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USA commits 9/11 atrocities on Chile

reason says...

Why not address these facts?

On August 22, 1973 the Christian Democrats and the National Party members of the Chamber of Deputies passed, by 81 to 47 votes, a resolution entitled "Declaration of the Breakdown of Chile’s Democracy", which called upon the military to "put an immediate end" to what they described as "breach[es of] the Constitution… with the goal of redirecting government activity toward the path of Law and ensuring the constitutional order of our Nation and the essential underpinnings of democratic coexistence among Chileans."

The resolution declared that the Allende government was seeking " conquer absolute power with the obvious purpose of subjecting all citizens to the strictest political and economic control by the state... [with] the goal of establishing a totalitarian system," and claimed that it had made "violations of the Constitution" into "a permanent system of conduct." Many of the charges came down to disregarding the separation of powers and arrogating the prerogatives of both the legislature and judiciary within the executive.

Among other particulars, the regime was accused of:

* ruling by decree, thus thwarting the normal system of adopting legislation
* refusing to enforce judicial decisions against its own partisans and "not carrying out sentences and judicial resolutions that contravene its objectives"
* ignoring the decrees of the independent General Comptroller's Office
* various offenses related to the media, including usurping control of the National Television Network and "applying ... economic pressure against those media organizations that are not unconditional supporters of the government..."
* allowing its supporters to assemble even when armed, while preventing legal assembly by its opponents
* "...supporting more than 1,500 illegal 'takings' of farms..."
* illegal repression of the El Teniente strike
* illegally limiting emigration

The resolution finally condemned the "creation and development of government-protected armed groups which... are headed towards a confrontation with the Armed Forces." Allende's efforts to re-organize the military and police, which he could not trust in their current forms, were characterized as "notorious attempts to use the Armed and Police Forces for partisan ends, destroy their institutional hierarchy, and politically infiltrate their ranks."

And as for the economic boom?

In 1972, the monetary policies of an increase in the amount of currency, which had been adopted by the Minister of Economics, Pedro Vuskovic, led to a devaluation of the escudo and to renewed inflation, which reached 140% in 1972.

George Bush isn't actually stupid..... is he?

Lane Splitting Los Angeles

jconli1 says...

> "i totally disapprove, even if traffic is not moving. getting away with it for years doesn't make it safe."

well, you'll have to take that up with the state assembly, and the tens of thousands of riders who do it safely and legally every day, including CHP officers themselves. As an east coaster, I was shocked when I first rode through California and saw a surprisingly well-educated driving and motorcycling populace coexisting quite nicely, even giving deference to motorcyclists in conditions where a bike obviously has the advantage (winding canyon roads, slow interstate traffic, etc), rather than pulling some sort of territorial "this is my section of the road and you can't have it" bs. At the end of the day, its about efficiency.

This guy might be pushing the upper limit of legal splitting in a few places, but compared to what the uneducated stunt-prone "riders" prevalent in other parts of the country try to pull, he's not doing anything terribly wrong.

Religion Bashing!

Sketch says...

I wrote this elsewhere and am pasting it here, edited slightly, because it's fairly topical (note, I am unabashedly anti-theist):

I say lets remove religion from the world so that we can take away at least that one huge label that serves to do a damn fine job of separating us into even more tribes than are already apparent. Would we find other reasons to kill each other? Sure we would, whether it be skin color, geography, economics, resources, whatever.

But even so, don't you think it would be worth it to remove inflexible dogma that only serves to make us fight and bicker over ancient stories and mythology just to lessen the number of reasons? It's even more ridiculous when you realize that the major monotheistic religions are really all based on the same God, and even worse that there's so much infighting within each of the religions on how their God should be properly worshiped. Sunni fighting Shia, Catholics fighting Protestants. Enough already!

Remove God(s) from the table and then, just maybe, we can actually get down to the business of getting past our other differences and then maybe we can all coexist.

Pat Condell - Islam in Europe

Sketch says...

To Johnald128:

Um. Yeah, I believe that's exactly what he wants! So lets remove religion from the world so that we can take away at least that one huge label that serves to do a damn fine job of separating us into even more tribes than are already apparent. Would we find other reasons to kill each other? Sure we would, whether it be skin color, geography, economics, resources, whatever.

But even so, don't you think it would be worth it to remove inflexible dogma that only serves to make us fight and bicker over ancient stories and mythology just to lessen the number of reasons? It's even more ridiculous when you realize that the major monotheistic religions are really all based on the same God, and even worse that there's so much infighting within each of the religions on how their God should be properly worshiped. Sunni fighting Shia, Catholics fighting Protestants. Enough already!

Remove God(s) from the table and then we can actually get down to the business of getting past our other differences and then maybe we can all coexist.

In the meantime, we should be standing firm to protect people who are horribly victimized because of those ancient dogmas. And right now those people tend to be in radical Islamic areas. Female genital mutilation and circumcision, victims of rape who get murdered afterwards for the crime of having been forced into sex, death for homosexuality, etc. If these Sharia laws are apparently being tolerated in Europe then that is understandably frightening to Condell and many others, I'd imagine. If cultural sensitivity leads us to forgive people for their brutality, then we should rethink whether we should be culturally sensitive.

Pat Condell - Islam in Europe

The Ethics of Hell

HaricotVert says...

The problem Skeeve is that the close-minded individuals you refer to who are more fundamentalist/absolutist in their Christian beliefs are the more vocal.

I don't think this video is particularly demeaning of religion on the whole - it's simply pointing out the idea of Hell was never a logically sound justification for practicing religion, given certain conditions on the concept of a omnipotent, omniscient "God." The speaker's argument is by no means new or innovative, these arguments have existed for hundreds of years. He very nearly recites the Epicurean Paradox word for word.

Absolutely, there are many other reasons to practice religion, and certainly science and religion can coexist. It's when people start blindly accepting translated texts written thousands of years ago by fallible, mortal individuals that problems occur (yes, I mean "faith"). Don't take offense to "religion-bashing" sifts overmuch, because this sift in particular is pretty tame compared to the religious zealots I encounter daily telling me that I am going to Hell.

Fundamentalism vs. Evolution: The Train Crash

chrissmith says...

I'm certain our British friends have been impressed by the way our judicial system forever resolved that dilemna back in '25 & by the way the two parties have so peacefully coexisted since! Nope, no train crashes here!

The Riddle of Epicurus

choggie says...

...the Vedic and Buddhist turn this parakoan upside down.......good and evil, one and the same, coexist.....can't have one without the other, hence the Garden's bad apple, and the dame that got it down.......

Like John Constantine's comment, "God is a kid with an ant farm."

Illegal Israeli Settlements: British Press vs American Media

gwaan says...

Conan: great article, I agree with everything he says and I urge others to read it!

Westy: no one here - with the exception of Quantumushroom - is advocating anything other than a peaceful solution with both nations coexisting and recognising and respecting one another. When you say "gwaan, why are you a muslim. go and blow yourself up" you are insulting me and perpetuating a simplistic and ill-informed stereotype of Muslims. If you have nothing worth while to contribute to this discussion don't bother contributing anything at all.

Ergo Proxy

Farhad2000 says...

Ergo Proxy is a science fiction suspense anime television series directed by Shukou Murase, with screenplay by Dai Sato et al. This is the opening that starts off the show from episode 3, the song is "Kiri" by Monoral. Ergo Proxy features a combination of 2D digital cell animation, 3D computer modeling and digital special effects. The series has some cyber punk elements.

The story initially takes place in a futuristic dome city called Romdo, built to protect its citizens after global environmental apocalypse. In this utopia, humans and androids (AutoRevs) coexist with each other peacefully under a total management system. A series of murders committed by berserk robots infected with the Cogito Virus are starting to jeopardize the delicate balance of the social order. Behind the scenes, the government is conducting secret experiments on a mysterious humanoid lifeform called Proxy, which is believed to hold the key to the survival of mankind.

In an interview, Dai Sato describes his latest project.

"It is set in the future. A group of robots become infected with something called the Cogito virus, and become aware of their own existence. So these robots, which had been tools of humans, decide to go on an adventure to search for themselves. They have to decide whether the virus that infected them created their identity, or whether they gained their identity through their travels. This question is meant to represent our own debate over whether we become who we are because of our environment, or because of things that are inherent in us. The robots are all named after philosophers: Derrida and Lacan and Husserl."

It's not licensed yet so you're allowed to watch it online on various streaming websites. You can catch the first episode on Youtube. Be warned it will be pulled eventually.

<ahref="">Ergo Proxy - Pulse of Awakening/awakening 01

I found this to be a very cool and cerebral anime series.

- More @ <ahref="">Wikipedia

Olbermann "Happy Habeas Corpus Day"

quantumushroom says...

QM, most of the population of the world hates Bush - he's the REAL enemy.

>>> "Most of the world" is either run by despots who would have you and your entire family killed for looking at them funny, or by European ponces who believe the State has more rights than the individual, which means they own you and can take everything from you if and when they feel like it.

>>> Europe has two choices, awaken from its socialist haze or get used to bowing 5 times a day, as arriving hordes of Muslim immigrants slowly kill off Western Civilization there.

>>>>> The governments of the rest of the world, minus a few ballzout allies like Japan, suck. Without America to stand up for what is right, the entire world would already be speaking German, Russian or Farsi.

I pity those of you who continue to support the "Asses Of Evil" (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld), because one day you're finally going to have to admit to yourselves what unbelievable fools you were.

>>>> Your pity is wasted. I think the War on Terror will eventually end in a way similar to the Cold War. At the 'end of the day,' when islamofascism is crushed to irrelevancy, the (phony) peaceniks will finally admit the enemy was, in fact, evil, and pretend they were for the war all along (a lot of American liberals today pretend to have been Cold Warriors).

>>>> I blame the American government school system for the ignorance of American youth regarding American history. From grade school forward they (you?) were taught to always blame America first and see things though an anti-American prism. It's a disgrace.

>>>> We were not given a choice by muslim extremists to peacefully coexist. Now they will reap the holy fire they so richly deserve.

A Historic Parallel? Discussion Welcome!

quantumushroom says...

Who's the old fart? Chomsky? The quasi-anarchist?

The guy's head is screwed on backwards...if you could bend your body the way that guy bends reality to suit his own conclusions, you'd be Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four.

Like the islamofascists, the Soviets respected only brute force, not overtures for peaceful coexistence.

Unlike islamofascists, the Evil Empire was civilized enough to know there was a line they could not cross without both sides ending in mutually assured destruction.

Logic, reason, a civilization worth saving: islamofascists have none of these, just a jihadic distortion of a questionable faith.

If Osama had a suitcase nuke, without a doubt he'd use it, probably on NYC. When Iran gets the Bomb, they will more than likely attempt to use it on Israel.

It's been said that only the paranoid survive. Quite true. And killing terrorists never goes out of style.

US Soldiers Destroy Man's Taxi because they can

quantumushroom says...

"Here's the thing. Everyone knows Saddam was bad, along with his regime."

>>>> Not true. "Everyone" does NOT know what kind of evil we're up against. The latest proof of this is the whole world condemning Israel--a nation that wants to coexist peacefully and is an oasis of tolerance compared to its neighbors--for defending herself against a well-funded terrorist organization hiding among a civilian population and firing rockets.

>>> All these global appeasement weasels, and we're talking whole nations here, not just individuals, refuse to understand the magnitude of the threat that is Islamofascism. Winston Churchill tried to warn the world about the Nazis and was poo-pooed him in a similar manner.

"I'm sick of people claiming that any sort of judgement of how American soldiers act means you are 'with the terrorists'. That not a debate, but is instead an attempt to avoid debate."

>>>> "Debate" is rather useless, because the left-leaning in America and the world at large are in total denial about what Western Civilization is up against. 9-11 wasn't enough, the Taliban weren't enough, Saddam wasn't enough, the subway and train bombings in England and Spain weren't enough, and the broadcasted cold-blooded executions of journalists by masked cowards weren't enough.

>>>> The hezbos and others can't be reasoned with, only killed until there's none left. THAT is the reality of the situation. This enemy only understands brute force.

>>>> War atrocties are nothing new. There are bad soldiers, bad cops, bad doctors, etc. I don't excuse them, but look, if we lose against the jihadists then there will be NO civilization with any lawful standards in which to conduct trials punishing wrongdoing.

>>>> My objection to the video is that details are few while the general reaction the film crew is trying to provoke is the throwing of the baby out with the bathwater and to reflect poorly on America.

>>>>> We'll never know if the looters weren't also planting roadside IED's between "borrowing" wood.

>>>>> But even if we take this vid's events at face value and the tank crew are bad apples, we know damned well that America's drive-by media will NEVER allow the opposite view of the good deeds and actions of professional soldiers to be seen...not an inkling of GOOD news coming out of Iraq will reach American TVs if the drive-by nmedia has its way. Those idiots WANT us to fail because victory doesn't fit their narrow idealogy and threatens their power.

>>>>> These videos, for better or for worse, are more readily accessible than books, esp. to those who rarely read and don't know what to read when they do. That's why tv and movies are on lockdown while books (in the West) flow like lifeblood. The comments section, pro and con, enhances the experience.

>>>>> I never vote down videos I disagree with politically, but I retain the right to express my opinion just like anyone else. Dass all. Back to the fun.

Kent Hovind explains dinosaurs and creationist theories

HorsSujet says...

I saw it to the end dotdute. Some parts are too long, for instance when a lot of single instances of "conclusive evidence" of the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans goes on and on although one generally has the point.

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