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Republican Tax Scam Is Handwritten Nonsense

mentality says...

Tax reform? You mean the Republican tax plan which will raise taxes for families making between $20k and $40k, while cutting an average of $37K a year for those in the top 1%?

Is this what Jesus taught you? To give to the rich and fuck the poor?

"Your side (Dems) are not so fortunate. The Democrat / Liberal list grows by the day. The party of debauchery."

The leader of the Republicans, the president YOU voted for, is responsible for this, and you dare to pretend to to have the moral high ground? Have you no shame you spineless hypocrite?

bobknight33 said:

Dems had 8 years to do tax reform and did nothing.

Roy Moore?? We will see when his accusers have their day in court. Till then Roy is innocent.
Your side (Dems) are not so fortunate. The Democrat / Liberal list grows by the day. The party of debauchery.

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

John Oliver - Confederacy

wraith says...

Although there are (hopefully) no statues to Hitler in Germany, to be honest, there is an ongoing debate about remebrance of the Wehrmacht and its generals by the Bundeswehr.
There are still some Bundeswehr bases named after Wehrmacht generals who fought in WW2. And there was a recent report about Wehrmacht paraphenalia (a small part of them clearly praising the Nazi ideology) in Bundeswehr bases.

But the main point in the debate about confederate memorials is that taking down statues or flags does not automatically state that every last Confederate soldier was personally fighting to uphold slavery. What those statues commemorate is what the confederate army as a whole were fighting for.

I wonder how many of the people who marched in Charlottesville and supposedly protested for a more diversifeid view of the confederacy (you see, I am not talking about the KKK, people here but the "Not all of those people were Neo-Nazis"-People) have the same thoughts about islam?
How many of them say "I think most muslims are not terrorists", how dare you take down statues of their generals and leaders?".

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

ChaosEngine says...

Two words easily dismiss your entire argument: predator drones.

Look, there are plenty of other countries with high gun ownership rates, but a few sensible regulations stop this kind of shit happening, and guess what? Those countries aren’t oppressive dictatorships, they’re modern, progressive societies.

Meanwhile, the USA, for all your talk of guns preventing dictatorship is a disgrace. You have have bigoted asshole running your country, your healthcare is barbaric (and they’re trying to make it worse), your tax system is ridiculous and your minority citizens are being criticised for daring to protest about the systemic racism they have to endure.

Gun control won’t make your country “less free”, because it’s already ranked pretty low there. But it will certainly lower the number of mass shootings.

scheherazade said:

There are 100 million people with day to day access to arms in the U.S. (granted, of all ages, not all of fighting age).

There are 1.4 million military members.

Bombs destroy the very assets you wish to control. Nukes would be useless.

Tanks run out of fuel, as do jets, without a civil population to resupply them.

I already mentioned the Arab Spring. Governments with tanks and Jets fell to people with rifles.

Soldiers have families. When their families participate in revolt (and become targets of the government), soldiers change sides. Good example would be the Russian revolution against the Tsar, where the army stood down and abandoned the monarchy.

But yes, the military can do its own thing.
Afghan military in the 70's siding with Russia against its government.
Turkey's military ejecting their government whenever it goes bad (*minus this last attempt)

Or even the people can coup vs the people.
The 2014 Ukrainian coup, ethnic Ukrainians ejecting their government to make a new one that deprives ethnic Russians of representation.


BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "2048: Nowhere to Run" Short

ChaosEngine says...

2048, also know as "how many years before I'd dare to pick a fight with Dave Bautista"

Also, the dude can act!

When's the Right Time for Black People to Protest?

"Alternative Math" - The confusing times we live in

newtboy says...

Well, that's what I was taught were proofs, even if just proving simple addition....but that shouldn't be an introduction to math, I got them in geometry/algebra 2 my sophomore year.
Well, kids not understanding basic math isn't new either, senior year remedial math existed when I was in school, but wasn't the norm. If your assessment is correct, that's pretty sad.

All that said, I got paddled in 5th grade for insisting 4-5=-1. My teacher didn't understand negative numbers. Just saying, poor educators aren't a new thing, but they do suck ass.

The big problem is education is so politicised now that it's near impossible to figure out what's actually being taught and what stories are pure hyperbole. Here in the U.S. we've heard all kinds of insane claims about 'common core', most of which were bullshit, because making a federal standard for education wasn't what many wanted (how dare they tell us the war of northern aggression was about slavery, these slanderous accusations will not stand, sir) so a movement was born to oppose it by all means possible, which usually meant outrageous lies.
I'm really glad I don't have kids in school, I would probably home school them if I did.

bcglorf said:

Your missing the point though.

They start in grade 1/2 teaching you that 2+2=4 is incorrect. Instead you were supposed to write down:
2 is 1+1 and 1+1+1+1=4.

Then by grade 3/4 they are asked to solve 2+2. They now answer:
2 is 1+1 and 1+1+1+1=4

and are told incorrect. They are now supposed to use two different methods to solve the same problem and the correct answer is:
2 is the same as 1+1 so 1+1+1+1=4.
Alternately, 2 is 1 more than 1. I know 1+2 is 3, so If I add 1 that's 4.

Those aren't proofs. The addition operator isn't even a theorem to be proven, it's a definition.

I'm on board with teaching more advanced and abstract concepts in grade school. However, actually DO THAT. The stupidity of our provincial system is that they aren't doing that at all. They are performing all this mental masturbation to make basic arithmetic into some bastardised thing that kinda resembles proofs. You know, except the part where your 'proof' is worthless because solving 2+2 by replacing 2 with 1+1 is just substituting one axiom for another.

Teach kids the arithmetic and then teach them actual MATH proper, ideally easing them into the abstract aspect through algebra and not stupid tricks that fail to give them a good understanding of the actual concepts.

The point I underlined about Grade 11 still covering it is important. The students are being left so confused about what they are expected to give as an answer that so many still don't know basic arithmetic by Grade 11 that they still include it as part of the basic curriculum.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Back in the day that was the way things were. There were no cause of redress.
I am not saying that is right but that that was the way.

Today there are laws that prevent this from happening.

I don't think you can look at yesterdays problems through the prism of today logic. If you did you would certainly come up with a solution using the judgements of today social thinking.

As for your statement:

I ( white people ) am blocked from voting.
Do I have cause for redress? -- Yes ( under todays laws and standards)

This occurs for next 150 years ( this sucks) then corrected.

Are my grand children due for the violation of their rights, but not yours? Depends of the customs/ standards/ law of the day that my right to vote were taken away. Would it not?

Now the BLM corrects and reverses the decision of its for fathers and allows Whites to vote. Should I be grateful No I should have had the right long ago.
If you can vote ( BLM) then I can vote ( whites).

Under you scenario BLM owes my grandchildren nothing. They legally voted me not to vote then generationaly later voted my grandchildren to vote. A sorry from the government would be appropriate but individuates owe me nothing. They did not make the law, only lived under it.

I hope I have answered your question.

? If you were born a white on the south with a family owing slaves and many of those in the community owned slaves..

You might accept this as the norm and go along with it and someday own some salves also.

As you grew up you might start to think that this is wrong but would you dare go against the grain? Only when you had a shit load of people think the same way do things change.


Another analogy of saying this is:

Using todays logic / ways of medicine on the way they practice medicine 150 years ago... Today we think how barbaric they were. But those living in the day it was all they knew.

newtboy said:

Let me try a different, but related tact.
Assume that your right to vote in the next election is removed from you by force based on the color of your skin (like BLM activists only let non whites into polls, and the government allows it). Would you not be due a civil judgement for the violation of your civil rights?
Now assume it happens for the next 150+ years before it's rectified. Are your great grandchildren only due for the violation of their rights, but not yours? Now assume blm says giving you the right to vote is a gift they provided, and your decedents should be eternally grateful it was given at all, not upset that it was once denied by their fathers, and the government (that they put in office without your input) agrees no compensation is due.

In that scenario, your family is owed nothing, neither from the perpetrators, their descendants, or the nation/government that allowed it? And this seems right to you? Hmmmm.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Back in the day that was the way things were. There were no cause of redress.
I am not saying that is right but that that was the way.

Today there are laws that prevent this from happening.

I don't think you can look at yesterdays problems through the prism of today logic. If you did you would certainly come up with a solution using the judgements of today social thinking.

As for your statement:

I ( white people ) am blocked from voting.
Do I have cause for redress? -- Yes ( under todays laws and standards)

This occurs for next 150 years ( this sucks) then corrected.

Are my grand children due for the violation of their rights, but not yours? Depends of the customs/ standards/ law of the day that my right to vote were taken away. Would it not?

Now the BLM corrects and reverses the decision of its for fathers and allows Whites to vote. Should I be grateful No I should have had the right long ago.
If you can vote ( BLM) then I can vote ( whites).

Under you scenario BLM owes my grandchildren nothing. They legally voted me not to vote then generationaly later voted my grandchildren to vote. A sorry from the government would be appropriate but individuates owe me nothing. They did not make the law, only lived under it.

I hope I have answered your question.

? If you were born a white on the south with a family owing slaves and many of those in the community owned slaves..

You might accept this as the norm and go along with it and someday own some salves also.

As you grew up you might start to think that this is wrong but would you dare go against the grain? Only when you had a shit load of people think the same way do things change.


Another analogy of saying this is:

Using todays logic / ways of medicine on the way they practice medicine 150 years ago... Today we think how barbaric they were. But those living in the day it was all they knew.

newtboy said:

Let me try a different, but related tact.
Assume that your right to vote in the next election is removed from you by force based on the color of your skin (like BLM activists only let non whites into polls, and the government allows it). Would you not be due a civil judgement for the violation of your civil rights?
Now assume it happens for the next 150+ years before it's rectified. Are your great grandchildren only due for the violation of their rights, but not yours? Now assume blm says giving you the right to vote is a gift they provided, and your decedents should be eternally grateful it was given at all, not upset that it was once denied by their fathers, and the government (that they put in office without your input) agrees no compensation is due.

In that scenario, your family is owed nothing, neither from the perpetrators, their descendants, or the nation/government that allowed it? And this seems right to you? Hmmmm.

coolhund (Member Profile)

coolhund says...

Loved this site once. Finding the best recent videos here without much effort was its definition.
People actually did a good job posting them here and often times I visited VideoSift to watch videos while eating dinner. Great memories.

Nowadays most videos posted here are political videos. Not objectively making fun or criticizing both sides, no. Only leftist videos with literal fake news content that have no value at all for making the world a better place. Before I found at least 7-10 videos a day that I enjoyed watching. Now? Not even one. NOT EVEN ONE! WTF happened to you?

You just see these political videos with just childish and retarded attacks, thinking if some pathetic and unfunny celebrity tells it, it is somehow more credible. This site has become a propaganda outlet for these extremist people, and if you dare speak up against it, you get voted down into oblivion and personally attacked (not your points you made).
To put it in a triggering word: Sad!
Good riddance.

Baby Driver -- Opening Scene (Amazing car chase)

Mookal says...

Dare I say, ya'll missing the point. It's a getaway movie staring a 2006 Subaru WRX. Not an Austin, not an Audi, not a Jag. The folks acting take a back seat. Pretentious this is not, fun it is.

More boxer engine notes!

When road rage goes terribly wrong

deathcow says...

I wouldn't dare to place blame in this video, but I gotta say the biker is totally stupid for thinking that, on a rolling motorcycle at hwy speeds that you should elect to kick a moving car instead of tapping your brakes.

Mark Blyth: Globalization and the Backlash of Populism

radx says...


Mark's been on the money since about the time he wrote "Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea", but there have been two significant developments in Europe that he seemingly didn't see coming: Portugal and the UK.

The Left Alliance in Portugal has basically been giving Schäuble the finger for two years now, with their unilateral end to austerity. How dare they defy the master of coin?! If Schäuble says you need another round of austerity, by God, you better tighten your belts, even if they are already around your neck.

Unsurprisingly, everyone going along with austerity without having a completely export-dependent economy is in deep doo-doo. Meanwhile, those pesky Portuguese actually managed to massively reduce unemployment, despite running a deficit that is entirely too small for their current situation. But that's a different story.

And then there's the UK. There's Corbyn. Tribune of the Plebs. Managed to get the youth voting by offering actual left-wing policies (the "radical youth", as the NYT likes to call them, while claiming that the warmongering, Constitution-shredding, wage-depressing, ecosphere-destroying "centrists" are not the real radicals). Managed to turn quite a lot of UKIP voters around as well. Within striking distance of the Tories, despite the media running 24h a day of drivel like "Jezza's Jihadi Comrades" -- Goebbels would be ashamed of the crudeness of the propaganda campaign by the Sun/Daily Mirror/etc.

The populist left is back, bitches. Corbyn and Sanders are the first steps past the neoliberal warmongers of the Third Way. The Obama experience of a corporatist disguised as a left populist may have given us The Orange One, but it also put another nail into the coffin of neoliberalism.

Antonio Gramsci, founding member of the Italian communist party, who was killed by the fascist regime of Mussolini, gave us the appropriate description of our time:
"The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear."

That's your Trump. That's your opioid epidemic. That's the EU's austerity program in Greece, doing twice as much damage as the German occupation in WW2.

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

cloudballoon says...

I've gone to church for a few years. And I see no women staying silent, nor any man telling them to. I really don't care about "tradition" and would voice serious concern if these type of crap happens in the modern church. Believe me, my church sisters takes no crap from the brothers. And I don't really see much old-school practices except communion, and that's not far-out unacceptable a tradition considering its purpose.

I (or at least hope to) continuously carry a critical eye & mind on these social-issue things as in many others at the church. Church "doctrine/tradition" is no excuse to justify bad social/inequality/bigotry behavior. For me, discussion on why the heck Paul wrote these words is fine, it's good to find faults how those people who lived 2000 years ago and evolve the modern church practices to align better with Jesus' intention.
Overall, in my church, I think most people are pretty grounded in real-life struggles... but hey, I fully understand these are subjective opinions... we all have our blindspots. I think we're all better man/woman if we can take in criticisms.

I can't for the life of me understand the U.S. "Christian Right" (but I'm Canadian, so I'm just a passive observer, as I can't vote on US politics) nor, from my understanding of Him, Jesus (as a preacher of love & peace) could be a far/alt-right-winger. But oh, sorry, I don't mean to talk politics... just hope to convey from which side of the discussion I come from.

It's foolish (and arrogant) to take the Bible literally... so much contradictions, inconsistencies, if read this way. And really, I keep thinking - WHY LITERALLY? - I don't dare listen to my pastors and think their words MUST be what God/Jesus meant. Martin Luther's movement freed us from those chains of mindlessness from the church preachers' power over us.

Akways look to the intention of Jesus, which for me, is honestly good, relevant and much in demand, and do those as the Christian mission. The Bible can be confusing, but the message is crystal clear. And that's love & compassion towards our neighbors, go a preach THAT! Not hate/fear-filled "damn this, damn that"/"End of the World is nigh"-type rhetorics.

Seriously man, looking from a distance (again, Canadian here) those loud-voice Christian Rights in the States scare the hell out of me and most of my brothers & sisters, the general thought around me is that they've move way far out from the Christian's way that Jesus want us to be (that I know of)... makes me so sad.

Stephen Fry Explains Why Some Believe Everything Trump Says

Drachen_Jager says...

Did you see Donnie and Melania on the Tarmac in Israel?

He reaches back to take her hand, she slaps his hand away.

Take from that what you will, but I read her body language as, "Don't you dare f*%$ing touch me."

Fairbs said:

he's gone bankrupt 5 times and no American bank will loan money to him; there's no proof that he isn't extremely under water; his continued self-inflicted missteps as president make me think that he is very dumb; all of his failed marriages are another example of him being a failure

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