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Bernie Convinces Republicans He’s Right

bobknight33 says...

Rich people do pay their fair share. Its called tax code. They did not write the code our Leaders did.
So don't bitch at rich people, bitch at our leaders

According to the latest IRS data for 2018— the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid $616 billion in income taxes. That amounts to 40 percent of all income taxes paid, the highest share since 1980..

Just proves republicans also have stupid people who do not think .

Worse yet is that there are leaders who believe this false narrative also. They are themselves rich.. If they are so moved into paying their fair share why don't they just write a check to the IRS.

Better yet is to quit spending money on shit we don't need with money we don't have.

Trump’s Loyalties

nock says...

Just like FDR was Hitler's bitch, right? Yeah... Nice logic.

bobknight33 said:

Putin didn't invade under Trump. He did however invade with sleep Joe behind the wheel.

Guess Biden is Putin's bitch.
How's Biden favorably rating doing?

Trump’s Loyalties

bobknight33 says...

Putin didn't invade under Trump. He did however invade with sleep Joe behind the wheel.

Guess Biden is Putin's bitch.
How's Biden favorably rating doing?

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

eric3579 says...

I say fix your own countries shit, or at least have it be the focus of your whining before you start bitching about some other countries shortcomings. Nothing i hate more than people who righteously point fingers but refuse to look in the mirror.

(edit) Although maybe i'm not focusing on the actually issue in the video as i couldn't listen to more than a minute of Maher blathering, and just read the comments.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

vil says...

If youre a normal country you are always living on credit, if for no other reason, then because it is super easy and cheap to borrow. Also you have to, to make it to the next pay check (tax collection). First your subjects have to produce and sell, then you can collect taxes.

You dont base the value of the dollar on anything. You offer it as a commodity to the market. If your economy sucks or you print too much money the dollar goes down, which can help the economy. Printing money doesnt automatically help the economy though, it just creates space and time to make it possible for the economy to improve.

Improving the economy means creating more or better products and services that are in demand at a competitive cost. Governments in non-dictatorial countries cant really do that directly, they can only create the conditions for this to happen.

Moderate inflation hardly plays a part, except as a moderator (is that a pun?) of shocks. Deflation (and a strong gold standard in a developing economy IS deflation) is deadly, it makes the economy less flexible, less able to adjust.

If you never improve your ecomomy, all you will have left will be to bitch about inflation.

What is too much debt, too much inflation, too much intervention? I wish economics was a science.

Theoretically the economy can get to be so bad that the structure collapses, there are countries which have notoriously bad historical records, and yet every time they restart they have to borrow money to get things going again. Reserves in general are useless. Production, services and a functioning market, recursive production of valuable goods and services which freely and easily find customers is the only thing you can consider a reliable pillar of civilization. Currency is one of those goods and services.

If for any reason yor currency cant freely circulate (see China or the USSR errr... Russia) you can hardly be a superpower, at least not in the economic sense.

Adopting a gold standard so strong that it would destroy the international dollar standard has no advantage for the USofA or for any developed first world country. Even just having the Euro wreaks havoc in weaker European countries economies, but that is another can of worms.

A lot of what is wrong about the gold standard would apply if a country decided to adopt bitcoin as its sole currency btw.

newtboy said:

The fed printing money is (one reason) why the economy is a disaster.
Every dollar the fed prints makes every dollar worth less….and eventually worthless.
The fed keeping a moderate reserve and releasing some to stabilize the economy AND RECAPTURING IT LATER keeps economy swings moderate. (You just have to not listen to morons who don’t ever want to rebuild the reserve because it cools off hot economies, and instead they want to live on credit).
Printing money is NOT a permanent solution to not having enough money, and doesn’t keep the economy stable long term. Ask Venezuela.

Basing your dollar’s value on gdp means another 2020 and it might disappear altogether instead of just seeing high inflation for years….no advantage there

noims (Member Profile)

New Rule: First Lady Barack Obama | Real Time (HBO)

bobknight33 says...

Not Triggered at all. Trump was a leader, now we have a JOKE.

Yea Biden is incredibly better than Trump. NOT

Yea Trump is Putin puppet .

Guess Biden is Putins bitch.

newtboy said:

Lol. Triggered much bob!?

Biden’s first year as President: A Beatles remix

JiggaJonson says...

? how so ?

For the people who hate him and anything and everything he does maybe. As for me...


The bitch the former admin had in charge of the Department of Education tried to fuck me and everyone else who upheld their end of a 10 year contract to teach in inner city schools, with Joe Biden and im proud to say my own state rep

Thanks to passing this, now the republican's aren't going to reneg on a 10 year agreement and turn that shit basically into a huge extra debt for me. That's good. Not to mention the recent ruling with predatory lending practices through NAVIENT. I been making double/triple payments on a student loan through them and still not cracked the principle balance for some reason. (the reason is, what they were doing is criminal) (thanks biden!)

My brother became addicted to opioids after a tendon replacement in his heel. Almost OD'd- Biden signed / passed a bill to combat that

Thanks Biden!!!

My daughter's rare neurodegenerative disease received funding to continue to study to treat and help prevent it in the future. That's good.

Thanks Biden!!!

The American Rescue Plan

Thanks Biden!!!

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Thanks Biden!!!

Maybe not a good year if all your friends and fam are dying because they wear red hats instead of masks like fucking dumbasses.

bobknight33 said:

Not a good year for Joe.

Not a good year for the American pocketbook.

Let's talk about questions and the Potter case....

newtboy says...

There you go again, insisting that if police can’t kill with impunity and immunity, then anarchy will rule, there will be no police, and crime rates will skyrocket, making the US into Thunderdome in months.

Infantile, ignorant, and asinine, police in almost every other country kill far less than American police who kill around 3 people per day on average. In many countries they don’t carry guns, without a massive jump in crime. Imagine that. Are you saying US police are so incompetent that every other nation can police itself without letting them murder over nothing but contempt of cop, but divided America is totally incapable of that type of policing?

I would remind you, in the racist, sexist fantasy time period Trumpists wish to return to, police murdered non whites routinely and without fear. Wanting to return to that is pure racism…not surprising. Also, the Uber rich payed over 90% in taxes, without going bankrupt or just shutting down. Your “capitalist utopia” doesn’t exist without taxes at 3 times what they are now without loopholes. D’oh!
(For tax years 1944 through 1951, the highest marginal tax rate for individuals was 91%, increasing to 92% for 1952 and 1953, and reverting to 91% 1954 through 1963. For the 1964 tax year, the top marginal tax rate for individuals was lowered to 77%, and then to 70% for tax years 1965 through 1981)

I would also remind you how you screamed and cried over that terrorist bitch that was shot attacking the capitol with hundreds of armed violent cohorts that had already murdered and disabled dozens of police. You absolutely wanted that officer prosecuted if not just lynched….for a good shoot of a violent attacking murderer (part of the violent murdering mob makes you a murderer). Your blatant undeniable racist prejudice and obvious hypocrisy are showing, Bobby.

If police need to murder unarmed citizens over misdemeanors, they should absolutely stand down as that makes them the murderous criminal gang, not the police.

bobknight33 said:

Crime will go up and police will do less.
Already at record highs but will go even higher.

Cops should just stand down.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trolling again, I see. Such a whiny little bitch.
Where’s the sympathy for the capitol police killed by The Murderous Trump coup mob? No, you call them murderers…But this one just murdered an unarmed black kid, so no crime, right?
Those sour grapes you’re clutching have stained you to the core.

*sluuuuuurrrrrrrp*. Yummy tears.

bobknight33 said:

A True injustice.
Hopefully the judge will rule as time served.

Let's talk about altering the Supreme Court....

bobknight33 says...

You bitch like a little girl.
Now you want to stack the court?

Republicans had control and Garlend was denied. Those are the rules, as shitty as they are.

Shitty but not un Constitutional.

Sotomayor and Kagan are centrist in your eyes but left of center in everyone else eyes.

Kavenaugh and Barrett are conservatives. You hoped for an RGB?

The left held the majority for quite a while and now doesn't.

We all know you over state everything trying to be some beacon of knowledge light.

You just a miserable poser, desperately to prove yourself at every instance.

Do you want a cookie for your efforts? You a child just looking for approval.

newtboy said:

Democrats are denied even a hearing for even their centrist picks (Garland) outrageously unconstitutionally, then Republicans pick FAR RIGHT politicos to replace moderate leftist judges. That was new, never before seen in our history.
Sotomayor and Karen are centrists, dumb shit. Kavenaugh and Barrett are extremist far right wingers…

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump is the only one with verified fraudulent votes. You know this. He ran the attempted steal, and failed to steal the presidency. Republicans are the only ones caught fraudulently voting. Sorry, Charlie, your guy cheated….and still lost bigly.

Biden is requiring vaccination and testing to let Americans back in from those African countries, Trump didn’t require a thing, actually discouraged testing of people from China, and only banned Chinese people, allowing over 40000 untested people in from infected areas in China…which started the American epidemic. Biden did not ban just black Africans, despite what you imply….that kind of racist move had already proven to be a failure during the previous administration.

Biden’s poll numbers are better than Trump’s despite the disaster he inherited from Trump. Duh.

A success at defrauding morons like you, and the American people. Are you trying to say the nation was in a better place Jan 20, 2021 than it was 2017? By what measure? I can’t think of a single way things improved…yet you stand up for this failed administration, guess you(re) part of the fooled 36% (now down to 26% btw) who thinks he did a good job. Derp.

A full year of being a whiny little bitch, bob. When are you going to get tired of throwing infantile tantrums out of sour grapes because you’re too immature to accept that the least popular president ever, presiding over an avoidable pandemic and recession, could lose an election (even though Trump has never gotten more votes than his opponent in ANY election EVER!). Remember you said Clinton should be disqualified because she was under investigation (even though she wasn’t, they reopened a long closed case to pretend she was still being investigated in the final week)….so I must assume Trump is disqualified because he’s under indictment and investigation dozens of times over…or do you admit you’re a hypocritical whining little bitch?

bobknight33 said:


There is no way he got those votes in a legitimate way. I'm not saying he ran the steal but it was fraudulent .

China gave the world the pandemic. Trump stopped flights and Sleepy joe cried like a bitch. Now as he is Pouts and the latest variant, omicron he was thinking or has shut down flight from 7 African countries. Same situation as Trump but no bitching from the left. Funny how piss ants like you behave.

Bottom line Biden administration is a disaster and his pole numbers reflect it.

Trump for all his grandstanding was a success. Not so for Biden.

Yet yo stand up for this failed administration. Guess you part of the fooled 39% who thinks he is going a good job. while 60% think otherwise.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Biden is a Joke.
He is a once was and now a has been.
HE is not presidential,

There is no way he got those votes in a legitimate way. I'm not saying he ran the steal but it was fraudulent .

Funny that when Trump won in 2016 the left were the whiners.

Cheating goes on by both sides, All know this. The question is how to limit / stop it.

China gave the world the pandemic. Trump stopped flights and Sleepy joe cried like a bitch. Now as he is Pouts and the latest variant, omicron he was thinking or has shut down flight from 7 African countries. Same situation as Trump but no bitching from the left. Funny how piss ants like you behave.

As long as he wears "our" jersey all is fine.

whining, Joe just blames everything but his administration.
Trump whining - sure to an extent. Fought back Absolutely.

Bottom line Biden administration is a disaster and his pole numbers reflect it.

Trump for all his grandstanding was a success. Not so for Biden.

Yet yo stand up for this failed administration. Guess you part of the fooled 39% who thinks he is going a good job. while 60% think otherwise.

newtboy said:

Since you don’t know what whining is, I’ll remind you….
Whining is getting beaten horrifically in an election you said was in the bag by a guy you call “sleepy”, “creepy”, and “slow”, then like a big baby you claim fraud because big baby couldn’t lose an election despite being the most unpopular president since polling began with the blood of an avoidable pandemic and recession on his hands.
Whining is being the leader of the free world but absolutely never taking responsibility, but knee jerk blaming EVERY failure of leadership on your political rivals, even when they have no political power at all.
Whining is removing all pandemic safeguards, then when the inevitable pandemic hits blaming everyone else and denying the virus exists while doing nothing to mitigate it and actively fighting mitigation efforts tooth and nail because they remind everyone of what a massive complete failure he is as a leader.

That’s being a….say it with me….


bobknight33 says...

whine like the bitch you are.

Judge throwing the case...... Wow that is rich.

newtboy said:

Not with the judge throwing the case like he did, acting as the defense…but is there any doubt he’s going to be under threat of death the rest of his life? He’s going to have to spend his life surrounded by white supremacist guards looking over his shoulder.
People are going to be chasing him with rifles the rest of his life…he better not reach for anything, ever, or they might fear for their lives and shoot him in the head, in self defense of course.
I’d murder that racist cunt if I saw him….his racist parents too. Give it a week before his house burns.
He might expect some federal charges may be coming.

As to doubt, how many times this year have you had no doubt at all….and been dead wrong, and racist in your wrongness. I’ve lost count after 30. We only have to go back to yesterday when you claimed domestic violence was 1-2% of violent crime and rarely involves guns, and that “ inner city gang killing” (which obviously means black thugs in your mind) accounts for over 90%….both dead wrong and hyper racist.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still no answer?
Again, is $2000 enough for fraudulently voting at least twice? (Honestly I think probably more like 20-40 times, since each ballot he fraudulently used had +-20 elections, that makes a vote worth $50).

If so, don’t go bitching if Soros puts a few hundred million into winning every election for the left, votes cost $50+-….$1000 per ballot, with no other penalties. That’s the democracy you want? It’s the one you guys have created.

And again, stop the terrorism against innocent civil servants….stop believing long ago debunked right wing lies….stop being the blatant troll you are. It’s not a good look.

bobknight33 said:

Good catch and he should be punished.

Lets also go after that Atlanta mother and daughter who pulled out a few suitcases of fake votes and ran them through the machines all night long giving the Biden spike... You down for that?

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