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Why Mount Everest's height keeps changing

BSR says...

So I think they are saying that the center of the earth is always changing in relation to the sea levels?

Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

newtboy says...

Thanks McConnell. At least more goes to citizens than Republicans wanted, and less as handouts to large international companies.
Yeah, you don't think schools should get any money, but some people think a third grade education isn't enough. They absolutely need funding to reopen safely, but again you don't believe the virus is anything to worry about. The only intelligent thing to do is wait until students and teachers are vaccinated before returning to a system where social distancing is impossible.
Republicans are outraged there's more cash for citizens in it, they just gave $600 per person and weren't happy giving back that much. Your party completely disagrees with you....but it is interesting you suggest they should go with the Democrats original plan to give up to $2000 per adult monthly...a plan republican representatives refused to consider because it's socialist to help citizens that much, but fine to hand trillions to large companies they own or have stakes in that didn't need assistance. It sounds like you're saying Trump's pandemic relief bills were total cash grabs by his lackeys not designed to help citizens or the pandemic. Welcome back to reality.
If you let the people decide, 1/3 of Republicans will pretend there's no pandemic, refuse vaccination because Bill Gates put microchips in there, and go maskless to group events, starting wave four and reversing the gains under Biden. The healthcare portion is imperative, as is mandatory vaccination. It should be just like measles, no vaccine, no school, no job, no government cheese.

It is confusing how, when raising the minimum wage was the most expensive part of the bill, it's still $1.9 Trillion with it removed and with payouts regulated instead of paid out across the board like Trump's unregulated bailouts. Where did that savings go?

Funny how now, after 4 years of completely ignoring it as it skyrocketed, the debt suddenly matters to Republicans again. Y'all can eat a crate of baby dicks, democrats are far more fiscally conservative than Trumpsters.

Edit: btw, this bill has >75% support from the American people, and zero support from obstructionist republican representatives. This is the unity Biden brings, not unity with outrageously self dealing and self centered obstructionist republican representatives but unity with Americans, and an end to legislating solely for the benefit of the top 10% - 1%.

bobknight33 said:

9% for the American people
$1400 each if earned under 75K/ear or $2800 of married under 150k$/year.

At $75K/year you really don't need this $ or at least could get by with out it.

then comes the remaining 91% for programs and pork.
Schools don't need this $.

Free premiums if under 150% poverty rate -- ok.

However if 1400 represents 10% of the 1.9 trillion when would it not be better spent if each got $14,000 each or $28K for the family and let each family decide how to spent this money. LEt teh people decide their needs on what to pay for Healthcare mortgage, rent car payment etc.

End of the day Americans got $1400 and a tax bill for 1.9 Trillion.

Again, Americans got screwed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

We Still Don’t Know How Bicycles Work

newtboy says...

I must disagree.

First, it's precession, not procession, paired with the "caster effect" and static friction. It's a self correcting system that only works when in forward motion.
This nonsense with counter rotating wheels countering the gyroscopic effect ignores the fact that only the forward rotating wheels are using friction to direct the path of the bicycle based on their angles. It's not JUST the gyroscopic effect, that only determines the resistance to angular change, it's friction directed by gyroscopic precession and the self correcting caster effect. Come on.

Nobody knows how we ride bikes?! (A different claim from we don't know why they can remain upright when ghost ridden) Nonsense, it's balance plain and simple. If you don't keep the center of gravity exactly above the contact points with the ground, you tilt. When the centrifugal force exceeds static friction of the tires you slide out or when gravity exceeds the opposing centrifugal force caused by turning, you fall. Try turning your bike but staying exactly upright, no lean. Now, when you heal, try leaning without turning, lock the wheel straight, you'll fall again. It's multiple forces in concert.

I think a decent physics teacher would wipe the floor with this. It ignores so much to make these "we just don't know" claims.

Squirrel jumps on UPS delivery man

StukaFox says...

I gotta squirrel story.
So when I lived in Mountain View, for Christ only knows what reason, the idiots in charge of power put this big-ass transformer thing on the corner of my property. The thing hummed with menace and I knew that shit wasn't right. But I didn't worry none because there was a big green metal cover over it that provided the same protection against horrendous death that a box of Kleenex would have provided the World Trade Center on 9/11.
One day, I'm standing on my balcony and drinking a beer. I mighta been stoned, too, only there's no 'mighta' that day. I'm watching the whorehouse across the street (really) and generally buzzing when I see a squirrel on the lawn. I hate squirrels. A motherfucking squirrel ate my bar fridge and fucked me outta the $50 I was selling it for on Craigslist (really).
Anyway, I got this longneck of Bud in hand and I'm working out whether I can brain the goddamn rodent with it when the neighbor's cat come rippin' ass from under the balcony and goes after Skippy.
Well here's some amusement!
The squirrel is running for it's pointless life and the cat is banking like a F-16 chasing an Iraqi MIG and I've already got $10 down on the kitty with a $3 over/under. I already know how this was gonna end and I was rootin' for it every step of the way.
Only it didn't.
The goddamn squirrel found the ONE way to get under that green metal cover I mentioned previously. The cat stops in amazement and I'm all pissed because I've been gypped outta Wild Kingdom's money shot.
A second later there's a flash like Ivy Mike going off from under the cover and an a concussive BOOM!! The fucking cover blasts off like a Space-X project gone horribly wrong -- or, in this case, delightfully right.
The cat jumps like 5 feet in the air and an arc of turds flies outta its butt, the cover returns to earth as a traffic hazard in the middle of Latham St., and the squirrel is basically vaporized. And now I'm the happiest motherfucker in Mountain View because dude, that shit was AWESOME!
I call out, "Babe! You won't believe what just happened!" 'cause you gotta totally share shit like that.
Then I realized everything is TOTALLY silent, like Little House on the Fucking Prairie silent.
"The power's out," my wife responds.
And it STAYED out for like two goddamn days while the putzes from the power company had to rewire pretty much everything that blew up.
Honey Badger didn't give a shit because Honey Badger'd copped an oz right before this shit happened. And as Fat Freddy taught us, "Dope will get you through times of no power better than power will get you through times of no dope." Or some shit like that. I dunno, I'm totally fucking baked right now.

Car Cuts Off Semi Truck

jimnms says...

You realize that the camera is mounted at the center and top of the windshield, so it has a larger field of view than what the driver can see. The driver is to left and not sitting as high, so there is no way the truck driver could see the intentions of the car. It is 100% the car's fault because you NEVER merge into traffic that is overtaking you, especially a big ass truck.

Khufu said:

Also, the truck shouldn't be following a hundredth of a second behind the truck in front and when it was obvious the silver car was going to do the lane change there was ample time to take the foot off the gas, this was a 50/50 at fault if we're honest.

Melted Owl

4yo old child in space suit becomes internet star in China

SFOGuy says...

I love this. Also--did anyone flash on the inflatable Xmas tree costume at Kaiser Hospital San Jose CA which is now thought to be responsible for over hundred cases and a death? The person WEARING the soon was an asymptomatic superspreader---and as they walked around the ER, they were blowing contaminated air under pressure out every outlet into the rooms...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't think that word means what you think it does. It does not mean "trumpster", they are NOT conservative.

No, today's "conservatives" are not people of law, respect, or respect for the law. That's a lie you tell when the law is on your side and discard the instant it isn't. Conservatives only respect the law when it's on their side, and disrespectfully ignore it whenever it isn't. Let's talk mask mandates just to start. "Conservatives" are all for the right to refuse service over sexuality, political affiliation, and privately race, but when it's the right to refuse service to dangerous morons that refuse to follow public health guidelines suddenly refusing service is violating their rights and warrants violent outbursts, up to and including kidnapping a governor....Those aren't liberal Karen's throwing violent tantrums, they're Trump's "good people" and he loves them....your conservative heroes.

"Conservatives" just attacked the government of the United States with bombs, fire bombs, guns, tasers, hand ties, and a hanging noose set up. To do this, they murdered one officer and injured 60 more. Hardly respecting the law. Pretty much the opposite of patriotic.

In the last 4 years, every single instance of domestic terrorism was perpetrated by "conservatives". Every attempted assassination. Every cowardly mail bomb. Almost every death threat against representatives, including right wing representatives that simply weren't in close enough lock step with Trumpler.

Lol...try feeding your patients, they won't get so thin.

The rest of us, +- 4/5 of the country, have had our patience worn thin by the hypocritical infantilism from the right, led by the biggest spoiled rotten baby to ever hold office (but never win an election). He is the absolute best at getting impeached....congratulations.

"Conservatives" demean, debase, lie, cheat, bully, and even commit treasonous terrorism to get their way, and turn on anything and everyone who doesn't go how they just turned on the USA because it elected the other guy.

Now, after 4 years of legislating unilaterally with absolutely zero interest in bipartisanship, not even including Democrats in discussions over legislation much less letting them have a say in them, they suddenly want nothing less now that they aren't in power. Fuck you bitches, bitch, whine, moan, and cry me a river. Better not fight, though, you don't know how to do it legally, and can't control the majority that want war with America....and you fuctards kill more of yourselves than your enemies when you fight.

I'M CALLING FOR A TOTAL TRAVEL BAN ON "CONSERVATIVES" and a moratorium against hiring them for any government job until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Bob, don't use words you don't know, like ilk. You invariably use them wrong and just look foolish and uneducated. Just because it's a small word doesn't mean it's for you or your ilk.

Never heard a more spoiled two year old sounding statement in my life. It boils down to 'If we can't get what we want all the time, we're burning down the country....because we love it and are the only real patriots. ' Disgusting self centered stupid bratty babies you are. You're like abusive spouses that, now that the divorce is nearly final, are planning the kidnapping, rape, and murder of your loved one and children because you and no one else loves them, so no one else will have them....and you think you're the sane ones.

If WE keep pushing!? After 4 years of your non stop shoving party you're suddenly against it?! Eat a bag of baby dicks and send me a review.

Bring the fight, pussy, and enjoy gitmo if you survive. You babies aren't the only ones who can shoot, and the rest of us have the law, the international community, patriotism, police, and army on our side. You have the Q Shaman, Putin, some fired bad cops, and actual crackheads (like advisor to trump, Mr my pillow).

bobknight33 said:

Conservatives are people of lawful respect. Which after last 30 years our patients are wearing thin.

Liberals are bitch moan and fight to get their way.
Liberals are the party of ilk.

The fight is coming if your ilk keeps pushing.

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

drradon says...

looked "mostly peaceful" to me - why is this so abhorrent when burning of city centers and attacking municipal buildings is considered acceptable protest?

They are both incredibly wrong and sanctimoniously defending one while disparaging the other only adds fuel to the decisiveness that permeates our political environment.

KLM 747 Extreme Jet Blast blowing People away @ Maho Beach

$55,000 for 5,000 votes

bobknight33 says...

You are so duped. You post a link from a far leftest site. You stupid fool.

Find a real fact checker.
About SourceWatch

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) publishes SourceWatch, this collaborative, specialized encyclopedia of the people, organizations, and issues shaping the public agenda.

newtboy said:

OMG! You fool. Every single veritas video has been proven to be fake, full of lies, and edited to make a point, not to show anything resembling the truth. Borat is more honest and truthful.

But you claim Trump has never lied....then often go on to excuse and explain why it's ok for him to lie, even under oath, forgetting you claimed he never does.

More (fake) "evidence" of republican vote fraud that you claim proves democratic vote fraud. Your desperation paired with your delusion has made you a laughing stock.


Bill Maher's election predictions on Jimmy Kimmel

cloudballoon says...

I think Bill's attack on the science/health experts is misguided.

Not that Bill's wrong, mind you. IF you have a good internal (immune) system you'll have a better chance of fighting it off, but

1) that's NOT a guarantee you won't get sick.
2) DOESN'T mean you won't help spread it by being all gun-ho about it, and
3) USA being what it is -- the number of over-weight, obese are just staggering -- what's the point for the health experts to say/shame people with, er, "their pre-conditions" are to blame NOW? How's that gonna help?

Besides, the health experts have been promoting healthy, active living for ages. They're not "cowards" because the people don't listen to them.

It's mind-bogging to me how narcissistic and self-centered American society is. If people just pay any attention outside of American media, they should know how to handle Covid-19.

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

newtboy says...

Shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-shug. That's precious....and 100% bullshit.
Felonious Boss Hogg directed his army of morons to vote by mail and in person...a felony.
He supports fake illegal collection boxes that allow republicans to discard ballots.
He instructed his morons to go armed to voting centers and intimidate people in line if they look like Biden supporters.

Part of the job of a president is to facilitate a free and open election and exude trust in the process his administration creates. He's failed at every single opportunity. It will be a train wreck, with Donald as the conductor staring spellbound into his mirror as he runs the train off the track.

Biden is ahead in almost every swing state by double digits, fool.

Republicans are the ones who have been caught repeatedly stealing ballots and changing them, showing up at polls to intimidate voters, illegally, trying to vote twice or more, setting up illegal fraudulent collection boxes, only allowing one real drop box for 4 million people, making up outrageous lies about vote by mail, which may have a better record than in person voting (mail in voting has a .0000004% fraud rate) and outright lying about some democratic frauds like his bullshit claim about ballots in a river, all Trump ballots....never happened, sorry sunshine. Trump has done nothing but cause mayhem, confusion, and distraction to hide this obvious fact that he can't win without massive voter fraud and supression.

Lol. Trump's base growing!?! Only according to trump and his morons who find the one unprofessional outlier internet poll by non pollsters and claim it's the only real poll. Derp.

Keep thinking that, November is going to be shocking. Get that suicide insurance, at least then you'll be doing something for your children besides causing them so much distress that they require institutionalization.

Sorry sunshine. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Large scale election fraud is being pushed by democrats not by BOSS Trump. Trump just points it out. Just wait till the mess starts after the election. It will be a train wreck and every one know it.

MEGA Landslide 2020 and democrats are trying desperately to cheat to cause mayhem, confusion, distraction from this very fact.

Trumps base is growing and is larger that 2016. More from every demographic.

Asimov on superstition, religion, and rationality

newtboy says...

I love the sideburns.

I'm pretty certain he would be happy to be in that group of deep thinkers instead of one with dumb ass Elvis, the anti drug-pill popper.

Religious people cannot be wholly logical, belief in the unseen unproven physically impossible and largely disproven and debunked supernatural is not logical or rational. (1) Putting your faith in the unproven is irrational and illogical, then using that misguided belief as a cudgel to berate others as +-99% of religious people do is just evil. Way worse than justifying military weapons in the name of science (which isn't reality, btw), it uses belief in the irrational and unprovable to justify USING those weapons on innocent populations, often for believing in the wrong irrational and unprovable supernatural ideas.
The worst atheist ape is more rational than the best believer, and on average around 10* more pleasant to talk with. They won't ever tell you all the ridiculous reasons you're going to hell, unless they're arguing directly from the theist's dogma and not reality....I often slam anti gay religious people for the much worse sin of mowing on Sunday, wearing cotton poly blends, or eating shellfish....but I don't believe it or even pretend to.

There's a logical explanation for Trump....think about how intollerably stupid, self centered, and irrational the average person realize the truth that 1/2 are stupider, more self centered, and more irrational than that....add in the fact Trump lost by >3000000 votes but won the electoral college anyway, and boom, it makes sense. Maddening, soul crushing sense.

X-Secret devil sign on my forehead and spit twice, like Dio's mother taught him.

(1) That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

noseeem said:

so what the logic behind those sideburns?

just let it all grow. save on shaving gear. as a writer, he'd fit in more with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, or Whitman* than Elvis.

on a different angle, the atheist apes can be worse than J.W., Mormons, and Evangelist badgers. if a person wants to believe in a higher power - so what? they can get through their days as serenely as the true science maven. religious people can be logical, brilliant, and still put faith in the unproven. no worse than justifying military weapons in the name of science.

after all, having experienced this president, am pushed to believe in True Evil yet simultaneously believing there is no GOD.

no logic or reason to it other than he is a magical troll, and has cast a spell on the townspeople.

X-- (cross and spit twice)

*or perhaps, Darwin as a science writer

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