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Chris Wallace Defends Torture

timtoner says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
1) USA is not a democracy.

Correct. It is a constitutional republic.

2) Torture is illegal against American citizens and uniform-wearing soldiers of other nations' armed forces.

Wrong. The Bill of Rights does not differentiate between citizens and non-citizens. It only speaks of 'persons'. It embodies certain essential rights common to all men (and women) regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality. True, it only pertains to actions taken within US borders, and against US citizens outside of the US. However, as signatories to the UN Convention against Torture, we have agreed that agents of the US shall not torture.

3) Terrorists fit neither description of #2, therefore legal protections do not apply no matter how badly the ACLU wants them to. The same legal charade was attempted by leftists during WW2, scrambling to give German saboteurs the protection of the American legal process. It failed and the Germs were rightly executed (people had way more common sense + balls back then).

Funny story about them saboteurs--you must be talking about Operation Pastoreus, which gives us the rich legacy of secret military tribunals. The thing is that we would have known NOTHING about the plan, if not for the fact that its leader, intent on betraying the Nazis from the start, turned himself in to the FBI and told them everything they needed to know (he actually had to travel from NYC to Washington, DC to do this, as the FBI Office in NYC hung up on him, thinking him a crank). For this essential service, the leader who had turned on his own people and spared countless American lives was thrown in a cell with the other seven, and sentenced to die. Hoover, director of the FBI, felt that the stroke of luck that had benefitted them in this case didn't play as well in the media as a tireless army of FBI agents, knocking down doors. The leader had been tried separately, and the military judges had been informed about his vital role in breaking the case, and STILL he was sentenced to die. It was only after the details of the case were released that his sentence was commuted. Instead of being treated as a hero, he and another German 'spy' who had turned on their Nazi masters were deported back to Germany, where they were treated as traitors.

So, you know, try another one.

4) While rich in history, most of the rest of the world is quite lame...unstable, squalid, rife with tribal hatreds going back centuries. Other governments' depths of corruption make the USA's look like a school play about tooth decay. Europe is graying and its traditions and culture dying. It would be better off mummified than Muslimfied.

"To save the village, we had to destroy the village." How well did that mentality work in Vietnam?

5) Obama is a laughingstock to America's sworn enemies and is played like a harp by all manner of sociopathic dictators around the globe. He's made America seem as weak as a legless kitten.


6) The USA will never get proper credit or respect for the good it does in the world (at least, not from American liberals). Part of being The Big Dog is being challenged. When China eventually takes over as Big Dog, the rest of the world will long for the good old days.

You know, this is what's so funny about 'free market' ideologues. Their belief that the free market will right all wrongs seems to falter when the market starts favoring an outcome that's much less favorable to them, whether it be the speaking of Spanish, or the growth of non-Christian faiths, or hegemony under a different overlord. Once that happens, the free market must be ignored, and nations toppled.

7) Peanut-head Eric Holder already tried to raise a legal stink about torture and was rebuked. Navy SEALS are waterboarded as part of their training and only 3 of the terrorists were waterboarded, for the purpose of gaining intel, not torture for torture's sake.

Democracies AND constitutional republics do not believe that torture is permissible, regardless of outcome. The ends do NOT justify the means.

Since torture "doesn't work" the logical alternative is to kill all terrorists/insurgents on the battlefield without mercy. Yet this approach is also poo-pooed.

How is this logical? I know--I shouldn't feed the troll here, but I've got some time on my hands.

9) Liberal logic eats its own tail. Dependent on moral relativism to exist, it cannot by its own definition ever claim a lasting moral high ground.

Capitalism eats its own tail. It begets inequities that yield monopolies, and once we have monopolies, capitalism collapses. Communism eats its own tail. In fact, every ideological concept, when taken to its purest form, contains the seeds of its own destruction. The thing about liberalism is that, unlike conservativism, it is endlessly questioning its own relevance and truthfulness. You would, of course, see this as weakness, but like steel, tempering drives out impurities and leads to a stronger material.

Shep Smith Mocks Glenn Beck's "We Surround Them" Event

jiyanibi says...

Is it just me or did Chris Wallace sound like a cult leader just then...

"I, for one, am on the Glenn Beck bandwagon and I advise you to join it as well"

...*as he passes Shep the Fox Kool-aid*

Karl Rove Turns 'This Week' into 'Crossfire'

NetRunner says...

Just to fact check Rove, since he lies like a dog, Bush increased the debt by $5 trillion, not $2.9 trillion.

Also, the claims that the Republican plan created more jobs using Christina Romer's own model is also false, and even her own staff have directly responded to this claim, indicating that it is inaccurate.

Otherwise, it's just kind've shocking to see the This Week panel turned into such chaos, it's normally one of my favorite panels since they often find smart people to represent different ideological views who aren't overly argumentative.

It was entertaining though, and amusing to see Rove be a jackass. Normally he has Chris Wallace in his lap whispering softball questions in his ear these days.

On Air fight about Obama on Fox

On Air fight about Obama on Fox

On Air fight about Obama on Fox

FOX's Wallace: Is Obama Really Prez After Bobbled Oath?

Barack Obama sworn in as 44th President of the United States

EDD says...

>> ^StukaFox:
>> ^NetRunner:
(...) Chris Wallace, the Fox News anchor, said: “I’m not sure that Barack Obama really is the President of the United States. Because the oath of office is set in the Constitution, and (...) I’m not sure he actually said what is in the Constitution.”

That's FOX NEWS, defending the Constitution since 1996.

Barack Obama sworn in as 44th President of the United States

StukaFox says...

>> ^NetRunner:
I thought the same thing as pierrekrahn when I watched it live, but yeah, watching it again it's clear it's Roberts who flubbed, not Obama.
I expect the wingnut media to now claim that Bush is still President because of the flub.

Fox News beat ya to it:

"Wild Oaths | 1:51 p.m. For those who remain really upset about Barack Obama’s election, here is a new argument contesting his legitimacy, courtesy of Fox News Channel. Noting that Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed his recitation of the oath of office during the swearing-in ceremony, Chris Wallace, the Fox News anchor, said: “I’m not sure that Barack Obama really is the President of the United States. Because the oath of office is set in the Constitution, and I wasn’t at all convinced that even after he tried to amend it that John Roberts ever got it out straight and that Barack Obama ever said the prescribed words. I suspect that everybody is going to forgive him and allow him to take over as president but I’m not sure he actually said what is in the Constitution.”

NetRunner (Member Profile)

FOX Confronts McCain on Robo Call Hypocrisy

Barack Obama's Elitist Summer Abroad

TPM: RFK Gaffe-termath

NetRunner says...

My favorite bit about this, aside from Terry McAuliffe being a dick on Fox, is a quote from a guy early on saying "if an apology has if in it, it's not an apology."

Better still was Chris Wallace echoing that.

I hope this hastens the end of this primary. It's been toxic already, and Hillary, intentionally or not, is just making it more so.

Obama appears on Fox News Sunday

siftbot says...

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