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Historical amnesia and Gaza

bcglorf says...

I don't think it's about the dollar amount, it's about there being no other country that would sell them jets etc.
I don't think even Russia would sell them MIGs. Soooo.... they really couldn't invade Gaza without US support.

Bullshit. Israel's first purchase of jet fighters where a Messerschmitt variation from Czechoslovakia. Saddam had no troubles buying any and every piece of hardware he wanted from tanks and jets from the Soviets all the way up to VX gas and a nuclear reactor from the French. Rwanda's RGF had a study supply of every form of military hardware they could use while they were busily executing the worst genocide seen for generations. Even the video itself declares that 1/4 of the American aid is spent on ISRAELI made weapons!

Arms dealers are loyal to money and nothing else. You don't seem to have a clue what your talking about on this.

Obama keeps silent on explosive Gaza conflict (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Terrorism in Judea is symptom not a disease, when paths for peaceful resistance is shut down only violent resistance remains, remember that Hamas did not exist 50 years ago.

The UN passed resolution 242 that requires Israel to withdraw back to the borders of 4th June 1967. Palestine accepted the 1967 border agreement in 1988 as a concession to end hostilities between both nations.

Israel's approach is however to claim that any lands occupied by Isreali citizens should be cede backed into Israel, however lands occupied by Palestinians is up for debate. The University of Tel Aviv was actually built on Palestinian land (this was in the

Encroaching Israeli settlements mean that Israel captures more land, there is documented evidence of how Israel demolishes Palestinian homes and brings over Israeli settlers, when the Palestinian people revolt against this it's presented as Israel defending itself against terrorism, the fact that it was Palestinian land never makes the media reports.

Thus Israel cannot accept the full 1967 border zone because settlements within West Bank divide Palestinian land into a cadre of small islands surrounded by barbed wired, IDF and armed Israeli settlers.

The Zionists believe that all of Judea is rightfully theirs at any cost.

Ironic that what Israel is doing is the same thing Nazi Germany did when it captured Czechoslovakia, when it claimed there was a native German population at the border that needed to be joined back to Greater Germany.

John McCain: Venezuela is in the Middle East (?)

mauz15 says...

Add to this the imaginary Iraq-Pakistan border he mentioned and the several instances he named Czechoslovakia as if the country still existed. To paraphrase McCain in the debates "a little bit of naivete there, I'm afraid Senator McCain doesn't understand --or doesn't get it" "

Edit to below:
crap! and I checked to not make the mistake. Haha.

John McCain: Dazed and Confused

lucky760 says...

I hear he's getting to work in Nevada Nevada Nevada Nevada to develop new technology that keeps bottled water hot during delivery to all the dehydrated babies in ex-president Putin's Berlin before the Iranians, who happen to be training Al Qaeda across Pakistan's border in Czechoslovakia, can veto all the beers of the proud conservative liberal republicans.

John McCain: Dazed and Confused

Russia and Georgia fight, casualties ensue :(

Farhad2000 says...

Southern Ossetia has always been a part of Georgia, their want to be a separate state is as ill defined as the Basque region in Spain.

Russia is using this to attack Georgia, using the term liberation force as a way to encroach on lost territories. Russia contends that it's a peacekeeping force, and will respect Georgia's sovereignty while moving attack planes and tanks in. I feared something like this when watching their May 9th military parades, the largest held in the longest time.

Adolf Hitler used the same tactic in the opening stages of World War 2, by claiming that there were Germans living in Czechoslovakia.

I can't help but think that unilateralism intervention under taken by the US has given Russia the impetus to do the same within it's own borders to reclaim pre-independence sectors.

Chris Matthews DESTROYS Right Wing Talking Head

thinker247 says...

I admit that I had no idea Chamberlain gave half of Czechoslovakia to Hitler, and I'm a history major in college! However, I would not use the word "appeaser" without knowing this information, and if caught using it, I wouldn't try to deflect criticism as if I really knew what I was talking about. But I'm not a talking head, so...

Chris Matthews DESTROYS Right Wing Talking Head

budzos says...

Zor, I seriously doubt it. Chamberlain giving away half of Czechoslovakia, and then brandishing a signed agreement from Hitler and proclaiming that he had "secured peace for our time" is basic ninth grade history here in Ontario. It's the type of basic WWII fact all the grown-ups surrounding the young Chris Matthews would have been railing about incessantly at the dinner table for the twenty years following the war.

Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water

jwray says...

Most non-english-speaking developed countries have already stopped or banned water fluoridation. This includes Japan, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, the former Czechoslovakia, the former USSR, and France. The only benefit of fluoride is a TOPICAL effect on the TOOTH ENAMEL. There are other effective and safer ways of preventing tooth decay. The harms of fluoride are systemic. Humans have no nutritional need for fluoride. There have been proper placebo-controlled trials on rats with fluoridated drinking water demonstrating many kinds of harms including behavioral abnormalities and visible changes to CNS structure. There have been many correlational studies showing that areas with 2-3ppm fluoride in drinking water have lower average IQs than similar areas with 0.3ppm fluoride. Typical amounts used in government mandated drinking water fluoridation are 0.7-1.3ppm. Fluoride is known to cause selective reduction in the number of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. sources more sources NRC report

Penn & Teller - Bullshit - Gun Control

sirex says...

after precisly ten seconds of digging....

PER 100,000
(1) Washington, D.C., USA 69.3
(2) Philadelphia, USA 27.4
(3) Dallas, USA 24.8
(4) Los Angeles, USA 22.8
(5) Chicago, USA 20.5
(6) Phoenix, USA 19.1
(7) Moscow, Russia 18.1
(8) Houston, USA 18.0
(9) New York City, USA 16.8
(10) Helsinki, Finland 12.5
(11) Lisbon, Portugal 9.7
(12) San Diego, USA 8.0
(13) Amsterdam, Netherlands 7.7
(14) Belfast, N.Ireland, UK 4.4
(15) Geneva, Switzerland 4.2
(16) Copenhagen, Denmark 4.0
(17) Berlin, Germany 3.8
(18) Paris, France 3.3
(19) Stockholm, Sweden 3.0
(20) Prague, Czechoslovakia 2.9

so whatever your doing, isnt working.

now, we have deer here, and i've no inclination to go kill them. If you said to protect against bear then maybe i could see the argument, but then a handgun isnt going to cut it anyhow. And arguming that why arnt knifves and blunt instruments banned ? why should they be ? their job isnt to kill. The floor will kill you if you hit it hard enough.

besides which (after anouther ten seconds of digging - right from your own doj.

Kasparov on Maher--Being Very Clever

legacy0100 says...

I strongly disagree. I think the cold hard facts from history disproves this idealistic claim.

Hate to bring up America's current biggest controversy here, but look at Iraq. It was a militant police state. There was cruelty and oppression but also control and order. You say freedom and democracy is better than order and control? Just look at Iraq and all its glory today.

Same can be said about Afghanistan, German Confederacy, post-world war 2 Czechoslovakia, Fascist Italy (Mussolini), Yugoslavia, Aztec Empire, post-colonial India, Roman Empire, the USSR, and perhaps the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Order and control is always better than the unlimited amount of freedom that comes when regimes are fallen afterwards.

Chaos (too much freedom) is no better than tyranny. But at least you can control the level of tyranny when things are organized (Russia has enough order and stability to 'fake' democratic elections). When you have chaos, you have power over nothing, and everything blows up with massive collateral damage, effectively undermining local populace' economy as well as infrastructure. Eliminating any means for them to rebound from their old regime and forced to live in extreme poverty.

Give Russia some time to economically develop and politically stabilize. And things will change by themselves (also speaking historically. higher economic power = higher civic power). But trying to force something that's clearly not ready for will only make things worse (Nepal). Because democracy is not the most ideal way of governance for every country (let alone a corporate company/private business) 100% of the time.

Psychedelic mashup--Fantastic Planet electronica

Rockapella - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

HaricotVert says...

Well she sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina,
She's a sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize,
She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Steal their Seoul in South Korea, make Antarctica cry Uncle,
From the Red Sea to Greenland they'll be singing the blues,
Well they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the jungle,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

She go from Nashville to Norway, Bonaire to Zimbabwe,
Chicago to Czechoslovakia and back!

Well she'll ransack Pakistan and run a scam in Scandinavia,
Then she'll stick 'em up Down Under and go pick-pocket Perth,
She put the Miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Oh tell me where in the world is... Oh tell me where can she be?

Ooh, Botswana to Thailand, Milan via Amsterdam,
Mali to Bali, Ohio, Oahu...!

Well she glides around the globe and she'll flimflam every nation,
She's a double-dealing diva with a taste for thievery,
Her itinerary's loaded up with moving violations,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Saving Private Ryan: D-Day

Farhad2000 says...

For film buffs, to achieve the look of Omaha beach, Steven Spielberg used Robert Capas 11 surviving shots of the D-day landing. His other shots were unfortunately destroyed by a nervous lab technician.

"His most famous work occurred on June 6, 1944 (D-Day) when he swam ashore with the first assault wave on Omaha Beach. He was armed with two Contax II cameras mounted with 50 mm lenses and several rolls of spare film. Capa took 108 pictures in the first couple of hours of the invasion. However, a staff member at Life made a mistake in the darkroom; he set the dryer too high and melted the negatives. Only eleven frames in total were recovered."

I liked this movie, but disliked that it took certain historical liberties with the events of World War 2. Making it seem like only American was involved, when this was a world war, the D-day landings encompassed British, American, New Zealand, Canadian, Free France, Poland and numerous other commonwealth states later after the initial assault phase Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, the Netherlands, and Norway joined. The main thrust was spread over Omaha, Utah, Sword, Juno and Gold beaches under the general codename of Operation Overlord.

Still a wonderful portray of the horrors of combat.

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