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Trump Gets Fired

newtboy says...

Never backs down.....Except when prosecuted for fraud, or redlining (denying black people access to his buildings), or charity fraud, or finally admitting he repeatedly paid for sex while married, or when Mexico refused to build or pay for his wall, or when he promises to fix our infrastructure, or when he claims massive 2016 vote fraud, or when he promises to simplify taxes so they fit on a postcard, or about Covid/masks.... Seems like he often backs down....almost half as often as he's wrong.

The too close to call/recount is bullshit. Georgia, where he claims it's too close, requires the campaign asking for a recount to pay for it, and Trump is flat broke with a zero credit rating and his campaign is deep in massive debt. Good won't change the outcome even if it flips the state, which it won't. Remember, when you donate to the legal defense fund, most of that money goes to pay Trump's bills, some into his pocket, and what's left might pay Rudy to rant in a parking lot. It's not paying for decent lawyers to try a case, they're consistently being laughed out of court for having zero evidence of their baseless accusations, most of which wouldn't change results if found to be credible. Decent lawyers won't touch these frivolous cases.

The cheating and interference was 99.9996% from your team. >300000 missing mail in ballots because Trump's guy ignored court orders, slowed mail to a crawl, and refused to search mail sorting rooms for ballots like he was ordered to by a federal judge. Armed intimidation at polls. Last minute voter purges. One collection box for counties of 4 million. All republican tactics that kept it from being a massive blowout, but couldn't stop the tide. All you have to claim democrats cheated are words from untrustworthy liars, no evidence whatsoever.

It's funny you think your best argument for a second trump term is that he was incapable of presiding over a free and fair election or of accepting the results.

It's ok, Bob. You can admit you're crying in your beer. It must hurt to be forced to realize your world view is a fantasy.....just a dream.

bobknight33 said:


incognito yes, maybe, just sitting idle and watching.

Waiting for results Some states too close to call- recount?

MEGA landslide-- no so -- At least I can dream.

Some cheating/ interference-- yes-- big enough -- don't know.

1 thing for sure is that Trump never backs down.


geo321 says...

The Lincoln project group is loaded with old neo-cons, some war criminals of the past decades. They are corrupt hacks. Those tens of millions of dollars they collected to fight Trump somehow got siphoned off to pay themselves for the most part

Feeding Humback whale gets a mouth full of kayakers

Digitalfiend says...

I am impressed that there wasn't a woman getting hysterical and screaming/crying throughout the video when this happened. Everyone seemed to remain rather calm. The woman that actually got collected by the whale seemed to handle it like a boss too!

noims (Member Profile)

Star Wars Super Collector Reads Your Comments - GWR

Why Was the Islamic Golden Age of Science… Golden?

vil says...

Last names as a way to determine ethnic diversity, lost me there.

Cool though, that makes my sister latin american.

Too bad I am stuck with a name thats probably German in origin.

Diversity is fine. It was the tolerance of the society to entertain the notion that feeding a bunch of good for nothing intellectuals was a noble idea that made a golden age possible. Also the possibility to travel and communicate, the spread of information was helpful. Language barriers came down. That tolerance ended around 1250. Muslim lands were still ethnically diverse after that, but no more tolerance for science.

So tolerance of different ideas, customs, religions, foreigners and races seems more important than attempting to induce diversity artificially.

Tolerance naturally leads to diversity - you can see this in areas like scientific teams, hi-tech companies, or top sports teams. If you want the best people you arrive at not evaluating their race, but their abilities. That is if the society around you lets you do that.

My friends son just spent 6 months working in a chemical lab in Sweden. Met few Swedes, mostly worked with people from all over the world. So he helped with a Swedish project, he can now go back to work on his own project and he knows all these people from around the world who work on similar stuff. No one gives a damn about what ethnicity any of the people involved are or if the lab was "diverse". They all concentrate on the project. If a commision goes in and starts counting how many Laplandian scientists are filling a quota the scientists would show the (imaginary) commision their collective middle finger or just leave.

So i would argue that ethnically diverse scientific teams are not more succesful because they are diverse, they are more successful because they are open and tolerant (and that has led to their diversity).

Forcing diversity will not bring the same result.

Long? Sorry.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sorry sunshine.
You mean all those real black supporters, all tweeting the exact same words at the same time...using only stock photos of black people, never real ones, many being bots, others being lying whites...those are your real black people. So delusional, thinking people who's IQs are above 80 would take your lying word on anything, especially anything to do with Trump or race. Go listen to more Pravda propaganda on soon, Biden will likely pull their license to broadcast in America since they hire KGB agents to spread Russian propaganda according to the entire intelligence community.

So dumb.

Larger percentage than 8%....unlikely.

Translator fail again, Bobski. Learn English, I might answer your question.

And more blatant lies, every left wing politician denounced ANTIFA, and they aren't an organization, you can't donate to Antifa, dumbass.
How many retrumpacans have denounced white supremacy without being forced...certainly not Trump, he had to be forced into it by his party who was ready to abandon him in self defense if he didn't, reluctantly, denounce them weakly with a prepared statement obviously written by someone else. It's clear he didn't mean it.

Your metadata has been sent to the IT department of Antifa for identification, collection, and reNeducation....diddly

bobknight33 said:

I see the story of Twitter banning real black supporters calling them fake black supporters. Stop watching fake news.

Trump will get a larger % of minority voters than 2016 and will help result in a MEGA landslide 2020

Are you going one of those who break down ad cry like a bitch on election night or are you a donor to ANTIFA, A radical fascist origination backed by the left?

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

newtboy says...

Why? The constitution doesn't forbid it, and doesn't list the number of seats. Guaranteed if Trump/Republicans had considered it, it would already have been tried.

It could, Republicans threaten civil war every time it looks like they won't get their way on anything these days. Using their own politics of "because we can" would certainly enrage them....good thing they're mostly pussies, afraid of a deer, and obese. I think they'll shit themselves if confronted with an armed militia boy did. The difference being in war, the dems shoot back. Side note, who is more patriotic, the one's using the exact same politics they've endured from Republicans, or the one's who threaten to destroy the union and nation (too dumb to realize China and Russia would make us a proxy war then come in to collect the pieces).

All for gladiator games....or giant robot wars....or death races. Especially if the representatives have to fight personally.

Mordhaus said:

It would be incredibly likely that any attempt to add new seats to the Supreme Court would be found unconstitutional.

However, it wouldn't be the first time we have had more or fewer judges. This isn't something new as opposing political entities have done their best to stack the court, one way or the other, from the very beginning.

If it happens, it happens. Although I suspect it might lead to another civil war if it is obnoxious enough. Maybe we can end up in Districts this time, with some sort of gladiatorial display to keep the masses calm?

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

newtboy says...

Shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-shug. That's precious....and 100% bullshit.
Felonious Boss Hogg directed his army of morons to vote by mail and in person...a felony.
He supports fake illegal collection boxes that allow republicans to discard ballots.
He instructed his morons to go armed to voting centers and intimidate people in line if they look like Biden supporters.

Part of the job of a president is to facilitate a free and open election and exude trust in the process his administration creates. He's failed at every single opportunity. It will be a train wreck, with Donald as the conductor staring spellbound into his mirror as he runs the train off the track.

Biden is ahead in almost every swing state by double digits, fool.

Republicans are the ones who have been caught repeatedly stealing ballots and changing them, showing up at polls to intimidate voters, illegally, trying to vote twice or more, setting up illegal fraudulent collection boxes, only allowing one real drop box for 4 million people, making up outrageous lies about vote by mail, which may have a better record than in person voting (mail in voting has a .0000004% fraud rate) and outright lying about some democratic frauds like his bullshit claim about ballots in a river, all Trump ballots....never happened, sorry sunshine. Trump has done nothing but cause mayhem, confusion, and distraction to hide this obvious fact that he can't win without massive voter fraud and supression.

Lol. Trump's base growing!?! Only according to trump and his morons who find the one unprofessional outlier internet poll by non pollsters and claim it's the only real poll. Derp.

Keep thinking that, November is going to be shocking. Get that suicide insurance, at least then you'll be doing something for your children besides causing them so much distress that they require institutionalization.

Sorry sunshine. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Large scale election fraud is being pushed by democrats not by BOSS Trump. Trump just points it out. Just wait till the mess starts after the election. It will be a train wreck and every one know it.

MEGA Landslide 2020 and democrats are trying desperately to cheat to cause mayhem, confusion, distraction from this very fact.

Trumps base is growing and is larger that 2016. More from every demographic.

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

StukaFox says...

You mean like the Orange County GOP setting out fake vote collection sites made out of filing cabinets? The same fraudsters that just earned themselves a C&D from the state? You mean like Abbot trying to limit drop-off voting sites to one per county?

Is THAT the kinda cheating you're referring to?

bobknight33 said:

Democrats need mail in voting as their way to cheat / disrupt the 2020 election which will be a landslide for Trump. Democrats have no choice but to cheat.

The Supreme Court: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You mean like Trump promised them if they would just, please oh please, dig up dirt on Joe so Trump doesn't go to prison in January.... Or if they just won't come cut his thumbs off on live tv because he isn't paying his hundreds of millions in debt?

>$300000000 in debt +$100000000 in past due taxes, >24 sexual assault cases in the courts, every Trump business hemorrhaging money badly, dozens of non sex crime felony cases in the pipes or courts, >204000 dead Americans on his hands of all ages, and millions permanently disabled of all ages, failed trade talks, riots and unrest, zero international credibility, worst business man in America for multiple years (possibly ever), doubled the debt and quadrupled the deficit term one, biggest GDP loss EVER, biggest jobs loss EVER, biggest socialist handouts ever (to businesses and the rich), debt skyrocketing, infrastructure ignored completely, billions-trillions in deferred payments or obligations hidden from the budget, the entire federal government politicized as a weapon for one dictatorial idiot, exactly who is voting for him? Absolutely not patriots, independents, minorities, definitely not disillusioned Democrats, not even white women, just uneducated white men, Russian trolls, bots, and felonious Trumpchumps who have already been caught dozens of times defrauding the election, collecting and filling out and submitting ballots, thousands of them. Firing squads seem insufficient.

No thanks, pedotroll. Another red tsunami....coming out your ears, out your....wherever. Never again with Moscow's Emissary Governing America....The biggest loser pedophile rapist will be feeding the fishes in the Baltic as soon as the Russians get hold of him, and in an institution for the criminally insane if they don't.

bobknight33 said:

And you want this guy to pick?
Joe would off shore the SCOTUS job to China.
No thanks. Landslide MEGA 2020

Doc Rivers

scheherazade says...

Assault weapon bans. Effectively making illegal the most common rifle in the country (ar15) - even though it's statistically tiny in terms of gun killings.
(~450 people killed per year with all forms of rifle. Only some of that is ar15. That's the ~same amount of people as what die yearly from falling out of bed.)

Suppressor bans. Illegalizing an item that has been statistically as good as nonexistent in firearm crimes.

Banning DIY non-commercial firearms. Illegalizing firearms that have been statistically as good as nonexistent in firearm crimes.

Banning Private Sales (aka gunshow loophole). Effectively banning transfers between family and friends. Even though nearly all illegal arms are acquired by straw purchase at conventional stores by girlfriends.
And commercial sellers at gun shows have to do background checks anyways - this is much ado about old geezers trading collectible wild west / ww2 / antique shit.

Nearly all people are killed by pistols. Nobody is calling for a pistol ban. It makes things like an AWB look like a disingenuous effort - because you can pass all sorts of non-pistol-banning gun control laws and there will be no effect on gun death stats. Meaning you can just make more and more stuff illegal forever so long as you save what really matters (pistols) for last.

Between city, county, state, federal, existing gun laws are fat like an encyclopedia. Most people, unless they are 'gun folk', don't even realize the ways you can go to jail. Put a vertical grip in a pistol and posted it to instagram? Enjoy your time with the ATF. 10 years and $100k, assuming you're lax enough to not hire a lawyer to knock it down a bit. Literally volumes of ways to go to jail for shit you wouldn't even imagine would matter.

Many things people complain about aren't even a thing. Like complaining about buying guns online (you can't, not without an FFL involved), or crazy people buying guns (they can't, unless they've yet to be caught doing crazy shit).

Too many laws as it is. Erase a bunch first.


newtboy said:

What anti gun legislation do you mean? All I know of is closing a few loopholes that allow people legally banned from gun ownership to obtain them anyway without background checks. I disagree that that is anti gun legislation, and across the board background checks are something a vast majority think is proper.

There's plenty of misinformation on this topic floating about. Is there other actual legislation in the works, or just rumors of other legislation the left will enact....and only according to the right?

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

StukaFox says...

Dude! He's calm and rational compared to the seething batshit that's emerged from under their collective rocks since Baby Rambo decided to start his murder spree. These fucking people are crazy, even by American standards. This shit isn't even limited to Zero Hedge and 4chan anymore -- you run into on pretty much any site dealing with finance, much less totally political sites. They're not even remotely shy about wanting to kill BLM protesters and anyone they think is ANTIFA.

Welcome to the end game, motherfuckers, and the worst part is that I have to live it with you because an American passport is totally worthless now.

newtboy said:

He's just saying what they're all thinking.

What is QAnon? If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

newtboy says...

So am I. Well armed. I'm not a bad shot either.

My forefathers actually founded this nation, fought and died to create it. I owe them no less than to defend it against the dark creeping madness with my life if necessary, not that it's what I want. What else am I doing that's more important? Where else do I have to go? (Edit: thanks to our lack of functional Covid response and continued epidemic, no where right now, or for the foreseeable future.)

Yeah, I don't need to be devoured by the mouth of madness. Reading the words infects you, and once you're under Q's influence you'll believe anything. That's how cults work. I only needed to read chapter one of Dianetics to know the destructive self inflicted insanity it contained. Same goes for Q.

If I had the means to move to New Zealand, and if they would have me, I might have a difficult choice to make. Fortunately for them, I don't. Maybe time to add to my firearm collection instead.

StukaFox said:

Uh-huh. You are, 100%.

Remember: these people are as armed as they are stupid. Y'wanna know how completely fucking crazy these shitheels are? Go read the comments section for any political story on Zero Hedge or hang out on 4chan's /pol/ for about 10 minutes. That's the surface-level insanity and it just goes downhill for there.

Like I said before, you have exactly two choices: you can leave, or you can stay. If you stay, good fucking luck.

Melania refuses to hold Trump's hand stepping off Air Force

moonsammy says...

I'm Minnesotan. We have a weird collective tendency to say something bland but genial in place of blunt honesty (aka
"Minnesota nice"), and inserting a bit of subtle sarcasm is an informal pastime. I've had literal decades of practice, though it feels subtlety has become rather pointless of late.

BSR said:

Holy crap! My sarcasm meter just jumped to 11!

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