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12 Amazing Things In Less Than A Minute

What will define the 2010 decade? (Politics Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

revolutions will continue to be televised. the arab world will see democracy. and theyll be disappointed.

israel and iran will start shit with eachother. the us will get involved. weapons factories will be the only things still in operation.

cable news will reach hysterical new heights, and only the south will continue listening

states will begin pulling out of medicaid programs in droves. social services will be cut across the board. crime and abuse and alcoholism rates will sky rocket. the elderly and disabled will be ushered back into institutions, slowly. conditions will deteriote. i will be out of a job. my heart will break.

my kids will grow into teenagers. ill talk to them about safe sex. their generation won't know anything about the civil rights movement. their idea of the civil war and holocaust will be politicized. all their friends will think that cavemen hunted dinosaurs.

gaping disparities in education will persist. the scourge that is the texas standard of education will sweep across most of the country. poor and inner schools will deteriorate further. children will go home hungry.

commercials will get louder.

white people will become a minority in border states, our politicians will be slightly less ridiculous. a chain of accessible taquerias will open across the south west. people will change their idea of "tacos" and ground meat will become a thing of the past. hopefully ill finally learn spanish.

all the cities sitting on top of massive natural gas reserves will begin to sink into their ground as all their children are diagnosed with cancer in droves. class action law suit commercials from cheap legal firms will flood the day time air waves.

there will be more shows about old people having sex. there will be reality shows about aging baby boomers.

everyone will develop histrionic personality disorders.

theyll teach mandarin in public schools.

some states will legalize marijuana.

gay people will get equal rights. mormons will realize it doesn't effect their relationship with their "god" at all.

someone will get assassinated.

assuming, the world doesn't end in 2012.

Where are the Space Aliens?!

gwiz665 says...

Time and space are more intertwingled than you think. Just the fact that stars are so insanely far away makes the odds astronomical (badum dum tish) that we would detect or be detected by another civilization.

To be detected, there would have to be another civilization with listening capabilities (radio, microwave etc) that evolved at maximum 200 light years away from here... 200 light years is nothing in the astronomical scale.

Chances may be higher that we can detect some other civilization, but that means that they would have to have sent out signals equivalent to their distance from here in light years, so that we can pick them up. They can be much older than us and live further away and have sent their signals while we were still cavemen or fish or before even, but that would likely mean that they will be a long time extinct when we get the signals. And it would also mean that we never, ever would be able to contact them.

Just from the forseeable distance, we likely will not be able to contact any alien civilizations, since, I mean just 200 light years would mean a delay (lag if you will) of 200 years(!!). Try to remember back on the last two hundred years and think of how much we've changed. Theres no conversation to be had that way. Just the verification of existence, which I guess would be cool in itself though.

Concerned Citizens Interrupt Perv Videographer

Bidouleroux says...

lol. To me the most cavemen-like thing to do is to try to protect your wife/girlfriend/random girl from being filmed like she's your property. Me, protect, WOMAN ARRRRRRRRGHHH. Anyway, you don't even have the right to stop anyone from filming your actual property in a public place. And if she really doesn't like being filmed, let her do something about it (as long as it's lawful, i.e. no slapping/punching a guy filming in public).

Concerned Citizens Interrupt Perv Videographer

chilaxe says...

Should women really not have the right to be in public places without having their crotches filmed by cavemen? Strange that so many people side with the cavemen.

Emboldened Extremist Right Incites Violence

NetRunner says...

Isn't it a little silly to expect people to listen to your grievances when you are constantly calling people who disagree with you names like socialist, communist, tyrant, Nazi and even nigger?

Isn't it a little silly to expect people to come to the table and negotiate when every grievance comes with some implied or overt threat of violence if your every demand isn't met?

Isn't it a little silly to take a stand against someone who's concerned about the way the mainstream, elected minority in Congress is catering to the desires of people who constantly demand violence in response to unjustified fears?

>> ^marinara:

Isn't it a little silly to complain that the right wing never listens to your great and universal ideas on health care after you just spent 15 minutes comparing them to cavemen?

Emboldened Extremist Right Incites Violence

Cat learns about static electricity (the hard way)

What if Earth had rings like Saturn?

Mandtis says...

>> ^shuac:
Can you imagine how different our religions might have been if they had to explain rings? Zeus might've been second fiddle to this new Lord of, I'm not going to do that. It's beneath me.
But seriously, imagine cavemen trying to make sense of it. Or the Romans. Or Kepler. Our entire theology, science, and society might be vastly different. We might have been more advanced in a "ringed" 2009. Or a ringed 2009 might look like 1940. Who knows for sure? Fascinating to think about.

What if Earth had rings like Saturn?

shuac says...

Can you imagine how different our religions might have been if they had to explain rings? Zeus might've been second fiddle to this new Lord of, I'm not going to do that. It's beneath me.

But seriously, imagine cavemen trying to make sense of it. Or the Romans. Or Kepler. Our entire theology, science, and society might be vastly different. We might have been more advanced in a "ringed" 2009. Or a ringed 2009 might look like 1940. Who knows for sure? Fascinating to think about.

Mitchell and Webb - Cavemen Detectives

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'rob webb, david mitchell, cavemen, murder, investigation' to 'rob webb, david mitchell, cavemen, murder, investigation, perfect crime' - edited by ponceleon

Someone needs to explain this Far Side comic to me (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

paul4dirt says...

a reference to one of his other cartoons?

(i didnt know the cartoon before, but now that i've found a couple online i've seen quite a couple of those chairs, cavemen, and windows in combination with lamps)

or maybe this is ned in his younger years and he just cooked the bluebird of happiness that flew in?

<embed src="">

"Larson's sense of humor, while original, can also be confusing, as in a comic dubbed "Cow Tools", which was widely misunderstood. Another famous example requires the reader to know obscure facts about sea life, a comic that was misunderstood by a marine-biologist friend of Larsons. He also occasionally drew cartoons commenting on celebrities or current events, although these are rare."

we probably don't have to know about marine life for this cartoon, but maybe it comments on events from 1983? meh, probly not. ok, i give up.

Someone needs to explain this Far Side comic to me (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Do ANYTHING with nunchuks!

Mac users MUST use hands to communicate!

13757 says...

maddox ftw

it's because of people like these that there are classes on how to use microsoft office, which until now I thought were useless.

"iphoto is my favorite program?"

lol iphoto ushooto heprinto. this is cavemen language. very fitting...

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