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How Germans Say "Squirrel."

xxovercastxx says...

Al was called aluminum by the English chemist who discovered it, Humphry Davy, in his 1812 book which publicized the metal. It was some anonymous jackass writing a review of Davy's book who decided to change it to aluminium (see 4th paragraph) because he didn't like the sound of Davy's choice.

Nothing to do with Americans... the Brits fucked this one up all on their own and have been living the lie ever since.

L0cky said:

I fully defend the i in i-um in aluminium though. You wouldn't call helium helum or uranium uranum.

I'm guessing it only got bent into 'aluminum' because it became a popular and cheap element to manufacture with, so it entered the pop lexicon of America and got softened up.

How Germans Say "Squirrel."

chingalera says...

"A Tramp Abroad" sits by the reading material in the bath

Ok so the first time I encountered the duel-syllabic pronunciation of "squerl" was with Brits. Sounds more like "skwee-rill" when my mates from Clapham said it.

What i can't figure out is why, "Al-u-Min-i-um?" An extra syllable AND but no extra vowel. I love it though-at least the Brits leave room for coloratura....pas comme les monstres de grammaire de la France

coffeejerk said:

Here we go, level 2.ätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft

"I can understand German as well as the maniac that invented it, but I talk it best through an interpreter."
- A Tramp Abroad

“Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Review - Far Cry 3. Best reviewer since Zero Punctuation

Quboid says...

That was surprisingly good, and I managed to understand pretty much all of it.

I was wondering how much of it non-Brits could understand. Hell, even some Brits would struggle with that accent. But it's nye problem for me!

Canada Takes Zombie Invasion Dead Serious

shatterdrose says...

If only the US was like this . . . *sigh* I would pay to have seats to a show like this. Between the Canadians (eh) and the Brits (oi) they have the best public officials with senses of humor.

The best part, IT WAS BIPARTISAN! He was "dead' serious about it too . . .

Why the moon hoax would have been impossible

Gordon Ramsay Doing What He Does Best

Chris D'Elia Loves Mocking British Tough Guys

Piers Morgan vs Ben Shapiro

Gun Control in the UK

robbersdog49 says...

The majority of brits do not feel like the video makes out. The majority of brits do not want any more guns in the country. It really was very selective about what it showed.

Regarding Tony Martin, the general feeling in the UK was that someone should be allowed to defend themselves in their own home, but that he crossed the line. There are all sorts of tall tales in the UK about how the law is massively bias toward the perpetrator, but I've personally found exactly the opposite, and funnily enough anyone who spouts off that the police are against the victims hasn't had that experience themselves, they've just heard that it's the case.

Obviously I can only speak for my circle of acquaintances but the overwhelming feeling is that Americans are gun crazy and that's a bad thing. It's not a 60/40 split, but more like a 99/1 or greater split. We don't want more guns, we want fewer guns. Simple.

Gun Control in the UK

Piers Morgan - Alex Jones Goes 'Full Retard' Part 2

Australia's Gun Control Program

chingalera says...

Hmmm. Ok fucj it. I'll go and find a video with Aussies praising the confiscation of their property and rendering the place crime-free...ish.

This is more for the country that's headed towards a colossal fist-fuck because of politicians (criminals), pharmaceutical companies (insulated from mention by all major media and, not surprisingly, self-pimping turds without a clue like TYT, one of THE most flaccid, non-journalistic cretinfests on the web) who help to "create" mental-health problems larger than they need to be by unleashing damaged goods full of legal drugs prescribed by complicit doctors. Step in, the magic wand of unraveling and deconstruction of the U.S. Constitution by appointed and approved, so-called scholars from Harvard(oh hey, the same place not a few of the cunts who run the country hailed-from) to "provide" a solution for a problem that they created and you have the slow-motion train-wreck of the coming police state in one of the best places to be on the planet.

Everything is propaganda sparky, it's your job to wade through what you perceive to be bullshit, kinna like I'm wading thorough yours without really wanting to argue.

Brave New World. Newsflash: Eliminate gun-free zones, arm yourselves against an agenda to let mental health monstrosities roam the place un-checked on hardcore psychotropics with guns STOLEN from their fucked-up mommy, and don't ask a country who will hide their guns from a government determined to take them ALL away to accept anything less than a sane solution to what is primarily a problem created by the people with the MOST money, power, and influence.

Tell me why the pharmaceutical companies shouldn't be having their asses dragged across the coals on television for their part in mass-murder? Answer: Because they have more power and money than a gun lobby.

Again, I give fuck-all about loaded facts and figures form any side of the aisle, they mean dick because the real issue lies in governments fist-fucking their citizens. Shame on the the Brits for letting their government take their shit away and shame on the Aussies for letting the Crown fuck them as well.

charliem said:

Those figures are bogus. This video is a fucking total joke.
Ive got direct family members that have been in the police force since the early 70's....they are not shitkickers, so to speak.

Home intrustion in the period 1996 to 2006 had dropped in HALF (

In the period 1989 - 2010, gun related murders have MORE THAN HALVED.

FUCK the NRA, and FUCK this video. Nothing but propoganda.

Chris Rock, Tom Hanks and "the N word" - Jonathan Ross - BBC

thumpa28 says...

Clearly being use dhere for the reaction, but generally white people who feel the need to say nigger come across as a little needy or alot archaic. Theyre either trying to be controversial or are so mired in alzheimers as to not know its modern connotations, theyre probably also anti-rock music and other works of satan.

As a brit i dont much care, but if youre trying to be controversial why not go and say it somewhere people give a shit? Stand by your principles in the middle of Brixton and ill give you due. On vidsift or the internet in general? Yawn.

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

chingalera says...

You misunderstand the motivation for the language of stereotype used to describe the general dynamics of alcohol in Great Britain, i.e., a pub at every intersection-Hey man, alcohols' the last legal drug here in the states as well for the same reason: Governments and international criminals (same same, but different, as they say in Thailand) control the drug trade around the world. They limit which drugs may be manufactured or sold. They make incredible amounts of money doing so.

Governments and international criminals also corner the market on guns and artillery and ammunition and do their best to control the distribution and manufacture to insure one thing: Control and centralization of power.

We're not suggesting Brits are more prone to drunkenness and brawling than the same sort of tits in the U.S. I am simply suggesting sane remedies that do not involve baby-out-with-bathwater solutions to some seriously flawed fundamentals: societal and cultural evolution should be determined by sober consensus without emotion instead of this bullshit, "But what about the children?!" line of reasoning promulgated by criminals in power...A line that is trumpeted by so-called representatives and used as a tool (kind of like a gun is a tool) along with the complicit and effective tool of propaganda called market television, or major media, or whatever label for abject disinformation and agenda-pumping that benefits a few that some people who see owning guns as horrifying, have bought into.

The way to keep your children safe form psychopaths is to reinvent society and gradually change culture in a direction that heals the planet instead of raping it. Less fucking insane parents mean less fucking insane kids. Fuck licensing firearms, how about licensing parents before they plop out another?

How do you cure a country like North Korea, whose people for a few generations have been systematically trained in totalitarian shit-think?? It's a job no one wants to think about. As long as planetary ass-rape is the direction we are headed, guns guns guns my easily-insulted brother, and less shit-think. I'm not a fucking idiot, but my government is being run into the ground by cunts and assholes and douchebags who have most of the control over most of the guns and drugs! See how simple it is??

Guns violence by a FEW + International media coverage with a view to convincing people that guns (OF ANY KIND OR CAPACITY) are the problem = what should be an insult to your intelligence at the very least, and a goddamn warning shot across the bow that World Police State is what the cunts really want for humanity.

Gun control happens shortly after a gun is manufactured, unless you want to accidentally hurt yourself or another utilizing another kind of control. Self-Control maybe??

dannym3141 said:

You're a fucking idiot and i'm ashamed i have to share the same species with you. However i respect your right to an opinion - that one was just mine.

"less brain-dead drunks who are prone to brawl anyway"
-- I find it touching that you chose to highlight the aggression and neanderthal nature of the british people, using aggressive and neanderthal behaviour and language.

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

shatterdrose says...

My mom thinks me using facts is racist. Poor people tend to be black. Poor people tend to commit crimes. White people tend to move away from black neighborhoods. I suppose I should have spent less time studying political behavior in my state and more time making jokes.

"What's the difference between a black man and a white man?" "A job." - From the woman who calls me a racist for saying most violent crime in the US is black on black crime.

The biggest issue with the mainstream and statistics is that unless it plays into their stereotypes of behavior, they don't care. And when it does, they don't really care about the real cause.

From Wiki: (Violent Crime, UK)

"Includes all violence against the person, sexual offences, and robbery as violent crime.[8]
Rates of violent crime are in the UK are recorded by the British Crime Survey. The Home Office Statistical Bulletin on "Crime in England and Wales" summarizes the findings of this survey. For the 2010/2011 report,[9] the statistics show that violent crime continues a general downward trend observed over the last few decades as shown in the graph.
"The 2010/11 BCS showed overall violence was down 47 per cent on the level seen at its peak in 1995; representing nearly two million fewer violent offences per year."[citation needed]
Regarding murder, "increasing levels of homicide (at around 2% to 3% per year) [have been observed] from the 1960s through to the end of the twentieth century". Recently the murder rate has declined, "a fall of 19 per cent in homicides since 2001/02", as measured by The Homicide Index.
By contrast, there is a widespread belief that violent crime is on the rise, due largely to a mass media which disproportionately reports violent crime. This phenomenon is described by Steven Pinker in The Better Angels of Our Nature."

(Violent Crime, US)

"The United States Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) counts five categories of crime as violent crimes: murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. It should be noted that these crimes are taken from two separate reports, the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), and that these do not look at exactly the same crimes. The UCR measures crimes reported to police, and looks at Aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, and robbery. The NCVS measures crimes reported by households surveyed by the United States Census Bureau, and looks at assault, rape, and robbery. According to BJS figures, the rate of violent crime victimization in the United States declined by more than two thirds between the years 1994 and 2009.[10] 7.9% of sentenced prisoners in federal prisons on September 30, 2009 were in for violent crimes.[11] 52.4% of sentenced prisoners in state prisons at yearend 2008 were in for violent crimes.[11] 21.6% of convicted inmates in jails in 2002 (latest available data by type of offense) were in for violent crimes.[12]"


If you didn't want to read that babble, quick and simple: they're one and the same. From my understanding, both countries use the Type 1 list: a crime against a person in which injury or death may occur. In some cases, just because no one was hurt, doesn't mean it wasn't a violent crime.

Which brings up the other point to be made. Is the reporting of the crimes uniform? Do the Brits report EVERYTHING, as opposed to what's somewhat routine here in the states where crimes often go unreported, even when the police show up? Domestic violence only exists if one person files charges. The victim could be bruised, bleeding, broken bones etc, but if they're not willing to file a charge, no crime occurred.

Or, more so, do street brawls get reported more often in the UK? If I punch some dude, does that go onto a record somewhere where as in the states, I've been in many fights where even if the police broke it up, no reports were ever filed.

All of this is useful information, but so far the data is pretty superficial. The comment the video makes about "put on your boots and go find out" (paraphrased) is pretty much the only solution I can think of. Then again, it's the same solution that people have been chanting for for generations and have yet to see the high and mighty Elite do it.

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