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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I am certain. Science doesn't lie, and I don't have to take someone's word, I can examine data, understand chemistry, and see short and long term trends. The data is undeniable, the only thing wrong with what the media tells you is they paint FAR too rosy a picture. You would think, based on media reports, that if we did stay at only 1.5C above pre industrial levels all is fine, that's nonsense. Truth is 1.5C is where they theorized we lose all control and skyrocket up from there to....nobody knows where, but hot. I think we are on track to 1.5C before 2030, and the feedback loops are already kicking in now. Does that mean we die in 2030? No, but it means our collective fate is sealed and completely out of our control.

I do plant trees, I already have solar, I drive well under 4000 miles a year, in fact I haven't driven anywhere but the grocery store in the wife's car in over 6 month when my car broke, and I don't miss it, I don't have AC, and yes, I need to get on my bike more, for my weight and blood pressure. My money IS where my mouth is, and I still was willing to put it on the aren't.

A big difference is, if somehow I am wrong, what I do is still proper, cleaner, safer, and actually cheaper. Your ideas and ideals lead to detrimental, polluting, dangerous, and more expensive actions and processes even if miraculously they don't lead to our extinction this century.

Are you snatching up cheap uninsurable coastline in Florida and Louisiana? Are you selling off your water rights because they're a dime a dozen? Are you short selling produce and grains on margin? Are you doing anything to risk your money based on what you say?

Your turn.

Edit: I don't do mobs. I prefer people who think for themselves.

bobknight33 said:

That's not the deal.

If you are SOOOOOOOOOOO certain.

Start planting trees, turn off your electric, abandon your cars, turn off you AC and start peddling.

I don't see much action from those who "believe".

Mount up a mob and start planting.

1000 Year Heatwave Becoming The Norm

newtboy says...

Before "someone" spouts off about this being a singular, isolated weather event in America and Canada, it's happening world wide.
All time record high temperatures are also happening in Europe, Asia, Africa including ground temperatures in Siberia above the arctic circle at 118F, not so good for permafrost that should be near freezing. Mexico has seen all time high temperatures for June exceeding 125F, nighttime low temperatures are also shattering all time highs like 105F overnight in palm springs, and over 70F was the overnight low in S Africa (southern hemisphere) on the WINTER solstice. Let's not forget, June is typically the coolest summer month.
It's hard to imagine this not triggering feedback loops like permafrost releasing methane and less ice reflecting heat that are each, by themselves, more than we could possibly counteract with current technology with an unlimited budget and the collective will to try. Combined, and without the unlimited funds or collective will to act, it's looking like game over, man.
Somehow "we told you so" hardly seems sufficient.

How Does Film ACTUALLY Work? - Smarter Every Day 258

BSR says...

I've never processed color film but I've had years of processing Black and White film and prints. My father and I built a darkroom in the basement of our house.

Dad was a historian and published 5 books with photographs copied from old postcards he collected.

He would go back to the same spot where a postcard was photographed to make a Then & Now tour.

Needless to say I've spent much of my life in the darkroom. B/W photography isn't sensitive to red light so it's not completely dark as it is with color film.

Also spent many years doing offset printing from small presses to large newspaper presses. The process is much the same.

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

newtboy jokingly says...

Republicans have no time for answers to such unimportant questions, they need every brain cell they collectively have focused on figuring out what happened in Benghazi.

luxintenebris said:

tuff stuff rewriting the insurgency. tight storyline...

- don dupa urges his malleable mutts to attack the capitol
- capitol undermanned
- r's and d's alike become targets
- cameras (media, cc, & invader's own cell phones) capture the action

...that is a drama/thriller right there.

but as a mystery it is even better...

- why was the capitol undermanned?
- why didn't the nat'l guard arrive sooner?
- did agents of 'r' school some of the insurgents?
- where was the president? did he plan this? was he petting a white cat while he watched it on tv? there is A LOT to be revealed in the story.

jeezus, bob...if this was my novel...i'd go to another publisher and fire y'all.

The newest “pentagon confirmed” UFO is Bokeh effect

cloudballoon says...

Never say never. However, if we do already have Alien spacecrafts on Earth, we wouldn't be here sitting on our collective asses (no, I'm not going for the tired anal-probe joke) typing blissful comments on VS. We'd be long exterminated before we even notice them so they can take ownership of all of Earth's resources.

newtboy said:

UFOs are real.
Alien spacecraft on earth are not.
The distances between stars make interstellar travel a pipe dream.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You might want to look up Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman....the guys who hired the young guy to claim he had an affair with Elizabeth Warren....they've got over 15 felony cases for election fraud pending for their racist republican ploy of robocalling black neighborhoods and lying, claiming that if you vote by mail, all your personal information will be forwarded to police to see if you have warrants, to collection agencies to see if you have debts, to any agencies or groups that might want their personal information for anything. Of course, all bullshit, and thankfully a felony in at least 15 of the states they did it in.

More Republican election fraud, verified and charged, while you morons look for bamboo fibers on ballots because you're so moronic you believe the lies that China just sent boxes of ballots that were counted as real....and so stupidly racist you believe that anything from China will be covered in bamboo, and anything with traces of bamboo must be from China (like it doesn't grow in America).

Also look up Bruce Bartman, sentenced recently for registering his dead relatives to vote and trying to vote using their ballots. More voter fraud, again Republican voter fraud.

Daily the overwhelming evidence of republican fraud campaigns are coming to light. Still not a single democratic voter fraud case. Your party of criminals is being exposed without Trump and Barr to shield them. It's not going to go well for you guys.


big ol boppy riff

BSR says...

Correct. Hope this helps.

You will be driving very slowly – usually 30-40 mph on roads, depending on the normal speed limit, and no more than 55 mph on the highway.

You will need to stay close to the car in front of you in the procession – do not allow room for a vehicle not in the procession to cut in. (Emergency vehicles excluded)

Stay in line and with the procession at all times – even if means you are going through a red light at an intersection. Local traffic ordinances give a funeral procession the right-of-way, and other motorists must yield until the procession has passed. (Emergency vehicles excluded) Do not leave your place in the procession line unless there is an emergency.

The last car in the procession will have 2 funeral flags and will also have hazards lights flashing to signify to other motorists that the procession has ended and that traffic may resume.

Once you arrive at the cemetery, a cemetery attendant will lead the procession to the gravesite or chapel, and the funeral attendant will collect the flags from your vehicle.

Do not tip the lead driver.

noims said:

Well you of all people should know that it can be difficult to get customers to form an orderly queue.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not sure where this belongs, so I'm just putting it here....

A letter from Donald to the SAG union sent after they started the process of revoking his membership. This is not a parody, it's an actual letter from the desk of the ex president, signed in black sharpie.

Ms. Carteris: I write to you today regarding the so-called disciplinary committee hearing aimed at revoking my union membership. Who cares? Well, I'm not familiar with your work. I'm very proud of my work on movies, such as Home Alone 2, Zoolander and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and television shows including the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Saturday Night Live and of course, one of the most successful shows in television history, the Apprentice, to name just a few. I've also greatly helped the cable news television business, said to be a dying platform with not much time left until I got involved in politics, and created thousands of jobs at networks, such as MSDNC and fake news CNN among many others.

Which brings me to your blatant attempt at free media attention to distract from your dismal record as a union. Your organization has done little for its members and nothing for me, because that's always what it's about. Besides collecting dues and promoting dangerous un-American policies and ideas as evident by your massive unemployment rates and lawsuits from celebrated actors who even recorded a video asking, why isn't the union fighting for me? These however are policy failures. Your disciplinary failures are even more egregious. I no longer wish to be associated with your union. As such, this letter is to inform you of my immediate resignation from SAG-AFTRA. You have done nothing for me. You've done nothing for me.

Donald J Trump


The most Spoken Languages in the World - 1900/2021

psycop says...

What the hell happened in 2014? Did we start teaching mice to speak English? Was there a change in the way the stats were collected?

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege

cloudballoon says...

No one is dismissing 75 million Americans, it is the Trump cult that's dismissing the 80+ millions' collective voice/vote by not understanding basic math, being delusional and can't handle losing an election. Snowflakes.

Ah... America. To be a Patriot is to never own up to its mistakes/actions, am I right, Bob? Just point to some Bogeymen and blame them! Besides, if the Trump cult is so cool-headed and oh so "Jenius!", why would they fall into Antifa's "incitement" ALL. THE. F-ING. TIME? Guest them Trump nuts never had much mental faculty to resist any violent persuasions to begin with huh?

Oh, please ID me ONE Antifa in the footage. If there are seditious Antifa in their midst, arrest them! It's what they deserve.

MAGA nuts have been going off all on their own without anyone's help.

bobknight33 said:

When you dismiss 75 Million Americans a few are going to off.

Didn't help that ANTIFA was there as Trump supporters inciting action.

New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters

newtboy says...

I think that's at the discretion of the judge, if you asked for 15%, likely you'll get your principal back, if you asked for 1500%, chances are you won't get a dime back as punishment, and may end up owing the borrower if you went overboard trying to collect.

I live in California, building codes change constantly. I agree, it is maddening and often backwards. He was specifically talking about codes for building stand alone solar, which are newer building codes. Even old building codes are often poorly thought out and contradictory. I'm not saying there isn't an abundance of red tape here, especially for building.
That said, his contractor should have been aware of all codes, submitted his plan, and would have approval or notes on what to change in weeks tops. There's something wrong when it takes over a year to get a shed built, some reason his plans weren't approved like they weren't to code.
Citation : personal experience - I installed solar in California, it took 3 days for my permit approval....and only that long because my contractor was being lazy.

That's the thing I disagree with, no new laws are needed at all, just a removal of exemptions/deregulations for businesses that pay large enough bribes (contributions) to elected officials. Even making all credit businesses operate on the same rules, allowing them 30% interest, seems ok, but that isn't reality today. It's unconscionable to allow 1600% interest on loans peddled to desperate people that don't actually qualify for a real, legitimate line of credit, many of whom don't understand it's what they're agreeing to, but the payday loan lobby is well funded and connected.
Although U.S. states set their own maximum legal interest rates, a Supreme Court interpretation of the National Bank Act of 1864 preempted state usury laws and created a path toward a national consumer lending economy. The most important federal case in credit card interest rate deregulation was decided in 1978.

Her problems were multifold. The predatory loan took a fixable issue, her terrible customer service, and compounded it with insurmountable and ever expanding debt, which in turn undoubtedly hurt her customer service more, thus increasing her debt..... It sounds like she never should have purchased a service oriented business, and likely overextended herself from day one just to do it.

I'm unsure of your point in the last paragraph.

smr said:

I think you mean they wouldn't have to pay you the interest. They would have to pay you back the principal. And that would be under specific cases and usually when no contract is involved, also all depends on where you live.

Also, I don't think either Bill's building codes are "new" vs. the usury laws being "existing". Please cite to support.

The irony is that additional laws to stop predatory lending are, in fact, what red tape is made of, by definition. So I found it amusing that he would look at her situation, say that Nancy and team were trying to solve it for her by passing new laws, then go on to complain about all the red tape surrounding this building. That red tape exists because someone else before him saw a problem or safety issue or concern, and put yet another policy or law in place to solve it. In reality, as your posts prove, her problem was not that a predatory lender got involved in her life, but that her business was in bad shape because she had gone off the deep end and was thus losing customers.

I could easily imagine a bit where he showed a stack of papers four inches thick that he had to sign to get a loan, and complain about the processing time, then showcase an SMS based loan that works in another country and funds in one day.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And BOOM goes the dynamite.

Trump is officially the worst president ever and the first to be impeached twice, this time for incitement of insurrection on tv and Twitter, so he can't bully the witnesses out of testifying.

10 Republicans voted to impeach, twice the record number of representatives to vote to impeach a president from their own party ever, so Trump is the best at getting impeached in at least two ways! He's also the first impeached for what amounts to treasonous sedition, inciting a deadly insurrection, sure sounds like a hanging offense to me.

Along with states trying to cancel contracts with him, his last banks now refuse to do any business besides collecting on his massive debts, and his kids businesses tanked because no legitimate businesses want anything to do with them, Shopify, paragon over virtue that they are, dumped Ivanka, and I bet you could get paid to haul off MAGA merch at this point. No states want him to move there, and multiple friendly countries have preemptively denied him entry.

Sorry sunshine, it's over for Trump and MAGA. You can't say we didn't warn you.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don't project, Bobby. It's not a good look, and makes you an infant who's only argument is "I know you are but what am I". We all know you've had a chronic, untreated case of cranial rectosis since 2016 at least.

Meetings pretending to be hearings where random drunks not under oath give rambling nonsensical claims of things that aren't criminal or even subversive (like they didn't like the food served or didn't get enough free food...or like ballot curing which is allowed by law and is a decades old procedure), and ignorant accusations about counting procedures, etc, all of which are directly contradicted by verifiable facts or specifically allowed under the law? I saw more than was necessary to discard the words of liars and ignorant morons 100%.

100% is easily explained away, especially when >95% recanted when asked to testify under oath and the rest are bat shit crazy drunkards. Not one single piece of evidence of a fraud scheme was presented in court. If you believe it exists, how do you explain Trump's team totally sandbagging their own case by hiding the proof and only offering up false claims and nutjobs? Why did they want to lose?

There's no 40% unexplained. It's all explained repeatedly by the Trump appointed professionals who's job it is to understand how elections function. Only willfully ignorant and delusional cultists ever saw evidence in the dumb lies their cohorts told, and they believed every word of blatant liars and as usual blinded themselves to any actual facts.

Biden won easily, handily, and in a landslide even with all the Republican voter suppression and actual voter fraud (still only republicans prosecuted for fraud, no democratic schemes like campaigns collecting and changing votes, no democrats caught voting as dead people, no Democratic controlled illegal fake ballot collection boxes that took control of ballots with no way to verify they were not changed or even turned in, that's YOUR team, Bobby). I agree, look into it and prosecute every real case to the fullest, a few Republicans will be out of office and more will be in prison, no Democrats. 🤦‍♂️

You're correct....Biden won thanks to Democrats stuffing the ballot boxes with their individual legal votes. He couldn't have won without them.

You're delusional. Trump has never once won an election, why would this one be different? He's considered the worst president in history by >60% of Americans at this point.

bobknight33 said:

Obviously your eyes are covered in shit from being your you ass so long.

so you haven't some 50 hours of meetings across many states of people who talked about what they saw.

I would gather that 50 to 60 % can be explained away but some 40 % makes one think that something serious occurred and need to be looked into.

No way Biden won with out Democrats stuffing the ballot box .

Georgia hearings in a Nutshell

newtboy says...

All *lies Bob. It's all you post. Every single claim you've made about the election has been professionally debunked by officials, most of them republicans. Every case tried has been tossed except one, and it didn't change a single vote. You lost, by millions of votes.

When examined, these are at best your intentional mistakes, like arguing someone with the same name as a dead person but different birth date is a dead person voting....but most are just made up by liars. That's the problem with being total liars about everything, Bob, you have no credibility when it might matter. Not one of the dead people accused of voting was found to have voted....nor any of these other baseless claims. Just fake news, Bob, lies by crybabies.

Be sure to tell your friends to boycott Georgia, no point voting if you believe this nonsense whining, your vote won't be counted anyway, so why vote?

Not one of these claims is corroborated by evidence, and they could be if they were true. All you've got is claims by liars who hope to collect the $1million dollar bribe that republicans have offered to anyone who can not be tossed out of court.

Georgia certified.

These claims were examined by the Republican election commission and all found to be false.

Quit repeating lies, liar. There's nothing to see and only wrong doing by Republicans caught voting twice. No democrats caught cheating, just accused by untrustworthy crybabies who can't accept you lost.

bobknight33 said:

2,056 felons illegally voted
66,248 under 18 voted
2,423 weren’t registered at all
1,043 used a PO Box 4,926 voted past the reg. date
10,315 died before the election
395 voted in two states
15,700 moved out of state
40,279 changed county and didn’t re-register to vote

Nothing to see , no wrong doing.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

Because there's zero chance he can win, and every hour of delay in allowing the transition to proceed 50 Americans die.

No, they report the official count. Reasonable people understand when it's impossible to swing the results and, for the good of the country, concede and facilitate a transition. All the silly challenges can continue after that, they don't stop counting because one candidate concedes, and they don't just toss out court cases either.

Since there's no evidence of illegal votes, that's not worth responding to. Votes are vetted in multiple ways before being counted. Thousands of dead people, non citizens, and fraudsters haven't's a lie, there's zero evidence, only liars words. The vote fraud found was all about not delivering mail in ballots, and all done by Republicans. Over 300000 missing in post offices after the USPS was ordered to sweep all sorting rooms for missing ballots, an order they ignored at DeJoy's direction.

If it wasn't life or death for thousands in the balance, I would agree, but thanks to the worst leader in living memory it is. What's the harm allowing Biden's team access to intelligence so they can vet a cabinet? Biden already has top clearance....but is being blocked out of pure spite. In the .000001% chance Trump manages to flip the results, how would it hurt anything that Biden had a team ready? Trump doesn't need to concede, he can keep instigating his cult to commit terroristic acts and chant "stop the count...count the votes....stop the count...count the votes", and to make up false claims of fraud in hopes of collecting the million dollar reward (bribe to commit perjury) Trumpco has offered.

Let the cases play out, they're being tossed constantly since they have no evidence at all of consequential fraud, only lies and Russian videos,...but since it's clear who won and no fraud case can change that, stop blocking the peaceful transition and hurting the union. Stop wasting hundreds of millions on preparing for a fantasy Trump budget but zero on preparing for Biden, who won. If Trump is declared the winner officially, then stop cooperating with Biden harm no foul.

Carter conceded before the polls closed in the West because he clearly put the nation first over his ego (Reagan's final vote percentage was lower than Biden's btw, Biden is now over 5 million votes ahead) , Trump won't ever concede, he might claim it was stolen and he can't stop it, eroding trust in our system and creating terrorists, he won't ever say he lost or cooperate in a transition. The former hurts confidence in the system, the latter delays the transition and will kill more people for no reason besides sour grapes.

bobknight33 said:

Why should Trump concede? Biden has not officially won.

Media does not officially call the election.
Let it play out out.

? you want all votes counted. Even illegal votes?

Trump will have to turn around 5 states.
Tall order, Sit back and let it play out.

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