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That's city politics for you

Woman Fakes Being Hurt In Courtroom (with delayed reaction)

Lithic says...

This isnt a courtroom but a Carson CA City Council meeting.

I thought it had been on here before but now I can't find it so perharps not.

Quote from unknown newspaper:

"Chaos at a Tuesday night City Council meeting in Carson, California, was caught on videotape. The tape shows Vera Robles Dewitt, a former councilmember leading an effort to recall Mayor Jim Dear, hitting Commissioner Jan Schaefer on the head with some papers. After being struck, "Schaefer waited a beat or two, then let out a blood-curdling shriek and rolled onto the floor in apparent agony," according to Daily Breeze newspaper.

Mayor Dear called for DeWitt to be arrested, and after the meeting was adjourned -- after midnight -- DeWitt was arrested on suspicion of battery. She was immediately released after her arrest.

"From where I stood, it was a crime," said Capt. Todd Rogers of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "It was an intentional act of violence against another person. We're investigating it as a crime."

Rogers described the blow as a "bip," according to the Daily Breeze. Asked whether Schaefer's reaction seemed delayed, Dear said she appeared stunned. "It looked like a senior citizen who, unexpectedly, got hit on the head by a hostile person," said Dear. "It upset her to the point where she actually fell forward and lost her balance and fell onto the ground due to the hit on the head."

"It was a little peck," Robert Lesley, a recall supporter told the newspaper. "And then she rolls out on the floor. And I just said, 'Oh man, here we go.' "

See magnetic fields courtesy of NASA

See magnetic fields courtesy of NASA

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

doogle says...

I guessed as much - the video was over a year old. It was a way to do a *.wtf invocation and assign channels in a conversation-like way, which I hear is all the rage now.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Beileve it or not VS at one time had no channels at all. But that was a long time ago.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
No channels - *wtf?
How *obscure this got on the sift without any channel assignment.

Must be that rogue helicopter pilot with his hand in the pie again. (I'm getting scared - but that's okay because it's my right.)

doogle (Member Profile)

If only Congress worked like this...

Cato Institute Debate: Property Rights(21st Century America)

curiousity says...

Two other sifts about eminent domain that might interest you:

ReasonTV's Drew Carey compares Los Angeles's heavy handed approach by using eminent domain to give private land to private developers and Anaheim efforts to work cooperatively with the property owners without the threat of land seizure.

ReasonTV's Drew Carey visits National City, California where the city council pushes to use eminent domain to take private property in order to give to private developers to build new luxury condos.

ReasonTV - Redevelopment: A Tale Of Two Cities

curiousity says...

Two other sifts about eminent domain that might interest you:

ReasonTV's Drew Carey visits National City, California where the city council pushes to use eminent domain to take private property in order to give to private developers to build new luxury condos.

An 86-minutes Cato Institute debate about the June 2005 Supreme Court decision essentially allowing eminent domain to be used to take land from private owners and give it to other private owners instead of solely for public use.

Using Civilization III to teach World History

moodonia says...

Wow, great video! I'm a civ nut since the first one came out. I certainly learnt a great deal from it, particularly the write ups on each technology and how it transformed civilizations and history.

A question for Civ nuts on the sift, what is your favourite version of Civ? Do you ever go back and play the earlier games? I loved the city council in Civ 2, I never got tired of hearing what Elvis thought of my Empire

Stupid redneck yokels! (Blog Entry by Krupo)

gorgonheap says...

Dress up like a homeless man and attack cars that are going the wrong way. After a couple rounds with the nutcase on Krupo Street, you'll see less cars doing it.

But a more serious suggestion is to petition the city council to put up a spike strip for anyone entering the road the wrong way. If it's a serious enough problem and they haven't used up thee budget by the end of the year there's a pretty good chance.

Kucinich owns canidates who supported war, patriot act etc..

qualm says...

I almost upvoted Choggie's post just because he surprised me and chose not to use the word 'paradigm' for a change. (Choggie watches The Matrix every night before bed.)

Choggie wrote (re Kucinich): "...and a man of flexible character..."

That's a pretty meaningless criticism. (One could just as soon say of a politician that he/she's of inflexible character.) The guy stood his ground and refused to privatize Cincinnati's municipal electical utility, pissing off enough powerful people that the mafia had a contract out on him. Pretty flexible indeed. *rolls eyes*

"He was elected mayor of Cleveland in 1977 on the promise to save the city’s municipally-owned electric system which offered customers significantly lower rates than the private utility. A year later, Cleveland’s banks demanded that he sell the city’s 70 year-old municipally-owned electric system to its private competitor (in which the banks had a financial interest) as a precondition of extending credit to the city.

The attempted political blackmail failed as did several assassination attempts. He remembered his parents counting out coins on the dresser and refused to sell the people’s power. In an incident unprecedented in modern American politics, the Cleveland banks plunged the city into default for a mere $15 million despite being offered triple collateral to protect the loan.

The principled stand destroyed his political career. He lost his reelection bid. He was demonized as the mayor who threw Cleveland into default. Fifteen years later, the citizens of Cleveland - recognizing he had saved them hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal power bills and also forced the private utility to keep bills low to compete – voted him into the Ohio Senate. His campaign signs featured a light bulb and the expression “Because he was right.” In 1998 the Cleveland City Council honored Dennis for “..having the courage and foresight to refuse to sell the city’s municipal electric system.”

raven (Member Profile)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

ya thx for the thot, tho....still a classic video

In reply to this comment by raven:
nuts... oh well

In reply to this comment by CaptainPlanet420:
a door opens in front of you.
search room
you search the room, which reveals

In reply to this comment by raven:
Well, that's not what I thought that was from but damn if that ain't HILARIOUS! You should totally switch your avatar back now and sift this, with an appropriately witty title pointing out the reference... sifters like that sort of thing, it will probably get published pretty quickly!

In reply to this comment by CaptainPlanet420:
we have a rogue helicopter pilot on the loose

In reply to this comment by raven:
Hey, I gotta know, its bugging the hell out of me, what is your avatar pic from? It's soooooo familiar for some reason!

raven (Member Profile)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

a door opens in front of you.
search room
you search the room, which reveals

In reply to this comment by raven:
Well, that's not what I thought that was from but damn if that ain't HILARIOUS! You should totally switch your avatar back now and sift this, with an appropriately witty title pointing out the reference... sifters like that sort of thing, it will probably get published pretty quickly!

In reply to this comment by CaptainPlanet420:
we have a rogue helicopter pilot on the loose

In reply to this comment by raven:
Hey, I gotta know, its bugging the hell out of me, what is your avatar pic from? It's soooooo familiar for some reason!

Hacking Democracy pts 1-9

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