideas outside of Their Vision have more merit, because while the answers aren't always happy-forever, they make sense, and will protect you in the long run from those who will take all your liberty in exchange for an impossible-to-guarantee security.

Good night and good luck, playa!

Mythbusters - Kari Byron in Silver

13439 says...

Okay, that's pathetic. They're obviously relying on Kari's body and penultimate cute-niosity for nerdgasm ratings. This is intolerable.

I demand you send Kari over to my house and leave her here for two week for her well-deserved deprogramming.

Or maybe a month.

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