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Bill O'Reilly Interviews Cornel West and Tavis Smiley

Bill O'Reilly Interviews Cornel West and Tavis Smiley

Bill O'Reilly Interviews Cornel West and Tavis Smiley

MSNBC Analyses Police Assault On "Occupy Wall St." Protester

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I've seen the vids. The protests is a knut of very old radicals reliving their 'nam glory days, and a bunch of kids just there to feel like they've got a purpose. You've got Cornel, Fonda, Saranden, and other bozos getting people to chant anti-American revolution dogma. You've got these yahoos blocking traffic and sidewalks. It's called "Day of Rage".

A peaceful protest is one where you confine your demonstration to a place where you are not interfering with innocent citizens. The Wall Street yahoos are blocking both foot and road traffic, causing a disturbance, and being a public nuisance. When that happens - boom - the cops show up. When the cops show up in that situation, stuff like this happens. Duh. Protesting is fine - but don't be stupid about it.

And I'm not a Republican. I'm a fiscally conservative, socially libertarian constitutional constructionist. Or - as I like to call it - a FiSCCaL. These protestors are angry at the wrong target. The Wall Street problems (and they are a problem) are merely a symptom of the greater issue. The problem is government which creates an environment of corruption and cronyism. Wall Street couldn't have done squat if government hadn't served up a bunch of exemptions, loopholes, and other shenanigans. Did companies WANT those things? Sure - but they can't HAVE them without a corrupt government. The solution is not to whine about Wall Street. The solution is to slap down government hard, reduce their power, and have simple tax reform like Cain's 9/9/9 plan (moving to a Fair Tax), and eliminate all the pork projects and government 'subsidies' of industry. Limit government and root out federal corruption and you create a system where Wall Street abuses can no longer exist because there is no 'system' for them to abuse.

MSNBC Analyses Police Assault On "Occupy Wall St." Protester

Fletch says...

Submissive to authority? - check
Aggressive on behalf of authority? - check
Possessing moderate to little education? - check (an assumption)
Trusting of untrustworthy authorities? - check
Narrow-minded? - check
Intolerant? - check
Dogmatic? - check
Uncritical toward chosen authority? - check
Inconsistent and contradictory? - check
Highly self-righteous? - check
Politically and economically conservative/Republican? - check

At least you're not a fan of violence. Well... unless it's necessary, which means you should be condemning these cops, as this was definitely a peaceful protest. But I doubt you will, because it's acceptable to assault "dumb kids", right? Especially if they don't think the way you do. If the cops assaulted them, it must be the fault of the protesters, right? Marxist radicals? Really? Really? Do you even read the dross on your screen before you hit the submit button? Your comment seems to be nothing but stream-of-consciousness prattle infected with Foxisms, ditto-head mantra, and the voices in your Cheerios.

EDIT: Why no pretty quote box?

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:< br />I'm no fan of unnecessary violence. For shame.
But these dummies at the protests need to dial it back, and stop doing things in such a way as to make a police presence necessary. If they would conduct a peaceful prostest that didn't interfere with business and daily traffic then cops wouldn't be needed. If cops weren't needed, then no one would get pepper-sprayed. Takes two to tango, and if protestors don't want cops giving them a hard time then maybe protestors should not be doing crap that gets police called to the scene. Use common sense. Just because you're protesting doesn't mean you need to be a dingus that requires cops around to keep you in line.
And these NYC bozos are tools. Cornel West, and a bunch of other marxist radicals are there and they aren't there to peacefully protest Wall Street excess. They are there to stir people up. These dumb kids going there need to wake up and realize they are being used as someone else's 'useful idiot'. I'm sure this chick didn't go there thinking she was going to end up in a scene where pepper spray got used.

MSNBC Analyses Police Assault On "Occupy Wall St." Protester

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I'm no fan of unnecessary violence. For shame.

But these dummies at the protests need to dial it back, and stop doing things in such a way as to make a police presence necessary. If they would conduct a peaceful prostest that didn't interfere with business and daily traffic then cops wouldn't be needed. If cops weren't needed, then no one would get pepper-sprayed. Takes two to tango, and if protestors don't want cops giving them a hard time then maybe protestors should not be doing crap that gets police called to the scene. Use common sense. Just because you're protesting doesn't mean you need to be a dingus that requires cops around to keep you in line.

And these NYC bozos are tools. Cornel West, and a bunch of other marxist radicals are there and they aren't there to peacefully protest Wall Street excess. They are there to stir people up. These dumb kids going there need to wake up and realize they are being used as someone else's 'useful idiot'. I'm sure this chick didn't go there thinking she was going to end up in a scene where pepper spray got used.

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

Keynes Celebrates End of Gold Standard in Britain

Bill Nye Realizes He Is Talking To A Moron

xxovercastxx says...


First off, I'm convinced the selection of your username was motivated primarily by a desire to discourage people from addressing you directly. On to the serious stuff...

Let's go right to the "Climategate" data release. Cornell has a free piece of software called Eureqa that analyzes raw data and finds trends or formulas that could generate such data. It has no bias in its analysis; it doesn't even "know" what the data it's being fed represents; it just takes numbers and finds patterns. This guy just happened to be playing with the software at the time of this data release and decided to try it out. See the results for yourself. I wouldn't want to introduce any bias by telling you what they look like.

[Charles Monnett] has been suspended, possibly over the accuracy of his observations. - From the polar bear researcher article.

The important part of that article is in that quoted sentence and it's "possibly over the accuracy of his observations". The reason that's important is because Monnett has not been charged with anything yet; that's just Fox speculating on what he might be in trouble for. If he is found to have been dishonest, I hope he gets nailed, but let's wait and see.

Citing the hockey stick controversy is interesting because you're basically just choosing the climatologist whose findings you like over those who you don't. Hubert Lamb, the guy who put out the 1965 data with the warm "hump" in the middle ages, about 13 years later, came to agree that there would be evident global warming around 2000.

Even if you insist on sticking to his graph of the medieval warm period, we exceeded those temperatures in 2006-2007 and are still on a steep incline. It's hotter now than it's been in over 1000 years, one way or another.

Cornel West, Tavis Smiley To Launch Poverty Bus Tour

Cornel West, Tavis Smiley To Launch Poverty Bus Tour

ponceleon says...

God, I dislike Cornel West for a lot of reasons irrelevant to this video, but he's damn right in this case... sigh.

I just feel like the office of the president is just corrupted to the point that it just cannot be effective anymore. Prof. West's criticisms are right on the money, and I LOVED the way he exposed Fox New's lack of imagination in the way they attack him for things that just aren't true while there are LEGITIMATE problems with the presidency which they just don't address because it is part of their interests.

Well played Prof. West... I still think your rap album sucks.

Cornel West, Tavis Smiley To Launch Poverty Bus Tour

alien_concept says...


Cornel West is so loveable, I could listen to him talk about paint drying and I'd still be enamoured. Plus anyone who makes that cunt Morgan look like the douche he is, wins in my book. I hope to god he gets taken down in the News of the World furore at some point, I would die a happy girl.

Creepy chemicals on your food

notarobot says...


She's not making it up. She's just not citing sources.

Five minutes of internet searching found me this:


Chlorpropham is moderately toxic by ingestion (2). It may cause irritation of the eyes or skin (2). Symptoms of poisoning in laboratory animals have included listlessness, incoordination, nose bleeds, protruding eyes, bloody tears, difficulty in breathing, prostration, inability to urinate, high fevers, and death. Autopsies of animals have shown inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining, congestion of the brain, lungs and other organs, and degenerative changes in the kidneys and liver (2)"

Breakdown of Chemical in Soil and Groundwater

Chlorpropham has some potential to contaminate groundwater because it is highly soluble in water and it has only a moderate tendency to adsorb to soil particles (3, 5). Chlorpropham adsorbs strongly to organic matter, so it is unlikely to leach through soils high in organic matter. Chlorpropham does not readily adsorb to montmorillonite or kaolinite clays (4).
Chlorpropham is subject to degradation by soil microbes. Photodegradation and volatilization do not readily occur. Increasing temperatures above 35 degrees C and increasing soil moisture capacity may increase volatilization (4). Soil half-lives from 35 days (3) to 65 days at 15 degrees C or 30 days at 29 degrees C (4) have been reported. Degradation rates are affected by microbial activity and soil moisture levels (4)."

/Pesticide Management Education Program.

Food is Making Our Kids Sick -- for profit

ghark says...

Yes, she mentioned allergies, however underlying these allergies are much more serious problems such as cancer (which she mentioned). Her speech was off the mark and the science was bad in a few places, however the underlying concept is accurate. In addition to this, you link articles showing that there are few or no studies showing the dangers of proteins such as BGH, however her point was that there are no human studies done to prove that it is safe. A 1950's study showing BGH doesn't help dwarves grow doesn't prove it isn't linked with human disease. Also, while her statements about BGH don't seem very scientifically credible, she does actually point out the real problem, the link that BGH has with complications such as mastitis, and the subsequent need for large doses of antibiotics.

>> ^marinara:
doesn't mention frankenfoods at all
"top allergy in U.S.: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g., walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, pecans), wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish"
fish shellfish treenuts peanuts eggs aren't frankenfoods, neither is milk even though the TED talker says it is.
(ok my argument here doesn't prove anything)
BGH is nasty for different reasons, like causing girls to enter puberty years earlier.
unless it doesn't
"Is bST a hormone?
Yes. However, there are two types of hormones: steroids and proteins. bST is a protein hormone. Protein hormones have no activity when taken by mouth, while steroid hormones do have activity. For example, insulin is a protein hormone.
Insulin has no activity if taken orally. Therefore, a diabetic has to have injections of insulin. Like insulin, the protein hormone bST has no activity when taken by mouth. In contrast, hormones used in birth control pills are steroids and therefore are effective when taken by mouth. Again, bST has no effect when taken by mouth.
Furthermore, studies were conducted in the 1950's to determine if children suffering from dwarfism could be given direct injections of high levels of bST to stimulate growth. The conclusion of the study was that somatotropin from cows is not active in humans even if injected. Why? The structure of human somatotropin is so different from bovine somatotropin, that injections of high levels of bovine somatotropin into children have no influence on growth and development."
from monsanto's website
actually NYT says milk does not cause puberty in girls
finally here's a real long press release that says that really, no scientific studies have ever been done to link animal hormones to human health problems. Animal products have been tested, but no human studies.

Food is Making Our Kids Sick -- for profit

marinara says...
doesn't mention frankenfoods at all

"top allergy in U.S.: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g., walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, pecans), wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish"
fish shellfish treenuts peanuts eggs aren't frankenfoods, neither is milk even though the TED talker says it is.
(ok my argument here doesn't prove anything)

BGH is nasty for different reasons, like causing girls to enter puberty years earlier.

unless it doesn't
"Is bST a hormone?

Yes. However, there are two types of hormones: steroids and proteins. bST is a protein hormone. Protein hormones have no activity when taken by mouth, while steroid hormones do have activity. For example, insulin is a protein hormone.

Insulin has no activity if taken orally. Therefore, a diabetic has to have injections of insulin. Like insulin, the protein hormone bST has no activity when taken by mouth. In contrast, hormones used in birth control pills are steroids and therefore are effective when taken by mouth. Again, bST has no effect when taken by mouth.

Furthermore, studies were conducted in the 1950's to determine if children suffering from dwarfism could be given direct injections of high levels of bST to stimulate growth. The conclusion of the study was that somatotropin from cows is not active in humans even if injected. Why? The structure of human somatotropin is so different from bovine somatotropin, that injections of high levels of bovine somatotropin into children have no influence on growth and development."
from monsanto's website

actually NYT says milk does not cause puberty in girls

finally here's a real long press release that says that really, no scientific studies have ever been done to link animal hormones to human health problems. Animal products have been tested, but no human studies.

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