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What will define the 2010 decade? (Politics Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

The great dispel.

Supernatural claims are quashed as the information flows free over the Internet or whatever replaces it when Telecommunication Companies try to stifle it with data tax.

God is banished into even smaller gaps to hide in.

The tone of politics will erupt and recede back to a less aggressive stance.

America will economically continue to decline while China and the eastern countries rise.

China's continuing social and technological advances will cause weather problems unlike what we've seen so far, if they have to go through the same dirty steps we in the western world did. Eventually, the western world will hopefully help them to skip the worst ecological steps in the energy production.

Entertainment will continue its current trend of getting more and more personalized. The same will happen with news. The two will merge and it will be hard to tell them apart.

The Simpsons will continue all through the decade. Futurama will be cancelled again. South Park will hit dire straits but continue nonetheless. Family Guy will continue. American Dad will be cancelled. Cleveland Show will be cancelled. Joss Whedon will make a new show; it will be cancelled.

3D will fail.

The Optical Discs (cd, dvd, bluray etc) will vanish and Solid State Disks will be common place.

Telephones will become wallets and Cash will be obsolete, only used by people who don't yet embrace the digital credit/debit card.

Facebook will only continue to grow and the 2010 will see people as far more connected. The Internet will reach more people than ever before, and the speeds will increase in general, but not unexpectedly so.

Computers will continue their trend of getting "wider" instead of "higher" - more cores will be added, frequencies will on average reach 4-5 GHz but not much higher. Processor companies will hit the physical ceiling on their processors when they cannot make the process any smaller with silicon. Quantum processors will start to show signs of life and might even start to become marketable.

Global Warming will continue to happen like it does now, it won't be catastrophically bad, but it will be there. Emissions in the west will lower, but the east will offset it. If Africa starts getting in gear it will only get worse.

Polls will show that Obama will not be reelected, but in debates he will flatten the opponent and he will get four more years. Fox will claim foul play and try to foul play the other way. Jon Stewart will cover it and it will be hilarious. Also, netrunner will sift it.

The Sift will change form from what we know now. I hope it will last, but it's hard to say at this point.

More things will happen. Good and bad.

I Will Gives You Baths!

Trancecoach says...

What a travesty!

It's clear to me from this video that the world is now headed for a disaster of biblical proportions! I mean Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Pittsburgh Steelers dominating the Cleveland Browns at the end of the first half! Human sacrifices! Cats & Dogs, living together! Mass hysteria!

Two GOP Congressmen Skip Swearing In, But Vote Anyway

Yogi says...

A similar thing happened when George Bush the First took his oath of office...he replaced the words and said something that wasn't in the oath. So he was technically never President if we want to be Pedantic about it. Also if we wanted to be really pedantic if George Bush WAS president he would've been the 40th man to be president not the 41st, because Grover Cleveland was president for two nonconsecutive terms.

These are just some of the incredibly boring things I've picked up.

Homeless man with 'golden radio voice' gets his chance

Guess who is the most hated person in Cleveland is

sixshot says...

I love the fact that they played the Imperial March theme from Star Wars when LeBron is called out.

What's sad is that... he not only lost that good image he built up but he also tarnished his reputation and his legacy as a Cav. Look at Magic Johnson, Jabaar, and the countless retired Celtics, and I can say that they all left their mark as a great player. They had integrity and they are very well respected. And they stayed with a single team. How many players can actually do that today in the NBA?

I lost all respect for LeBron since that announcement, and I am not even from Cleveland! Had he stayed at Cleveland, he would have cemented his legacy even more and would even give the new coach, one that they had needed for years, a better shot at the Finals. I hope Heats fail big time, in that they would not even win enough games to make the playoffs.

Lil Esther Asks the Naughty Questions

Hastily made cleveland tourism video

Hastily made cleveland tourism video

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by geo321. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Hastily made cleveland tourism video

Seth MacFarlane Slams The ADL For Not Doing Their Job!

quantumushroom says...

Thank you Seth McFkface, creator of the unfunny "Cleveland Show", a weekly insult to Blacks.

This mosque-with-alibi-attached is an affront to Americans murdered by islam. The dolts who shrug that off should at the very least recognize poor taste.

The imam behind it is a POS radical (big surprise) "New York is the capital of the world, and this location close to 9/11 is iconic." That's the vermin's quote.

The quran states it is acceptable to lie to and deceive non-believers.

muslims build mosques to memorialize their conquests.

islam is a gutter 'religion' founded by a pedophile/gigolo/warlord. The faithful muslim has three choices when meeting a non-believer: convert them, enslave them or kill them.

There are a few handfuls of "moderate" muslims. BFD. They are 'wise' cowards who don't speak out against the radicals, therefore they get what they deserve.

Despite what Barack Hussein Vacation says, muslims have never played a significant role in American history, just minor negative roles.

Religious freedom is a two-way street. Tolerating one religion which then demands all others live by sharia law or die is suicide.

Comedian Answers Heckler's Phone

God Hates Cleveland: A Montage of Cleveland Sports Misery

joedirt says...

While this video is very true...

It says "No Cleveland team has won a championship since 1964 Browns won the AFC Championship"...
which is 100% retarded because they showed the World Series Indians game. If they are counting AFC, then the Indians have many AL pennants, like 1995 & 1997.

So totally wrong there. But yeah, it's all sad. Especially the Browns losses.

Cleveland Jr. Owns Kanye West in Freestyle Battle

Cleveland Jr. Owns Kanye West in Freestyle Battle

What was that band? (Music Talk Post)

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