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Filipinos All Wet Waiting For Government Action

Human Dalmatian

HadouKen24 says...

His YouTube channel says he's a performance artist. It seems people actually pay him to dress up like an animal and hang out at clubs, ren faires, art festivals, and the like.

Looks like he even does birthday parties. Or at least, that's what I think the title to "Birthday Tiger means.

Kid Puts Bully In His Place!

honkeytonk73 says...

A kid once bullied me (verbally). He showed up at a friend's birthday party, harassed me and tried to get physical. I bashed his face in. Blood all over the floor. Never bugged me again.

Another kid bullied me a few years later. I knocked him to the ground. Pinned him. Told him to cut the crap, or next time I'd bash his face in. Never bugged me again either.

Both times I would have done a LOT more damage to them if others were not around. I only restrained myself to keep the moral upper hand. If I beat them senseless to a pulp, I wouldn't have been any better than the bully to begin with.

I was a relatively small kid, but with brains and tactics, these bullies will go down. Forget the fair fight. The point is to KO them as fast as possible before they KO you.

Ex-Pedophile's Tips On How To Make Your Kids Less Attractive

It's an Inflatable Vagina!

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

EndAll says...

I can't believe I left out my own story relating to this matter.. as I have engaged in some sort of violence against a woman! Alcohol was involved too, of course. It was my brother's 19th birthday party at our house - tons of people.. a bunch we didn't really know. Eventually these two or three ghetto lesbian chicks started smashing bottles in the alleyway.. kerfuffles broke out, drunk people started fighting drunk people, and eventually my friend (standing right beside me) was bottled in the head by one of these ladies. I gave her a shove, she fell and hit her head on a fencepost - nothing serious, just a cut. I don't regret that at all. This situation is entirely different though... as the girl in the video here didn't actually hit anyone. Just a little story.

Katie Melua - Crawlin up a hill

M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender - Trailer

jmzero says...

#1 The Village, 17th century village living off I-95
#2 The Happening, plants create wind
#3 Signs, aliens invade planet comprised of 70% water, are allergic to water
$4 The Lady in the Water, never seen it, heard its AWFUL
#5 I'm sure one of his other films make a 5th

How about:

#6 Dead guy was like, all crazy for some old sled.

Even if we decide to judge movies by plot synopsis, which is stupid, I really prefer "17th century village living off I95" to "Boy has secret, waits too long to tell it to girl, girl gets mad, then they get back together after a montage of them being sad". Different isn't the only thing that's important, but at least it's something.

Again, I'm not saying M Night's movies are perfect, but on average they're better than at least 50% of movies that get released. I can only say one good thing about "The Happening": the scene where the people all jumped off the roof was kind of visually interesting and vaguely disturbing. It was a bad movie with wooden acting, bad pacing, etc.. But that one good thing is one more good thing than I can say about a lot (or even most) movies.

#3 Signs, aliens invade planet comprised of 70% water, are allergic to water

Yes... "Signs" wasn't realistic or consistent in how the global invasion or whatever played out. I don't think anyone will argue this. But it was entertaining, the character's reactions had a tinge of realism that's scarce in this kind of movie, and it had a few scenes I thought were really great - like the fuzzy "Mexican birthday party" video.

All time great? No. But the 3rd worst movie of all time? Even accounting for a truckload of hyperbole it isn't even close. I'd say it's better than 80% of movies that come out.

I can understand thinking M Night is overrated or egotistical or something... whatever.. but I still don't understand the hate. He's far from the worst director out there.

Princess Party

Man Bites Dog: The Dinner Table Scene (1992)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'belgian, serial killer, subtitles, ben, birthday, party' to 'belgian, serial killer, subtitles, ben, birthday, party, 90s, 1992' - edited by kronosposeidon

Man Bites Dog: The Dinner Table Scene (1992)

What's your first memory of rock & roll? (Rocknroll Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Growing up in a radio Station, (my mom has worked in the same station my entire life), I have just always been around rock and roll. I remember meeting everyone that came through town, even Wolfman Jack on several occasions. There were so many, and I was young, I don’t even remember names…. You just don’t care at that age when you are around it all the time.

I used to get all the demo records to bring home. I remember at one of my birthday parties (10th?) I gave out 45s as party favors. (Five to each guest.)

My mom had a collection of 5-600 albums and several hundred original 45s with songs like “Robert Mitchum-
Ballad OF Thunder Road (1958), Janie Grant-Greasy Kids Stuff (1962) 45’s by Jan & Dean, Beach Boys, Buddy Holly, Big Bopper, Little Richard, Richie Vallens, Elvis and that era. I remember putting on CCR albums as young as 6 or 7 years old.

My personal first 45s were Kiss-Beth, Jerry Doucette-Mama Let him play, Eagles-Liyin’ Eyes. My first Albums were Kiss, Rock and Roll Over and Bay City Rollers.

Into grade eight, my favorites became stuff like, Billy Idol, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kiss, ACDC, the Ramones, The Cramps, The Moody Blues, Meatloaf, Styx and so much more. At one point I amassed over 1000 albums…

I thinned my selection down after getting married thinning down to around 50-100 albums and cassettes and have regretted it ever since. Music has been such a large part of my and there is a story to go with every song I ever remembered.

My first Rock Concert was Red Rider, opening for them was (Don’t laugh) Honeymoon Suite !!!

Long live the Music!

Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

You mean I finally get to do my first *quality? Woohoo! Drinks are on me.

Ok, so this was years ago, and I was at a friend's birthday party. I had lost a significant amount of weight because I would bicycle everywhere, and I hadn't been out drinking. So I decide, damnit man, ahm Scah-ish, and I'm goun ta drink meh ancestor's drink! So I get a fifth of Cutty Sark and start doing shots. Now, not having ever tried Scotch but once prior to that night, I have to tell ya. It's liquid peat moss. Or maybe just Cutty Sark is. I don't know. But as with any liquor, once you get the first few shots down, you don't even taste or care anymore. So I proceed to drink about more than 1/2 the bottle, as well as a few beers...

So let me lay the scene for you here. We've got a small 1 bedroom apartment crowded with about 30 people. The stereo is up high, and after about 3 hours, I've made it to a chair at the dining room table. I start to get dizzy, so I put my elbows on the table, interlock my fingers and rest my chin in my hands, as I'm looking out into the room. And EVERYTHING is going up and down, in and out, and swirly. You know, like a merry-go-round? I can also hear every word at each of the conversations which were taking place around the room, as well as in whatever song was playing at the time. I don't even remember who eventually was around me but people were saying stuff like "Oh man, look how white he is!" "Dude, you need to go to the bathroom..." And I'm going "No, it's ok. I'm not gonna puke...I'm not gonna"

The last thing I saw was vomit shooting through my interlaced fingers.

So what do you do? Just put yourself there for a minute. Your that fucked up and you just start throwing up. Yup, I cupped my hands together to lean forward and make a bowl with my hands.

Now, physics was the LAST thing on my mind at this point. I forgot a critical variable: volume. Needless to say, I got. it. everywhere. All over the cake, in the ashtrays, people's cigarettes, in people's drinks, on people. Someone told me later I looked like a fire hydrant with an obstruction in the way. Luckily almost everyone there was a friend, so I survived a potential beating. (But at the cost of the ribbing I still take to this day )

So they throw me in the bathroom. Now, I'm conscious enough to know that I don't want someone pissing next to my face as I bow before the Porcelain God, so I lock the door. And promptly pass out. Eventually I finally wake up enough to open the door, and am promptly hauled out passed the line that formed, and am unceremoniously dumped on the bed. The only recollection I have of the rest of the night, is waking up several times lying face down, my hands and arms in the "goalpost" formation, and my head to pointing to the left. Have you ever gotten tired of lying in one position? I lifted my head, just to turn it to the right and got the whole Ferris Wheel action from before. So I kept passing out unable to turn my head.

Next morning, incredibly, I had no hangover. However, that is the only night in my life where I have no recollection of events. You could say I blew the dog and I'd have to take your word on it.

Ah's good for a laugh.

Maatc's Beat Baby

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

12511 says...

1. I hate memes.

2. I dated a girl because she owned a 69 Corvette Stingray.

3. I am teaching myself Trigonometry and Calculus.

4. I ate 30 packets of Smarties candy today.

5. My teeth hurt.

6. I really hate living in Boise, Idaho.

7. I refuse to move because I fear change.

8. I wrote a letter to President Clinton when I was 10 years old, asking him to make abortion illegal.

9. I've never been outside of the United States.

10. My roommate got me hooked on Sudoku.

11. I think of Timothy McVeigh as a war hero.

12. I am not racist against people who don't fit stereotypes.

13. I am an excelent speler.

14. I am a virgin.

15. I've never been to Virginia.

16. I am fascinated by the etymology of words.

17. I can say the alphabet backwards while drunk...flawlessly.

18. I am a boring person.

19. I love wearing Hawaiian shirts.

20. My first memory is of my neighbor's dog, Oscar, trying to bite my left index finger off. Apparently they don't like to be poked in the eye by a toddler.

21. I've never broken a bone.

22. I have been known to troll chat rooms disguised as an ultra-conservative Christian.

23. I have a picture of Jessica Tandy in my wallet...don't ask.

24. My seventh birthday party was at McDonald's. I haven't been back since then.

25. I am a vegetarian.

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