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Some Little Bug Is Going to Find You

ctrlaltbleach says...

In these days of indigestion it is oftentimes a question
As to what to eat and what to leave alone.
Every microbe and bacillus has a different way to kill us
And in time they all will claim us for their own.
There are germs of every kind in every food that you can find
In the market or upon the bill of fare.
Drinking water's just as risky as the so-called "deadly" whiskey
And it's often a mistake to breathe the air.

Cho: For some little bug is going to get you someday.
Some little bug will creep behind you some day.
Then he'll send for his bug friends
And all your troubles they will end,
For some little bug is gonna find you someday.

The inviting green cucumber, it's most everybody's number
While sweetcorn has a system of its own.
Now, that radish seems nutritious, but its behavior is quite vicious
And a doctor will be coming to your home.
Eating lobster, cooked or plain, is only flirting with ptomaine,
While an oyster often has a lot to say.
And those clams we eat in chowder make the angels sing the louder
For they know that they'll be with us right away.

For some little bug is going to get you someday.
Some little bug will creep behind you some day.
Eat that juicy sliced pineapple ;and the sexton dusts the chapel
Oh, yes, some little bug is gonna find you some day.

When cold storage vaults I visit, I can only say, "What is it
Makes poor mortals fill their systems with such stuff?"
Now, at breakfast prunes are dandy if a stomach pump is handy
And a doctor can be called quite soon enough.

Eat a plate of fine pig's knuckles and the headstone cutter chuckles
While the gravedigger makes a mark upon his cuff.
And eat that lovely red bologna and you'll wear a wood kimona
As your relatives start packing up your stuff.

Those crazy foods they fix, they'll float us 'cross the River Styx
Or start us climbing up the Milky Way.
And those meals they serve in courses mean a hearse and two black horses
So before meals, some people always pray.

Luscious grapes breed appendicitis, while their juice leads to gastritis
So there's only death to greet us either way.
Fried liver's nice, but mind you, friends will follow close behind you
And the papers, they will have nice things to say.

For some little bug is going to get you someday.
Some little bug will creep behind you some day.
Eat that spicy bowl of chili, on your breast they'll plant a lily .
Oh, yes, some little bug is gonna find you some day.

Bill Nye Realizes He Is Talking To A Moron

quantumushroom says...


Claiming that people should stop burning fossil fuels would HEAVILY dent the income of just about every country because of how much tax they can charge from it. Britain's economy is almost based on fossil fuel tax. How can you possibly argue that they are a politically influenced source over fossil fuel use when they criticise such a money earner?

Politics aside, fossil fuels remain the cheapest, most abundant source of energy, and new supplies of it are being discovered all the time. I never said people should stop burning them.

I hesitate to even mention that "science" as a global community is above reproach in ways that hardly anything else can be due to the method of a scientist. If you are not performing science for truth and discovery, you are not a scientist, so you're not part of the community anymore. That's why it's above reproach. I'm sure you'll argue with me about that, but i know that you'd argue about the time of day if you were proven to be wrong.

I'm not arguing, but I am astonished you would believe scientists are above politics (and reproach), not because the scientific method is flawed, but because scientists are fallible humans with their own beliefs and interests. As W. Pennypacker said in so many words, governments reward scientists which confirm a pre-determined outcome (like secondhand smoke killing 100 billion people a year). Junk science is real; it may not be everywhere, but it's out there. And not just "the oil companies" which have "scientitians" in their corner.

Another thing, gang. Over the last few years, global warming hysteria has been relentless. It's the alarmists who declared, "The debate is over." There was even one smug a-hole who compared "climate deniers" to Holocaust deniers. Classy! There was the faked data scandal. These are not the actions of scientists confident in their conclusions. Yet the lazy media continues to back the alarmists without question.

100 storylines blaming climate change as the problem:

1. The deaths of Aspen trees in the West
2. Incredible shrinking sheep
3. Caribbean coral deaths
4. Eskimos forced to leave their village
5. Disappearing lake in Chile
6. Early heat wave in Vietnam
7. Malaria and water-borne diseases in Africa
8. Invasion of jellyfish in the Mediterranean
9. Break in the Arctic Ice Shelf
10. Monsoons in India
11. Birds laying their eggs early
12. 160,000 deaths a year
13. 315,000 deaths a year
14. 300,000 deaths a year
15. Decline in snowpack in the West
16. Deaths of walruses in Alaska
17. Hunger in Nepal
18. The appearance of oxygen-starved dead zones in the oceans
19. Surge in fatal shark attacks
20. Increasing number of typhoid cases in the Philippines
21. Boy Scout tornado deaths
22. Rise in asthma and hayfever
23. Duller fall foliage in 2007
24. Floods in Jakarta
25. Radical ecological shift in the North Sea
26. Snowfall in Baghdad
27. Western tree deaths
28. Diminishing desert resources
29. Pine beetles
30. Swedish beetles
31. Severe acne
32. Global conflict
33. Crash of Air France 447
34. Black Hawk Down incident
35. Amphibians breeding earlier
36. Flesh-eating disease
37. Global cooling
38. Bird strikes on US Airways 1549
39. Beer tastes different
40. Cougar attacks in Alberta
41. Suicide of farmers in Australia
42. Squirrels reproduce earlier
43. Monkeys moving to Great Rift Valley in Kenya
44. Confusion of migrating birds
45. Bigger tuna fish
46. Water shortages in Las Vegas
47. Worldwide hunger
48. Longer days
49. Earth spinning faster
50. Gender balance of crocodiles
51. Skin cancer deaths in UK
52. Increase in kidney stones in India
53. Penguin chicks frozen by global warming
54. Deaths of Minnesota moose
55. Increased threat of HIV/AIDS in developing countries
56. Increase of wasps in Alaska
57. Killer stingrays off British coasts
58. All societal collapses since the beginning of time
59. Bigger spiders
60. Increase in size of giant squid
61. Increase of orchids in UK
62. Collapse of gingerbread houses in Sweden
63. Cow infertility
64. Conflict in Darfur
65. Bluetongue outbreak in UK cows
66. Worldwide wars
67. Insomnia of children worried about global warming
68. Anxiety problems for people worried about climate change
69. Migration of cockroaches
70. Taller mountains due to melting glaciers
71. Drowning of four polar bears
72. UFO sightings in the UK
73. Hurricane Katrina
74. Greener mountains in Sweden
75. Decreased maple in maple trees
76. Cold wave in India
77. Worse traffic in LA because immigrants moving north
78. Increase in heart attacks and strokes
79. Rise in insurance premiums
80. Invasion of European species of earthworm in UK
81. Cold spells in Australia
82. Increase in crime
83. Boiling oceans
84. Grizzly deaths
85. Dengue fever
86. Lack of monsoons
87. Caterpillars devouring 45 towns in Liberia
88. Acid rain recovery
89. Global wheat shortage; food price hikes
90. Extinction of 13 species in Bangladesh
91. Changes in swan migration patterns in Siberia
92. The early arrival of Turkey’s endangered caretta carettas
93. Radical North Sea shift
94. Heroin addiction
95. Plant species climbing up mountains
96. Deadly fires in Australia
97. Droughts in Australia
98. The demise of California’s agriculture by the end of the century
99. Tsunami in South East Asia
100. Fashion victim: the death of the winter wardrobe

Do you really expect free people to surrender to THIS?

NUKE IT FROM ORBIT. It's the only way to be sure.

Shepppard says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:

Also, if anyone was wondering why he kept apologizing for letting the spider climb up the wall, tarantulas are quite vulnerable to falls, especially when they are in a position where there abdomen hits the floor first. It can crack, which is lethal in most cases. That's part of the reason why they stay on ground level, often in some type of burrow.

Thank you.

Now for the rest of my life I'll have the knowledge that looking at the walls for spiders is only going to get my feet bitten.

NUKE IT FROM ORBIT. It's the only way to be sure.

Christian Parents Denied Health Care to their Sickened Baby

bcglorf says...

As a christian myself I want to emphatically disown these kinds of people. Their crazed opposition to doctors is no more a Christian value or teaching than it is a value of white people or Americans. You simply can not find a single scriptural basis for refusing medical care. Sure there are plenty of miraculous healings in the Bible, but nowhere are there any examples of refusing any other forms of more basic assistance.

Almost every christian church has read out the following parable:
A man is in house as a flood comes sweeping in. A truck from the fire dept. comes by and asks him if he needs a ride out, and he refuses insisting that God will provide. The dikes break and as the flood waters come in he has to climb onto his roof. While there, a rescue boat comes by and tries to rescue him, but again he refuses insisting God will provide. As his roof is almost covered, a rescue chopper comes in and pleads for him to climb up, but yet again he insists that God will provide. The water then covers the roof and he drowns. When he gets to heaven he asks God why he never answered his prayers. God answers, well I sent a truck, a boat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?

The nutty crazy folks like in this video need to recognize that, if they really do believe in God, modern medicine and doctors are a way for God to answer yes to their prayers for healing. Anything more and they are DIRECTLY contradicting the teachings they claim to hold to by making demands that God give them the answer they want, rather than just accepting his perfectly good but less flashy answer.

Seagull stole GoPro

chilaxe says...

In the YouTube description he says he had to climb up there to get it. It seems a reasonable speculation that he was able to either visually track the bird or at least make directionally correct guesses to a few likely destinations.

My bet is it's not viral, although we can never be sure.

The Weissenberg Effect: non-Newtonian fluids climb a rod

kceaton1 says...

>> ^messenger:

I'd be interested to see if it's the whole thing climbing up, or if it's layering new liquid pulled from the bottom on top of the first stuff to get caught, like the yarn analogy. I'd like to see the current "top" place marked in red or something to see what happens to those particles. Actually, I think the red would be pulled to the bar and disappear under the stuff covering it next. In that case I'd like to see the liquid at the widest part at the base of the rod marked red so we could watch it climb, if the yarn effect is in fact what's happening.

If possible, do this in another liquid that will stay phased out and then color it; do your experiment. Hell, use light reflective particles and throw a 360 camera/computer capture around it. Good times and simulations too occur!

The Weissenberg Effect: non-Newtonian fluids climb a rod

messenger says...

I'd be interested to see if it's the whole thing climbing up, or if it's layering new liquid pulled from the bottom on top of the first stuff to get caught, like the yarn analogy. I'd like to see the current "top" place marked in red or something to see what happens to those particles. Actually, I think the red would be pulled to the bar and disappear under the stuff covering it next. In that case I'd like to see the liquid at the widest part at the base of the rod marked red so we could watch it climb, if the yarn effect is in fact what's happening.

Head-tracking makes iPad 3D without glasses

deathcow says...

The recessed box at 0:48 is awesome . I would pay $1 for an app like that where I kept tiny slaves which desperately wanted out of the little recessed room but couldn't quite get enough traction to climb up the walls.

If it could sense the volume on the microphone it would also be nice to yell at them and have them cower.

Would also like to be able to selectively flood the room to controllable depths.

RT: NYT dumps WikiLeaks after cashing in on nobel cause

legacy0100 says...

First of all, the book is being charged because the staff members of NYTimes had to read through piles upon piles of information, sifting through the redundant text and picking out things that are actually worth of note (U.S. Diplomatic cable leak alone were over 250,000 classified cables from various U.S. Embassies).

And they summarized the information they found into a book, and is charging a service fee for the work they've put in. I have no disillusions about why the book is being charged as it is called a 'service fee' and that's how a free market works, you trade in resource or capital value in exchange for goods and services.

I heard the story on NPR interviewing NYTimes executive editor Bill Keller and he explains the situation a little further than just purely relying on this little video clip for all the information on the matters involved (do some research of your own over this matter. It wouldn't hurt). It seemed that NYTimes as well as other journalistic organizations couldn't really trust this Julian Assange guy, as he acted on this hidden agenda of his own that Assange never fully reveals; an alterior motive separate from fighting against the evils of the world and taking down giant corporations.

Keller also mentions his doubts against the demand for full disclosure of everything, including exposing his staff writers to the public eye to be hassled and receive death threatened from this numerous yet anonymous people. But that's another issue.

I have my own reasons to be skeptical about Assange's full motives.

And from the looks of it the guys at NYTimes had a reason of their own, whatever it may be and have cut ties with Julian Assange. They suspected something was off with Assange, though they never fully reveal just exactly what it was. But they are a journalistic organization and I'm sure they've had plenty of research done on their part. Anyways that's what Keller suggests in his interview, and that's what most other journalistic organizations are saying as well at this point who has also cut ties with Assange.

Now I highly doubt NYTimes is doing this because they are somehow a part of the media conglomerates trying to undermine the works of Julian Assange. NYTimes may have gotten a bit inattentive over the years and let a few things slip (especially during the Bush years). But that doesn't mean they are ones to shy away from criticizing the wrongs of our society. They've took on Nixon's administration before, they've dealt with Daniel Ellsberg. It's not like this was the first time dealing with a situation like this. So there must have been a pretty damn good reason why such reputable journalistic organizations decided to cut ties with Assange.

We all have our doubts and suspicion. And as I've already mentioned I have my own doubts about this Assange guy. All I can say for now is that Julian Assange is just a human. Of course we shouldn't undermine the fact that he did a very difficult and brave thing as well as muster up quite a resource around him using his skills and talent. But when someone has a motive of their own that does not coincide with what he preaches himself to be, it creates a disconnect from its audience and raises suspicion amongst his partners. If he is working for the good of humanity, why is he censoring himself or trying to manipulate how the story is leaked? Why is he trying to make a career out of whatever that he is doing? If he is really serious about the cause, why won't he just go balls out against the government like Ellsberg did who was very clear about his intent, who gave up his career, his friends and his life, instead of going around the world putting himself on this role of elusive vigilante?

Assange is not this knight in shining armor on a white horse that you guys make him out to be, in my opinion. But perhaps he was just a curious boy who managed to climb up a tall tree and kicked the hornet's nest and watch the shit go down. While the rest of us down on the ground doesn't know exactly why or how it all happened.

Shaolin Monk throws needle through piece of glass

csnel3 says...

The title" Very fast handed monk throws a large nail through a unusually thin piece of glass, while standing closer then you would think, yet still makes you wonder if he can stand up to Kwai Chang Caine's abilities, but , you will be happy he's not molesting catholic children, while you wish this video just skipped the first minute". Might not climb up the ranks very fast.

2 girls undermine the US border strategy in 18 seconds

Payback says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:
>> ^deathcow:
Wow they touched the top, now flip over the top and descend elegantly without falling 15ft in the dark onto your head.

That's actually the easy part. Climbing up requires upper body strength. Sliding down requires not letting go of a pole as gravity does its work.
The whole fence plan was a joke, I can't believe they actually went through with it. If you are going to build a fence, at least put razor wire at the top.

Two 10 ft tall chain link fences 10 feet apart with concertina wire filling in between probably would be a fraction of the cost, and be 3000x more effective.

2 girls undermine the US border strategy in 18 seconds

Girl Teaches No Spin Knife Throwing Technique

skinnydaddy1 says...

Do not taunt the nuclear razorblades after they have learned to throw sharp pointy objects with a degree of accuracy.

And why the hell are the crazy ones so much better in bed......

She has the Abilities of a blender and emotional stabilizability of a pcp addict. Good times!

True story, Dated a red head for a couple of years. I was working Hazmat response to a large corporations computer chip manufacturing plant. After being at work for about 36 hours do to rather nasty accident. I went home. No one was living with me at the time and I had not given her a key yet so I closed and locked the door put the chain on it. Took a long shower and crashed. A couple of hours later I felt her snuggle up to me and I thought how nice. Then It hit me. I live on the damn 5th floor and the only way in to the apt was to climb up the balcony's outside. I swear I hit the ceiling when I jumped out of bed...

What Happens when an Alligator Bites an Electric Eel?

bcglorf says...

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

Call me a tree hugger but, seems a little cruel to hold an electric eel on a string and let an alligator bite it just to see what would happen...

It makes it more funny for me. So you go out fishing, and catch and electric eel. As your trying to figure out how to get the stupid thing off the hook without getting shocked, an alligator climbs up on the beach beside the eel. Now your trying to figure out how to get your hook back without getting electrocuted OR bitten by the gator. As you start filming this improbable dilemma, nature comes and solves all your problems in a way that nobody would believe unless you'd been filming it.

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