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Christopher Hitchens Responds to Fundamentalist Apologist

jerryku says...

bcglorf, you really think that Hitchens has done all this? "His book on Kissinger has done far more to stop the outrageous actions and policies of the west than you ever could with a gun." Honestly I don't think Hitchens has stopped anything. Nearly all the crimes he mentions in his book, I'm sure, have gone unpunished. Nearly all the criminals he shines a light on continue to walk free, with money in their pockets, and their bellies full.

Perhaps if Hitchens' book had entered the public mind as much as, say, the latest Transformers film, I could agree with you. But as it is, it seems like the only people who know about him and who have read his stuff are extremely small in number, and few are close to political power greater than a city council chair.

Anyway, I thought the end of the video was a bit odd. Hitchens gets furious about people criticizing American or British troops, claiming that they "defend you while you sleep". These soldiers are the enforcers of government law and policies. The same laws that prevent Kissinger, Bush, and other American war criminals from being punished. They (armed agents of the government) were basically responsible with defending Kissinger as he slept, too. How does Hitchens do these two things at once? 1) Argue that Kissinger is a war criminal and must be punished, and suggest that 2) the US soldiers protecting him are heroes.

Is the priority to first wage this "war within Islam", then after it's over, refocus our efforts on getting American war criminals punished?

If so, how easy is it to convince foreigners that Americans are liberators, punishers of the wicked, and not colonizers, if large-scale war criminals (who often have fond opinions of colonialism) go unpunished in America itself?

Furthermore, most of these soldiers he wants to celebrate are people who repeatedly vote against the ideologies of people like Hitchens, and few are for "women's rights" as Hitchens advocates for at the end of this video. They're not going to throw acid into a woman's face, but few think women are the intellectual equals of men, which makes me wonder if they even believe women should have the same number of votes as men.

Finally, is democracy itself even a worthy ideology to pursue? It seems clear to me that most Westerners believe their own societies to be far superior to other societies (politically, physically, intellectually, economically, militaristically, etc.), and that even if a global democracy was established tomorrow, most Westerners would desire more power than their population numbers would deserve. One need only look at how frustrated white conservatives have become in the past few years, thanks to the high population growth of non-white people in the country, to see an example of how quickly democratic philosophies are thrown out the window in order to protect one's freedom/wealth. See the current Health care debate for more examples.

Your Opinion is Requested on a Court Case. (Politics Talk Post)

dgandhi says...

>> ^blankfist:It's a right to free movement. Ever heard of it?

You mean "right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them." ? It has to do with crossing state lines, read you own link.

By restricting it to a licensed driver, you're effectively limiting that right.

By not giving you piles of money the government is limiting your right to own half the skyline of New York, they have not revoked the right, but it is limited.

This is more of that "vote if you want to change policy" rhetoric, isn't it?

Not necessarily, though that is one tactic. The asshat in the video could run for city council and push to have the speed limit changed on the road or roads in question. I personally know people who have successfully run for city/town council to further their agenda. Chances are most local officials are in it for their own causes.

If you don't buy my house there are plenty of other houses

And I can't use yours without your permission, or in ways we have not agreed to. The absence of an alternate road network is entirely irrelevant to the validity of the states property claim.

The DMV won't negotiate terms.

Yes they will, just not to anything you want. Want a boat license, semi, motorcycle? they will happily give you a license on different terms, but, just like any other person, business or organization, they will not just give you any random thing you want because you whine about it.

The state owns the roads, you can build your own roads and offer them for use on different terms, or you can take your share in the state and try to influence how the roads are managed. To imply you have the right to use somebody else's property in whatever way you want is not particularly cogent, unless you intend to argue that all property claims are invalid, but somehow I don't think that is your position.

Local Politics -- Let's Check Out The Candidates (Politics Talk Post)

honkeytonk73 (Member Profile)

EDD says...

been reading your comments for more than a year and although to me your usual religious irony shtick is getting a little old, this comment of yours was a gem of sardonic brilliance

In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
You can't wear magic-mormon-underwear if you are wearing a bikini. So thus their reason. No one can remove their magic underwear, otherwise god will ZAP THE HEATHEN DEAD... with his magic sparkly fingers!

Mormon City Council Bans Bikinis

pho3n1x says...

Ahh, but there's a difference.
I agree, but that's the only good analogy I could come up with at the time.

I suppose it would have been better to have made it some kind of recommendation, or please consider others type of deal rather than an ordinance, and it seems like the city council fellow at the beginning readily took the blame for not reading it thoroughly enough in the first place.

or, like overcast said, make it a private facility with 'club rules' like there is in covenant housing.

Mormon City Council Bans Bikinis

TheFreak says...

>> ^pho3n1x:
...You surely wouldn't expect to move to an Amish town and demand a TV tower be built in town square would you...
Ahh, but there's a difference. The Amish would never stop you from building a television tower because they do not believe in forcing their own beliefs on others. This is what the issue really is about.

Instead of thinking about this in terms of LDS creating dress codes in Utah, try juxtaposing the idea. How about Catholics making laws about what type of artwork is acceptable Jewish council members making laws concerning what foods can be eaten. It doesn't take much to understand why seperation of church and state is important.

Local Politics -- Let's Check Out The Candidates (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist (Member Profile)

Mormon City Council Bans Bikinis

frijoles says...

>> ^Issykitty:
I should have worn a bikini in when I was in the airport two days ago, in Salt Lake City.

Nobody would have cared. Kanab is on the other side of the state. The center of Utah leans to the left. As I tell my friends visiting SLC: SLC is fine, just don't visit the surrounding areas (I'm looking at you, Provo).

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Mormon City Council Bans Bikinis

blankfist says...

>> ^nibiyabi:
If any of the founding fathers could hear 1:40 to 2:10 of this video, he would shit a brick.

What? You don't think the founding fathers wanted us to live in a majority rules democracy where 51% of people tell the other 49% what to do? Surely the Democrats got US history right, no?

Mormon City Council Bans Bikinis

rottenseed says...

>> ^blankfist:
Another pointless blankfist anecdote: I had a gf and her parents were war refugees from Vietnam. When they first came to the States, they didn't speak much English, and the LDS took them in and put them to work. It wasn't long before a LDS member thought it was okay to beat the mother because he didn't like the job she did.
I know, it doesn't really have any relevance to this video, but still... what tools.

I've dated a Vietnamese girl too and while her mom didn't deserve a beating, my ex was definitely pushing the limits. you're not the only one with a useless story. XOXOXOXO

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

thepinky says...

I chose selections from an article about male porn habit that addresses the subject for your reading pleasure. I have a few problems with the article. It seems to assume that only lonely and hurting people use porn, and that isn't true. Still, it makes some good points:

"How addictive is pornography?

‘I'm frightened of real sex, which is unscripted and unpredictable so I engage in pornography, which is totally under my control. But it brings intense disappointment because it is not what I'm really searching for. It's rather like a hungry person standing outside the window of a restaurant, thinking that they're going to get fed.’ That’s how one man described his porn addiction to Edward Marriott...

...Like many men, I first saw pornography during puberty. At boarding school...long before my first sexual relationship, porn was my sex education....Being away from home, my friends and I longed for love, closeness, acceptance. The women over whom we masturbated - surrogate mothers, if you like - seemed to be offering this but, of course, were never going to provide it. The untruths it taught me on top of this disappointment - that women are always available, that sex is about what a man can do to a woman - I am only now succeeding in unlearning.

...'Just like drugs, pornography provides a quick fix, a masturbatory universe people can get stuck in. This can result in their not being able to involve anyone else.’

...Men, as much as women, hunger for intimacy. For many males, locked into a life in which self-esteem has grown intrinsically entwined with performance, sex assumes a freight of demands and needs...

...It is into this troubled scenario that porn finds easy access. For in pornography, unlike in real life, there is no criticism, real or imagined, of male performance...

...Women in porn are always, in the words of the average internet site, ‘hot and ready’, eager to please...

...Men, say psychologists, also feel threatened by the ‘emotional power’ they perceive women wielding over them...they are at the same time painfully aware that their only salvation from isolation comes in being sexually acceptable to women. This sense of neediness can provoke intense anger that, all too often, finds expression in porn...

...The porn industry, of course, dismisses such talk, yet occasionally comes a glimmer of authenticity. Bill Margold, left, one of the industry's longest-serving film performers, was interviewed in 1991 by psychoanalyst Robert Stoller for his book Porn: Myths For The Twentieth Century. Margold admitted: ‘My whole reason for being in this industry is to satisfy the desire of the men in the world who basically don't care much for women and want to see the men in my industry getting even with the women they couldn't have when they were growing up. So we come on a woman's face or brutalise her sexually: we're getting even for lost dreams.'...

...As well as ‘eroticising male supremacy’, in the words of anti-porn campaigner John Stoltenberg, pornography also attempts to assuage other male fears, in particular that of erection failure. Pornography answers men's fetishistic need for visual proof of phallic potency...

...Pornography, in other words, is a lie. It peddles falsehoods about men, women and relationships. It seduces vulnerable, lonely men with the promise of intimacy, and delivers only a transitory fix. Increasingly, though, men are starting to be open about the effect of pornography. David McLeod, a marketing executive, explains the cycle: ‘I'm drawn to porn when I'm lonely, particularly when I'm single and sexually frustrated. But I can easily get disgusted with myself. After watching a video two or three times, I'll throw it away and vow never to watch another again. But my resolve never lasts very long.’

Like many men, McLeod is torn. Quick to claim that porn has ‘no harmful effects’, he is also happy to acknowledge the contradictory fact that it is ‘deadening’.

Extended exposure to pornography can have a whole raft of effects.
By the time Nick Samuels had reached his mid-20s, it was altering his view of what he wanted from a sexual relationship. ‘I used to watch porn with one of my girlfriends, and I started to want to try things I'd seen in the films.’ Married for 15 years, he admits he has carried the same sexual expectations into the marital bedroom. ‘There's been real friction over this: my wife simply isn't that kind of person. And it's only now, after all these years, that I'm beginning to move on from it. Porn is like alcoholism: it clings to you like a leech.’

...Even when in a loving sexual relationship, men who have used porn say that, all too often, they see their partner through a kind of ‘pornographic filter’. This effect is summed up by US sociologist Harry Brod, in LynneSegal's essay Sweet Sorrows, Painful Pleasures: ‘There have been too many times when I have guiltily resorted to impersonal fantasy because the genuine love I felt for a woman wasn't enough to convert feelings into performance. And in those sorry, secret moments, I have resented deeply my lifelong indoctrination into (pornography).’...

...Running through all pornography use, according to David Morgan, is the desire for control...

...The user of pornography is also psychologically on the run.
Welldon says: ‘people who use pornography feel dead inside, and they are trying to avoid being aware of that pain. There is a sense of liberation, which is temporary: that's why pornography is so repetitive - you have to go back again and again.’...

...For John-Paul Day, an Edinburgh architect, the experience of being a small boy with a dying mother drove him to seek solace in masturbation. He says he has been ‘addicted’ to pornography his entire adult life. He has attended meetings of Sex Addicts Anonymous for 12 years...

...Like drugs and drink, pornography - as Day has realised - is an addictive substance. Porn actor Kelly Cooke says this applies on either side of the camera: ‘It got to the point where I considered having sex the way most people consider getting a hamburger. But when you try to give it up, you realise how addictive it is, both for consumers and performers. It's a class A drug, and it's hell coming off it.’

The cycle of addiction leads one way: towards ever harder material

Morgan believes ‘all pornography ends up with S&M’.
The myth about porn, as a witness told the 1983 Minneapolis city council public hearings on it, is that ‘it frees the libido and gives men an outlet for sexual expression. This is truly a myth. I have found pornography not only does not liberate men, but on the contrary is a source of bondage. Men masturbate to pornography only to become addicted to the fantasy.'

Read the whole article here:

Other articles on the sibject of porn "addiction":

The Sift, Thoreau, and Civil Disobedience (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

What kind of civil disobedience did you have in mind, pinky?

There are plenty of things you can do within the law:

-Run for office - if you don't think our elected officials are effective, then consider running yourself. A good starting point is the local school board or city council. Even these small races can be competitive and give you a taste of what elections are all about. Warning: You will spend most of your time fundraising.

-Volunteer/contribute to a campaign that you believe in.

-Volunteer/contribute to a political activist group/think tank that shares your values. (If you give the Mormon church a percentage of your income, then you are already doing this.)

-Letters to the editor - Let your opinions be heard by the masses through your local paper. To amplify your voice, send your letter to many papers. You can also recruit ideological allies and focus a large number of letters on a single (or multiple) target.

Protest - In recent years, the media has given short shrift and minimal coverage to protests, which undoubtedly reduces their effectiveness, but if you can zero in on a weak and/or vulnerable target, you might be able to bring local community pressure to a particular individual, business or group.

-Lobbying - Become a billionaire and then manipulate politicians with your fortune through lobbying.

-Start an organization/think tank to further your own political ideology.

-Slacktivism - I do think arguing online, and posting videos has a small effect, which is better than nothing. I've certainly learned things on VS that have informed my world view. I'm sure political conversions are very rare around here, but arming yourself and others with information and philosophy is important non the less.

-Create - Write a song, book or essay. Make a youtube video. Put up some posters. etc....

Outside the law:

-The most common type of CD I know of is where protesters will assemble illegally, knowing full well they will be arrested. These are often coordinated with the police ahead of time, and are usually polite affairs, where the officers treat you with respect and release you very quickly after arrest. I don't see much point to this honestly, outside of the symbolism.

-Tax resistance is something that is being spoken about a lot these days, but I don't see it as an effective way to accomplish anything. At best, the government won't notice, at worst you (like Thoureau) go to jail until your taxes are paid. I suppose it could be effective if you could get a large number of people to do it, but the risks are much higher than the potential for political gain, so I don't see very many jumping on the band wagon. Plus, our taxes aren't all that high relative to the rest of the developed world. It's generally only corporations and the super wealthy that would benefit from reduced taxes.

-Armed Revolution/Coup - There is no support for either of these options, outside of the Hollywood fantasies of some militia groups.

Other options:

-Go off the grid. Like Thoreau at Walden Pond, you could move outside of society and live off the land. Live modestly without a lot of material possessions, because the things you own end up owning you. There are various communes you could join, or you could just build a cabin in the woods and have your solitude.

Mayor Bloomberg is a WATB - Calls Reporter a "Disgrace"

cdominus says...

Asshole indeed. Why isn't being comfortably rich enough for some people? I doubt it's because they care about the little guy or give a shit about anyone but their own lust for power. I'm sure he'll be running for POTUS 2010 or 12

From Wikipedia: On September 30, 2008, reports emerged that Bloomberg was seeking to amend the law,[6] and on October 2, 2008, he announced plans to request the removal or extension of term limits for current office holders. On October 23, 2008 the New York City Council voted 29-22 in favor of extending the term limit to three consecutive four-year terms, thus allowing both Bloomberg and council members in their second terms to run for office again.[7] During the amendment campaign, Bloomberg's administration requested the support of certain nonprofit groups, which attracted some criticism because these groups have received large donations from the mayor in the past.

Why don't they just vote themselves terms for life?

The guy has been a Republican, Democrat, and now an independent. He'll be whatever he needs to be to get elected.

I hate politicians.

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